Is there any reason why Lightning Rod can only be used on the ground?




I'll try to keep this simple and short, because the more I go on about this, the more likely it is that I'll say something to get myself banned.

Simply put, why does Electric Melee's Lightning Rod require me to be on the ground before it fires? Is there any practical or conceptual reason for it? OK, Grounded I get. It has "ground" in the name and it has the effect of transforming incoming energy into electricity and sending it into the ground. I get that. But why Lightning Rod? What, can lightning only strike the ground? What about all those planes that get hit by lightning?

Seriously, what gives? I built a brute who hovers for the simple fact that hovering is cool, especially for an electricity wielder, and now I learn I need to land before using it? Who thought that was a good idea? What about the power infers that it has to be used on the ground? Does Shield Charge need to? I don't remember it needing to be used on the ground.


Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
I wish there was a solid reason for it too. XD Shield Charge can be used in midair, but not Lightning Rod. D: Maybe it has to do with Grounded, perhaps, being that your character is more vulnerable in the air and should use it on the ground? I dunno. XD
Yeah, the problem is that Grounded is part of Electrical Armour, whereas Lightning Rod is part of Electrical Melee. There really shouldn't be any interdependence between the powers, considering they're part of two different sets.

And again - it makes no conceptual sense to require it to be only used on the ground. I guess that could be some kind of summon convention, since I can summon, say, an Ouro Portal in the air (why?), but whereas the Ouro portal is a small utility power, Lightning Rod is a large-scale combat power, so if this really is unintended, then it's a valid complaint.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This question was debated before. In real life, a lightning rod is usually installed at the top of a building, and electrically connected to the ground. If the rod is connected to the ground, the lightning has a preference to hit the rod instead of the building. I guess this is the thematic reason for a player to be on the ground to use lightning rod.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
can lightning only strike the ground? What about all those planes that get hit by lightning?
Lightning can strike anything. However, if an object is connected to the ground, the strike is more likely to occur.

I think it is not really necessary to require a player to be on the ground. As mentioned, lightning can strike things not connected to the ground. I believe if a person has the ability to control lightning, the person doesn't need to be on the ground. If the designer of the power insists that the ground is necessary, then one solution is to allow players to use it when they are close to the ground, or apply -fly for a few seconds to drop them to the ground. Maybe rename the power to lightning flash or lightning strike because a lightning rod implies that it should be somehow connected to the ground.



I'd like to vote for this to be removed. Why are we talking real world physics I don't think Zeus needs to be on the ground to call down a lightning bolt and Shield Charge can work from flight so we know they can animate it fine.



In reality, the point of a lightning rod is to channel the energy from a lightning strike harmlessly into the ground. Therefore, it makes sense that Lightning Rod must be used only on the ground.

However, CoH suspends parts of reality for fun. I'd have no problem with LR being useable while in the air, but I can understand the concept of why it isn't.

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I'm going to guess that when it was implemented there was some sort of design limitation or something, but I'm only guessing. Maybe PM Arcanaville, Castle, or BaB, they're the most likely people to know.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I'm going to guess that when it was implemented there was some sort of design limitation or something, but I'm only guessing. Maybe PM Arcanaville, Castle, or BaB, they're the most likely people to know.
I'd vote that stylistic reasons are more likely, given that Grounded has that same quirky ground requirement.



If I had to guess similar reasons to why:

minion buffing

must be done with 'something' grounded (ie minion buffing must be done while your pet is onthe ground)

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Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I'm going to guess that when it was implemented there was some sort of design limitation or something, but I'm only guessing. Maybe PM Arcanaville, Castle, or BaB, they're the most likely people to know.
AFAIK, Brawler still has his PMs turned off...

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