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  1. Never played the game but I used to collect the figures.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    My real complaint on these missions is the villain you can free from jail to help you. Now I have only been able to do the Brickstown mission so far, but out of the 3 times I have done it, Hollow Point was useless twice. The first time he was apparently confused by the PPD Psi-cops and then would just stand around for the rest of the mission in one spot continually summoning his pets and destroying them! The last time I did it, not 30 seconds after getting out of the jail, he runs down the street and disappears! His force field generator followed me in to the arson mission, but he was running away just as I was clicking the door to enter. I don't know about other mayhem missions, but Hollow Point needs to be looked at to get his AI straight.

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    OK, just did my first Founders Falls mayhem mission last night (dang, I just remembered I forgot the exploration badge). I went to the jail and freed Silent Blade. As soon as I exited the building, she disappeared. She was right there next to me when I clicked the door to exit the jail and next instant she is gone. This really needs to be looked into otherwise there is no reason to ever free these villains that are supposed to help you.
  3. My real complaint on these missions is the villain you can free from jail to help you. Now I have only been able to do the Brickstown mission so far, but out of the 3 times I have done it, Hollow Point was useless twice. The first time he was apparently confused by the PPD Psi-cops and then would just stand around for the rest of the mission in one spot continually summoning his pets and destroying them! The last time I did it, not 30 seconds after getting out of the jail, he runs down the street and disappears! His force field generator followed me in to the arson mission, but he was running away just as I was clicking the door to enter. I don't know about other mayhem missions, but Hollow Point needs to be looked at to get his AI straight.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    5. After I robbed the bank, I looked at my message window to see what was ambushing me - and it was Numina! Holy Hero, Batman! Luckily I was on Vicious so she was an Elite Boss, and I had a ton of inspirations, but even so it was a near thing. If I'd been playing a dominator or corruptor, there's no way I could have beaten her. This is not good. Not because fighting signature heros isn't cool - it is, very much so. But these missions are part of your Broker cycle, which means you must complete them in order to even start on new contacts. The missions should be easily completable by any AT on Villainous. Heroes/Elite Bosses are not a good idea in broker missions.

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    Not really an issue as the mission will run out within 20 min or so.

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    also no an issue since you can just say no to the broker when asked if you want the mission, same as now with the bank missions.
  5. I loved most of the mission, the only problem was the Villain that was supposed to help me. He kept chasing after citizens or randomly attacking things on the way back to the bank. The most annoying part was when his force field drone blocked the door of the very small room I was in and I was stuck! Shouldn't pets be movable by this point? I had already completed the mission but I was trying to do as much other stuff as I could. Blocked by your supposed ally was not a good thing. Aside from that, I really enjoyed the whole mission.
  6. DocMystery

    PvP rep

    I am just curious why you had to revive a four month old post.

    As for your question, I believe they have changed the rewards system in Siren's Call and you can no longer get xp for bounty (I could be wrong). To get your reward for bounty, go to proper contact by the entrance to cash it it. You will get a rewards windowm, like when you complete a story-arc or respec, to choose your option (1k for medium inspiration, 6k for SO? - only happened once for me so I don't remember).
  7. Note on the Lab Technicians and how they follow you: As TopDoc said, do not go faster than Sprint speed. If you keep Sprint up then the speed should be fine. I fine that using the mouse wheel to widen the view helps so I can see the Lab Tech as he runs behind me.

    Make sure that you give the Lab Tech a good amount of lead room before making a turn that will block Line of Sight or they may stop (same with walls or other objects that would stop your own forward movement). If this happens, just chat with them again to continue them following you. The Lab Techs do seem to be able to make it around minions that spawn by the bunkers you have to lead them too, just give them a moment.

    Also, if you get seperated from you Lab Tech while enroute to their bunker, no one else can take control of them and make them follow, only you.

    Another note for the first-timer getting a warhead, the Lab Techs do not register any aggro from spawns so if you have so sort of stealth power all you need to worry about is the PvPers in the area. Some are nice and will not attack you while you are working to get your warhead (Thanks Philistine) while others seem to go out of their way to make it a real headache.
  8. Thanks all. I will see what happens the next time I am teamed up with a Dark Miasma corruptor.
  9. I was on two teams last night with Corruptors that were using Dark Miasma powers (I really am not familiar with this line so I am not sure which one) and I noticed that I was doing criticals with my stalker attacks at times where I was not Hidden. It was not consistant, but it would happen occasionally if I waited just a moment or two before an attack (a good deal less then the 10 seconds for Hide to come back on).

    I also noticed that one time "Critical" came up twice when I attacked out of Hide. I have no idea if this was actually twice the critical damage, but I since I had seen people mention this before I thought I would mention it.
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    7) Undying, etc, are not for debt worked off, they are for number of deaths.

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    From what I have seen, Deathless, Undying, & Exalted will be the three new epic debt badges with I5. Getting a badge just for dying does not seem like a real distiction to me, but getting them for working off debt is something else entirely.
  11. DocMystery

    Superhero quiz

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    Commander Courage was process of elimination for me...luckily for me the choice was paired up with <ahem> Rainbow Boy?!?!??!


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    21/21 - Who the heck is Commander Courage? I have never heard of him or the Commie Swamie.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    If you have a team of 3 or more they are abundant during the night near the buildings at the DA entrance (Talos side). They spawn very frequently too... much more than in DA. Once it gets daylight head to DA and check all of your spawn points and when the fog starts to get an orange tint, then head back to Talos. Getting a team in my experience is the best way to get more mask spawns though. [ QUOTE ]

    I was working on this badge for months and finally got the last quarter bar by teaming with 2-3 other people the other night. As soon as I joined the team, the spawn rate seemed to quarduple and I typically saw 2-3 masks at a time in the area of my view where I was lucky to fine 1 before. This is also a better way then doing it solo since often times other people are tying to do the same thing in that small area of Talos and kill stealing can be a real problem. Having multipe people get credit for one kill is just more satisfying to me.