102 -
What would you rather talk about? What is wrong with talking about an MMO as opposed to say the depressing news of the world?
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Hey, you're from Austin! That's where this happened! Were you eating at Freebird's last night??
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Heh this is where it gets interesting.
My gaming group and I like to talk geek-talk in front of the 'norms' . That's my Geekiness IN YOUR FACE. Perhaps not the most positive interaction possible but it gives us giggles. -
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I'm so disappointed ... I thought for sure that contained a secret message regarding the silence of the devs ...
The Horror ... The Horror ...
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The sounds, of silence -
but it's funny I finally decided that I need a new supergroup and so I was going to apply. I was just waiting until I had a bunch of Inf on all my 50s so I could run in SG mode and not worry about funds.
Yea, the new Hammi is very different and I want an excellent guide such as this when we raid some more.
I've never seen this guide and I have to say I'm very impressed Tic. You have to write another one for the new raids! It's a forum imperative. -
I've reached the sliver frisbee stage, where my game disc is about to be tested for aerodynamics.
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I enjoyed reading your other post so I jumped at the chance to read this one. This quote made me, seriously, spit out my coffee. Thanks for the morning chuckle. -
Can you explain why this is an issue? I see what you are trying to do here but I don't understand why.
My first question is why would you want buffs to be less effective on the hardest missions? It makes no sense. -
Zen If you are doing a quick reply to the thread as a whole, ignore this response. I didn't understand your post as it related to mine but I attempted to address it. If it was a QR, next time please let me know
Now let me get this straight, players with loads of influence are unlikely to go looking for enhancements with this new system. Nor do they "need" to auction their enhancements when they can just sell them and add to their already vast sums of money. So, no reason to go to the auction house other than recipes. Guess the recipes will likely go towards the largest servers.
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I think you are correct, but I would change "Guess the recipies will go towards the largest servers" to "Guess the recipies will go those with the most Inf." Except for the bit about the low-balling of prices, which was my whole point about the Devs wanting this issue to be more about the inventions and less about the psuedo-economy.
New players will likely find everyone lowballing enhancement prices right around where the stores would buy them at. Which means from a seller standpoint, why would anyone sell anything when the prices are that low? It is less hassle to just sell them to the nearest store rather than WAIT for an auction to finish. So, few people will likely sell enhancements at the auction house. This in turn makes it easier for the players to do what the developers don't seem to want them to do, which is absolutely hillarious.
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I don't understand about the enhancements bit, I do intend to put up some 53 SOs that I can't give away because I don't have an SG at the moment.
I can't believe that developers who live in America with all of its examples of free markets would think of this system as being anything but another drag in CoX.
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Our system favors those on top and I think the Devs are trying to steer away from that as much as possible. For good or ill, it's the conclusion I've drawn from what I've read.
The main body of my post was a request to have a way to transfer inf to my lower level characters. I would still love to see that. -
Instead we are looking into other options to get you the Pool B choice so level 50s don't feel gimped.
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Any hints?
We need way more info to get good and frothing mad.
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Perfect Response -
I've actually been looking for help arrange such things myself. I give you X-inf on server Y, with you then giving X-inf (minus tip/fee) on a different server.
That whole "who do you trust" thing comes up, though. Not everyone I trust has that kind of influence on the target server, after all, nor do they always have a use/need for that much influence on the origin server...
Some people I play with on a different forum also tried arranging for a salvage "swap meet" ages ago, too.
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After reading this thread I am really questioning whether or not the Devs want an economy at all. My answer to that question is no. They don't want to leach inf out of the system as can be seen by the favoritism of the buyer in the Posi quote. They are doing everything they can to favor those who don't have Inf. This is just fine with me. As many posters have stated, ignoring the cross-server Inf transfers, I see nothing wrong with low-balling prices or the system they've set up.
