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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    Please go back to your ERP, nobody actually cares about what you say or think.
    Pot meet kettle?
  2. Usually I don't. If a character has been sitting unused for over a year or so I'll begin to question its' worth, but usually when I make something they have been folded into a specific part of whatever storyline I'm making up in my head and so killing them off is difficult, though I've done it before. If a set is irritating the character in question usually won't develop enough of a back story for me to care about deleting them.

    So far I've killed off a Fire/Axe Tanker because of how weak it was. This was sometime after the Burn change and ED, and I just had enough. He was killed off by a Fire/Fire Brute, who replaced him entirely, though I had him come back as a Kheldian because I liked the character.

    I killed an Inv/Nrg tanker as well because he never really clicked with me. He was meant to test out the big energy fandom that was going on at the time, but never made it past ten.

    I have a Willpower/SS tanker who is going to be turned into a brute as it matches her personality better and by now I realized I just don't like the tanker AT.

    I recently (like, yesterday) deleted an Elec/EA Stalker because he was an AE baby that went from 1 to 32 in a single mission and I really had no relationship with him or anything he could do. after 700 days or so I logged back into him to try to get a feel for who he was and I never could.

    I deleted a Spines/Dark Scrapper because he didn't fit in correctly. He was supposed to be a zombie or something, he never really took off with me.

    I deleted a Nrg/Nrg blaster who was, I think, my third character ever because he also stopped having a meaningful existence to anything.

    I killed a Bots/FF Mastermind because FF was annoying as all hell to play with anyone, and I didn't really like the robots.

    I reincarnated a Ninja/Dark into a Zombie/Dark because I liked the idea of him being a Necromancer more and the Ninjas were irritating the hell out of me with how quickly they zipped off everywhere and how intent they were on being dead. I was also massively dissapointed by the Oni, who really didn't fit in with the gang of Ninjas concept at all. Suddenly we have this... Deamon? What? Worse, he couldn't ever seem to figure out what he wanted to be doing, while the Lich was very adamant about his role on my team.

    I deleted a Deamon/Dark because the stupid things would NEVER shut up where ALWAYS pushing me and other people around, and were so big and on fire that I could never figure out what was going on half of the time. They're impressive looking just standing around, but actual playtime was incredibly annoying.

    I deleted a Broadsword/Shield scrapper for a rather vain reason. I enjoyed how he looked, but I was irritated that I could never get out of the 'ready' stance so long as my shield powers were activated. I'm having pleasant conversation and yet I look like I'm ready to go to war. I'm buying a doughnut and ready to bash some faces in. It just didn't work.

    I deleted my Warshade because... I don't really know. I didn't like the costume and couldn't establish a back story for her like I did with my Peacebringer.

    I deleted an FF/Elec blaster for the same reason I did the Bots/FF, I really hate playing Force Fielders. I greatly enjoy having one on my team, much as I do having a tank on my team, but they aren't the set for me.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    Why did rest get a recharge in the first place?

    I'm guessing the answer is something like Jack is a jerk and thinks balance by annoyance is a good idea?
    Like I said, it's likely one of those archaic time sink functions that exist in other MMO's but have no place in CoH. Usually such an ability has a recast timer to add to the monotony of BSing your costumers into taking as long to do something as humanly possible that was the common business model of the old age of MMO's, which was stolen from friggin' arcade machines.

    I imagine Rest was drawn up as it was because that was the norm of MMO's at the time, but there's no reason I can think of why it needs to still have a recast timer of anything greater than 0.
  4. I usually take Tactics over Focused Accuracy for a variety of reasons. I'm often building for some amount of defense on all of my characters to help increase their survivability. Often I am not soft capping, but under the philosophy that more is better than nothing when it doesn't require sacrifices to something "more important." As such, I often want to take Maneuvers and slot up Tactics for the Gaussin's Set bonus.

    Tactics is also easier to leave on all of the time as it costs less endurance, meaning that the Chance to Build Up has the maximum amount of potential to go off.

    IO's already offer more accuracy than I usually need, and Tactics can easily fill the rest; Focused Accuracy is often overkill.

    In a situation where I am needing more accuracy, there's a good chance that my team mates are going to require it as well. Going off the theory of force multiplication, it felt more advantageous to have everyone with boosted accuracy than just myself taking care of the entire spawn while my team is off being useless somewhere.

    I like to think that taking the leadership pool is contagious, and it will prompt other people to do the same. I dream of the day when I'm in an entire party with Leadership toggles that doesn't consist entirely of Arachnos.
  5. Warkupo

    Patrons or no?

