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  1. B2524 = It can only mean that DJ Shecky has obtained 24 hour access to a B25 bomber.
  2. From the trailer I wonder if the attacks of the bounty hunter class will be composed of AoEs.
  3. Interesting stuff the only thing that has me concerned is this part were Bruce Harlick says

    [ QUOTE ]

    I wanted the villains to succeed with their plan and to deal with the consequences...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As long as dealing with the consequences doesn't turn out to be forced heroism.
  4. How about some weather changes. Some rain, snow, cloudy days would be nice. Trees changing with the seasons.
  5. So far I've been pleased with what the devs have done with the CoX franchise and think that the future will be good. I'm probably seeing more powersets, epic archtypes, zone overhauls in the future of this game.
  6. The anticipation is killing me. Want magic booster pack so bad.
  7. Love the stuff for the 2nd booster pack, definitely plan on getting it when it's released. I wonder if the pics shown are all the pieces or are there some that weren't shown.
  8. That was a great video. Just makes me want Issue 14 even more.
  9. How about Telemarketer. Log off near any payphone in Paragon City or the Rogue Isles and the bonus would be the ability to have access to all contacts cell numbers.
  10. Unknown_User

    15 People

    A huge thanks from me to the 15 devs that managed to keep this game going.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    CoV needs attention focused on it. It was billed and sold as a fully, complete, independent game...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll throw my 2 cents on this. I really believe that this is a part of the problem with getting some new exclusive content into CoV. I really wish the devs/marketing/whoever was in charge of this product. Never made the decision to release it as a stand alone game. In my personal opinion the Dev team sees CoV as nothing more than an expansion to CoH vs. a stand alone game.

    Although none of admitted out right that CoV is nothing but an expansion the CoH game, but there are signs here and there that seem to point to how the devs really view CoV. A patch that allowed those who had either the stand-alone versions of CoH or CoV to have access to both games, shared content with recent patches, the Good vs. Evil edition that's being sold.

    From my point of view this should have never happened. Honestly I think the only reason this happened was to increase the subscription base and create more revenue.

    It's like Blizzard releasing the Burning Crusade and saying that you don't need World of Warcraft to play it. Why bother to or even attempt to support 2 games that use the same engine, software code, use the same hardware, share the same backstory and plot when you can lump them together. It's a waste of resources and dollars. I'm sure that's what NCsoft/Cryptic realized when CoV came out.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    ...what's got him so spooked that he would actually interact with heroes and villains directly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe it's himself.
  13. Love the work. Thanks for the great laugh.
  14. I'll take a wait and see approach on this bit of news. Right now the voices in my head are screaming "Dooooom!!!!" but who knows what can happen between now and then.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not entirely sure if this would be the correct thread to do such, but I'm basically throwing my name out there in hopes of possibly finding a solid RP based SG. I play an Electricity based Blaster with a Technology background named Hyperbolt. I apologize if this is the wrong place to post such. Thanks all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try the Virtue SG theard you might have better luck there. However if you are interested in a RP SG how about giving The League of Justice a look and see if they meet your RP needs.
  16. Yay, can't wait to see it
  17. Not bad, not bad at all. Got a laugh or two out of it.
  18. His interview was great, loved the pain pads bit, can't wait to see what Issue 10 has in store for us, costume-wise.
  19. Unknown_User

    Paragon Wonder

    I think this is what you're looking for.
  20. Unknown_User

    I need a name!

    How about Punk Queen Jack
  21. This thing keeps getting better and better. Grats to all those involved and keep up the great work