1491 -
Quote:I have no problem with all Brute Taunt Aura Mags being brought down in line with Brute WP...which is apparently the only one with Mag 3.I'd still be okay with seeing all Tanker auras set at Mag 4 and all non-tank auras set down to Mag 2... maybe Mag 3. Or, to avoid "u changing my charakter" just bump all the Tank auras to Mag 5 (explosions may occur, the universe may end, etc).
Edit: Just realized that Tankers WP Taunt Aura is only Mag 3 as well.
So I'm definitely with you on making all Tankers Mag 4 and all Brutes Mag 3. -
Quote:The one thing that people always look past...is that Tankers have higher HP than Brutes.One thought. We have a new mechanic coming: absorb. This will presumably have a cap. There is no reason why the cap shouldn't be much higher for tankers than it is for brutes and scrappers. And no nerfs required.
Of course, given that the devs missed a trick with Hybrid, I don't have much hope that they will see the potential here.
Therefore...a resistance and defense capped Tanker will always be more survivable than the same resistance and defense capped Brute. -
Quote:My point is that...when it is used in this context...people then get the misconception of this...It's not a misconception. It is a difference of preference in language use. Many use Tank as a short form for Tanker. The context of a conversation usually makes it quite clear if those involved are referring to the AT and/or the role.
Your complaint falls in the category of pet peeve rather than error or misconception by those using a word in a manner you happen not to like.
Quote:Or another way to put it, do you just want to be one who does damage or one that the team looks too to lead them into the battle.
Its great playing my brute, but with my shield tank I can taunt AVs that would have just defeat my brute with a couple of good hits. And if you like being team leader, a tank is a solid choice because then you know agg will be handle right. -
Quote:I agree with this...and I don't even RP.You know, this is what I thought was the worst of it. Whether I RP or not, how they made Nemesis act was so so SOOOO damn aweful, I wish I never had to see it.
Really wish it go kept to broadcast, when Nemesis was replying to thinks in broadcast.
But for letting people know an event is going on, I'm fine with it. But a one sided conversation, where the main badguy is horribly horribly RPed, I'd rather avoid seeing.
Hell it was so bad, I decided not to attend the event because of the horrible attempt at (and quite likely done on purpose) RPing Nemesis.
I always saw this game as the more serious superhero MMO of the two available.
Now perception is subjective...but you can't deny that the Nem RP can get ridiculous.
I feel for the new players who now only know Nemesis by that.
That being said...I really am all for the devs RPing as the enemy during these events...bringing life to the enemy...but it should be taken more serious...in my opinion. -
I think the best thing would be to increase Tankers Taunt to hit more enemies, raise the aggro cap and damage caps.
Therefore...taking the same Tanker and Brute...completely teamed buffed...damage capped and survivability capped...it equals out to the 10% difference.
The Brutes can still hold aggro just like they can now...but the Tanker will "always" be better at it. -
Start with Invincible and end with Invincible.
The only comic book (well, trade paperback) I have ever bought. -
Variant was a character with the idea to combine as many differents "powers" as possible.
The explanation of the powers is basically...being born with regeneration made the character the perfect subject for Crey Industries, Project: Variation. The process to surgically implant metahuman DNA into an individual giving the character control of various powers.
The powers gained through Project Variation...Invisibility, phasing, dark matter control, laser vision, energy manipulation, energy projection and flight.
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1453;655;1310;HEX;| |78DA6594D952134114867B92C1900D1208428488602021CB24085A6EA5551240305| |134905B6A202D4E999AC4C968914B2F7C01ADD23BB70B2F7D10D7277179012B9ECC| |F909963335A9AFF3CF397F779F5E2A87A5D0C7F5A7D78532B4D2D0DBEDDDEABEA5B| |75AD21AAC3CB675DB689A821E5F4DB70CDDB47DD48E1F45EC5664434AADA45B0FB9| |99E87F29C9FBD26C4BED9E3C90A6B4D827BAD56C36B40DF389D136F68C866177828| |EB2D6300E1ED821A75D967ACB300F02CE9F6A4BCA7A74B565EC6B379AF5CE6E456F| |DBD2EA4CD020E6E8F7A8371AE7E9AA42272CAAC2B307EE33D53A2899A55E8EE2E47| |8C48EE26827EE82498EB17C08215F65DEE368832930CD0C2C8019E61AE578D9D7EB| |7DC55AE825F89C39F482B94AB103F01F2873DF1315F036F3D41D708B19A61C9E6E5| |7F8C6585B27C10F1F3F7C4EC367063E49F824E113A49C207C82935E471B262D0C2D| |0CEF9BA40DA34EC3A8530A754AA14E2729268A9828F2523166E60FC909556C50CC2| |86246739C9701F3E38A13334B31638819CBC2FB3F4628661C631C87E6272D0E2D8E| |FE37499B444D2631EEA92AB88D1A21FF888794937056BCAB262EF21A152E31172F8| |357C0ABCC0EE54C733F03D39FB88E673E835FC0AFCC996FE077E6366196E7ABCEBE| |66BFB36FC0B7E03B66F23DB3ECE33DDFDB5F7398EB7C14C43C8EB843FE69D4209DE| |3FC853CA8810566A6C8AC514E16F3C99E632DB7042E83E799F90BE033E607DA3C1A| |D64F43CD0BD82B059C855B34FE22D6AA88714EA9FDF34B2F3D625AED9FCE6EC6F5B| |5E852165DCA924B597629E5E35E84C8F358B6D4FE99178A13E58FD08966A5FB23D0| |3FDDC28B8C5FC79AEADDA4464A1523359EF508AA10BBC63B3C8613F3F35F9F346BB| |F03EE9B630837470437470437C75FCC7FCDEC| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
My only thought is that this should have been included when power customization was introduced.
