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Quote:The only in-game mention of the Battalion (except for big blue in ouro) is from a clue you get doing serpent drummer's arc.Find me a direct quote (from an NPC who isn't a lying manipulative bstd who likes to hang with Nemesis) to support your version of events.
Quote:After the initial wars to unify the planet thousands of years ago, the Lineage of War was very small, only rising to prominence during a very few infrequent civil wars and insurrections. Their last big operation was against an alien force called the Battalion about 100 years ago. Since then, their power had been tapering off to its normal ceremonial levels until the start of the war with Earth. -
Not 100% sure, but I think it was changed so that you get AVs all the time, even when you only bring 4 people.
Quote:Agreed, these are my favorite kinds of stories, in movies, books, and games.I'd take this a step further and say that some of the best stories are good because with only a small twist you could reverse the antagonist and the protagonist and still have a great story.
Seriously? You link to tvtropes like it's a bodily function but with this you think it's invalid? -
Nope, just VEATs, but most of them are built for recharge and have Mental Training increasing their movement speed. It's mostly a team full of double leadership can do some crazy things, like steamroll a mission faster than some people can stealth.
Quote:Protector has a weekly VEAT team that sounds a lot like what you describe.The greatest superteam supergroup I ever participated in was called Brutal Speed, where everyone had a choice of either a brute or a corruptor:
Brutes: Must be Electric or Fiery Armor
Corruptors: Must be Kinetic
Everyone must take Leadership abilities
It was absolutely insane - probably the fastest leveling I've seen outside of exploits, with everyone double speed boosted and fulcrum shifted, aoeing everything like crazy. -
Quote:Just to add to this, they've said that twitch will only save a certain number of their past videos, so eventually the older ones will start to disappear from that list. The youtube link posted above should always have all older broadcasts.http://www.twitch.tv/paragonstudios
You can also find them all on here. See the button for facebook where it says "f Connect to Share"? Below that are 2 tabs 'Video' and 'Info'. I don't know why but 'info' is the default (even if it LOOKS like Video is the one up)
Click 'Video' and you'll see the archive of all the past broadcasts. -
Quote:I've always liked an idea like this. Each person would have access to 2 trees, 1 for your primary set and 1 for your secondary. Radial would add slots to the power that you could put enhancements in, with T4 radial granting a full 6 slots. Core wouldn't add slots, it would just enhance the power itself, the tradeoff to not being able to put an IO set is that the enhance numbers would be stronger than what slotting would get you. But it would work best if the power was something that could be used regularly, not just every 2-ish minutes, like if it was an attack you could fit it into your regular chain.I kinda wish that each AT had its specific Incarnate powers. I know its easier for the devs to just make 4-5 powers that everyone can use, instead of 4-5 powers for each AT (a lot of work, I know). Just kinda silly that we are all incarnates, from different back grounds, powers and choices, but we can only choose the same powers as everyone else. Like, if all NPC incarnates could only ground pound and dull pain themselves >.> would be kinda silly...
The problem with this aside from the amount of work it would require and the difficulty in balancing is the technical hurdles. What happens to the IOs you have slotted when you swap this incarnate power to a different one? Things like that. -
Quote:That's what I thought the Well was. So if that's not what it is in-game I must have misread something.I don't think the current canon is actually aligned with my idea.
If you think of the Well as a thing, a cosmic thing that grants all power is a troublesome idea. But if you think of it as just a personification of human potential, its not that humanity is nothing without the Well and the Well grants power to humanity, its that humanity always had a certain potential and the Well is just a representation of that potential. And as humanity evolves, its potential increases and humanity's Well gets stronger.
In the same way that mobs of people can have a psychology that is distinct from all of its separate individuals, the Well has a psychology that is the sum total of all of humanity that is distinct from any of its separate individuals. Or alternatively an emergent property like the psychology of an ant colony.
As to the Well taking over an individual temporarily, that's a cosmic conceptual representation of something that also happens on a mundane level. When it happens to super powered entities influenced by the personification of the sum total of human potential driven by the emergent psychology of humanity we call it "taken over by the Well." When it happens in high school we call it "peer pressure." -
The Silver Mantis went smoothly, even though I forgot to get a screenshot of the ending time.