You may be saying to yourself, so why this quote? Getting to that, hang on. More than one person here is arguing about how to get Inf to other characters. Obviously it's something that many of us want (I would say majority but you know, the Forums and semantics, the twain will never part). If the Devs aren't concerned about the economy in the game and are more focused on the Invention part of this issue, then why not let us give Inf to starter characters? Instead of touching the precarious global chat or Email how about being able to send a 'wire' inside WW to your starter characters? Hell, attach a 15% fee to it but I fail to see how it would harm the game at this late stage.
Even if they are trying to create a true ecconomy, then this would leach Inf out of the system nicely.
Those who like to start off poor wouldn't have to participate. -
I had fun with it, I always enjoy teaming up with the other side. I had an especially fun group with 2 Doms and 3 Controllers. Nothing was moving, nothing.
That said, if you are going to have Villain/Hero teaming it would be really helpful if we could find each other without yelling over broadcast.
I loved the sandals/hair reward, I've been envious of those costume pieces for a while. The 'hearts' costume was a bit too silly for my taste.
The only real drawback, for me, was the repetition of the event. I don't mind repeatable events but I'd prefer you would spice them up a bit. For example, I loved the Halloween event there were so many alts that I had that wanted the costume pieces, my main wanted the ghost touched badge, and it seemed like there was a lot going on in terms of teaming and GM Hunting. The Valentine's day event, felt less dynamic even though both were repeated. Perhaps an instanced Zone where Villains/Heroes would team up to go fight something GMish (more than one team perhaps?).
One last thought, I would love to see the Winter chalet again. Even if only for the treat of being able to ski.
Thank you for coming to us to ask our opinions, it's appreciated. -
An initial thought before I go through and read the whole thread.
We get the country we deserve. If you don't vote, don't write letters to your congressperson, and don't in general make your voice heard; these are the people who will control your world.
This is for anyone who is complaining and doesnt take the time to vote. There is a reason why this is a win/win political agenda and that is most gamers don't vote. Not really an exaggeration most of the gamers I talk to consider politics and voting a waste of time. The part I don't get is that the gaming industry should be a political powerhouse now. The money the industry makes and the many folks who game, spells raw political power. However, our political machine thinks that it's safe to trample on the industry precisely because gamers don't take an interest. Make your voice heard or the jerks you see in this video clip will make laws cheaply appealing to the voters who don't game. It's safe for the lawmakers because you won't vote them out of office. -
Hey guys, a quick clarification:
The Invention System and the "Legends" System are "one in the same"...
Basically the Legends system, as it was designed, was not implemented, but out of it grew what will be known as the Invention System. The Invention System does what we wanted the Legends System to do, and a whole lot more, and lays the ground work for limitless expandability that the Legend System just didn't have.
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Sounds goodI can't wait to see what's coming.
Dev posts are like popcorn, they taste great and eating some makes you want more. It's just that dev posts, like popcorn, never fill you up. -
This is not tested or in any way codified, more of a "hey what's going on?"
I've set up my 50 DM/DA to be very efficient for end usage. Yes, hard to believe, but with endredux in almost everything, she can fight with all the cloaks running. I was testing out a new build for her (Body Mastery). My testing involves running the same three missions on live and then running the same three missions on test, and then taking the new build and running the same three missions (stopping just short of completing them). On live I had poor end usage where before I believed I had the problems solved. The wierd part was test, She was more efficient with End usage with Focused Accuracy running than the old Dark Mastery build. huh???She has hurdle/leaping pool.
After I7 my Elec/Invuln Brute had terrible end usage when before I used to brag to my VG about how end usage wasn't a problem. She has swift/fly.
I wish Castle the best of luck in finding out what the heck is going on. -
I like it, it could even be worked in with a story arch somehow.
/em wonders when the devs are gonna realize that Force Bubble has the same "problem" that convinced em to zap Hurricane.