Quote:That line of thinking follows my aforementioned misconception.Or another way to put it, do you just want to be one who does damage or one that the team looks too to lead them into the battle.
Its great playing my brute, but with my shield tank I can taunt AVs that would have just defeat my brute with a couple of good hits. And if you like being team leader, a tank is a solid choice because then you know agg will be handle right.
What you describe there is a playstyle...not an AT. -
You mean "Tankers" not "Tanks"...as Tank is a role that can be filled by other ATs...because my Brute is definitely a Tank.
Sorry...I just hate that misconception.
For the most part, you answered your own question. As a Tanker you will definitely have less damage than a Brute. Sometimes your survivability will be "redundant" with good teams...but built right, you will always walk around with better survivability than your Brute counterpart.
I think it is really as simple as...do you want more damage...or more inherent survivability? -
That was my point of posting that. Meaning that I really can't complain because I put myself in this position.
Quote:Same could also be said for people underestimating how many characters above level 35 those "old" accounts have.So arguing about the ancient accounts "hoarding good names" (to put it another way) is really a nonissue. If they're inactive so long that they *don't have a global,* then anything under 35 is freed up - and don't forget, for accounts *that* old, they'd also have a maximum of 8 characters on a server (COV hadn't been introduced to bump the number of server slots for those that owned both games up to 12.)
I think some people really overestimate how much is held by those "old" accounts.
I know that I have been trying to get my main name on Virtue for years from someone that doesn't have a global name.
Then again, I only play one character...so for me, it's that name, or nothing. -
Quote:Do we know that's the case though?Players still find ways to die. Especially new players. Who are maybe trying the game for the first time as F2P. And if something as simple as changing the defeat pose can help even a little with retaining them so they'll stick around and maybe spend some money, I'd explore that. Presentation, even the presentation of defeat, counts.
Do people really quit playing the game because of the defeat pose?
You can look at it two ways...
1. Where you are correct and people do get discouraged from playing because they were defeated and "embarrassed" by the defeat pose.
2. They can't stand the "embarrassing" defeat pose so they strive to level up and get better and be better players.
I personally believe number 2 happens more than number 1...though there is no way I could know this for certain.
I would personally rather be laying down flat, actually "hurt" or "unconscious", instead of being on my hands and knees (in what I believe to be an even more ridiculous pose) basically "catching my breath" while my teammates are still fighting.
To each their own. -
It's all perspective.
You either believe it to be actual magic...or there is literally no such thing as actual magic.
Choose your side. -
I love it, conceptually.
Gets me up to 86+ mph...and as previously stated...another place for a LotG. -
Quote:Yeah, I would definitely like to see her be brought into the movies. Definitely my favorite female character.Actually I'd have her take Coulson's place in IM3 Thor and CA2 as a replacement for Coulson. Then have her power up in Avengers 2 and be the lynchpin that helps them defeat Thanos.
The idea of bringing her in as a replacement for Coulson in the stand alone movies is a great way to introduce her before the next Avengers movie.
After she gains her powers in Avengers...have her be the "lynchpin" by needing her to absorb some sort of threatening energy. -
Quote:I know that.Sure the hammer weighs a lot and that per legend it was so heavy only THOR can lift it. But in Marvel it is the enchantment of ODIN that has changed it from strength of limb to strength of character.
I'm just saying that it could be played off differently in the movie. -
Quote:Could be played off in the movie that Odins "power of Thor" words were specifically made for Thor...and the Hammer just can't be picked up by the unworthy...but only Thor gets his powers from it.The only problem with that is that the instant a worthy person touches the hammer they will receive the power of THOR. So Cap and THOR will definitely know what has happened.
If you recall...Thor knew exactly what the men in the restaurant were talking about right when they said how heavy it was...alluding to the fact the even without Odins "enchantment" no one else could pick it up.
That being said...I would definitely prefer they only let Thor be able to pick it up...just to reiterate my previously stated opinion. -
Well since you said "tank" and not Tanker...I'd throw in my main of course. The team could use another flyer.
While I can appreciate the idea of Hulk having enough pure physical strength to lift the hammer...I definitely prefer the Hammer to be Thor's...and no one else's. I don't even care to see cap lift it.
As a Tank...I hate Taunt...but I take it.
In my opinion, it's better to have it and not need it...than need it and not have it. You definitely do not need to use it everytime it recharges. -
Quote:I'm talking about the main death...the one that motivates them.Well strictly speaking there are many deaths in the Avengers. Yes it is the one character death that strongly motivates at least one hero that needed it. However, as any can see from posters, trailers and TV spots that New York will be under attack by Loki's army. At the end of the movie you will see people at makeshift memorial locations posting photos, letters, etc.
Quote:Hm, I recall no references or easter eggs in the movie about the Vision but it is possible that I missed it.
Frankly, I think I'd rather see them activate "Professor Horton's Synthetic Man" that we saw in Cap's movie and thus we'd have the original Human Torch.
It was just a rumor floating around. -
Quote:My guess is that the one rumor, or vision...if you will, that was floating around will come true (in a sequel) in regards to who died in the movie.Yeah, I have a hunch that this death may have to be reversed somehow given the fan attachment to the character and how frankly I don't think anyone saw it coming despite any familiarity with Whedon's work.
Still it wasn't a frivolous death, it was more like Shepard's death in Serenity gave Mal the wake up call he needed to take on the Alliance again.
Again without dropping any major spoilers, I can safely say that the death in Avengers is what gets one of them motivated for sure. The others didn't need it as much as the one I refer to.