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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    That box of cereal over there is the exact same cereal, the exact same size/amount, and does not come with a decoder ring. It also costs $4.95. Your decoder ring was free.

    City costs $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month, regardless of how many or how few issues come out. There was six months (seven months?) worth of no issue updates between Issues 6 and 7. The game still cost $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month. Our issue updates are free content. They don't have to release new issues. Just because 'you wouldn't play 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its content' doesn't mean that a game that costs $15/mo and doesn't update its content is invalid.
    Was it really free? Is it acceptable for me to just rip open the cereal box in the isle and take the decoder ring? How about I just do this with all the cereal in the isle then, taking the free prizes and leaving discarded cereal boxes in my wake? After all, the prizes are labeled as 'free' so it should be alright to take them, right? Of course not. The decoder ring is not free because I had to pay something to get to it. That the other 'cereal' is costing me more for less content doesn't somehow disprove this.

    But let's move away from this analogy before I have to make a theme of it.

    In order to get to this games content, you must pay a subscription fee, and this money helps update the game. Pray tell, where else did you think they get the money to update the game from, magical fae-folk?

    Even during that 'six to seven month' period of no updates didn't mean the devs weren't working on something, and to assume such is asinine.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    That's just the subscription to play the game. It doesn't necessitate them releasing any updates/expansions at all. Which is to say that if they didn't release any of the Issues the game would still be $15 a month, and thus any Issues that have been released sans extra charge can be said to be "free content".
    I would rather doubt that my 15 dollars a month is being used entirely to keep the servers going or the dev team supplied with "happy meals", and isn't being used to purchase resources required to continue updating the game. I'm *definitely* not going to pay 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its' content.

    I could theoretically call the decoder ring that came in my cereal 'free', but I still had to pay $4.95 to get it.
  3. Well of course we think it would be cool. It is not, however, programmable. At least not within a manageable time frame that would deem it more important than 'whatever else' the devs have decided is more important.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post

    Walking on water would truly be a visual thing (all of the water in the game is waist-high), and it simply was never added, nor is it a high priority. Also worth noting is that the maximum run speed in this game is not fast enough for a human to run on water, so if you want to bring in real-world physics, there's that.

    Walking on walls is a large endeavor in modifying the game's physics, as well as making significant changes to the geometry of the world. There's also the fact that the travel powers are balanced against each other to some extent by their mobility. Super Speed is mostly limited to flat ground, so it's faster than Super Jump or Fly to compensate.
    I seem to recall a fabled story that once upon a time, Super Speed did indeed run on water, but it was removed because if you stopped moving on water you tended to just stand there, like Jesus.

    I could be making up crazy stories again, though.
  5. Defenders real advantage is not in their inherit, but in their buff values. A defender can and will out damage a Corr if they get a hold of some decent +dam (aka Fulcrum Shift).

    Corrupters primary advantage is that, against targets that actually matter, they will get their fancy SCOURGE bonus.

    If it weren't for Scorpion Shield, and my unhealthy obsession with stacking defense, I would probably favor defenders almost always.
  6. Warkupo

    The Boot Myth

    I rarely boot someone for their power selections. I'm more likely to educate, in that regard, but some days I'm cranky. I will kick players who routinely go afk, kill us repeatedly, don't listen to me when I say things like "Stop running ahead" and "Stop teleporting our defender off buildings" or manage to irritate me by giving me or someone else on my team attitude.

    Onto the more interesting conversation, I don't have speed boost, and I don't feel bad for it. I understand it's appeal to a team, but I really hate applying it every two minutes and, if I may be so selfish, my enjoyment of my free time is going to have to come first in this regard.

    Furthermore, I don't think it's really that necessary. Transference rids you of your endurance problems and Fulcrum Shift is so stupidly powerful that you'll likely finish off the spawn before you get through your whole attack string anyway, and by that level I really expect my team members to have a competent attack string that doesn't need speed boost to be efficient. Speed Boost is a very nice buff at low levels, but post Transference I stop seeing the appeal (it's still there, but not enough to make me become unnecessarily stressed.)

    I do make a note to inform people that I do not have speed boost, and if they've a problem with that to boot me. The crazy part? I don't get butt hurt when they do. After all, I'm deciding to be selfish, why can't they?

