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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    That's not how the contact system nor Ouroboros works. So, they'd have to code that.. thus the problem.
    I disagree, isn't this how Calvin Scott works?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    The problem may not be with the contacts themselves though. We've just been told -something- breaks because of the phasing. We don't actually know what it is that's breaking or -why- (and they probably don't either). Replacing the contact may not do anything.
    That something is the contacts. So what I am suggesting is that the "contact" is simply a telephone with no physical ingame NPC. Basically it would be a phone only contact (No where in game) that gives the exact same story arc.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I think that's assuming the problem with contacts dying/phasing out is they can't be contacted after they die/phase out.

    I mean it could be, but that would be pretty silly if they just hadn't thought of that solution >>
    You misunderstand what I am saying, just make it a NEW CONTACT as a telephone contact. SAme model, same name, different contact. Make sense?

    IE if Praetoria Contact XX is number 1021012

    Make his telephone contact same name, same model, but make his contact ID 102999 but he gives the same exact storyarc.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
    I don't think the issue was entirely about visiting the contacts. Didn't he also say something about how the phasing technology makes it hard to do? I also don't see how they'd manage to achieve side-switching in a flashback format.

    Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see a Praetorian flashback system of some kind eventually. I just don't think it'd be as easy as making them call-only.
    Thats my point, just make the contacts in flashback just all telephone contacts. Not in world NPCs, in fact the telephone contacts wouldn't even be the actual contacts.
  5. During Coffee Talk Positron was asked about Praetorian missions getting put into Ouroboros, his response was that it would be extremely hard due to dying contacts and that might require a new tech for Ouroboros. It seems there is a simpler solution to this.

    Why not just make all the Ouroboros Praetorian Contacts telephone only contacts?

    Ever done a Calvin Scott TF flashback? The contact does not exist in the game world he is only an NPC you call via the telephone. Basically, by doing the above you don't even tie the flashback to the original contact in the physical game world. It is simply an NPC "posing" as the contact.

    This would also open up the Praetorian arcs to all non-Praetorians and allow them to do the arcs and receive the badges for side switching.

    Thoughts on this?
  6. I know you don't want a discussion here but I was wondering, why can't they simply just add the badges to the Empyrean Merit vendor? Yes it would require you to gather these but it would make it available to all characters even new ones.

    They could add it to the vendor once every year so that the benefit of logging in during the timeframe is that you get the badge a year in advance.
  7. Is there a summary or can someone share the details of today's coffee talk?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    ...except the OP indicated he's blue-side (at least that's the way I read his "COV vs. COH" statement), so this won't work for him unless he changes the toon's alignment to at least Vigilante.
    It would be faster to go Vigilante and then go to Mercy then it would be to farm it in Cimerora. Its like 20 days vs 8 hours.
  9. Put this way, if the enemy has 90% resistance and you would need over -3000% to floor it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Petless masterminds CAN be done. Just like an amorless tanker CAN be done. But it defeats the purpose and anything else CAN be done better. It will take a lot of effort and skill to make it viable. If you shove enough money down its throat you can solo x8, like Plainguy. But if you shove an equal amount of money down the throat of something that wasn't gimped from the start you will solo 4x8 much, much faster.

    It is as simple as that. It can be done, if you shove enough money into it it can actually be done well. But it is still silly.
    Pretty much this. Can a guy with one arm do karate and fight in the MMA? Possibly but he will always be second to someone that has all his limbs.

    A petless MM is essentially like cutting off a limb. Sure you can do things like a "normal" person but you won't ever do them as well.

    This is why people frown on it. Its shooting yourself in the foot or voluntarily adding your own kryptonite in the game for "just because."
  11. Do this: Get all heal badges in 10 hours.

    Well I am getting nearly 50 k a cast with Vigor T3 (45% more healing) and a T4 radial +HP. Here is a screenshot... I positioned myself to hit nearly all the mobs. You can see the green rings meaning they are buffed by me.

