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  1. Warkupo

    Ice Melee?

    I was going to say something about thinking Ice Melee is boring, but I can see you're having a moment. Allow me to just close the door quietly until you get done~
  2. I don't see why it would be psychic, Kinetic Energy is predominately defined as energy involved in physical movement. No brains required.

    I imagine it'll be smashing, with a chance of energy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Possibly - or it could mean...something else - War Witch seemd to kinda hint that there was something about the Clockwork at PAX East
    Oh? Are they borrowing pages from the Malta or something?
  4. I hadn't really contemplated it until now but...

    Why was it deemed that the robots needed to have an aesthetic gender difference?


    Is IS aesthetic, right?
  5. Bleah, when did this forum become ffxi.allahkhazam

    By that point I'm probably not playing anymore because the game would have had to reach a truely high level of suck for such a thing to happen and I've long since departed.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    I dunno... it does seem like some things do not get reported to the dev team all that well. BAB was surprised a few months ago and said he would pass on how the last map in the LGTF is borked... and it had been that way for about a year and a half. I know he's not really in charge of maps, but things like that do seem to crop up a lot. Seems like tracking and communication needs to work a little better.

    Seems like someone should have caught these numbers issues... sounded like Castle green-lighted a change, and whoever made the change made a mistake.
    And that is a perfectly fine and sane response to the situation.

    Where I am disliking Frosticus in this regard is that he has moved away from attempting to help address a possible situation, and is instead attacking the character of a person who was looking into a possible issue, insisting that he must be incompetent for doing so. A situation Castle is only likely looking at because the original discussion included people who are made up of a group I like to call the "Know-what-the-hell-they-are-talking-about Brigade."

    Blatantly displaying disrespect for someone, and then demanding they act professionally towards you is a **** move, and I expect better behavior than that from *anyone* regardless of whether or not they receive money or give it.
  7. I like how you attack the guy in what was once a productive discussion about a possible problem, then proclaim he's emotional when he defends himself against all your negative assumptions upon his character. Your entire argument against him is based entirely on your assumption of what his motivation is, and that's crap. I usually respect your opinion, but you're really letting your emotion get in the way of your intelligence with this one.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Because when you're running around at the softcap, more defense won't do you any good at all.

    pfff, at that point you use reds.
  9. My tray usually goes like this:

    2 Yellow (More when fighting Arachnos and the like)
    2 Blue
    3 Purple
    Everything Else: Break Free

    If I have Status Protection I just fill up on purples after that.

    Even if I had a lot of resistance on my character I would still take purples. Especially if I had 80%, as the over all benefit I would get form purples would wind up being much higher.

    Purples are *my* version of Unstoppable.

    Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
    I don't disagree at all with the statement that purples are much better for most classes than oranges - this is obviously true because of the 45% vs. 90% disparity in how much defense/resist is required to reach a cap, and because defense is generally easier to get overall.

    But this isn't what was being argued - it was basically being claimed that oranges aren't worth using, even on resist-based toons, which just isn't true. Folks responded to my example of where it wasn't true to say they'd still use purples. With most toons, purples are an easy choice. But there are also clear cases where oranges are more useful, or the utility is about the same.
    It is not that Oranges do not give any benefit, but that purples generally give a higher one. As such, why would you carry around Oranges when Purples do the same job better?

    I'm hard pressed to find many examples where you wouldn't have been better off with purple instead.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

    And as for better served by putting it in tactics, this is only true if blinding feint is being used less than every 10 seconds. My claws chain has followup being used every 5.28 seconds. 5% chance every 5.28 seconds is better than a 5% chance every 10 seconds as with toggles.
    I'm going to cautiously disagree with you. The entirety of the build would probably benefit more if Blinding Feint/Follow-Up had a straight up damage-proc in it simply because you can't put a damage proc in tactics, and because Guassian's has a really nice set bonus which you would probably want to take advantage of.

