1878 -
If some people find this trial easy, and some find it hard, I'd say the Devs got it about right.
If you'd rather be in the former group than the latter, find out what's working and do that. If you're leading groups that constantly fail, perhaps it's time to let someone else lead one.
I ran in three of these the other day, and succeeded on all three. We weren't really going for any of the harder badges. People just wanted to get the iXP. Once or twice, Tyrant took a bit longer at the end of his HP to bring down than the others, but he still went down, even though a few were dying. I really don't think there were very many that had a Hybrid slotted, but if they did, I didn't notice. We did notice that not everyone was getting the extra shifts, but it's not necessary for everyone to receive them. Move when the warnings come, and deaths are at a minimum. It's really not any harder than that.
Indicators would be nice, but that doesn't mean the Trial is a fail if they don't have them. Learn and adapt. It's ok to do so. -
Quote:Skyway was ok for an extreme makeover because it was ugly. How is that any different than one group of people saying it's ok to get rid of another group because they're not the right skin color?
And I've admitted that part of my reaction does boil down to the fact that I think that Skyway City is so ugly that, frankly, I think what Durray did to it qualifies as an improvement. Even after the Atlas Park revamp, Paragon City's architecture and urban planning remind me of everything I hate about late 20th, early 21st century American cities, with the added aesthetic offenses of all that Albert Speer-esque cyclopean statuary and immense policed concrete neighborhood walls. As Leslie Fish sings, "Down, down, tear it all down!"
Basically, this boils down to "I liked this zone, and I wish they hadn't blown it up." Don't couch it with arguments against the Praetorian war, the Resistance, etc, if all you really care about is a skyscraper.
If you didn't see the Praetorian leadership as anything but sinister, you willfully ignored half the story. People brainwashed and mind controlled into subservience need to be slapped out of it, and sometimes that includes blowing up some of the symbols of their oppression. They need to be shown that there's an actual battle out there, and that they need to choose sides. There is no more neutrality in Praetoria. -
As the weather heats up each year, so does this tired argument. It has the same ending as it did each time before.
I'll sum up what others have said in response:
1) All the good names are NOT taken, which means...
2) If you find your favorite name unavailable, get more creative. You're not a snowflake...sorry.
3) The whole point of Freedom was to allow people to come and go, to pay or not pay, as they either need or desire. The amount of time since they've last logged in is irrelevant. They deserve to have their names reserved just as much as those that let their account lapse for two days. See #2 above.
4) If those accounts are over a year old, that means that at some time they've paid money...just like you. See #3
5) Purging scripts have been run, and run, and run some more. They've culled every name that's ever going to be gained. It's not worth the Devs' time to do it again. They've said so themselves. See #2
This comes down to who came first, which by luck is not you. That's the way life goes sometimes. Make some lemonade. -
Word of mouth is still the best advertising. If you think more people should be playing the game, go tell more people.
I'd rather see the advertising dollars go to maintain a "we're still here" level, and take the rest of that money and spend it on development. When there's a new physical box version of the game, like GR, on the way, pump more dollars to advertise that, but in the mean time, what Marketing is doing right now is fine. -
How are we getting all these "this movie will suck" comments when it hasn't come out? You've seen a couple of trailers (which, btw, already look better than the previous movie, which wasn't that bad), and that's it.
This probably has more to do with getting the most bang for their promotional budget, which is where the real cost of big-budget movies is. Battleship might have earned poorly in the box office so far, but it's the huge marketing campaign and its huge price tag that's making the studio take a bath. There was (and is) going to be a huge marketing push for the new Joe movie, so getting it to a less-crowded spot on the calendar, while also making it as good as it can be in the editing room, is a smart move that doesn't have much to do with how good or bad this movie is.
Personally, I think this movie will suffer from having come second. If it were the original Joe movie, we'd all be much more enthused about it. It can be a good movie and still not perform because of it's weaker sister movie.
This is a movie I was planning to watch this summer, and moving it hasn't changed my mind about it. In fact, that's a good thing for my wallet. One less movie to have to come up with the bucks for in a short amount of time. -
Quote:Lucas and his team invented techniques for filming, sound, and visuals that had never been done. You'd have to watch movies from Pre-Star Wars to understand how different the entire movie experience was. The mind-blowing was not simply from a lightsaber.I don't see out side of the SFX that Star Wars had a lot of unique visuals. I mean aside from Vader and light sabers what do you have?
Star Wars was probably the most uniquely visceral movie of its time.
