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  1. No Rufus.
    Just wouldn't be the same.
  2. Zombies are rapidly approaching vampires on the "been done to death, just make me want to punch someone in the genitals" scale of annoyingness.
  3. Very fun time. Grabbed a team of 7 and ran through the Twilight's Son arc in Ouroboros. Put some serious hurting on the Circle of Thorns, then ran some AV missions to finish the night off. Great time as always!
  4. Loved it. I found it a very satisfying end to Nolan's Bat-arc. I'm glad to see that Bruce got his happy ending with Selina. In the comics world, Batman goes on endlessly, but in reality, there's just no way. I figure he could do that maybe 10 years at the most before the sheer physical toll just destroyed him. Death or retirement are his only real options. I'm glad to see Bruce gets to go have a life now.

    The Pre-Crisis Earth-2 Batman had a very similar ending to his career. He retired as Batman, married his Selina Kyle, had a daughter, and turned over the protection of Gotham City to the now adult Robin. Bruce then devoted his time to Gotham in other ways, exercising the philanthropic arm of Wayne Enterprises, and eventually becoming the police commissioner himself.

    If you look at the big guns, Bruce is really the only one with a very short finite career span. Superman is an alien (and Superman). Wonder Woman an ageless Amazon, Aquaman an Atlantean hybrid (no idea what his life span or aging process is), Flash has his speed powers, Green Lantern has his power ring, Martian Manhunter is also an alien and seemingly ageless. For all his sheer awesomeness, Bruce is just a guy in a costume with some really cool toys.

    For him to be Batman for a time, and then pass it on to someone else is just natural progression. Its what I liked most about the post-Crisis, pre-DCnU era in DC Comics. Bruce trained Dick Grayson, and then Tim Drake, to eventually be his successor and take over. When he "died", Dick was there to take over. I enjoyed how Nolan gave Bruce his out, but still left Gotham with a protector, someone with the fire in his belly that Bruce had burned through.
  5. The adult Robin costume from Earth 2 is one of my favorite overlooked designs. Simple, but classic. Maybe go with some slightly darker shades of the primary colors, and you could have a really cool look.

  6. Get Planetary. Probably my favorite series of the last 20 years. Great story, and amazing art.
  7. I would go see that. The only way it would really work though would be to go completely over the top, as the Lobo character was originally intended. Extreme violence, blowing stuff up all over the place, cheesy lines, just ham it up, all of which play to the Rock's strengths. Bring Simon Bisley in as a visual consultant, and just go wild, have fun with it. Make it R-rated, hell make it as R-rated as you can get away with. When something is awesome, people will go see it.
  8. Ultraamann


    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post

    Best show on TV atm, imo.
    Went to the set on the 1st day of production for season 5, and was amazed how much these guys love their fans. Even after a 14 hour day, most, esp Charlie, took a lot of time just signing stuff and talking to the 3 fans at the gate when they left the studio.
    I myself got some great footage of Jax, Chibs, Bobby and Happy on bikes, Juice and Clay in the van leaving TM.
    I will whole-heartedly agree with this. They do some filming up by where I work, and they have always been incredibly gracious with their time for the fans who come out. Ryan Hurst (Opie) and Kim Coates (Tig) were great about signing things, and they seem genuinely touched by the love and enthusiasm that the fans have for the show. I always take a swing by when I see the yellow S.O.A. signs up to direct the crew to locales. Never know what you're going to get to see!
  9. I'd just start with the Justice League already in existence. There's no real need to do an exhaustive background establishing everyone. People will know and recognize the characters in general. They can pick things up as they go along.

    I think Grant Morrison's White Martian storyline (JLA 1-4 i think) would be awesome. Great villains, equal power, delves a little into the Martian Manhunter's background (since he might be the most unfamiliar of the Leaguers... plus he's my favorite DC character), and it gives all of the team a chance to shine. Would be very hard to screw it up.