    The only way I would take Speed Boost was if it became a PbAOE that could not affect me and lasted longer than it takes me to microwave dinner.
  7. As far as I'm aware, I had to pay them 15 bucks every month. I'm not sure why you guys get to play for free, but I want in on this deal.
  8. I don't know. I tend to have a hard time caring about the physical appearance of women who are attempting to remove pieces of my body. Everything starts to blend together after awhile anyway.

    How do they manage not to impale themselves with those costumes?
  9. Give everyone 3,000 merit tokens.

    Problem (?) solved.
  10. I apparently had the brilliant foresight to save every single one of my character's powerset combination's, so this wasn't actually a huge deal for me, but do add my name to the list of people this effected.

    All of my costumes remain unaffected, however, my powersets just changed to the default for everything past my first costume.
  11. I prefer it for the same reason I dislike FPS games where it takes me a full 20 seconds to play again.

    I really don't care whose winning, I just want to put my sword into something NAOW.

    *EDIT* - Posi is hardly the egotistical nut job by any stretch of the imagination.
  12. I'm pretty bad in this regard. My ethnic characters have trouble deciding exactly what their ethnicity is typically, and it isn't helped that I often *forget* what their ethnicity is supposed to be, unless their costume is hilariously racist to the point that I cannot forget (such as my Green Clad Scottish Man who uses differently colored energy blasts to mimick all the colors of the rainbow.) I'm personally Native American, German, and French, but my family ranges all over the place in this regard. We live in the great melting pot, it's probably inevitable.

    Yutolio - A 'European' assassin, though I didn't start him this way. I don't know that he even had a face when I first made him, being clad in black tactical clothing. it wasn't until his third costume design that I ran out of ideas and decided to give him a face, and then immediately decided that he was probably russian or german, I can't seem to decide which. I'm probably going to blame this decision on having played Grand Theft Auto IV for about two weeks prior, however. Worse, he's a pretty typical ninja... Which isn't really a 'European' thing, as far as I'm aware. His name comes from Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, which is what my Nu Mou whitemage was called... I'm not sure why that name stuck, but I felt like using it again, so there you go.

    Miranda - My DP/Kin Corrupter is a Latin... Something. She's very brown at any rate. She used to work at a car dealership, but turned into a sort of vigilante when she got fed up with the politics of the Rogue Island, feeling that the citizens were basically shields to keep the place from being nuked into oblivion, and weren't really offered any sort of protection beyond 'don't kill them.' So she decided to just go kill Lord Recluse herself, which landed her on... 'The Destined Ones' list, much to her aggravation.

    Her Latin ancestry really has nothing to do with anything, though. In fact, if I had to decide, she's really much more American than any character I have ever made, and I was originally attempting to stay away from overly patriotic characters, but she's jaded just enough for me to let her pass. Her name is meant to be ironic. In America, you have your 'Miranda Rights'; The Right to remain silent, get an attorney, etc. In the Rogue Islands, however, you really... Don't have much right to anything. She fights for the rights of the people, but kind of missed the whole 'government' thing, as she actively attacks Longbow as often as Arachnos, thinking any kind of control is a limitation on freedom.

    In addition to this, her name is a slight nod to Shakespeare's 'Tempest', about a girl raised on an isolated island by her magician father. Only very slightly, I don't know that I'd consider my Miranda quite as innocent.

    Agriope - She is modeled after an Eagle, yells a lot, and has psychic powers? She was meant to be my token 'let's try out wings' character, but I unwittingly made her very Native American looking with her high cheekbones and slanted eyes, and larger (but still feminine!) nose. Granted, I was *trying* to personify an eagle onto a woman's face, but it just sort of worked out that way. Perhaps my people simply look like birds, I don't know.

    She was named Agriope because she uses a primarily Black and Yellow color scheme, which is similiar to the arachnid I stole the name for. Her 'clan' named her as such, because they have a great fear of these giant jumping spiders, which she routinely managed to destroy before going to Paragon to further prove herself. She's fighting to be the queen of her people or something, I don't remember.

    "Lucky" - I don't actually have this character made, but his costume has been sitting in my saved folder for a few months now. I wanted to make an evil blaster, and I'm waiting for GR to do so. Basically, he looks like a slightly insane leprechaun, with a hook hand, and the ability to shoot rainbows at people. His story is likely going to be that he escaped from a 'facility' in Tyrant's City and eventually dimensioned his way to the Rogue Islands to be free of his captors. It is later to be revealed that he's not a leprechaun at all, but a rather diminutive Scott who was part of the Resistance, and then tortured into his current state. I'm still working on why exactly he shoots rainbows, but he's just a joke character anyway.

