Guide to Badges by Stalemate v.6





So it's settled - another version where the Exploration badges (and maybe even the history plaques) will be listed by zone.

Players Guide to the Cities



Clockstopper: Babbage in Skyway counts, or did the last time I did Synapse. (Psychic Babbage does not, of course.)

Checkboxes: Your sheet's set up with 3 handy rows of checkboxes, is there any chance you could do the same for checkboxes in the Requiements section? My horde of alts thanks you in advance.



Awesome! Thanks som much!

Level 50: Furlon the Grim, BS/Regen Scrapper, Virtue
Current creations:
Slaughterface, DB/Elec Brute
Captain Warhead, Rad/Rad Defender, Virtue
Capt. Scar, Arch/Ice Blaster

Global @ Capt. Scar



Clockstopper: Babbage in Skyway counts, or did the last time I did Synapse. (Psychic Babbage does not, of course.)

Checkboxes: Your sheet's set up with 3 handy rows of checkboxes, is there any chance you could do the same for checkboxes in the Requiements section? My horde of alts thanks you in advance.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a great idea.

Will try to get that in there by the end of the week and also work on the "geographical location" version for Exploration badges and History plaques to be listed by city zones.

Players Guide to the Cities



I know this isn't much to report but I'm just that kind of person....You spelled defeat wrong in the description of the Giant Killer badge.



I know this isn't much to report but I'm just that kind of person....You spelled defeat wrong in the description of the Giant Killer badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Seppuku is in order... my bad.

I mean, I will fix it.

Players Guide to the Cities



I prefer lists that order badges the same way the game does, and I find alphabetical order much less helpful. But that's just me.

Character index



I prefer lists that order badges the same way the game does, and I find alphabetical order much less helpful. But that's just me.

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Thanks for the feedback Silver_Gale.

I'm planning on releasing a second version which will sort Exploration badges and History plaques by city zone along with this alphabetical version which was originally intended only for my wife and I.

Since we would use Vidiotmaps first and then check off the badges, alphabetical was more useful for us, but there is demand for sorting by city zones so I'll get that version out soon also.

As a matter of fact, I hope to have it done by the end of the week.

Players Guide to the Cities



Latest updates:

-Corrections made (typos)
-Additional checkboxes added for accolade requirements
-Specified that this version is alphabetical in the title

Still working on the Zone version.

Players Guide to the Cities



I'd just like to take a moment and thank Stalemate for making this version of a badge guide. I've used it quite a bit in the last several days and have collected nearly all exploration badges - and it's an addicting process!

Also - didn't mind the alphabetical at all - in fact, it was useful when hunting down some of the accolade requirements just to zero in on where the badge was without having to search in every zone for the listing. Glad you're keeping the alphabetical listing while adding the zone one as well.

Great job and many stars to you!

Guardian Server
Shadow Target - Level 50 Scrapper - Dark Melee / Regen
Vulcannis - Level 44 Dark Melee/Fire Brute
Dr. Franken - Level 41 Defender - Empath / Electric
British Jack - Level 36 Tank - Invuln / Mace
Victory Server: American Sentinel, Master Tech, Donar of Asgard, Der Doppleganger



...Glad you're keeping the alphabetical listing while adding the zone one as well.

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Well, my wife prefers the alphabetical listing too, and the couch is too lumpy to comfortably sleep on, so...

...Great job and many stars to you!

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess this thread will have to get it, since the user rankings have been removed.

Thanks for the kind comments.

Players Guide to the Cities



Heh, minor thing. You've got "Earned the Statesman Star" listed 2x in your TF & Trials section.



Heh, minor thing. You've got "Earned the Statesman Star" listed 2x in your TF & Trials section.

[/ QUOTE ]

Almost as bad as having switched around the locations for Ensorcelled, Grim Wanderer and Spiritual (all in Croatoa), which is also fixed now.


I've also reduced the number of Rikti monkeys to 1,000 for Zookeeper.

Players Guide to the Cities



Personally I like the history badges listed how you have them. It's nice to see which ones you need for the badge.

You spelled Medicine wrong in the "Medecine Man" badge.



Personally I like the history badges listed how you have them. It's nice to see which ones you need for the badge.

You spelled Medicine wrong in the "Medecine Man" badge.

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That's why I'll be sure to offer both versions once I finish the "zone" version. I knew I wasn't alone who liked a listing more akin to a "to do" list.

I'll correct the typo this evening.

