Guide to Badges by Stalemate v.6




So I've been collating and updating information to fuel my addiction to badges since I first learned of their existence and thought I would share a little (14-page) list I use.

I am not re-inventing the wheel with this list, but I do find it more practical to use than alt-tabbing between applications to see the info I need while ingame. I have added columns to the list so that players can check off the badges they do have.

This list is I5 friendly, but not 100% I5 ready yet.

I am posting it here for comments, suggestions and possible corrections. It is in PDF format for the time being.

Badge List

Thanks in advance for posting your comments.

Players Guide to the Cities



1) I know it's a pain, but putting the exploration badge listings by zone, then alphabetical order is better since that's how they are listed in-game.

2) You accidently left and extra spot for Straw Weight Champion on the "Unaccounted" list.

3) Passport is an Accolade, from what I've found.

4) Both Corsair and Spectral are achievement badges stemming from defeating Pirate Ghosts.

5) Street Crime, Super Patriot, and Task Force Commander are not in the game at all and should go under "Unaccounted".

6) Would probably be wise to reorganize the player badges by their own grouping (ie, move all the healing badges together).

7) Undying, etc, are not for debt worked off, they are for number of deaths.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Thank you for taking the time to go through it. Shows an addic... I mean, "dedication: to badges which rivals my own.

Excellent suggestion for the Exploration badge content. I think I'll wait to see if others confirm the groupings idea before I make that change, as I've always found it to be more practical to have an alphabetical listing when sorting thru the list.

I'll make the corrections to Corsair and Spectral. I'm surprised I forgot them

I'll check out Passport and Undying also to fix them, and will review the list for other blanks and dioublings (Straw Weight).

Sometimes another set of eyes makes all the difference.

Players Guide to the Cities



Thank you for taking the time to go through it. Shows an addic... I mean, "dedication: to badges which rivals my own.

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After being constantly denied the chance to get a really good badge listing going myself (mainly since I can't get a host or some other annoyance) I like to keep an eye on everyone else's guides.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I posted about this in the Technical Issues and Bugs forum, so you may want to read the full post there.

After being held for 5+ hours and not getting the Imprisoned badge, I petitioned it and was eventually told by a GM: "Please note, that the requirement for this badge according to our information is 10 hours."

Not sure how this will be resolved, as every other reference web site has it listed as 5 hours as well, but functionally, it's 10 hours. (I got the badge after 10 hrs, not 5.)




7) Undying, etc, are not for debt worked off, they are for number of deaths.

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From what I have seen, Deathless, Undying, & Exalted will be the three new epic debt badges with I5. Getting a badge just for dying does not seem like a real distiction to me, but getting them for working off debt is something else entirely.



Thanks for all the comments.

I'll modify the list also for the 10 instead of 5 hours, Graystar.

Players Guide to the Cities



Thank you for taking the time to go through it. Shows an addic... I mean, "dedication: to badges which rivals my own.

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After being constantly denied the chance to get a really good badge listing going myself (mainly since I can't get a host or some other annoyance) I like to keep an eye on everyone else's guides.

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Your comments are appreciated.

Does mine work for you?

What would you change?

Players Guide to the Cities



I have had comments that the CoH font used for the list's title does not appear for everyone.

Is this the case?

EDIT: Red Circle Font embedded into PDF file now.

Corrections made as indicated.

Deathless, Undying, & Exalted have the added text "Defeats received" until we can be sure.

Small checkboxes placed in badge listings dependent upon other badges (Praetorians, etc.)

Players Guide to the Cities




7) Undying, etc, are not for debt worked off, they are for number of deaths.

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From what I have seen, Deathless, Undying, & Exalted will be the three new epic debt badges with I5. Getting a badge just for dying does not seem like a real distiction to me, but getting them for working off debt is something else entirely.

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1) The titles and texts are completely different between the two sets, much unlike the congruence between all of the other new sets (IE, Paragon -> Role Model). The old texts talk about being defeated by striving on, the new ones joke about how despite being defeated so many times, you haven't yet died (due to the Medicom system).

2) Somebody tested using a level 1 Peacebringer. Went to Peregrine, aggroed mobs, died, hospitaled, went right back outside, died again, etc. They eventually got the Undying badge.

