2357 -
Quote:They are not ghosts. Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and nuclear war.
metronome and mother mayhem also exhibit traits that could be considered close enough to being a ghost
Quote:and you are ignoring the fact that in night ward you find ghosts of normal people with no defined magical origin
Quote:nor are the ghosts in croatoa specifically magical, they are being harassed by magic from the red caps and the cabal's experiments, but there is no indication that their powers come from the cabal's magic, just their increased aggressiveness. finally, do you have the background on the ghost ship form talos island? what magic origin does it have. -
Quote:Then you can completely erase the Magic origin, because if everything is "natural" then magic is really science.
I would argue that the fact that they are possible makes them natural by definition. -
Quote:Only if you're willing to stretch a point to a ridiculous level. Of course, as we can see here, lots of people are perfectly willing to do so.
This sums up precisely what I was about to type. One thing that bothers me about the natural origin is that all the origins are "natural" in the context of CoH's fictional setting.
Quote:Natural makes intuitive sense for a character like Batman, but by also squeezing characters like Superman and concepts like the energy-alien Peacebringers into it, it gets seriously muddled.
Quote:Part of the beauty of the game, though, is being able to pick any origin for any character to create your own unique take on it.
Quote:The entire notion of "unnatural" is logically incoherent anyway. It's more of an emotive descriptor than literal or objective.
Quote:Indulge me as to why natural origin is out.
Quote:I'm not seeing something unnatural there outside of locations, and as mentioned, particularly strong connections and forces of will could explain that without use of rituals or external magic. -
Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. People in First Ward aren't surprised to find out the Apparitions aren't Natural, they're surprised to find out they aren't Magic. That's because they're not ghosts, just entities with similar properties.
The origin story described is basically the same as Ghost Widow's; returning from death after a traumatic event. Ghost Widow is Magic origin. QED. -
Quote:Until we get a level of virtual reality that lets you do very naughty things, there is no other way to do it. Not even then either, really. Listening to people talk is slower than reading for most people (excrutiatingly so for people like me; I read about ten times faster than the typical speed of speech). Likewise for watching scenes play out as a spectator.
I think the problem with most AE arcs is the reliance upon text to tell the story.
And frankly, if you can't be bothered to read the miniscule amounts of text allowed by the editor, I'd feel perfectly justified in considering your aesthetic judgements to be beneath contempt. Reading is one of the fundamental abilities that makes humans a superior species; if you can't be bothered to do it please devolve immediately into something that doesn't talk so much. -
Quote:Except he didn't. He had Cryptic working on a new superhero title, yes, but he didn't slash the live team budget for City. NCSoft did that. Then they did a 180 when everything else they had in the pipes *coughtabularasacough* suddenly went pear-shaped and they put all their eggs in the Paragon Studios basket.
On top of that, he negotiated with other companies to create a CoH-killer alternate Supers-MMO while putting CoH on a shoestring budget. -
Quote:Judging from the seat-of-the-pants writing we're getting, probably not.
So you're saying that at no time during the even the early planning stage of the Incarnate system did they ever consider what effect the increased power would have on the game and story? -
Quote:MMO players are like children and starship captains. You can't give them what they want. You have to give them only what they really need.
Ditto. The 'teaming must be required' camp often will say things like, "If players can solo everything then no one will bother grouping." They never seem to realize that what they're really saying is that most players really DO want to be able to solo. -
a) Pundits can't predict marketplace changes, they can only explain them -- and not very well.
b) The most hilarious part of the article was the Evony ad in the sidebar. -
I see it's time to break out the pitchforks and torches....
I've always felt that how much the public knows about any given character should be a function of the highest level inf badge that character has. Meaning by the time you're 50, unless you were horribly PLed, your character probably has cyberstalkers blogging about what you had for dinner last night.
Quote:I know this is a superhero MMO but really, some things are just too improbable to ever happen....
Maybe mid-way through the arc he lost tenure. -
Quote:And constant as the northern star.
As always, you are a ray of sunshine in the desert. -
Quote:The real problem with the first 1.5 seasons on TNG was that every episode was an obvious remake of a TOS episode. (An old acquaintance who allegedly had connections said this was due to Executive Meddling.) There were no dynamics between the characters because the characters were being played by actors who were actually playing other characters. If that makes sense. Which it doesn't. I'll stop now.
While I generally agree, I am compelled to offer the counterexample of TNG season 1, which showed that a group of perfect people from a (supposedly) perfect society who all get along all the time and have no interpersonal drama at all, by Word of God, are about as exciting to watch as drying paint.
Quote:Then don't just sit here weeping in General Discussion and passively waiting for the full horror of I24 to hit you - get on the beta server, play the arcs, and give feedback -
Bah, and my desktop is down due the CPU overheating. (And trying to play on the laptop doesn't bear thinking about.)
Quote:This is an example of Silverman's point in action. I didn't "throw out insults", but because any criticism is seen as "unnecessarily harsh" it's taken as such.
Being a critic isn't an excuse to throw out insults and be unnecessarily harsh. Just sayin'. -
Against Enthusiasm: the epidemic of niceness in online book culture
I have no idea if his view of the situation is accurate, but I can certainly relate to it. -
Surprised, no. Grateful, yes.
Quote:Yes, but think of what we could do for the gene pool if we just told people that volunteers would unlock an achievement and get access to the closed beta on the next hot product!
Volunteering for SAO would be more insane than volunteering to be the first passengers to fly a pilotless commercial airliner powered by an autopilot running on the Sony Playstation Network. -
Quote:It's the part where it says "we pump stuff directly into your brain" that anyone who has one should say "you first" and stick their heads in the damn thing.
No way that anyone could know that they would be trapped in the game.
It's not an exact match, but close enough: never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain. -
Quote:At worst he'd be about as dangerous as any random Freakshow leader. And he has no power base to speak of, since....
We do - he's still on the loose, and still has a following among the Crusaders - there are several things that have happened recently that could turn him against Primal Earth, and he'd make a very dangerous enemy.
Quote:Sorry to burst your bubble, bub, but some people LIKE Praetoria, and wouldn't mind a visit back now and again. -
There's no such thing as an "anti-villain".
Quote:By not getting involved in the first place.
So how do you think you would react in this situation?