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  1. Let me get this out of the way first. I'm more or less what PvP'ers refer to as a "carebear". Honestly, I'm good with that.

    Over the past 1.5 years or so, I've done some PvP'ing simply because I wanted something different to try.

    What I like about the CoH PvP experience is: Most of the people I've met.

    In all honesty, I'm not sure what is to be expected from this thread. The cares and concerns of the PvP community have been expressed many times in many threads over the past few years and little to nothing has changed. Also, based on earlier comments, nothing is going to change in the foreseeable future. So I'm not sure there is really a point to this thread right now.


    I do have a few things to say to the some of PvP'ers who have commented in this thread. Bear in mind these are observations and opinions and not intended as some sort of call-out.

    The only way you are going to have a voice that is listened to by the development team is to have enough people in game that actually PvP. You all know this and yet at times over the years you have acted completely contrary to trying to get people interested in PvP. Some of this has been perpetuated as stereotype but some of it is truth. In this instance, a few bad apples have definitely caused a good portion of the PvE player base to take a very jaundiced view of PvP'ers and PvP in general.

    The only way I see for PvP to expand (and possibly change in a way PvP'ers see as positive) in this game is if the PvP'ers themselves make it happen. This means making it more accessible and enjoyable to the PvE community. If that would happen then there is a much greater possibility of the development team taking notice and expending resources toward PvP.

    On Victory an attempt is being made toward that end. Masque put together something called PvP boot camp. It was an effort to teach people some of the basics of the current PvP system in a relatively low cost and low pressure fashion. He managed to recruit Philly, Smallz, and Ra to help and there have been other PvP'ers that have aided as well (my apologies to the ones not named).

    This was very positive and was well done. Particularly in view of what it was: a first effort. There were 15-20 "students" involved in this and I believe that all of them found it enjoyable and instructive. I know that I did.

    There is a boot camp 2 currently in the formation stage. It will be an expanded and modified version of boot camp 1.

    The point I am laboriously trying to make here, is that at this juncture, it appears the time to expect the developers to do something for PvP without giving them a reason is long past.

    Talk is cheap and making a list, while useful in some regards, is not going to change anything.

    I know that some of you hold various PvP events on some of the servers. Unfortunately, the entry point and learning curve for PvP is much higher than the casual player may want to invest (at least initially). As a result, they try and fail and never return to these events.

    Baby steps are needed.

    Some of you will say that this is a lot of work and why should I do it?

    You would be correct. It would/will be a lot of work. Unpaid work. And people will ***** at you constantly. Just like what happens to the Devs because you can't please everyone.

    However, you have to ask yourselves whether or not you are just content to sit back, make lists of what you don't like/would change, and ***** about PvP issues. Or if you'd rather try to make a go of it and attempt to make things better within the existing framework and perhaps garner enough support to truly make your voice heard amongst the developers.

    *Gets off soap box*

    Take care folks
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Labattadm View Post
    What do I need to do to get involved in this? I've got a dom in Praetoria that is sitting at level 10. Is there a meeting point on Wednesdays or a global I should join (other than VF)?
    Eh. Since SGs don't exist in Praetoria, just be in Praetoria, watch VF and call out if you see anything about Isos. If you don't see any comments, call out around 8:00 eastern in VF.

    It's a pita but...

    Once we get to the RI, everyone will get invited to the VG and meetings are held in the base.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Bah... needs more Doom™, Flux.
    Sorry MG. My ability to manifest, channel, and use Doom™ has been severely curtailed recently.

    However, it appears from the lack of comments in this thread, my ability to find "interesting" teammates may be reaching hamster-like levels.
  4. Or maybe this should be: Victory, wtf (what the ****)?

    Not sure at this point. I must admit that the weekly grind is really beginning to get to me. This hasn’t at all been aided by some of the PuGs I’ve subjected myself to.

    On one hand, the wtfs seem to be bringing more people to the table for tf/sfs. On the other, the wtfs seem to be bringing more people to the table for tf/sfs………If you get my drift…

    Now, bear in mind, for the first couple of years in this game all I did was either PuG or run solo depending on my mood. So I thought I’d seen just about every sort of strange/funny/stupid/childish/weird/good behavior possible. However, since the implementation of the wtfs, I’ve seen more concentrated “interesting” actions by people than I thought possible.

    Personally, I feel that the devs need to give us a break from wtfs every few weeks. (i.e. every fifth week, have no wtf available or w/e). I realize that *I* don’t have to run the wtfs every week and can do w/e I want with my time. Unfortunately, if you have many 50’s, as a lot of the long-term player do, you feel obligated to strike while the iron is hot and get as many of them “finished” (your level of OCD or commitment defines what exactly that means).

    After a few runs of the same tf in a short period of time, all I want from that tf is done.
    I don’t mind running for drops on occasion but aimlessly wandering through missions in the hopes that they will somehow complete themselves, makes me want to bite pieces of my desk off. And really, in my experience, grinding a tf for incarnate shards seems almost futile given the randomness of the drops. It has seemed for me that the difference in shard drops for speed runs vs. grinding is maybe 2-3 shards, ymmv.