The Avengers ratchets up the wow factor when you consider that there really hasn't been an ensemble movie that lived up to the hype and gave each of the main players enough screen time. The X-Men movies were mostly about Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Professor X, while the rest of the team feasted on the scraps. It may not be the quantum leap in technology or visuals that Star Wars was, but there's still plenty of iconic moments and visuals to make it stand out from every superhero movie that came before, for sure, including the previous Marvel Avengers solo movies. -
Are there any characters that they've hinted at being possibly playing for the other team? I can't really think of any in the titles I read, but I stick to GL, Flash, Batman, and Green Arrow for the most part. I could see the ambiguous one being confirmed, rather than a full retcon.
Is it written that you have to have time to play when you log in?
Log in for two minutes before you go to work or school on Friday morning. Problems solved. -
Did you hang around after stealing Blue Spectrum's power and not advance to the next area, or did it come right away?
You should have the two slots that everyone gets, plus any extra slots past 12 that you either purchased directly or earned via the old vet system.
The issue, if there is one, is that you had unused and unassigned slots. They told us before Freedom started that we needed to assign those slots somewhere or we might lose them. It seems like you lost a couple somewhere.
My understanding, using myself as an example, would be that I have the two globals, plus 5 extra slots that I earned with vet rewards that I already put on Champion, so I'd only have two slots to assign wherever I want, and the 5 on Champion that stay there, though I can pick the characters I unlock on that server.
I would send an email to NCSoft (not Paragon Studios. NCSoft handles the accounts) and get clarification for your case. I think you should probably have the two more. -
Quote:You should sell tickets for this slippery slope of yours. Seriously.Knockback is a tool, one that has been nerfed repeatedly in the last year or so. Every time it becomes useful in some way, it gets nerfed. You notice that lava doesn't do damage to anyone anymore? That's because knockback became useful, even somewhat powerful. Can't have that. So bye-bye verisimilitude, lava is now harmless.
And now this abomination of an IO appears. If I had the Inf, I'd buy every single one that came on the market and destroy it. The fewer of these that exists, the better. It unbalances several powers that were dependent on their knockback to be allowed to be that much more awesome, like Tornado and several AoE attacks.
But the worst part is, if this IO becomes even slightly common, it becomes a "requirement". Not officially, of course, but as you said, why not slot it in Crane Kick (except for losing the awesome "Kick badguy off high building" finishing move)? It's the "optimal" strategy. And that is terrible. Especially if it becomes a widespread idea. There's already too much unjustified stigma against knockback, this will not help that, at all. It will only make that problem worse. Much worse.
What we need is MORE knockback. Useful knockback, though, none of this "chance to" stuff. And stuff to knock enemies into, other than the Scrapper. We need knockback, a standout feature of CoH, to be awesome. The ability to affect Archvillains would be a nice place to start. Knockback is the only status in the game where a mag 10,000 protection exists. Why is that? It's not like there's anything dangerous left to knock anything into. That's nerfed already.
Frankly, I'm sorely disappointed that this IO even made it out of concept stage. It's such a bad idea, it should have been rejected outright. So many balance issues coming up...
And the worst possible thing? That this means that knockback will never get looked at properly, and turned into what it could have been. Knockback is a superheroic staple. It should have been front and center from the start.
The solution to the knockback "problem" is not to be able to switch knnockback off, it's to make knockback useful and desirable in several situations.
What, exactly, is wrong with creating a method for making previously undesirable powers wanted again? Doing what you suggest would require way more balancing than adding a simple IO, and consequently would have a greater chance of getting screwed up in the process. -
I saw one point in the OP that might be under the control of the Devs. The rest of the points are purely personal to that person, and a reason why threads like these tend to be frowned upon by Mods. As someone stated upthread, it's turning into a "my way to play is better than your way" or "the game is lame because I don't enjoy it" gripe fest.
Taking a break is the only way to cure staleness. The Devs are not mind readers, and will never make you totally happy with everything new they do. If you come back and enjoy what's new since you left, it was worth the recharge time. If you still don't like what's going on, switch to Premium, stop paying for it, and enjoy what you can for free, or find a new vice to spend money on. -
Quote:I like the assumption here that because they haven't done it yet, they're choosing not to, like some malevolent cabal that's cackling with glee as they watch the peons despair over their rewards not coming regularly.Yes. Since they can fix every account individually, it's a matter of automating the individual fix.
