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  1. Quote:
    DAMMIT VENTURE. Don't spring links to that site on unsuspecting audiences!
  2. Quote:
    Like I said: depends on how much of Cole's actions have been influenced by Hamidon holding a (proverbial) gun to his head, his (proverbial) wife's head, and his (proverbial) daughter's head.
    It's no excuse. Tyrant could have been open about the situation, appealing to his subjects' better nature. Instead he chose to believe they didn't have one, and murdered people he was supposedly trying to save.

    I haven't gotten to the First Ward stuff yet (I just started leveling a Praetorian character for the purpose), but this bit with Katie is pretty bleak and doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. By killing off DeVore (pretty much the Only Sane Woman in the Resistance) and forcing the player to throw Katie to the wolves it sounds like the devs chose to erase anything in the 1-20 material that could be considered a victory.
  3. I'll use mine to build a casino! With hookers! And blackjack!

    Actually, forget the blackjack....
  4. Quote:
    Anything they do to prevent this is going to hurt all sides, except those who think removing rewards will have any effect other than completely killing AE off.
    It could not possibly be worse than the current situation.
  5. Quote:
    You're watching Star Trek, which is even more preposterous than Star Wars, and *this* is what you complain about?

    Lens flares are about 17 slots higher on the bitchlist for me.
    Really, this particular version of Trek had way bigger problems.

    In any case I was told (not being over familiar with Abrams) that this is par for the course for him -- having protagonists who are impossibly too young and inexperienced for the positions they're given. I do recall (from the trailers) the guy in Cloverfield getting headhunted by a Japanese company to be flown out to Japan to work as their VP of Marketing right out of college...yeah, right.
  6. Quote:
    For a new movie I would
    ...make a gorram new movieand forget about all the old stories. We still have them on DVD.
  7. Quote:
    As for Khan......ok honestly now, WHO could possibly play Khan with the same charisma, magnetism and power that Ricardo Montalbon conveyed?
    Antonio Banderas, but that doesn't mean that he should.

    The whole time-travel aspect of it was unnecessary. James Bond didn't need a time warp to reboot his franchise, and he got to keep one of the old actors, too.

    I agree with the sentiment upthread that iTrek (sic) was not Trek. But it's what we're stuck with. It would be for the best if Kurtzman and Orci were not involved with it (even better if they were instantaneously blasted into space) but unfortunately the garbage they laughingly call writing sells so we're stuck with them, too.
  8. Quote:
    Now it's got me wondering what kind of Rock/Metal they would play.
    "Highway to Hell".
  9. Angerdog wins the Internet today.
  10. Still too WH/WoW but tolerable.

    *semi-off topic*

    Q: How many Games Workshop employees does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: Three. One to change it, one to wield the chainsaw and one to glue on the spiky bits.
  11. I played the trial when it was on Test. I found it to strongly resemble kicking dead whales down the beach. The Incarnate trials in general are just tedious farms and Keyes is the most tedious of the bunch. I doubt Keyes (or any of the trials really) would get a second look if they didn't provide Incarnate components.

    While I would hold my nose long enough to run it for some of the badges, I have yet to be fortunate enough to catch anyone forming one on Virtue, and going into the queue for it is a waste of time.
  12. Quote:
    That was practically a "drinking game" back when you watched the old Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show. You never knew from scene to scene whether she'd be wearing her "fashion" heeled boots or her "stunt" flat-soled ones.
    You were looking at her feet?
  13. Quote:
    I would probably find a different medium to express what I am compelled to express.
    We agree, then.

    They didnt make a change to piss you, Venture, off personally, so dont take it that way.
    I'm an Italian from New Jersey. If I was taking this personally they'd never find the [bleep]ing bodies.

    If it was nessessary to close an exploit, then I figure you as an "artist" would be happy with that as it culls the exploitive farming, and hey, all farming must be crushed right?
    If they had to make a change to block an exploit that in some way negative impacted the ability to tell a story I might not be happy with it but I'd accept it because yes, farming must be crushed.

    Its a medium, use it how you wish. I dont really care what you do with it.
    And yet here you are. You obviously care enough to come into our house to tell us UR DOIN IT WRONG despite, evidently, having no idea what issues we actually face.

    If I was vested in it, I would probably PM the devs. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. The grindy, seized up wheel gets thrown out and ignored.
    Case in point. We're more than a little past PMs.
  14. I'm willing to let them actually price-gouge before accusing them of price gouging.
  15. Quote:
    This is why I'm glad to even have mere bones tossed our way, things could be worse, they might not be throwing anything at us at all.
    I would rather have nothing than mere pro forma token support. The former is honest.
  16. Quote:
    A true artist doesn't care how many people love their work, they do it for themselves, not others.
    OK, you're a True Artist(TM). You don't make as much and aren't as well-known as the losers down the street that churn out crap but hey, it's all about the art.

    Then the guys who run the local gallery come in, pull the hair out of your brushes, smash your easels, knife your canvases and spill your paint on the floor. The losers, they leave alone. Actually, they buy more of the losers' stuff.

    What message would you take away from this?
  17. I'll wait for F2P to get what I want from the Steampunk pack. I'd rather get it with points my subscription is already paying for than spend money over and above that. I expect the stipend will cover what I want, as it has over in the other game.
  18. Day late and a dollar short.
  19. Quote:
    Way I see it, those who still enjoy stories in AE, like me, like plenty of others, will continue to use it for that.
    Enjoy paying for the privilege of writing arcs for all twelve of the people who still play them.

    (Now, I may run head on into the censorship filter a few times, but I can work within limits. I thrive within limits.)
    You do that. Me, I see no reason to work within "limits" that only affect people who write stories as opposed to farm creators.
  20. Quote:
    We'll be cracking it wide open. Our current plan is for players to be able to purchase an unlimited number of AE Story slots via the Paragon Market.
    Day late and a dollar short -- extra slots aren't worth much now that the farmers have won.
  21. Venture


    You're confusing "worth running in terms of fun" with "worth running in terms of rewards/time".
    No, I'm not, because if something isn't worth running in terms of rewards/time that's a) a dumb design decision that's b) easily rectified: increase the payout.

    I am confident that whatever trials will be released with the new slots will be fun to run.
    I'm not.

    We're already seeing this somewhat with Keyes. People were clamoring for more trials and yet I would estimate that Keyes is being run maybe a third as much as Lambda/BAF. This is because while it is fun it takes longer and you can run Lambda + BAF in the same time frame.
    I didn't find the Keyes trial to be enjoyable; I think it's tedious, way too repetitive and annoying in that it makes you drag an AV all over hell's half acre without letting you just shoot it. I'd bet these are not uncommon sentiments.
  22. Venture


    But yes, I'm am sure the next round of slots will have a new currency. Not because the devs are trying to limit the speed we get it at but because they will want to stop us from progressing through the next slots by repeatedly running BAF/Lambda/Keyes (which I think we can run in our sleep by now).
    If so, this is an even stupider reason for a new currency. If new trials are worth running people will run them without being forced to. If they're not, forcing people into doing so just to get new abilities isn't going to win the devs any popularity.
  23. Quote:
    Solve food production and you solve over-population.
    Guys: nothing is going to change his mind. He's not working with facts, he's reiterating a closed theorem based on axioms that have nothing to do with the real world. All his statements are tucked back into the Gordian morass, so there's just no way out. Or in.
  24. Quote:
    I saw this movie. It was called "Fortress", and it managed to be terrible (and not really the entertaining kind of terrible, either) despite the presence of Jeffrey Combs, Kurtwood Smith, and Christopher Lambert in the lead role.
    No, that was Lambert's evil twin, Kristof Lambear.