    The more things I can have Darkest Night on, the better. I'm such a Ghost Widow fan girl at this point.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
    ..yea.. would be kinna nice if they updated the GRAPHICS instead of just the shadows and water..

    I would like ta see moving lips and hands with 5 fingers on them like on Allods
    Moving lips would probably freak me out, but I would like individual fingers. Beyond that, I think the base models look absolutely fine.

    Screen Resolution is 1920x1200
    3d Resolution is 1280x800
    FSAA 4x
    /Visscale 2

    Ultra Mode:
    Shadow Mode: Shadow Maps: High Quality
    Environmental Reflection: Ultra Quality
    Water Reflection: High Quality
    Ambient Occlusion: OFF

    Ambient Occlusion and FSAA didn't seem to want to play nicely together, so of the two, I had to pick FSAA. I prefer things to look smooth more than I prefer to see tiny little darkening around edges I'm not really paying THAT much attention too.

    I really do like the shadows as it makes everything feel more real, and the water reflections make me giggle like a little girl.

    I set my visscale to 2, which loads things 'far away enough' that it doesn't bother me. I hated it at 1 because, more often than not, important geometric landscape would pop up in front of me quicker than I wanted to react to it. Anything over 2 slows me down too much under ultra mode, though I used to put it at 4 without any problems at all.
  7. Warkupo

    Malta Sappers

    Most blasters have some single target Hold/Stun move they can apply, else a good Build Up+Aim + Whatever tends to do the trick.

    For my main, BS/Regen, I usually hit MoG, Build Up, and then chop them in half. If MoG isn't ready then I just fly above them and drop down. They usually take a moment to react, which is plenty enough time.

    My Stalker assassinates them. Every time. Unless he's def based, in which case I might just ignore them entirely.

    Ultimately just remember that, while their Sapper beam is deadly, it's still being wielded by a wet piece of toilet paper. Simply slicing them in half works wonders.

    Everything else usually has a hold of some kind. Other than that, the macro listed already is a good tool.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    Would you rather I be unpredictable?
    Yes, actually. Crazy is always better.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    It's what I know I do.
    That response was so predictable it made my brain hurt.

    *EDIT* - Que insult to my brain
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    Because people get angry when they hear logical, reasonable opinions that invalidate their own.
    Is that what you think you do?
  11. While I would like to say things like "just make blue inspirations rraaargh" I can't see much reason not to have rest be on a 0 second recharge. The penalty is in the fact that you had to sit your butt down, totally vulnerable, and take a breather. It doesn't really effect combat in any way, it just makes the downtime between the game part of the game less so, which is always something I think we should strive for.

    Rest seems like a relic of the EverQuest age of MMO's, and I'd like to see it join the rest of us in "fun to play" world.

    Besides that, it doesn't make sense that you can't rest whenever you want. Imagine if the real world worked like that. You might be tired after a full day of paperwork, but damn you if you can sleep, you still got 2 minutes left on your recharge.
  12. Probably because adding surprise trees in a place with trees was simply too good to pass up?
  13. Throw me in the group with "Really likes Elite Bosses" as well. The more the better.

    Oddly, I don't really like AV's. I know it's the new cool thing to solo AV's, and while I'm fully capable, it takes too friggin' long.
  14. I either hear someone broadcasting about it, a friend made it, I found it in a signature, else I just go in order from the "best" to the unrated. I don't usually play through the entire thing if I don't like it.
  15. Warkupo


    That looks suspiciously like RMT activity to me.
  16. Eh... Trial and error?

    They kind of already did that. Rarely do you look at the math unless you notice something is borked through actual game play. So, yeah, trial and error phase complete.
  17. I'm going to guess that when it was implemented there was some sort of design limitation or something, but I'm only guessing. Maybe PM Arcanaville, Castle, or BaB, they're the most likely people to know.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    I don't think Black Scorpion is smart enough for his brain to count as vital in any way shape or form.
    ...You may have a point. Kind of a self fulfilling destiny. He's probably stupid because of all the knocks in the head he took from his lack of helmet so he doesn't know enough to wear a helmet because he's too stupid from getting hit in the head all of the time.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    Black Scorpion doesn't treat you with any respect, although he's not particularly abusive either. He's mostly focused on making improvements to his armor, bordering on monomania I think.