Photo Album
Team Size: 6
Deaths: 4
Time: 1:17:30
Next up on the List is the Mortimer Kal Strike Force, level 20+ in Sharkhead. If it goes quickly enough we may do a 1st Treespec also. So meet up next Sunday, August 5th at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT! -
Quote:If you have a friend that also doesn't know, have him give a wrong answer in chat after you ask. People are more likely to correct someone who is wrong than they are to answer a question to be helpful.Just keep playing the game, and if you see someone using a term you don't know, ask. Sometimes, nobody will answer. Rarely (if ever) will anyone mock you for not knowing.
They did a live stream of the last player summit and when it came time for the players to vote on things like costume themes the live stream's chat channel was also counted. So even if you can't go to the summit you can still partially participate.
I would really love to see this, especially with how all the other zones would end up changing too. Imagine an Aeon that no longer has to answer to Arachnos!
Yeah, I only like defeat alls when it makes sense in the story, otherwise I'd like the option of leaving early in case RL does its thing where it makes me stop gaming.
I tend to stay on SOs till the mid 30s-40s before I buy sets. Mostly because I wait till I have a good feel for a character before I plan out a complete build in mids. But then I also do weird things like slotting my brute attacks with non-damage sets and letting fury make up the difference.
True, but maintaining high fury isn't very hard once you get up there, I was just pointing out that the damage difference wasn't quite as drastic as it first looked. On a team with +resist buffs and +damage buffs the brute will end up far ahead of the scrapper in both survivability and damage, but that's under the most optimal conditions.
As others have said it's all down to playstyle, do you like playing brutes and chasing fury or playing scrappers and trading some hp and lower caps for steady damage + crits? -
Except that by the time he knew Primal Earth existed he was already a dictator. And even at that point he would probably assume that the heroes of Primal Earth were no match for Hamidon since they can't even keep their own dimension under control (villains running rampant all over, citizens allowed to think for themselves, etc.).
Eh, I have a bunch of exclusive things and I don't really care if other people can buy them whenever they want. I didn't want these things because they were exclusive, I wanted them because I knew I'd use them. Other people don't even factor into it for me.
Quote:At around 70% fury the brute will start to pull ahead of the scrapper on those numbers.Heavy Blow:
Sweeping Cross
Rib Cracker:
Spinning Strike
Shin Break
Crushing Uppercut
the difference here is quite substantial in my opinion, the WP side brute pull slightly ahead but the STJ side scrappers pull far ahead -
Good thing she wasn't in an AE arc, she would've been censored.
The thing that gets me is that the pace is so much faster than many task forces that I've had newer players quit the team after the first mission or two of a TF after saying they weren't getting XP fast enough. I understand that with how fast a team can move through DfB that the XP rate is really good, but what I don't understand is how characters in their 30s can do them over and over and over again instead of stuff at their own level. For me the funnest powers in the game come later on, why would you want to ONLY play something where you can't even use those?
Quote:I have a theory that Nemesis will somehow end up getting Statesman's powers from the box and that's why Silos was so afraid of screwing things up when you question him.It's called Took A Level In BadPANCAKE. I think's it's a good thing. At least now her Leeroy Jenkins Syndrome can be put to good use, considering that she'll have Statesman's powers on top of her own.
Quote:Yeah, I've enjoyed that so far, even though Lastri gives off a huge "Nemesis Plot" vibe for me.I will say that I see a lot of this in the new SSA for Villains. You get a prologue which acts like a Tip mission where you follow up on leads you hear about and pull someone's can out of an Arachnos fire. At that point, the person basically swears fealty to your character and the arc begins in earnest with "OK, you want to do X well, here's the best ideas I can come up with to work toward X given the information we have thus far."
Quote:Here's my main problem with the Greater Good angle for villains. If I was a villain and saw a global threat happen and then saw a bunch of heroes rushing off to save the day I'd leave it to them and go break into their homes to spraypaint "you suck!" on their walls and loosen the tops on their salt and pepper shakers. Or I'd go rob a bank, whichever I was in the mood for. I wouldn't think to myself "oh no, the heroes who always save the day might fail and then I'd really be in a pickle! I better go help!" rather it would be something like "well, they'll take care of it, and if they fail I'll hop in there and finish the threat off, it's a win/win situation."Are your villains so evil they'd rather be dead than alive and doing evil things? So utterly, incontrovertibly insane, demented or soulless they would prefer domination by the Rikti or massacre by Tyrant or assimilation by the Battalion to doing something preventing those?