Ice Melee?




I would like to see some ice melee for scrappers. having the armor too would be nice but not needed for me. yes I know tanks do have ice powers but I do not want to be everyones meat shield.
What do you think? whould anyone else like to see this?



I'd like it very much for concept toons. Performance wise, it would be sub-par.

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Originally Posted by Volcano_9547 View Post
I would like to see some ice melee for scrappers. having the armor too would be nice but not needed for me. yes I know tanks do have ice powers but I do not want to be everyones meat shield.
What do you think? whould anyone else like to see this?
I really have no opinion about whether or not Ice Melee should become a scrapper power. I, can, however, explain why ice armor is not going to become a scrapper power. To set the stage for this explanation, we have to make a couple of assumptions.
  1. Each Archtype is built for the purpose as outlined here:
  2. We are only using Single Origin Enhancements to determine balance.

The job of a tank is described as follows:
The Tanker is an irresistible force combined with an immovable object. This Archetype can take and dish out all sorts of damage.

The Tanker is not totally invulnerable, but his skills allow the other Archetypes to play their parts, too. The Tanker is a devastating hand to hand combatant, and ranks second only to the Scrapper in sheer melee power. He possesses some ranged abilities, though far below those of the Blaster or the Defender.

Tankers proudly stand in the front lines of battle in order to protect their comrades and, of course, the innocent.
The Job of a scrapper is described as follows:
No lone criminal wants to cross paths with a Scrapper - because odds are that only the Scrapper is going to walk away.

Ferocity and skill make the Scrapper master of hand to hand combat. However, Scrappers do not have any ranged attacks, so they rely on the other Archetypes to help in battles requiring long-range punch.

The Scrapper is resilient, though, and after the Tanker, the best Archetype at withstanding damage.
So, the job of the Tank is to take damage for the team. The job of the scrapper is to dish damage out. Many of the early game sets were built around these simplistic concepts. For example, Dark Armor. On a scrapper, Dark Armor's collection of mez effects and ultra-strong heal enabled a dark scrapper to get into a middle of a mob, hit hard, and then get out, basically a proto-stalker. When the set got ported to tanks, the set really didn't work. The mez effects that bought scrappers time to launch attacks would break aggro trains and make mob control difficult on tanks.

Ice Armor was balanced around the idea of being an aggro holder, and as such, has the largest amount of native non-mez pbaoe taunts. While all other tank sets only get one aura with a taunt component, Ice Armor gets a Taunt on Chilling Embrace, a taunt on Icicles, and yet another taunt on the PbAOE Energy Absorbtion. Only Dark comes close with taunt effects on Death Shroud, Dark Regeneration, Cloak of Fear, and Oppressive Gloom. Although, as mentioned, Oppressive Gloom and Cloak of Fear's mez effects tend to work against Taunt.

To compensate for this massive amount of aggro holding power, Ice Armor is one of the only sets that can reach soft-cap to smashing lethal on it's own:

Now bring this over to the scrapper side. Knock 30% off the Ice Armors defense values. Is the problem clear now?

There's a very good reason why the Defense Only Scrapper / Brute Set, Super Reflexes, gets elude, scaling resists as HP drops, and no taunt aura. The Brute Defense Only set Energy Aura also lacks any taunt aura, although Energy Drain contains a taunt component.


Okay, I know what the next response is: but the developers tested Ice on brutes?!?!

Well, okay. Yes. Brutes also get a much higher HP cap, something the Hoarfrost power really helped towards. Villains also started out with the defense sets Cold Domination and ForceField, which would have helped boost defense only brutes to soft-cap levels.

It's also generally accepted by the Brute Players that I talk to that the defense only sets Energy Aura and Super Reflexes need IO help.


Getting back to the main point. You won't see Ice on Scrappers because of what makes Ice Work. As a set, it works against Tanks because of the defense scaling and the hp levels. The power set would need a complete overhaul to handle the addition of damage auras on a scrapper frame against SO's.



I'm actually more interested in seeing Ice Armor for Scrappers. I want to make a Spines/Ice so badly.