  12. I saw some of the servers had Captain Mako week, can someone tell me what the event was and what prizes and awards were given?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    When I explicitly tested this on the beta servers, both Weave and Cross required two of the three earlier powers to be selected before they became available. If those three powers are boxing, kick, and tough, in any order, you'll be forced to take either boxing or kick to unlock weave. Which is exactly, precisely the situation we have now on live.
    Right so this is either bugged, the idea was scrapped, or it is not implemented yet. In Coffee Talk it was announced this change was coming where the 4th power in power pools would be available after 1 power pick.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And I said that doesn't address the complete situation, in the rest of my post. What your suggestion does is:

    1. Eliminate the prerequisite for Tough, on the assumption the devs would allow that.

    2. Create a prerequisite for Kick that didn't exist before for players that wanted Kick.

    3. Do nothing for people who want to take Weave, and end up taking a power with limited incremental utility to their builds, since they will still have to take either boxing or kick to satisfy the two power prereq for Weave.
    Regarding #3, in Issue 24 I thought they changed it so that you can get the 4th power in 2 picks?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    It's still a good ST power set with nice stuns. it's not the FoTM but is still more than enough to get the job completed. I barely noticed the nerf actually and dont even remember what they nerfed besides change the animation to be a little bit longer.
    The stun in TF was brought down to Mag 3.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post
    You would need 487% recharge in gloom to use Gloom/Burn/Gloom assuming you have safety period of 0.2s for gloom to 'fully' recharge.

    Even with 200% global recharge and 100% in the power, you're looking at a 2 second gap of every couple of seconds.

    Also, I'm not sure if ending the chain with the beginning of the chain is a way of saying "repeat", but obvious ET-->ET isn't practical, nor is KoB-->KoB.

    The Super Strength DPS chain uses Haymaker if I remember correctly.

    To the OP:
    I have no clue. I just wanted to let you know I disagree with the above poster in more ways than one.

    In the pylon thread those are the best chains due to testing even with the gaps. I believe it was Planet J that made that SS chain. Time was improved like 15-20 sec.
  17. I have an EM/Fire, TW/Fire, and SS/Fire

    EM's best attack chain is ET > Gloom > Burn > Gloom > ET (Unless you get more recharge) -- Thats pretty sad because all of the other attacks are meaningless DPA wise. This chain also hurts you and yes the damage begins to be noticeable.

    SS's best chain is KOB > Gloom > Burn > Gloom > KOB -- This has a huge advantage with Rage and double stacked rage.

    TW/Fire's single target chain can match SS's but it requires a lot more attacks and timing. One miss during non momentum will lower your DPS a lot.

    At the damage cap of course EM will be the 2nd of the 3 but not by too much with TW in the lead.

    Energy Melee overall is simply average, its not the best but it isn't the worst by any means.
  18. I want to have a window like masterminds do. Just to see my pet's health and if it dies. Is this possible?
  19. What are the codes for?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Which would be also very good for anything else, probably even more for a weaker AoE set like DM?
    Yes but moreso cause of double stacked rage. Its the reason gloom is such a nasty attack in the hands of SS.

    Same reasons for Burn. Good attack but better on SS.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    If TW is, lets say, supperior (undocumented expectation) in term of ST dmg. Do you really think one single power from a powerpool would change the overall balance?
    Btw in solo pylon times SS is even with TW. Now as TW gets damage buffs on teams it will get better.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    If TW is, lets say, supperior (undocumented expectation) in term of ST dmg. Do you really think one single power from a powerpool would change the overall balance?
    Yes. A single power with:

    5 chances to proc damage procs
    5 chances to proc a -res proc

    But also don't forget about the AOE potential. It will be amazing for more aoe damage. Cast it on a boss and melt everything.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Curveball View Post
    If it's the pet damage cap, do you really need Rage to max out the damage, though? (You might, my math is terrible.)
    Yes because of how fury works. Fury only lasts 2 seconds long it is a constant buff that refreshes. This means when you use a pet entity only 2 seconds of fury carries over.

    Ever notice your burn's pet damage portion decreases after the first few ticks?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Sorry to disturb, why would the power benefit more to SS?
  25. Thanks got it... one more master to go and that is whenever I find my final Nightmare from MOM trial.