    I don't think I have any other 'ethnic' characters. By and large, my characters tend to be mystical entities more often than they are humans. I'm a fan of making demons, druids, fae, robots, etc.

    Robots are plenty mystical, shut up.
  13. Warkupo

    Is it true...?

    Whether or not it was, it will be now.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    If we show patience this time it will be easier for us to convince them that they can take it down for several days to do a merger...
    I'm pretty convinced that WW and BM were trying to merge themselves. They just have chemistry, he's a dark sullen outcast that nobody talks too, and she's the cheerful popular girl who is tired of all the attention, and while the Devs may try to forbid their love, such an event is only a matter of time. Much as you cannot stop the eclipse, you cannot stop the MERGE.
  15. BS/Regen wasn't too bad. All they could really do was flail swords at me, and I'm kind of used to that.

    I think the key here is force multipliers. Even very small debuffs x a lot of them = really dead original.
  16. I've never even slotted Caltrops, on any archetype, with anything more than recharge redux, so I guess I don't really care.
  17. Realizing that, yes, it is time for a new graphics card.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frogsterking View Post
    From a distance, enemies and other characters look very strange. Like they are not completely "filled in" and are deformed in ways that look odd. Then when I get in closer, they sort of fill back up and look the way they are supposed to. This is not related to I17, it has been a problem for a while now. I play on my laptop, and have had to make many changes such as entering /cursorcache 1 to stop the screen flickering, changing the cursor to compatible to make it stop disappearing, etc. I am wondering if there are any solutions like these to fix the problem I am having now?

    /visscale 4

    Into your chat box and see if it doesn't improve your problem. If it's too graphics intensive, try /visscale 2 or something.
  19. Out of curiosity, why are we accepting Ninja Run as a 'natural' travel set, even though it requires rather obvious levels of absurd physical perfection (To a degree unrealized in reality) but we don't accept Super Jump even though we could explain it in much of the same way?

    I'm merely curious at what level of performance we decide something is too 'super' to be 'natural', and why Ninja Run makes this qualification. Only because it was in the 'Natural' booster pack, or is it something else?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    How would combat work on a motorcycle? How would strafing and turning work on a motorcycle? Would it be a good idea to let heroes run wild in a motorcycle inside of an office complex?
    It wouldn't. To compensate, every time you get off your motorcycle you have the option of driving it into an enemy as you hop off.

    Infinite gliding?


    *Edit* - As for Ninja Run as your only travel power Hurdle + Ninja Run is equal to the speed of Super Jump. You are not going to jump as HIGH, mind you, but you can jump as FAST. You can jump up about 60 feet, and while SJ can reach heights of over 200 feet with slotting, I personally feel like SJ is often excessive anyway.

    The advantage is has over picking a travel power is that you 'save' a pool, since most people were going to take fitness anyway to get Stamina, so you might as well pick up Hurdle and make a travel power out of the venture.

    Many of my characters use nothing but Hurdle+Ninja Run (especially my Kinetics~)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
    People, please stop responding. The OP is nothing more than a troll post.

    Ba dum dum *tish*
    What really? He seemed to be-oh... Oh... OH!

    I get it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
    I do like how you linked to the vary same page I do in my post. Yes I know all this already I even say in my post that yes superadine is bad bad stuff. The question is more about the shade of gray around the use of similar power granting methods used often in hero origins.
    I didn't click on your links, obviously, and I answered your question~
  23. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Superadine

    Read up young padawan, and may the war on Superadine continue~

    I'd say it becomes a bad thing when it forces you to start smashing property and being overly aggressive.
  24. Origins are a guideline, not a limitation.

    My main is a Broadsword/Regen who uses magic to heal himself, and then natural talent to swing his sword around. He's a magic origin, but that doesn't mean the majority of what he does is magical in nature.

    my AR/Dev is a 'natural' character despite having a robotic arm, leg, two robotic legs, a series of gadgets, and a giant gun. While these are all enhancements, it is still his mind and his skill that directs all of them, so as far as I care, he's natural.

    The only time it starts being tech is when YOU say it is, and even then that's okay.

    That said, I would really like a motorcycle some day~
  25. Because it's usually cloudier and darker in the Isles, thus heat stays trapped within the atmosphere longer, resulting in a longer Fiery Embrace period.