    This is, of course, assuming you took Tactics (or Focused Accuracy). I almost always take tactics, so obviously I have a bias towards how a build should build.

    The advantage in putting it in an attack power is that you have greater control over which of your powers is going to benefit from the Build-Up duration.

    It probably really depends on the build, as do most IO questions in life~
  11. I still had about 30 seconds left when I found him, so I figured, what the hell.

    On a somewhat humorous note, I did get lost halfway through, but my step father who was playing the mission with me had his Will o' Wisp vet reward pet out which I saw float by me as it was trying to catch up to him. Naturally I followed it and found my way out.

    So yeah, screw you mythology.
  12. I use a slightly modified version of Umbral's build, and once you get your recharge values up you realize you don't actually need Slice as Whirling Sword will be recharging so quickly that using Slice becomes superfluous. Which is not saying that slice is at all a bad attack; I miss it when I SK below Disembowel. It simply isn't needed at the end of the build, however.

    I don't particularly care for Focused Accuracy. With IO's already able to buff acc values so high without sacrificing other aspects of your powers you're better off just running Tactics which offers comparable accuracy without assassinating your endurance.

    Consider also that Tactics effects the entire team (within radius), who usually need the accuracy boost at the same time as you do.

    My DB/Willpower scrapper didn't *have* an epic pool, though he did still take stamina. I might see the appeal in going the physical perfection route if Willpower needed to fit in Hasten alongside Combat Jumping, Maneuvers, and Weave, but WP simply doesn't benefit as greatly from Hasten because Willpower only has one power that would benefit from it to any great effect and that is your self rez. Everyone knows that self rez's are for quitters~

    That being said, the character never made it past level 30 because I decided he wanted to be a brute instead. Darkest Night is just too sexy.
  13. I think the better question is likely what is Lady Ga Ga's secret identity? I mean, she's clearly in costume, which would kind of infer she's in patrol mode.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by moifus1 View Post
    Since resistance based builds suffer from -def also, and are more likely to be hit by said -def power in the first place, and have no -def resistance, I would say the advantage is still with defense over resistance.
    This. Defense is it's own sort of -def resistance.

    DR demands you just take it and like it.
  15. I like it, but then I'm still using Vista, so what do I know. I think it probably suffers the same stigma as Vista; The interface is ultimately easier to use, but the playerbase was so used to the old system that this new one feels needlessly complicated.

    That and the crashing for a week after launch, and trying to mate with itself, I'd say it's very much like Vista.
  16. The aura radiates out from you in a 20 ft radius, I believe. So if you're standing next to it, it will effect them.

    *Edit* - Apparently it's a 40 ft radius, not a 20 ft.

    Grants you a 40' radius aura which increases your henchmen's resistance by 10%. (The enhancement's description incorrectly states the radius is 20'.)
  17. Well of course, if it was worth it I would do it. It is worth it after all.

    On a more serious note, squishy characters without mez protection still generally benefit much more greatly from defense building than they do resistance building as they can decrease the incoming damage and amount they are mezed, while resistance would only decrease the damage. Ultimately, res bonuses would only be worth it for everyone if they also came with much higher levels of status resistance, not just by being bigger.

    That being said, I would very much like it if my resistance based characters could raise their resistance to the same advantage that defense based characters can soft-cap their defenses.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Yeah, it's 5 Doc Wounds either way, the difference is skipping the healing/end/recharge triple or the end/recharge. You skip the heal/end? Hrm.
    That comment was probably out of place for this discussion. Typically I'm slotting heal moves that I really want to recharge as quickly as possible. Out of all the enhanceable aspects, I'm least worried about END, and most concerned with recharge and heal. Usually.

    In this case I'd probably forego the Heal/End/Recharge for Heal/End. That said, it really *is* too close too matter.
  19. I did not high five Dean McArthur. Honestly I found him kind of annoying. Not enough to deserve the sharp end of my sword, but like, younger cousin please stop following me around the house telling me about how awesome HALO is, kind of annoying.

