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  1. Energy Torrent is like Fly in that it's a power pick that's worse than the craftable/purchaseable temps that mimic it. Which is pretty frustrating actually.

    Smurphy's challenge thread may have some of what you're looking for. Word of warning: The current profanity/copyright filter may have broken a number of them. I submitted a challenge arc and it's currently unplayable.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deathbeforedisco View Post
    But I don't want bad reviews getting my account suspended indefinately...
    Whoa, hold up. Bad reviews won't affect your account at all. I hope that's not some nasty rumor floating around since we certainly don't need more bad PR in AE. I'd also say hold off on purchasing the AE slots.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    Did Defenders have to pay for their solo/small team buff? Hell no, they didn't!
    Technically they lost the ability for pets to contribute to the endurance discount. However, that's considered a bug fix since it would have interfered with the damage buff portion.
  5. While not actively documented this is a longstanding problem that comes and goes. Sometimes it's not that bad and other times it's borderline unuseable.
  6. With my Elec/Elec Blaster I nuke as much as possible since I can mitigate the crash, the sap can act as mitigation/mezz, and I know it works differently. Thunderous Blast doesn't have a normal full crash. Instead the crash is -40 per target hit so it's fully viable to nuke against single targets. While I wholeheartedly agree that crash nukes should do more damage, I think it would be better suited for the crash to be similar to Thunderous Blast with adjustments.
    • Make the crash -10 per target hit (plus default endurance costs)

    • Allow the crash to be affected by enhancements and buffs. This way you could slot down the crash amount

    • Remove recovery debuff or lower it to just -100%. If the recovery debuff stays, increase the duration of the Defiance damage buff so that it lasts longer than the recovery debuff

    • Buff damage and mezz effects on crashing nukes. Speed up animation times on melee crash nukes.

    I'm not the biggest numbers guy but these seem like they would be good. I also agree that these should be eyed differently per AT and per nuke. I happily nuke on my Storm/Ice defender but it does good damage and tends to be pretty safe. I want to give Blackstar a chance but I might ditch it on my Corruptor.
  7. Quote:
    Back Alley Brawler should now indicate his affiliation as "Independent" instead of "Freedom Phalanx"
    Disappointing but I didn't create the characters so there's nothing I can do but deal with it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    I said it further up in the thread several times, but - given what appears to be a propensity on the part of the developers to ONLY address the most recent one or two pages of a thread or forum - I'll say it again:

    My complaints with the human-bias in these changes would be largely mitigated by doing two things (one for each form):
    • Give White Dwarf damage resistance to ALL forms of damage in equal proportions.
    • Remove Nova's 45% damage boost and increase the base damage of the Nova Form attacks by the same amount.

    IMHO That's ALL that's needed to make these changes balanced across the forms, it wouldn't directly affect the changes made one way or the other (ie- suddenly make Peacebringers overpowered) AND it's small enough that it can be done before it goes live.
    Any particular reason why you single out White Dwarf as opposed to both Dwarf forms? Granted, I assume it's because Peacebringers need more of a buff than Warshades but it could be argued that forms on both ATs could stand to benefit from form specific buffs. One suggestion I would make for White Dwarf specifically is a passive 20% recharge debuff resistance since White Dwarf has fewer damaging moves than Black Dwarf. I was originally going to suggest this for Incandescence and Absorption but it seems the forms could stand more than human form. Since neither passive seems to be active during the forms, it could potentially be perfectly fine to give the recharge debuff resistance to Incandescence, Absorption, and White Dwarf.
  9. Despite the current...concerns...with the AE system at the moment, I'd like to point out that I'm still taking requests.
  10. With 3 months passed, looking to see if there are any updates on this issue.
  11. Trying to see what time people would prefer.
  12. I'm sorta liking the way the Stalker enhancement sounds. Sort of laughing at the fact that they actually gave a 'healz0r' enhancement to Defenders though it sucks that it means I'd wind up giving a Trick Arrow character a heal. I'm not surprised that Scrappers and Brutes got strong procs since it comes off like they get a fair bit of favoritism as is.
  13. The interesting thing about Kheldian Grace is that going by just the name, both PBs and WSs get the same thing despite the fact that they play quite differently.
  14. Thank you for posting that Grey Pilgrim. I seriously hope it's not something you get in trouble for since while it can be disappointing, it has a fair amount of insight to the thought process and we'd be better served to see how the discussion progresses.

    I found the comment on looking at things as a whole rather interesting since in a lot of ways it seems like they actually aren't doing that, especially compared to other sets. As noted, double stacked Rage, damage boosting defense sets like Shield Defense/Fiery Aura, and high damage epic pools all contribute to push Foot Stomp's damage up. In a way, it seems like Solar Flare is being viewed in a vacuum as opposed to "out in the field" so to speak. In theory it's high damage if enemies get knocked into a corner and kept there but they have to get there first. I'm generally pro KB but don't feel this is being handled well.