    Anyway, in the spirit of sharing (because, after all, sharing is caring), I have created this thread as a place for people to relate their adventures in wtf’ing. Please, no names, the guilty have rights too….

    So there I was on a Sis P with 5 other controllers. The tank/brute had dc’d (he had warned us of the possibility, was having power issues in the area) after about the 2nd mission.
    We had pressed on and were closing in on the home stretch. We were approx 100 minutes in at this point and I had the rest of my life waiting on me. The next mission was Axel-F. I was on my ill/rad and stealthed down to where he was hiding at the back of this large cave map. TP’d Philly on her electric/kin to me and we dispatched Axel and his spawn. Mission ends, good times.

    I believe we either had a fedex or a tap the phones mission next. Then it was on to KR and Sky for the disabling of the sonic devices. I bop over to the missions, stealth through and tap the glowies. In these situations, reveal is a nice power to have. Someone actually complained about waiting for everyone to get in these missions before completion…hmmm Note to self: Mission completion xp/inf still really seems to matter to some multi-year vets…

    Last mission. Defeat Clamor, free 5 hosties, whack sonic device.

    Not really a mission you can stealth as the hosties are spread out. However, 2 of them are almost always in the last room with Clamor.

    So we push through and have freed 3/5 hosties. I have already run reveal on the map and know where Clamor is, so I start moving in that direction. Strangely there are no mobs in the corridors I go through, but w/e. I end up at the last room and Clamor is waiting about 20 feet from the entrance to the room. 3 other controllers have followed me but the team lead and 1 other have gone off to fight extraneous mobs…the lead dies and then says something to the effect “now you can finish without me”..…and we did….He had refused two rez’s and a port to a clear area…

    He did, however, in tells, more or less say that people should follow the team lead because they have the kick button….

    I look forward to everyone's tales from the dark side as well as the various peoples desperate need to tell me I was in the wrong about how I approached the last few missions.
  5. Because of the way things are going right now (wtfs in particular), leveling toons has become pretty painful. I have a lvl 20 arch/mm blaster that I'll join with otherwise it will never get leveled.

    *Yes, I realize this is a red side run. It is still sitting in Praetoria.
  6. eh. This run of Isos is essentially done. I've been hanging back because many times in the past few weeks there have been 9 people to start the sessions.

    So Wednesday is not an issue this week for me.
  7. _Flux_

    The Tally

    Eh. Ran maybe 4-5 TFs and a little solo grinding for a-merits on a brute and scrapper. Plus I went from 40-42 on a brute by running Tina's arc.

    Honestly, at this point, 2 x XP weekends feel a lot like Christmas does in some ways. It's great for the newer and returning players(kids) but not so much for the long time players(adults). I suspect I'm not alone in the situation where soon all the possible slots on Victory will be used. Accelerating the process.....

    ***And for all you snow bound folks looking for a break from those winter-time blues: It's always warm and toasty in Doomopolis! Doomopolis has a vibrant night life and warm beaches capable entertaining the most experienced traveler as well as delighting the first time vacationer!

    *****Advertisement sponsored by the Doomopolis board of Travel and Tourism. (Don't think of it as selling your soul but more like trading up for something you really want!)*****
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    So has everyone had time to review my All Cat-girl Stalker proposal for Isos 10?

    Anyone else get the feeling that MG is a 12 year old girl trapped in the body of a 30-something year old man?

    As Mayor of Doomopolis, I have to say that we cater to all tastes and refuse to discriminate. There are a number of night time establishments that offer this type of amusement. However, MG, Virtue------>

    Also, the next time you are in Doomopolis, I'm having a squad of Cat-girl stalkers flog you in the town square. Your credit card will be charged automatically (x2, your dossier indicates you will enjoy this a bit too much).
  9. If there is still room, I have a blaster that needs shards and the component. As well as any purple recipes that will drop.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Bumped as a reminder- Also this is the last week of the Champion PvP League and is a HUGE match for both Smallz and Philly. #1 team (theirs) vs the #2 team. Only 1 pt separates both teams. I would not plan on either of them being at the matches this Sunday (They might show but I am just saying this is a huge game for them).

    Current points stand at:

    PH: 40
    P3: 30
    I r cunfuzzled........http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=300

    Tis a meaningless error since the differential is the same but total points is a tie-breaker to determine which one of us gets into the playoffs!
  11. I'm in if there is still room. I have a Dom that needs to leech for some shards.
  12. Maybe...Dunno what I'll bring but I have a number of toons that haven't run this, unlike some people.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Now that we all agree that Super Rares will take 1,024 shards to create, can everyone admit that Mental was totally right about this a month ago?!?!

    Ya know MG, there was a time that Doomopolis had a shoot on sight order out on you. Now I'm considering having someone pushed out a window to make room for you on my city council. Hell, I'll even let you bring in your toady, Voodoo.

    On to the topic at hand. At this point I'll probably craft the most useful uncommon for each toon and then store up shards/components until we get some idea of what the road ahead looks like.