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ice armor and energy aura. especially EA.
I've never been big on proliferation, but if I was gonna get anything, it'd be EA for scrappers.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
There's a very good reason why the Defense Only Scrapper / Brute Set, Super Reflexes, gets elude, scaling resists as HP drops, and no taunt aura.
Brute's SR gets a taunt aura



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So, the job of the Tank is to take damage for the team. The job of the scrapper is to dish damage out. Many of the early game sets were built around these simplistic concepts. For example, Dark Armor. On a scrapper, Dark Armor's collection of mez effects and ultra-strong heal enabled a dark scrapper to get into a middle of a mob, hit hard, and then get out, basically a proto-stalker. When the set got ported to tanks, the set really didn't work. The mez effects that bought scrappers time to launch attacks would break aggro trains and make mob control difficult on tanks.
Wrong. I have pseudo tanked countless times on my DM/DA an Spines/DA scrappers with no defense, never kept jumping in and out of mobs. A DA Tanker also does this just fine, better than fire. Mez auras don't get in the way of aggro control in Tankers, they have a taunt component. A DA Tanker is the only one that can have THREE permanent auras with a taunt component, +13.5s Taunt (mag 4) PvE only - according to CoD. Add end drain protection, very high psi resistance, the huge heal and +perception and you can tank better than a Fire/Elec Armor. Mobs wandering because of Oppressive Gloom will still be taunted, and the other auras cause no scatter. CoFear makes mobs freeze, it helps aggro control more than a damage aura.

Although, as mentioned, Oppressive Gloom and Cloak of Fear's mez effects tend to work against Taunt.
Wrong again. CoF doesn't work against taunt because mobs stand still and OG only causes a bit of scattering while mobs are still suffering from the 13.5s mag 4 taunt. The taunt effect lasts almost double the mez effect, and mez only work on minions.

To compensate for this massive amount of aggro holding power, Ice Armor is one of the only sets that can reach soft-cap to smashing lethal on it's own: [url]
Ice can soft cap to s/l/e/ne with just SOs (assuming weave and CJ and EA from 5 mobs). But besides /SR scrappers which can almost cap everything with SOs too (43.9% with CJ/Weave/Maneuvers), what's the problem with scrapper ice armor? They'd have the same aggro holding potential as shields and invul who have one taunt aura on scraps (since an Ice armor scrapper wouldn't have a taunt component in icicles), and shields has no dull pain/hoarfrost.

There's a very good reason why the Defense Only Scrapper / Brute Set, Super Reflexes, gets elude, scaling resists as HP drops, and no taunt aura. The Brute Defense Only set Energy Aura also lacks any taunt aura, although Energy Drain contains a taunt component.
Partially wrong. Brutes' SR have a Taunt aura in Evasion.

It's also generally accepted by the Brute Players that I talk to that the defense only sets Energy Aura and Super Reflexes need IO help.
SR scraps/brutes can easily reach 40% def to all with SOs without making unusual power picks (meaning the 'basics' CJ and Weave) - and if you add maneuvers you're at 43.9% def to all. A 40% defense scrapper is damn fine to play. Shields don't come close to that with SOs and they have a taunt aura just like Ice, plus Chilling Embrace would help a scrapper more than shield's AAO in suvivability because of the -rech component, both have -dam (and the -dam buff is double on CI compared to AAO even on tankers, -7% vs -14%). Also, shield have low defenses compared to other defensive armors on all ATs, Ice would have better def values on a scrapper than shields.

And except SR, all defensive armors on Brutes/Tankers/Stalkers need IO help to softcap (well even SR with CJ+Weave+Maneuvers need an extra 1.1%), it's not like Ice Armor would be gimped because it would need some IOs to sofcap a scrapper.

So while I understand the devs may want to keep Ice Armor to Tankers like they may want to keep Ninjitsu exclusive to Stalkers, I fail to see why it wouldn't work.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I'm actually more interested in seeing Ice Armor for Scrappers. I want to make a Spines/Ice so badly.
Ooooo that'd be awesome. Unlimited end, capped defs with a few IOs, double damage auras, taunt aura, I bet it would be a great farmer too. I'd love a fire/ice scrapper because my Ice Armor/Fire tanker is the only one I find the damage acceptable.. Now on a scrapper, wow...



Ice Melee would be fantastic for scrappers. Frost & Frozen Aura (i.e. Foot Stomp w/a worthless sleep) at scrapper levels would make for some very nice AoE damage. It wouldn't be as good as Fire or Spines, but would offer some nice mitigation in exchange. IM would blow away sets like BS, DM & MA for farming or just generic AoE kill times. IM would however absolutely scrape the bottom of the barrel for Pylon results.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I agree with dave_p, although I have issues with Ice Melee (cmon, give GIS Clobber numbers for dmg, end and rech, and Frozen Aura 'deserves' Footstomp radius).