    In terms of the betrayal mission, he's probably the easiest patron to defeat (I haven't fought Mako, though so I'm not 100% on that). For a guy covered head to toe in thick, cybernetic combat armor, Black Scorpion has one hell of a brittle glass jaw.
    He's not really covered 'head to toe'. His head is wide friggin' open.

    I'll never understand getting all dressed up in armor and then running around with a big fleshy target where I like to keep a vital organ or two. You might as well be a Boss in a Starfox game.
  20. There is no 'belief' going on here. The opinions are derived from mathematics, and it is easy to see where there is a disparity between Granite, the rest of the Stone Armor powerset, and other sets entirely. That you don't see that because you don't understand it doesn't mean you have a different opinion, it just means you don't understand. There's nothing wrong with not understanding except when you try to argue on the basis that you do. Your opinion is therefor irrelevant. Umbral's is as well, for that matter, except that his opinion agrees with what the math is telling us. Ultimately the numbers are what is most important.

    If I were to build a Granite Tank, not that I ever would, but if I were going to do so I would be focusing on building without the need to offer myself any mitigation other than Granite itself because I wouldn't need too. The penalties for using Granite are not great enough to warrant the performance it allows, and if you want to keep that performance in tact, Granite is going to need a bigger draw back, which is in line with every other 'God Mode' power that it is currently miles ahead of. That is the whole bases of the argument in question here.

    As far as old skool IH vs Granite, they are very much comparable because they offer super high mitigation for a laughably easy cost, and trivialize the need to take the rest of the powers in the set, meaning they actually offer and even greater benefit than is immediately obvious. That all my mitigation needs can be met with 1 power means I can easily build towards removing the penalties of that one power, and then focus on making myself do more damage than anything else conceivable. Once IO's are thrown into this realization, the walls placed around me disintegrate entirely.

    As King of the Internet, a title bestowed upon me by myself, I declare that this topic is no longer going to be about defending the need to change Granite, and is instead going to be about focusing on figuring out how to fix Stone Armour (Armour, with a u, because I'm a King, and that's what Kings do.). Anything else is just slowing things down.

    *EDIT* - On a side note, I think Umbral purposefully trying to be nice to everything in the world would be a very sigworthy experience.
  21. I hate these kinds of threads. Final Fantasy XI had/has a "IS FFXI DIEING!?" thread almost every other day, and it pissed me off. You know what happened? It never died. We just kept talking about how it MIGHT.


    That's all I have to contribute. Just the general "I don't like you" statement. I shall be going now. Bye.
  22. The problem with Stone Armor seems to be that the set doesn't work well with itself. The rest of the set is subpar to the average performance of other sets in both mitigation, maneuverability, and endurance consumption because it can't be equal to them else you have to question the relevance of even taking Granite.

    Thematically the idea is supposed to be that you go into Granite to represent sacrificing offensive for ultimate defense, except it doesn't work this way because the rest of the set has nothing "offensive" about it. It's still just as slow because of how Rooted works, and the giant endurance consumption the set uses in comparison to just using Granite offsets the disadvantage Granite has with -recharge and -dam. Ultimately your choice is to either having subpar mitigation or really good mitigation, which isn't really a choice at all.

    I think Umbral has the right idea of where to go. Rooted needs the movement penalty removed about a billion issues ago, and having the Regen activate only while your on the ground still fits with the thematic of the power enough that I would be okay with passing the idea. The endurance the set consumes also needs to be looked at rather desperately.

    Beyond that, I would still like it if the thematic of the set was kept in check. As such, I think the "rest of the set" should have it's mitigation numbers increased by a much smaller amount than initially proposed, while adding a passive to Granite that grants a damage buff to the user that would be set to False when upon activating Granite. Ideally, "NotGranite" should represent a level of higher offense while Granite should represent a higher level of defense (not the evasion kind, obviously). By sticking the dambuff onto Granite you seem to ensure its' place within the build regardless of whether someone wanted "okay" mitigation with enhanced attack (a la Shield Defense) or if they wanted ultimate mitigation with less attack. In this way Granite would still retain it's appeal as the ultimate form of mitigation and remain a toggle without marginalizing the rest of the set because of it.

    Beyond this, Granite probably needs it's endurance consumption increased to be roughly equal to the amount of endurance consumed by NotGranite after NotGranite has had it's endurance consumption lowered so as not to accidentally offer Granite an advantage it shouldn't fairly possess.
  23. I prefer if it has a good story to it. Or something even resembling a plot. I really couldn't give a crap less about the rewards.
  24. Probably my Broadsword/Regen, as he is my main and I love him so.