Players Guide to the Cities



This and other great guides brought to you by the fine folks of Praesidium!

Praesidium - Because this game would be a steaming pile of dung without us and you know it.



This and other great guides brought to you by the fine folks of Praesidium!

Praesidium - Because this game would be a steaming pile of dung without us and you know it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pie for you, bro.

Now, go register at the new Praesidium website.

Players Guide to the Cities



Quick update:

-Added Multidimensional badge under exploration. No idea how come it was missing.
-Corrected order of 3 new Croatoa Exploration badges.
-Renamed file as badge_a.pdf as the alphabetical version.
-Halfway done for the zone version: badge_z.pdf coming soon.

Thanks to Bishop Creed, whoever you are, for making me scrutinize my own list of exploration badges on my main toon last night in Firebase Zulu, realizing I was missing one and fixing the list to include the missing Hydra Dimension one.

It was the Ensorcelled badge from that tree in Croatoa, btw, which I lost after acquiring it in one of the many disconnects I suffered in that zone last night.

Players Guide to the Cities



Preliminary zone version uploaded. Get it here.

I have only done the Exploration badges for now and am waiting for your feedback to fins out of it is worth doing the same for History plaques.

At any time, visitors to our SG website (link in my sig) can find that same link available on our homepage under the Intelligence section on the right.

Players Guide to the Cities



I don't know if its already been suggested, but it might be a good idea to list achievements so that all the debt badges are together in ascending order, all the healing badges, etc.



Ooh, I have another thing that's been bugging me for a little while now...

For one, the Statesman Star and its ilk are not actually for winning the Terra Volta trial, but instead directly connected to choosing the respec option upon its completion. That, and all three are accolades.

Even then, I'm pretty sure the requirements are off. If I'm not mistaken, as long as your security level is within a higher tier for the trial, even if you exemplar down and do a lower tier, you'll still be eligible for the next respec.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I don't know if its already been suggested, but it might be a good idea to list achievements so that all the debt badges are together in ascending order, all the healing badges, etc.

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I won't be doing this, as plenty of lists which do just that are already available (vidiotmaps has an excellent one with badge pictures too.). Copy 'n paste is all it takes.

Or if you'd like, I'm considering just letting people acces the original Word 2002/XP file instead if they wabt to edit it to suit their need/desire.

Would that be useful to others as well?

Ooh, I have another thing that's been bugging me for a little while now...

For one, the Statesman Star and its ilk are not actually for winning the Terra Volta trial, but instead directly connected to choosing the respec option upon its completion. That, and all three are accolades.

Even then, I'm pretty sure the requirements are off. If I'm not mistaken, as long as your security level is within a higher tier for the trial, even if you exemplar down and do a lower tier, you'll still be eligible for the next respec.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're correct when you say that as long as the minimum level requirement is met that you can participate in a TV Trial and have it count against the 3 total available with the badges received being attributed as Stalwart Medallion, Stateman Star, and then Freedom Cross regardless of the order the trials are actually taken. I think I even did this with my main character, doing the 2nd Trial but getting the 1st badge.

I'll fix that in the next update and place them in the correct section as being accolades.

Choosing respecification earns the Transmogrified badge, does it not? I have teamed with people who chose the SO instead who received the other badges regardless upon tial completion. But my memory is vague.

Can anyone confirm this one way or another please?

Players Guide to the Cities



Excellent guide ... will be a new fav of mine and I will promote it as much as I can.

a minor correction for you:

Katie Hannon TF lvls go up to lvl 35.

You have listed 25-30, Did it last night and the entire team was auto exemplared to 35.

Ten times the Victor is listed under Accomplisments. In game it is listed as an Accolade. This is the text:

You have impressed Mary Macomber, leader of the Cabal, by defeating her ten times, Though some members of the Cabal may still fear you, others will work as your allies. As a reward, you can now use a witch hat as a costume piece.



Excellent guide ... will be a new fav of mine and I will promote it as much as I can.

a minor correction for you:

Katie Hannon TF lvls go up to lvl 35.

You have listed 25-30, Did it last night and the entire team was auto exemplared to 35.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. It was glitched for some time and the range was only 25-30. Just old information is all.

Anyway, you just have your badges mixed up. Transmogrified is for completing the Trial regardless of reward, the 3 accolades are tied to choosing the respec reward.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



I see.

I'll correct that in the upcoming update. Thanks.

How is the "zone" version working for everyone?

Players Guide to the Cities