    As far as tf/raid rewards go: If there is an option for shards/components, that's what I'm taking. I can buy HOs (or even Hami-Os ). Recipes I can get through a-merits.

    GP-After a certain point, I think most people have a 50 or two that they don't particularly like. Whether it is because it never quite fulfilled the promise you thought it would have or it simply requires too much time/effort/inf to make it into what you want. I really don't care for my Isos dom on Infinity. I probably should revisit it since it hit 50 before the changes to doms that Castle made, but at the time the extremes between being in domination and not made me crazy. Coupled with how expensive it was to make it a perma-dom, I could barely stand to play it. However, I wanted a 50 of every AT and it was on the list...
  14. Hmmm. The way I see it, there is only one way to resolve this controversy.

    A mazola wrestling contest between Philly and Smallz!

    It really is the only way...

    And in the spirit of self-sacrifice, I will be more than willing to officiate.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Hadn't heard that...source?

    Oops. I mean it probably has to do with his health

    Check the Dev digest. Castle posted this himself.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post

    P3 lists- They bring their goto team of MP/Ryxx/ringer emp (yay smallz showed up). PH brings team "NOT GONNA DIE" invuln/dark tank, wp/axe tank, and Philly on ill/emp. After the longest 10 minutes ever, tie game.

    Actually for me this was the longest 20 minutes ever. I spent the first 10 minutes either grounded or sandboxed by that damned ta/arch def. The second match I was in, I don't believe I threw out anything other than taunts the whole match.

    ***Note to self***Buy the freaking arena temp powers before the next matches! The temp tp power would have been useful in the first match...
  17. These are the 50s I have on Vic. Every build is completely a PvE build unless noted. Also, all builds are pre-inherent fitness other than the dom.

    blasters-energy/fire (so/ho)

    def- rad/rad(so)











    dom-mind/fire-PvP U
  18. My ill/rad is available for this. Maybe the fire/mm blaster, depends on how the evening goes for incarnate salvage.
  19. Eh. Don't sweat it. I don't believe there is blood or money riding on what happens here. Or even blood money for that matter.

    My progress:

    TFC- completed
    Atlas Medallion- Need vampires- was hoping for a Moonfire to crop up but I was occupied with other things when one did.
    FPR- need fakes
    Portal Jockey- Need Siege (grr, the new arc is much more streamlined but include all the f**king AV's...) and Anti-Matter.

    Call to Justice is on cool down and will be available by Sunday.

    I have unlocked the Alpha slot but other than the pity common shard that drops at the end of the arc, I have made no progress towards a alpha enhancer.

    Lets not even go into the clicky accolades as other than the explores and history plaques, I have no idea.

    Bah- Forgot about the build..I have to respec it into the i19 version. But that's not an issue as I have all the enhancements except one and it's not very expensive.

    Anyone know if there is a new version of mids for i19 out yet?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Travel Suppression and Heal Decay will be turned off

    I can't speak for the whole team but I'm not sure if I like the sound of that, mister...

  21. And it now appears that we will have another couple of weeks to ruminate on this and deconstruct the issue.

    Looks like the Kheld and Dom bugs forced a delay till after Thanksgiving.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    And you know... I think they're making a mistake tying the individual alpha salvage to particular task forces. It encourages too much that people will just be running those particular task forces and ignoring the rest.

    At the very least, as new alpha crap comes out, they'll time them to the
    Hmm. I suspect the Devs are tying certain pieces of incarnate salvage to certain tasks because they fear the most merciless part of the game almost as much as we do: The RNG. For salvage that can't be traded or bought and will be that sought after, I know I don't want to "hope" for a good salvage drop.

    And DC- I don't know what you look like but I've told the snipers of Doomopolis to just aim for the person wearing the most **cough** interesting **cough** costume.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    There were fears from the start of IO's that CoH would become too loot central. There's also a big problem that Incarnate / alpha slots are creating, however. It's making a second player base.

    As I long have maintained, the devs biggest mistake was the creation of a second/separated player base with CoV. I18 did a lot to eliminate that but then added the barrier of gold side. Now with I19, we have another barrier to teaming being built; incarnates vs. everyone else.

    Eh. There are certain aspects of the game that are already loot central.

    As far as incarnates vs everyone else, I'm not sure how that's going to play out in normal PvE. I can see from what has been said, that the new SF/TF is definitely an "incarnate only" club. It reminds me of how the LRSF used to be. The villains I had at 50 were not part of the "approved list" for running that SF, so for more than 2 years after it debuted I never ran it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Pyro the reason for the two threads (and maybe a useful hint for finding what you are looking for)

    This thread should only be used for discussions about this specific event, PvP Boot Camp season 1.

    I will be posting general PvP topics/builds/discussions on the other thread as it will act as a foundation for any future seasons of PvP Boot Camp or PvP University events.

    In other news:

    I19 builds are up on the PvPU thread for: Psi/EM, Grav/TA, Mind/Fire,and Mind/Nrg.

    You will need Leonardo's unoffical patch for mids, which you can get from this thread:
    Thanks for the rebuild and for keeping me from having to bounce to villain and back to get the patron set.