how did all the artsy people do there game sliders?




now that super ultra mode.. or whatever it is, is out.. how has everyone set there sliders?..
personally I COULDNT play the game for weeks due to the fact that the graphics just didnt look nice to me..

..well tonight I finally got the game to look the way I want it... all the sliders at max except for shadow shader ( I think thats the name ).. I put it on medium, or one slot down from max... happily I can play the game now

the max shader just didnt look right to me...

any one else modify there settings ???



I started with fairly maxed out sliders, pulled back slightly and then eventually decided that I preferred being able to max out my visual range and character textures more than see mirror reflections of myself in sewer water. So I rolled back to the old High Quality settings. My system is on the low end of the UM spectrum though (9800 GTX+ card, i3 CPU)

My biggest beef is that while the shadows look really nice, the urban setting means that you're almost always in a shadow. Or a shadow will be rolling over you in the next twenty seconds. High Quality may not be as realistic but at least I don't spend my hero life in perpetual semidarkness. My first thought when I logged in with UM and was standing with a bunch of other folks in the shadow under Atlas was "Well, this is really going to mess up some costume contests".



I'm running an 8800GT card. I turned off Occlusion and set the game to only Stencil Shadows, but cranked Reflections/Water Reflections to high. I also turned off Desaturated Effects, Bloom and Depth of Field Effects. Left World Textures on High, Character Textures on Very High, and details to 100%. I've been having alot of lag though when traveling across city zones. Whether it's server-related or hardware-related, I'm not sure. I should probably experiment with the settings more; a smooth FPS is more important to me than picture quality.



No matter what my other settings, I always leave the darn Depth of Field stuff off. My vision is poor enough without the game making me think I'm going even more blind >.<



But Wassy Your vision is perfect...the way you envision pour characters in ways no one imagined.

you meant physical vison...

on topic.

I use an ATI Radeon 5770 HD 1G. FSAA off it's buggy with ATI, every thing else maxed out. Depth of field off. Ambient Occlusion set to strong fast.

character/world detail very high. particle count usually maxed (depends on the powers being used sometimes turned down so I can see).



I have been messing with this for abit now.

I have everything set the way I did pre-i17. That's max everything with FSAA set to x4 and Anistropic (sp) set to x4, world and character detail to 200%, all other stuff enabled (except I had depth of field turned off as it makes everything appear out of focus to me).

However, with UM (which I personally despise a feature promoting higher quality, but in reality creates more blur, darker over-all imagery that makes my eyes feel like everything is painfully out of focus) I had to turn water effects to "none" and shadows to "disabled" - both seem to add "flickering" to my game screen. I also turned off all other UM settings because like I mentioned it hurts my eyes. I am not found of being forced to constantly move through what looks like a Gaussian Blue filter from Photoshop. The depth of field setting was bad, and Occlusion is like bringing the fuzziness closer lols. Shadow Maps all the way Max'd were kinda cool, but it seemed to be inconsistent which was distracting and the drop in framerate was nuts.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



..yea.. would be kinna nice if they updated the GRAPHICS instead of just the shadows and water..

I would like ta see moving lips and hands with 5 fingers on them like on Allods



My graphics card sucks ***, so all I got to do was turn off UM after it said my card was capable of running it.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I brought down the shadows, but most everything else is maxxed. If I could I would max everything out. I liked the high end shadows. Until I upgrade I'll do what I can with my 9500gt

I would rather have the basic models updated though. That neck goiter thing on the males needs to go and unglue the fingers and toes I say.



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
..yea.. would be kinna nice if they updated the GRAPHICS instead of just the shadows and water..

I would like ta see moving lips and hands with 5 fingers on them like on Allods
Moving lips would probably freak me out, but I would like individual fingers. Beyond that, I think the base models look absolutely fine.

Screen Resolution is 1920x1200
3d Resolution is 1280x800
/Visscale 2

Ultra Mode:
Shadow Mode: Shadow Maps: High Quality
Environmental Reflection: Ultra Quality
Water Reflection: High Quality
Ambient Occlusion: OFF

Ambient Occlusion and FSAA didn't seem to want to play nicely together, so of the two, I had to pick FSAA. I prefer things to look smooth more than I prefer to see tiny little darkening around edges I'm not really paying THAT much attention too.

I really do like the shadows as it makes everything feel more real, and the water reflections make me giggle like a little girl.

I set my visscale to 2, which loads things 'far away enough' that it doesn't bother me. I hated it at 1 because, more often than not, important geometric landscape would pop up in front of me quicker than I wanted to react to it. Anything over 2 slows me down too much under ultra mode, though I used to put it at 4 without any problems at all.



Yeah, visual distance is the biggest thing for me. I don't care how realistic the shadows look, they're not going to pull me in or out of the game as much as watching some boulder 100' away come into existence as geometric chunks as I fly towards it.