    I'm somewhat forgiving about Pulsar since it was noted that it's underperforming yet the devs wanted to err on the side of caution due to the other buffs. My concern is that they are being TOO cautious and in the wrong way, especially since I think Pulsar is the power among the two more in need of a buff. I mean, to actually acknowledge that a power is underperforming yet not do anything to buff it when it's a strength/numbers problem (as opposed to animation) feels like folly.

    I think the bigger concern is that it almost feels like we as testers aren't fully being trusted. Granted, things like the AE farm explosion happened so trusting the players may seem unwise. However, this is Beta--a controled environment where changes can be reverted if they look overpowering. The majority of us want to help out but we can't do that if we're got being given the chance.
  15. I'm not the greatest numbers guy and tend to gravitate more towards feel and text (I'm dreading making a typo list for the Paragon Market though I feel it needs to be done). Plus, I'm on a different end of the "not many testers" spectrum and trying to test AE additions. However, I have made multiple Stalkers since I intend to test Street Justice and Ice Armor.
  16. Actually, the Circle of Thorns page counts the crystals as among their group despite being a stationary object. Perhaps a small note with a link to the Eihwaz Rune page would suffice.
  17. One of the problems with KB as a mitigation tool is randomness. Claws -> Shockwave is a fantastic positioning tool because you have actual control over the KB. I don't get how people are surprised about the devs sometimes using KB to lower performance because they already said that as a comparison of Shockwave to Repulsing Torrent. However, I feel that does a huge detriment to KB use as a whole. Radiant Strike loses out to Air Superiority because I just don't know if it'll be knocking the enemy on their back or not. I can change tactics if it's a sure thing. I am a little concerned about possible powerset favoritism that Shield Defense gets away with what it does. A conversation for another time.

    I can pretend to understand not making the Mag 3 on Pulsar guaranteed (though I highly disagree with not doing it). What I don't get is not changing Incandescent Strike to stun for stacking. If something is trying to kill me, this is a full 6 seconds being used to control only one target. With this being melee range, the reward should be worth the risk. This also helps with parity between Peacebringer and Warshade crowd control.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
    There's no reason we couldn't tell a compelling story AND provide optimized rewards.
    Who's to say we don't? While I will use individual specialty mobs that sometimes wind up giving lower xp, I generally make it a point to make sure xp amounts are decent on customs. It's just that us authors are willing to deviate if it helps a story while farms solely need the xp.
  19. Ah. Good the page exists, bad it's not in the Legacy Chain enemy section.
  20. What do they do? I see them sometimes in spawns but they don't seem to actually do anything and there's not a ParagonWiki entry for them either.
  21. Well, if you want challenging the Abandoned Sewer Trial says hello. That's not available until level 38 though.

    While some people have comment on AT (which does affect things) I'm curious about location and content. If you're a hero, Skulls and Hellions are almost insultingly cannon fodder and that's a lot of what you'll encounter. Circle of Thorns, primarily in a large group, will require a bit more tactics to engage.
  22. I'm a little wary of any promises to improve animation times. Last time a dev said that about a powerset needing faster animations but the animators were busy (Castle concerning Wormhole and Propel), absolutely nothing came of it.
  23. With Unai Kemen, I was rather disappointed that there was no form of comm earpiece without having to use a helmet. One of those oddities with the way things are chosen in the costume editor.

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  24. I can't offer anything insightful but hope things improve for you Chad.

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Dang. And I had a story turned down for publishing today (again).
    I'm curious, have you looked into self publishing options?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    The problem with that is regulation. There isn't any practical solution to automatically filter for farms that wouldn't be trivial to bypass so unless Paragon Studios hires a bunch of people to spend all of their time vetting AE arcs to make sure they are in the right tab you're reliant on the arc creators to put them in the right tab. The moment story arcs give better rewards than farm arcs every farm creator will tag their farm as a story arc simply to get the better rewards. Any system designed to separate story and farm arcs should keep in mind the idea that farm arc creators do not (in all probability) care how their arc is tagged unless it affects rewards while story arc creators probably do care. I wouldn't go as far as to advocate farm tagged arcs giving better rewards (although that would be an option) but if I were implementing such a system I would do everything possible to make creating a farm tagged arc easier than creating a story tagged arc. Specifically:

    1. All existing arcs are tagged as farm arcs (people who care about their stories will be more willing to update their arc than someone who created an old farm using an exploit that no longer works)

    2. New arcs are set to "farm" by default (again, story writers will care enough to change this, farm creators are unlikely to)

    3. The AE arc window defaults to the farm tab the first time you open it (after that it defaults to the last tab you looked at)
    Something to point out is that all arcs as of I15 were designated as Work In Progress with two other options the author can select; Looking For Feedback and Final. One longstanding request is that, since every arc that was released I14 but then abandoned got deemed as Work In Progress, WIP arcs should be hidden by default since authors want feedback and they are actually ineligble for Dev's Choice if not set to Final. Basically the concept of writers being willing to change settings is already in existance and not being taken advantage of.