It would be a great AoE set with mitigation in Ice Patch and the only scrapper set with a hold (Right? Or is there another? I can only recall fear in Touch of Fear, Stuns in MA and Thunderstrike and KD in other sets). Hey you could hav two holds with the epic one!



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So, the job of the Tank is to take damage for the team. The job of the scrapper is to dish damage out.
According to what you quoted yourself, you're WRONG.

The Tanker is an irresistible force combined with an immovable object. This Archetype can take and dish out all sorts of damage.
Irresistible out all sorts of damage...

The Scrapper is resilient, though, and after the Tanker, the best Archetype at withstanding damage
Resilient, best AT at withstanding damage after Tanker.

Next time, make sure what you quote actually support your narrow-minded view of the game. =P

To the OP: I'd love to see ice melee and armor for both scrappers and brutes.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Ice Armor was balanced around the idea of being an aggro holder, and as such, has the largest amount of native non-mez pbaoe taunts. While all other tank sets only get one aura with a taunt component, Ice Armor gets a Taunt on Chilling Embrace, a taunt on Icicles, and yet another taunt on the PbAOE Energy Absorbtion. Only Dark comes close with taunt effects on Death Shroud, Dark Regeneration, Cloak of Fear, and Oppressive Gloom. Although, as mentioned, Oppressive Gloom and Cloak of Fear's mez effects tend to work against Taunt.
Taunt components get shaved off from damage/debuff auras when a set is ported to Scrappers (see Fiery Aura, Electric Armor, Dark Armor, with multiple AoE effects none of which have taunt components).

Way to not know what you're talking about



Well thanks for your thoughts all, even though I do not need to be told the difference between a tank and a scrapper. as one of you seem to think. but thanks for the info anyway.

Another reason why ice melee would be nice for me is to have something that matchs that ice shield we have.



Originally Posted by Volcano_9547 View Post
Well thanks for your thoughts all, even though I do not need to be told the difference between a tank and a scrapper. as one of you seem to think. but thanks for the info anyway.
Just ignore je_saist's post. Except on the tech forums, everything he posts about gameplay and powersets is crap. Th'td be okay if he posted it as if it were an opinion, but since he posts in a tone of 'this is the absolute truth'.... Well you saw the responses he got.

I wouldn't play Ice Melee on a scrapper because I think it's still subpar as a set (as I posted, GIS should have Clobber numbers at least and Frozen Aura should have Footstomp radius, then it'd be a set I'd love to try), but it would be a welcome proliferation by a lot of people.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Ooooo that'd be awesome. Unlimited end, capped defs with a few IOs, double damage auras, taunt aura, I bet it would be a great farmer too. I'd love a fire/ice scrapper because my Ice Armor/Fire tanker is the only one I find the damage acceptable.. Now on a scrapper, wow...
Don't forget the double slows. Hell yeah, that's some nice soft mitigation right thar.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Don't forget the double slows. Hell yeah, that's some nice soft mitigation right thar.
Wouldn't want it on a brute tho. Suck for fury.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
Wouldn't want it on a brute tho. Suck for fury.
But a lot of things suck for fury already. Make a Mace/DA Brute, you'll stun EVERYTHING and have low fury lol.

Seriously, when I had to tank in the sky raider SF on my Stone Melee/Elec (I really had to do it, the squishies were getting hammered bad), I was spamming Fault (stun+knockdown) because /Elec on SOs (and before energize existed) isn't exactly OMGTanker material. I had like 10% fury during the whole SF but it went smoothly after I assumed the role.



I really just want this look with the Icicles toggle added. Probably would tone down the other toggles.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I really just want this look with the Icicles toggle added. Probably would tone down the other toggles.

Am I weird for being a bit turned on by this pic? lol never happened with any videogame character ever.

Now I want the magic booster and ultra mode just to make a toon with thighs like these lol.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Am I weird for being a bit turned on by this pic? lol never happened with any videogame character ever.

Now I want the magic booster and ultra mode just to make a toon with tighs like these lol.

Not at all, she look pretty horny too.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Not at all, she look pretty horny too.
Owch. Now that one hurt.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Owch. Now that one hurt.
With that lady, it looks like it would hurt...



More than just your feelings will be hurt, that's for sure.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
With that lady, it looks like it would hurt...
It would but I"d hit her lol



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
It would but I"d hit her lol
You'd better have strong regeneration.

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