Let me repeat that: They can fix all the account issues individually, and do so when the individual petitions. The extension of that is they can fix everything by automation. That's not to say it'd be easy, but yes. They can do it. They have not. Almost six months later.
Perhaps it's not the exact same problem for every account. If this is the case, automation wouldn't work because there'd still be some cases it didn't fix. It might also break some accounts that weren't broken before. Case by case is better. I'd rather the people that care take the time to petition to get their accounts fixed, rather than take the chance that perfectly fine accounts get broken because NCSoft decided to run some script to try to fix the issue.
Make sure you're petitioning the correct entity, and the problem will get fixed. As others have stated, asking Paragon to fix it isn't going to work because they don't control that system. -
Quote:Don't be confused by the thread title. It's a poorly disguised complaint about getting a free XP booster. The inferred comment is that if he'd known it was just an XP booster, he wouldn't have bothered looking for the free item.In review of this case we have a thread that's a complaint not really about the free item itself, but rather the build up to it and manner of distribution. The response to which has been some rather incorrect (and occasionally half-joking) assertions that free is always good, along with some folks pointing out that free isn't always good (in a likewise half-joking fashion). It doesn't look like a whole lot of real mental gymnastics or genuine naivete is involved.
I wonder how long before we'll see a full size car transforming...
That was pretty cool -
I think the Freebie, once it goes live for good, should be random, with a small chance of something that buffs and "debuffs", just like a Fortune, or turns you into a random NPC for 60 seconds, like the Mutation. This would cover all the bases in the "I'll never use this because of X" game that some players like to play. The very small chance that something not good would happen might send them into orbit. They'd be able to complain about something being both free and a punishment.
Quote:Kick in DVD sales, and it might threaten 3 Bil.While I think Avengers has enough world-wide appeal to easily blast past a billion in world wide grosses quickly, I don't think its likely to cross three billion. My best guess is that three months from now we'll be seeing Avengers coast into about two billion in total world wide grosses.
In other news from the "Well, Duh!" desk: The official announcement for Avengers 2 was made today. Yes, there will be a sequel, like there was a doubt. If they wait till after the next Captain movie, it would be holiday time in 2014. Cap 2 comes out in the spring of that year. I don't see them waiting till the next summer. -
If he had 4x the metabolism of the average person, it would take 4x the alcohol, but he's also larger than the average person, so the alcohol needs would probably be even more. He'd be drinking at least 4 beers for every one of anyone else. He couldn't physically drink that much at once before his metabolism burned off the alcohol. Even if he were drinking hard liquor like it was beer, he'd have to chug an awful lot just to feel it.
Wondering how much of an impact the previous Iron Man/Thor/Hulk/CA movies in the recent past had on the Avengers' box office numbers. If Marvel had made the decision to simply make an Avengers movie first, and then spin off separate movies, like they did with X-Men, would the hype have been this high?
The Avengers script would have looked a lot different, and possibly have suffered from too much backstory for so many characters before it really got going. Might have had to make two movies at least just to tell the story they've told so far between all the individual movies. -
Why a parachute?
He's a soldier. His instincts would be to grab a chute before jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.
He also knows he can't fly. -
Quote:No, but you must be under the delusion that it matters.You don't expect anyone to take that question seriously do you ?
Or are you under the delusion that you don't live in a world where people pay a premium to get things first, to cut to the head of the line and in general to have their shiny before everyone else ?
Who cares when someone else gets something? They paid more money than you, either through being a longer-termed subscriber and earning the vet reward tokens sooner, or they decided to pony up more money up front to buy enough points to get those extra tokens now. Either way, they paid more, so they deserve it. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but that's the way the real world works. Why should a game be any different, when you're dealing with real world dollars?
There is no imaginary barrier between the haves and the have-nots that can never be broken. It's just a matter of spending money. Some people have that ability, and some don't, and that's just the breaks. It doesn't mean you are mistreated if you aren't a Tier 9 VIP right now and may not be for several years. It doesn't make those that already have what you don't bad people.
If you want those rewards, you can already get them. There is no need to put them in the game in other ways. It's already as fair as it can be. Either you've already spent the money through years of subscribing, or you're spending it now buying points. Any other way is cheating someone. If they decide to put the Celestial set, or any other set that gets rotated out of the reward choices, into the market system somewhere, I hope it stays VIP exclusive at least, but at best, only be usable if you've already put tokens into the T9 VIP section for other costumes. That way it works the same as it does right now when people had to use tokens to unlock the set. They had to earn it.