    Just my .02...
  10. Ultraamann


    Probably my favorite show on TV right now. Sons is awesome. Got both my brothers and a handful of friends hooked on it too. Can't recommend it highly enough.
  11. He was awesome on the Match Game. But nothing was better than when he was hosting Family Feud. Those awkward moments where he was macking on wives, moms, daughters right in front of their family, and no one seemed to care. And then when contestants gave answers that were so goofy, off the wall, or just plain bad that Dawson would actually just lose it, and be laughing his *** off, tears running down his cheeks, bent over trying to gain his composure. That was just classic.
  12. Ultraamann


    Junkie-Making 101... thats how they keep you coming back. Just drink the kool-aid and enjoy the ride.
  13. If killing people for money weren't totally illegal, I would start the greatest reality show ever seen. You make a giant death list of all the other reality TV "stars", and assign a dollar value to them based on just how loathsomely repellent they are as human beings. Then, its a free for all on taking them out. You kill 'em, you collect said dollar amount. It would be sort of like the movie version of the Running Man, except the game zone is EVERYWHERE, and the Stalkers are EVERYONE.
  14. It will be the 5th. They always drop things on Tanker Tuesday.
  15. I think Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers could work. With Thanos being introduced as a villain for the next movie, that will bring Mar-Vell into play from the Kree. Have Carol play a SHIELD agent assigned to work with the Avengers. She bumps into Mar-Vell during the conflict, things happen, power transfer, and you have a nice Ms. Marvel (or just take her straight to Captain Marvel, since that's who she'll be in the comics coming up). She could be a small element of the 2nd film, then make her a bigger part of the team in the 3rd movie and see if she could possibly jump to carrying a solo film. With the right actress in the part, I think it could happen.
  16. To paraphrase Happy Gilmore: Hey, if I saw myself on Twitter, I'd have to kick my own ***.
  17. I'm sure they saw the utter *****-slapping that Battleship took at the box office, and didn't want to have their movie crushed in the same way. And when you look at the slew of summer releases for this year, and for the nov-dec timeframe, nothing really looked good for them launchwise.
  18. I stopped buying all DC titles when they went to the new 52. I liked the Post-Crisis continuity and the genuine character growth, particularly of the younger "next generation" characters (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Roy Harper, Tim Drake, etc). When they re-booted and either just threw a lot of that out, or tried to compress it all into some ridiculous five-year timeframe, I just lost interest. When they essentially wrote the Justice Society out (who are my all-time favorite characters), I was just done.

    I've browsed through the new issues, but have yet to see anything that has interested me enough to get me to come back to the fold.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    One of these days, Marvel is going to offer digital comics unlimited that will either be html5 or have an iOS app (instead of flash) and I'll really become a comic guy.

    I have the same problem - I collected comics when I was a kid, but I liked seeing things "from the beginning", so I ended up with boxes full of Image/Valiant comics like Rai, etc. Lately I've been reading irredeemable. I've read some graphic novels (mostly from the library) of marvel stuff, but I really hate having no idea what I'm reading; I have this cultural knowledge of various heroes, but I hate not knowing what is and is not canonical. I need an easy way to see the timelines of the various incarnations of these "universes".
    One great way to get a look at a LOT of history is the Marvel Essential Collections. Granted, they are black and white reprints, but they cover 12-15 issues at a time. If you're looking to catch up on things from a timeline/historical standpoint, they are a good way to go (at least for older comics). I know a lot of libraries carry the Essential collections.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Oh and I'll call it. Guy Gardner will be the one.
    I actually gave some serious consideration to this, but I just can't see anyone over at DC with balls big enough to do it.
  21. Uncanny X-Men 112. Magneto tormenting the X-Men on the cover. Shelled out 35 cents of my hard earned allowance at the newstand by the Newport Beach ferry on Balboa Island. Instantly hooked. When I found out there was a new one of these EVERY MONTH!!! I was in heaven.
  22. Try your local library as well, if you want to sample some things without having to spend any money. I don't know if all libraries are the same, but ours here has an outstanding graphic novel and trade paperback collection. You can dabble there, find things that look interesting, get a good sampling before laying out any money.

    Beyond that, as everyone else said, hit your local comic shop, or bookstore and just try things that look cool. Comic book readers LOVE to share their favorites, so if you give anyone an idea of what you like, you'll get lists of potential reading material.
  23. Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
    Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch.
    Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it?
    Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart.
    Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?
    Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.

    One of my all-time favorite exchanges.