3) Somebody said that while playing, they were defeated in a mission and got both The Unbroken Spirit and Undying at the same time.

ETA: Woah doggies, your Portal Jockey listing is incomplete. The badges needed for Portal Jockey are Dimensional Warder, Shrouded, Multidimensional, and Scholastic.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



...ETA: Woah doggies, your Portal Jockey listing is incomplete. The badges needed for Portal Jockey are Dimensional Warder, Shrouded, Multidimensional, and Scholastic.

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Whoah doggies?! LOL!

Thanks for pointing that out.

Weird thing is, I knew the requirements by heart (still need Multidimensional on my main) and was used to overlooking that section... Oops.

Players Guide to the Cities



Isn't the Doctor's Ally badge a mission given out for your 35-39 level contacts? I know that I have never gotten it before level 35 myself...

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Isn't the Doctor's Ally badge a mission given out for your 35-39 level contacts? I know that I have never gotten it before level 35 myself...

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Shoot... after your post I went a-googling and noticed that there is information to support both the 30-34 and 35-39 descriptions.

Can anyone confirm which is the appropriate one?

Thanks for brining this to my attention.

Hopefully we'll be able to get a working list in time for I5, and then just update it as the new data comes rolling in.

Portal Jockey requirements will be corrected this evening.

Players Guide to the Cities



Doctor's Ally is definitely 35-39. It's given by Gordon Stacy, the Natural level 35-39 contact. I think it's his first mission.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Just noticed: You're completely missing the 3 Respec badges along with Celebrant.

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Am not.


They are all in the Achievements section. Respec badges are under "Task forces and Trials" and Celebrant is placed under the "Special Events" subsections.

Players Guide to the Cities



Just noticed: You're completely missing the 3 Respec badges along with Celebrant.

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Am not.


They are all in the Achievements section. Respec badges are under "Task forces and Trials" and Celebrant is placed under the "Special Events" subsections.

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I'm just used to the way they're usually listed I guess.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Just noticed: You're completely missing the 3 Respec badges along with Celebrant.

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Am not.


They are all in the Achievements section. Respec badges are under "Task forces and Trials" and Celebrant is placed under the "Special Events" subsections.

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I'm just used to the way they're usually listed I guess.

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No offense meant or taken, Ian.

Which way are you referring to?

The ingame GUI?

Players Guide to the Cities



Great Guide. Just a suggestion for you. Most people when they do badges go zone by zone. It would help if your badges guide did a zone by zone listing, instead of all of them being clumped up in a larger more chaotic alphabetical listing. Reason I mention this is due to the fact that a lot of players (such as myself) don't know the exact name of a badge. Just a suggestion though, and still a good guide.



Great Guide. Just a suggestion for you. Most people when they do badges go zone by zone. It would help if your badges guide did a zone by zone listing, instead of all of them being clumped up in a larger more chaotic alphabetical listing. Reason I mention this is due to the fact that a lot of players (such as myself) don't know the exact name of a badge. Just a suggestion though, and still a good guide.

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Thanks for the feedback.

I'm currently planning to regroup the Exploration badges into city zone subsections (which I assume you are referring to) but it's taking a while. You are confirming Ian's original comment about this. Hopefully I'll have some time to get that worked out by the weekend.

I'm not convinced about doing the same thing for the history plaques though... Maybe I should just make both versions - alphabetical and by zone - and let the gamer pick a favorite.

Players Guide to the Cities



I can't link to your site .



The link works fine for me here (work) and from home.

I'm guessing there may be restrictions set where you are located to block off certain sites. GuildPortal, being a gaming community, stands a good chance of being blocked off.

I think I may try to find another hosting service for this file to prevent this issue. When I have a good working list(s) I'll review my options for that.

Players Guide to the Cities




3) Passport is an Accolade, from what I've found.

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This is correct, my hero is wearing it on Freedom server. It's a bug that I have it already, and the devs and I are researching how it was triggered to "on".

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



I agree, by Zone would be great..I know some badge hunters get them as they level and will work out the badges on a per zone basis. The Zones should be listed by access level like the NAV section under the help menu. I used the Vidiotmaps and the NAV to get all my badges in one sweep. Very good work so far, 5 stars my friend!

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec