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  1. Quote:
    Time travel is a can of worms if you don't impose some kind of ruleset to it.
    Hasn't stopped them yet, and isn't likely too in the future.

    I know the man is not a physicist, but he's still a scientist - chemist, I believe - working on the physiological effects of Superadine on the human body.
    No, he's the old GIFT starting Contact in Atlas. His mutant power was the ability to solve any mathematical problem...which means he wouldn't be found orienting new superheroes, he'd be living in a room with no windows reading encrypted intercepts for the rest of his life, but whatever.

    Lastly... Where does this leave the Path of the Dark?
    Cimerora pretty much trashed that arc when it was introduced; the (entirely gratuitous) use of Cimerora in the Dark Astoria material and the reference in SSA1 set fire to what was left.

    OK, right off the bat, Antonio Nash repeats Venture's argument on mystical things - we don't know if it's magic, but it looks like it and feels like it so it might as well be magic.
    No. That's not it.

    Why are all the Warrior spawns in that mission patrols? It's not really a bad thing or a good thing, but it makes the mission really chaotic.
    It's a trick Architects have been using in MA practically since it was released; we quickly figured out that using up all the spawn points was a much better idea than forty guys pounding their fists in a warehouse.

    Huh... Why does Odysseus in this arc have a different description than in The Magician's arc? This one's better, by the way. I love that he has a real name - David Hill - with "Odysseus" being just a moniker.
    Because this model is taken from the Mortimer Kal SF. Odysseus' name has been known for a while...since the first Top Cow storyline at least.

    Wait, "Doctor Harvan?" I thought he was a professor? Those aren't the same thing. Now, I don't know if it's different in the US, but where I come from, "doctor" is a secondary scientific degree, appended to a primary degree. My father, for instance, is a Prof. Dr. of Biologial Sciences as his official degree, with "Professor" being his primary title.
    It is. Ph.D's get to use the "Dr." title; "Professor" is just the guy teaching your class, who may be a grad student.

    In fact, why not have that happen when Ghost Widow drops to, say, 75% health - Penny and Synapse come as an ambush, but they con friendly to me. Job done, and I don't have to look at what might as well be a cutscene that just doesn't do the "super widescreen" thing.
    Because by the time they actually spawn and enter the fight you might have killed everyone already and thus not had the chance to actually experience the awesomeness of having Penny Yin come to your rescue.

    Also, this brings up a good point. Positron is "mobilising the Phalanx" to react to Arachnos searching for Pandora's Box, but I have to ask... What were they doing up to that point?
    Six-slotting Epic Fail and gathering salvage for the Butt Monkey purple IO set to slot in it.
  2. Quote:
    We still need at least one arc dealing with Calvin Scott.
    No, we don't. We don't need one more stinking arc about Praetoria, especially not anything to do with that particular Butt Pull. Tyrant is overthrown, Hamidon Wins, Fatality, survivors escaped, Mission Accomplished, The End, k thx bai.
  3. Quote:
    Praetoria is basically meant to be a world of grey.
    Maybe that was what was meant but it was a world of black.

    White is nowhere near redeemable. He's as much a murderer as the rest of Tyrant's stooges and he betrayed his own people to save his skin. In a way he's the worst of the bunch.
  4. Quote:
    Or, at the most extreme and controversial, Bane encounters Joker in prison and immediately snaps his neck.
    I would have shown Bane's guys clearing out Arkham, opening the Joker's cell, and then have the Joker effortlessly kill them and say "Join you? What, do you think I'm crazy?" before leaving Gotham.
  5. Quote:
    The problem with a true sandbox game is that there'd be no true objective.
    There was no true objective in UO or SWG either.

    You wanna play this game as a true sandbox? Ignore contacts and level up by cleaning the streets. Otherwise objectives are being given to you, even in the case of the radio and newspaper.
    It would mean a very different game design, and one that was almost certainly centered on PvP, but it could be done.
  6. Quote:
    They'll just merge into on entity.
    That's what she said. </giggity>

    She'll be in the final Praetorian Zone, Penny Lane.
  7. Quote:
    Perhaps it's time for players to accept that Praetoria is the devs' version of a concept dear to all of geekdom, "don't trust The Man," and move on.
    It's not a "concept", it's just a darling they refuse to kill.
  8. Quote:
    Sandbox implies some sort of ruleless, structureless system, where the story or events are influenced by your actions.The fact of the matter is that games can't do that. There is only one environment like that, and that's Real Life (rated "M" for "Mature"), and if that's enough for anybody, then they're not here.
    Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies were both sandbox games. How well they implemented the concept to criticism.

    I can certainly imagine a sandbox format supers game. It's just not going to be this one.
  9. Quote:
    Now, the business with the Coralax is pretty much a dish on the Lovecraft Mythos as far as I can tell from the limited exposure I've had to them.
    Absolutely; "The Cult of the Shaper" has some very direct Lovecraft references in it.
  10. Wrong Old Ones. The ones referred to here are the "elder things" that colonized the earth and fought against Cthulhu and the "Great Old Ones". Lovecraft's terminology was inconsistent. These guys aren't in that league; they're closer to the Mi-Go.

    Judging from her appearance I'm guessing Tielekku is (or at least was at some point) a reference to an African deity.
  11. Oh good, now I have to reroll a 50 I just started incarnating....:-P
  12. In no particular order:
    • "World Wide Red" -- the gameplay is weak and it should be split into two arcs, but great story
    • "Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group" -- likewise
    • "Oh, Wretched Man!" -- an emotional story that doesn't overplay its hand
    • "The Hammer of the World" -- another good emotional story with lots of ties to the canon
    • "Ubelmann the Unknown" -- original 5th Column version only. Demerits for time travel but the original souvenir made up for it.
    • "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" -- the villainy may be low-key but it's pure evil
    • "Iron Widow" -- not as powerful as, say, "Oh, Wretched Man!" but it's up there
    • "Revenant Hero Project" -- this time it's personal
    • "The Evil Countess Crey" -- good story about good intentions and the road paved with them, and you get the goods on one of the game's Big Bads. Or would if not for a supposedly canon statement that she somehow beats the rap.

    I'm sure there are more, that's just off the top of my head.
  13. Quote:
    You should - but be prepared to weep
    At what, the horrible writing?
  14. Quote:
    Hequat's name MIGHT have been taken from Heqat/Heqet/Heket, but the similarities pretty much end there.
    Try "Hecate". Likewise "Ermeeth", at least before Blueberry showed up in person, was an obvious reference to Prometheus. I was never able to find a fit for Tielekku. A friend's suggestion that it referred to Twi'lek BDSM didnt...seem useful.

    To take an example, Dr. Strange is clearly Magic origin, he gets (at least occasionally) parts of the power of Eternity. Eternity however isn't Magic (the good doctor is using his own magic to channel part of Eternity's cosmic power) Similarily, even though he is Godlike, Galactus is not a magical being: He transcends magic. (and for that matter, science) basicalyl science and magic are two different ways for mortals to manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe (the "power cosmic") beings like Galactus or Eternity don't have to use such crude means: They can just call upon the power directly, because of what they are.
    This statement is nonsense. If "science and magic are two ways to manipulate power" then either science is really magic or magic is really science. There is no third way.

    In any case, godlike beings are not gods.
  15. Quote:
    Right, because you know exactly what I mean when I say something.
    You haven't thought through the ramifications of what you mean.

    But then, one of the first things they teach you in software engineering is that you can't design software (or, I expect, anything else) by asking users what they want. They don't know what they want, only what they think they want.

    All I know is that finally, FINALLY my villains are setting the stage for a scheme where THEY are in charge, something that I've been wanting for ages.
    No, they're not. This is the point. Your villain is not in charge in the Dean/Leonard arcs or in SSA2. You're still doing what NPCs want you to do. They're just phrased as obsequious toads, little Iagos whispering in your ear. In order for the player to "be in charge" he actually has to be the one making the decisions and calling the shots and the game's underlying structure doesn't allow for that.
  16. Quote:
    That's not what we're asking for at all and you're so wrong it made me laugh aloud.
    It is what you're asking for, you just don't realize it.
  17. Quote:
    At this point the only way to salvage the Freedom Phalanx is to have them admit that their glory days are behind them and stick to giving out task forces.
    This is how the game should have started, actually, with the old generation of heroes being too disabled/depowered/whatever from the Rikti War to do much more than advise the up and coming young turks, i.e. the PCs. In a way that's where we were at first.

    Just no pleasing some people...

    "Stop making me a lackey!"

