Magic Potion, Super Surem, Gentic Modifaction, Other 'enchantments' vs Superadine




Sorry I seem to be on a thing these days about poking the forum for there point of view on odd subjects. You might have seen RP builds that are More RP and Less 'effective' and this is also along those lines.

We have all sorts of supers out there. And more then a few of them use some sort of 'enchantment' to turn super. Be it a potion or serum there are a lot of ways characters have to go from normal joe to super powered hero.

But now the question is at what point does one draw the line between those heroes and the Superadine powered trolls? Yes dyne is a street drug with lots and lots of bad effects. But some can say should the magic potion of Magic Dude would fall into the wrong hands it would be just as bad.

Full disclosure I have two Troll heroes right now. One is someone that was magicly infused with Dyne via a spell gone wrong and not a Dyne addict the other is a reformed Dyne addict that is one of the 1% that got dimensional mind powers. So hes sort of a mental troll.

What I find assuming is how in RP the troll = bad person comes up a lot. And sure it is a justifiable stereotype based on in game cannon. So I don't really fault it much but what gives me no end of amusement is when I run into a 'enchantment' using hero that has no problem telling me just how morally corrupt my Troll is becuase he was/is/has to be a druggie.

So at what point does using a performance enchaining elixir become a bad thing?



Read up young padawan, and may the war on Superadine continue~

I'd say it becomes a bad thing when it forces you to start smashing property and being overly aggressive.



Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
So at what point does using a performance enchaining elixir become a bad thing?
When you use it to hit home runs.

But seriously?

When it's an illegal substance that happens to have super power granting side effects... it's bad... until you're reformed.

When it's a drug/potion that's designed to grant super powers... it's good... until a villain has it.

All shades of grey to me.

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post

Read up young padawan, and may the war on Superadine continue~

I'd say it becomes a bad thing when it forces you to start smashing property and being overly aggressive.
I do like how you linked to the vary same page I do in my post. Yes I know all this already I even say in my post that yes superadine is bad bad stuff. The question is more about the shade of gray around the use of similar power granting methods used often in hero origins.



The difference is the addictive and mind-altering nature of the controlled substances.

If it makes you strong with no other side effects, well, then it's nothing like Superadyne.

If it sends you into a rage of destruction and your addiction to it causes you to steal to support your habit and it has long term health risks... then it's worthy to be controlled and made illegal to own or use.

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Or the difference is just simply FDA regulations... hehehe...


No, hehe. Interesting subject. I honestly haven't gone this route with any characters of my own... I do have a normal guy who becomes possessed by a super hero from a magic comicbook... but that's it.

I probably would never do such a character concept without side effects, negative drawbacks, or disadvantages.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
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Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
I do like how you linked to the vary same page I do in my post. Yes I know all this already I even say in my post that yes superadine is bad bad stuff. The question is more about the shade of gray around the use of similar power granting methods used often in hero origins.
I didn't click on your links, obviously, and I answered your question~



People, please stop responding. The OP is nothing more than a troll post.

Ba dum dum *tish*



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
People, please stop responding. The OP is nothing more than a troll post.

Ba dum dum *tish*
What really? He seemed to be-oh... Oh... OH!

I get it.



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
People, please stop responding. The OP is nothing more than a troll post.

Ba dum dum *tish*
They see me Trolling... they be hating.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I probably would never do such a character concept without side effects, negative drawbacks, or disadvantages.
Well yes that would be part of the idea for the characters. Johnson Supa Troll is more a for fun character hes from Mistkontic University after all. His draw back is hes lost most of his magic skills do to well dyne messing his head up. And while not an addict he does suffer from rage issues. But hes over all fun. Clarence Arkdine III my psychic troll has the whole ex-addict thing going for him and struggles to find 'a safer dyne' which we all know is going to be doomed to failure but that is why I like him hes a flawed character that is interesting to play.



I have a heroine who got her powers by taking a highly illegal Superidine derivative that reliably gives powers, the one time in ten it doesn't kill you. Was she wrong? Yes; she was stupid to take such a near-suicidal risk. But she desperately wanted to be a heroine and got very lucky.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Actually, OP, this has been on my mind for a while too... Hell, there's even a mission where one of the items is a superdyne lab that gives you a recovery BUFF for inhaling the fumes (standing near it) and it's a low level one too. So seriously, what's up with that?

But on this note, it also depends on my characters. Most of them are fairly pragmatic, though cautious. If they got their powers through an accident of science, magic, something like that, they're not dumb enough to try again and would try to prevent people from attempting to replicate it.
The closest exceptions being my katana scrapper (natural), my archery blaster (Magic(al girl)), and my DB brute (also natural) who all believe much more strongly in skill, training, teamwork, and strategy are the better and best solutions over magical elixirs, super serums, or even high tech gadgets, though even they're not the kind to shy from putting such options to good use.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I don't see enhancments as "giving" us more power, but as tools the mages, scientist, and technicians use to modify the power we already have.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."