    I did save my clone, being that the villain character I was using *is* a clone, he had a certain level of empathy for one just like himself. I later felt terribly guilty for having to slay him at the bank, and I must say this entire mission struck a rather personal chord for my character.

    You see, my own villain is the result of separating a demon from my main hero character that was placed into him by the Circle of Thorns during the beginning of his career. Though the exorcism was thought to be a success, the regenerative magic the hero possessed allowed a sort of clone to reshape after much of his DNA was removed to extract the demon. The regeneration was imperfect however, and the clone was left with very basic survival instincts, and quickly sent to the Zig.

    After that, he was broken out by Arachnos and quickly became a product of the Rogue Islands, used as an assassin by those more powerful than himself. The people grew to fear and resent him, and he continued to strike against them less they rise up and overthrow him. He was driven to kill by the fear that others might kill him, such is the life of the Isle's. However, his brain continued to develop, and soon he was capable of speech, complex thought, and eventually genuine feeling. He began to feel guilt for those he was killing, began to question his superiors, but ultimately understood that there was little he could do against them, or perhaps he was too afraid too.

    Ultimately I felt his clone represented himself as having picked a different choice. When brought to the realization that the world feared and despised him, rather than hiding in the shadows and striking at people from the dark, his clone sought to show them that he could be a hero. How conflicting then for my villain when he realized that his clone's sorrow was brought on by him, whose legacy the clone had to adopt. That the bravery his clone would show, the same bravery he wished he could wield himself, would be struck down by his own hand.

    It's a weird feeling, killing someone who you wanted to succeed, who you wish you could have been. I'm not sure if this mission will be the spark that sends him down the path of the Rogue, or further into despair~
  20. This is totally unacceptable. I was busy having a philosophical discussion with the darling chaps of Atlas Park, and then suddenly I'm being disconnected only to discover that I have, once again, been discriminated against for playing on the Freedom server. I would expect this kind of behavior from other servers, but that it is now being encouraged by the very developers of the game is entirely unconstitutional.

    Consider my subscription to your game CANCELED.
  21. Too close to matter, but I'd favor HP because usually when I need to heal, I need to heal big. I don't, however, need to be using Healing Flames every time it is up.

    How exactly are you slotting it? I usually five slot Healing Flames for every Doctored Wounds IO except Heal/Endurance for the 5% global recharge or six slot Numina for the ranged defense.
  22. Broadsword and Katana.

    OKay, but seriously, probably Dark Melee/Broadsword, assuming you could fix the animation time so that it didn't drive me insane.

    I'd likely want: Hack, Parry, Disembowel, Headsplitter, Siphon Life, Soul Drain, Dark Consumption and Whirling Sword. For concept, of course.
  23. 150 seems like plenty to me for various reasons all directly relating to RMT spam. In fact, I'm rather surprised it is set so high, quite frankly.

    I think calling it a 'stealth' cap is a bit unfair, it implies that the devs were attempting to be sneaky about it. More likely the average player has not had reason to see the cap until now.

    So yeah, not a bug, working as intended, /unsigned.
  24. I'm still waiting for GR to get the Clockwork pieces. My own demon summoner is going to be a clockwork programmed to summon demons so that his creator could figure out exactly how to recite the pacts so that the demons did not turn on him. After going through an intense period of trial and error, he finally managed to perfect the magical seal so that the demons would not immediately tear him into pieces. He rushed into the room set aside for the ritual to examine his new minions only to painfully discover that they were bound to the Clockwork, and not himself, leaving the Clockwork with new found freedom and power.

    On a side tangent, I found it initially very difficult to see just wtf was going on when I got into my first demon team. They're so friggin' big, noisy, and glowy that often I can't see where anything is when I'm near them, or they push you all over the damn place because of their size. I also don't really feel like they do that great of damage in comparison to what I'm doing, but I'm willing to bet most people playing DS don't really know how to play MM.