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The worst parts about getting debuffed by hurricane was the nasty to-hit debuff and its -range. The -tohit was easily countered at the higher levels(FA, AIM, BU, etc). The -range was the only form of mitigation against ranged toons for the Storm summoning set. It made only since that storm should be able to keep melee out when they are so vulnerable to everything else.
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Actually, the only thing I really wanted to change in this mess was the ability for Repel Fields to effectively trap a player against geometry in Base Raids. I'm aware other powers have the same problem. I'll address those individually, though -- the same type of change made to Hurricane can be made, but for the most part, those powers have fewer aspects to them that Hurricane does. That makes getting them right considerably harder.
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I don't have time to read the entire thread because I have to get to work.
Sometimes when I'm playing my Stormy mobs will spin off in a direction I don't intend. Having been on the pinned end of a Stormy I know for a fact that it's exploitable. However, the tick recduction is a bit harsh.
So, how about this, we combine the two aspects of Hurricane and solve the problem. In PvP if an opponent is pushed up against the geometry for more than two pulses the Hurrican "picks them up" and carries them around the effect to the other side. I'm only talking about PvP here. I understand this will be difficult to impliment but it's a solution for all sorts of problems and not just Hurricane.
My appologies if this has been mentioned already, as I said, work. -
Wonderful, thank you for the time it took to make this guide. I really like how when you didn't know the answer (or it's debated) that you said so in your guide. To anyone taking up the beauty of DM/DA scrapping, this is a great place to start. If there were stars still I'd give you a galaxy full.
As a personal aside, I really miss CoF also.
Thanks again,
The Butler -
My personal favorites:
Who are you, Makos newest chum?
Another bulls-eye, this is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Dont worry; Ive got enough arrows for everyone.
Are you all really that anxious to be the first one to get the enema arrow?
You'll be able to read all about this when I turn in my report on the Web of Arachnos...coming this fall.
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Mako's newest chum.... priceless
All you villains are grey to me, no XP.
You must be one of those criminal Masterminds everyone is talking about. Lets see who has the bigger brain.
What do I fear? Having an intellectual conversation with a Brute. All that SMASH talk gets repetitive.
Feels good to stretch my legs after a long hard day of standing around Blyde Square.
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All grey to me <smiles broadly>
Sister Psyche:
How many of you losers are working for Ghost Bimbo?
I cant seem to find any minds to read around here.
The weaker the will, the easier it is to control.
Dont hate because Im beautiful, hate me because Im kicking your butt!
The teleport to the hospital is ready for departure, Im Sister Psyche and Ill be your cruise director.
After reading your mind I realized that actually is the best you can do.
[/ QUOTE ]
Now I really wish I had met Psyche on the battlefield. I didn't know she was sutch a smart ask.
Back Alley Brawler:
""Welcome to villain-busting old school style. I'll be your teacher today. You can call me Mr. Brawler."
"I been bustin' villains for 30 years, and I'm still not impressed by any of you."
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Thanks for getting the whole list together Manticore. Just awsome. -
I still love the wordplay between Outbreak and Breakout.
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Me too.
Thanks for bringing us the info! -
This hulking, shambling zombie of a thread is scaring me...
Pweeze lock it and make it go away...
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Muhahahahahahaha! <does best scary Zombie shuffle available> -
First off we don't have necromancers in CoH.
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But we get 'em in CoV, and I for one welcome our new Mastermind overlords!
I love zombie threads
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Hey now, speaking for the undead community I must say that your sign brings offense sir!!
No Martini for you -
Untap, Upkeep, Draw, Plays The Zombie Lord
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Freshen your drink M'Lord? -
Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.
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Whoo Hooo! all my undead friends are here and we are going to Partay!
To the Shopping Mall!
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NO! We are going to the Winchester!
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You know that gun above the bar doesn't work don't you.
(oh and dogs can't look up) -
Wow, the forums today are like a scene from Shaun of the Dead.
[/ QUOTE ]
Whoo Hooo! all my undead friends are here and we are going to Partay!
To the Shopping Mall!