    "... I'm being praised? DAMN YOU, DEVS! YOU SUCK! MAKE ME LICK THEIR BOOTS!"
    I never asked them to "stop making me a lackey". I've argued all along that the game is predicated on the assumption that the PCs will be doing jobs for other characters and that can't be changed at this late date. The "proactive villain" faction of users is essentially arguing for a sandbox game which this is not and never will be.

    It does if I really believe!
    Clap harder. Much, much harder.
  18. Mendes directed two of the three movies tied for my second favorite movie of all time. I have high hopes for this one.
  19. Quote:
    City of Heroes tends to use non-standard terminology. For instance, "the power of the divine" is canonically entirely separate from "magic." I'm not sure if it even has an origin, but if it did, I'd suspect it would be Natural.
    False. Divine power is explicitly Magic origin; it says so right on the label.

    Originally Posted by The Game
    You receive your powers from a magical source. These abilities might come from a mystical artifact bestowed upon you, the mastery of numerous magical spells, or pacts made with powerful dimensional entities. This origin will give you access to Apprentice Charm. This item has a very short range and deals minor Energy damage, as well as lowering their resistance to further damage.
    Emphasis added. The idea that gods are somehow Natural origin is absurd beyond belief.

    What Venture has been doing for the last, god... Six years? Has been presenting the power of the Well as "magical" based on the fact that it doesn't fit any of the other origins and that it behaves like magic, in the sense that "there are no rules, a wizard did it." That might be magical in the same sense falling into a vat of chemicals and mutating would make the source of your power mutation, but just as in City of Heroes that would instead be Science, so the power of the well may act like magic, but isn't Magic in origin.
    What I have been pointing out ever since we were saddled with the Well/Incarnate storyline is that when it comes to whether or not the Well is magical, it fails the duck test. It behaves in every meaningful way like an evil deity offering Faustian bargains. Slapping a Not Magic label on it doesn't make it so.

    Basically what I'm saying is that just because something looks like magic and acts like magic and we can't explain it, it doesn't mean that it's Magic and thus changing the Origin of your character. Neither the divine nor the supernatural nor souls no the afterlife are strictly Magic because "Magic" isn't just "anything that doesn't fit into any of the others."
    They are all magical because in every part of the game they are treated as magical. To the point where Apparitions in First Ward surprise everyone including the NPCs by being non-magical in nature. (And because they're not magical your GHOST-SLAYING AXE doesn't work on them.)
  20. Quote:
    In the last SSA statesman was killed by Wade, and then you beat up Rulawade, who was Wade combined with a dimension eating monstrosity. This basically makes you stronger than Statesman, and everyone knows it.
    It makes you stronger than Statesman as long as Penny Yin is around to keep you from being vaporized several times. And as long as Wade doesn't happen to have your particular variety of kryptonite handy.
  21. Quote:
    You can even pretend the Incarnate powers aren't Incarnate powers and just an extension of your already existing (but maturing) power base.
    You can pretend your character is a magical pony who solves problems not with violence but by winning over the hearts of evildoers with his unique blend of family-oriented humor too, but gluing feathers on a rat doesn't make it a swan.

    Nowadays, as a player I'm having my ego stroked constantly by the game showing me just how useless the Freedom Phalanx is and how wonderful everyone thinks it is that my character is there to clean up their messes. This is not having the effect that I think you intended it to have.
    I've said since the Dean MacArthur arc, which started this miserable trend, that having the Contacts act like the PC's fluffer comes off like this. It has not improved with age.
  22. No, not looking forward to more Incarnate powers. It's obvious they've already bitten off more than they can chew. More powers will just mean more balance problems which will likely be solved by more cheap tricks.
  23. Quote:
    As for the Well being a source of power, that has never bothered me. At least no more than any other supernatural force in CoX has.
    The problem is people keep denying it's supernatural. The Well reduces all origins in City to "magic" but people keep trying to handwave that.
  24. Quote:
    For now that's a good idea, but I'd wait until we see what becomes of Ascendants. If that plotline comes true, then the Well as a sentient malevolent being would actually be a smart plot point.
    The Well storyline could not be saved with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and Ascension as described is not something player-characters will ever get. It is essentially "game over, you win, roll up a new character".
  25. Quote:
    The story and all the fiction going with it is a nice to have, not a requirement.
    If your game is Angry Birds, sure. If it's anything that looks like an RPG, not so much.

    No one is arguing that a good story is sufficient to make a good MMO mission, but it is certainly necessary.