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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    Also Ironblade - the Brute ATO set is going for upwards of 80 million a piece.
    Actually, this last weekend I bought the entire set paying 45M per piece except the proc. I paid 60M for that, and if I'd been more patient, I could have paid 45 for it, too.

    So it is undergoing some swings.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    I bet Bill Gates can tell a nice story too about how all he did was going to school and found a company. Thing is there was a bit more involved than that.
    Except that analogy is horrible.

    Just some time spent poking around in the interface and actually playing the game earns you money. You don't need LotGs and purples raining on you to become rich. I earn 10s of millions of inf every day I spend a few hours playing just working with uncommons, inspirations and converters that come my way playing a level 50. There's some market and game knowledge required to know what to craft and sell and what to vendor, but it's not even on the same planet, let alone same ballpark, as what Bill Gates needed to do, be and manage to get rich.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    For those that can afford them. For those who do not have the understanding of how influence is made in the game IOs themselves are largely inaccessible and that leaves them definitely in the land of the have nots.
    This game's market and various other means of obtaining "stuff" are, from what I can tell, some of the most hands-off, easy to use for a "layman" in MMO-dom. I believe it's harder to figure out how to put IOs to good use than it is to obtain them, in terms of the game knowledge required.

    Those who have no understanding of how influence is made are those who have not tried to learn, do not want to, or have learned and prefer not to use the knowledge. While only the first can easily be changed, the player does have to make the effort to do so.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rintera View Post
    people complained in beta that it took far too much endurance. this was the compromise...I, for one...would have gladly suffered the(in my opinion NOT high amount of endurance) endurance cost in order for it to be constantly on....because my assault turns me into some sort of....meta-blaster.
    Yeah, they made it cost "too much" because they intended people to turn it off. It wasn't the people saying it cost too much that got them to change it, it was the people saying "no, that's OK, I can afford it".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
    and there is something I'm missing because/ Even with the league alive and Lv shift he won't go donw of 25% health. WHat are we missing?
    His regen goes up higher the lower his HP are. If your league has too much lethal/smashing damage, or has to back off too much when he fires his lightning, or enough folks aren't +3, or enough don't have Lore or the pets die or are used too soon, or (more likely) some combination of all those things, your league may not be able to push him over the edge, because the closer you get him, the harder he pushes back.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Mostly. Avatar of Hamidon, The Sentinel of Mot, Diabolique, and Mother Mayhem (incl Penelope Mayhem and Shalice Tilman) get twice as much HP per player than Tyrant and the others. They're starting from the same base, so they don't literally have 2x the HP, but they do have more.
    Interesting. That's particularly interesting for the MoM that those 54+3 AVs get to cap out at higher max HP.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    That's kind of odd isn't it? Why would it apply a 5% energy resistance debuff when it is irresistible damage? I guess maybe to make you more susceptible to his other attacks?
    I was actually wondering about that too. Anecdotally, it seems like the damage does increase the longer you're in the lightning, but that could have been things like level shifts fluctuating. And at 10% per second on top of 25% from the direct and first summons powers, that's not a lot of time to stand around and ponder the damage you're taking. I could probably dig it out of logs, though.
  8. The biggest mystery at this point seems to be what the heck the Favor of the Well is doing. Unfortunately, the tests I can think of really require a league focused on the testing. I saw someone already tried testing to see whether everyone on a league of 16 always got Favor or not. If there are no bugs, and not everyone gets Favor every time the Lights are out, I would really think that seems bugged.

    Even if it's not bugged, I don't think a limit of 16 makes sense, but it'd be nice to know for sure if it's even working for the number of people it says it should affect.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by makerian View Post
    I suspect either his regen or damage resistance, or both were affected by players dying, even before the <50% mark.
    It's not.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
    How anyone have try to use the bane spider Anyliser or Temp power Surveillance ?http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Bane_Spi...g#Surveillance

    WE should be able to check his power and see how much regen,Health, and Power he have for sure instead of creating theorys
    We know how much he has, but it varies based on the size of the league.

    Edit: He uses the same scaling (and base) that all iTrial AVs do.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I was under the impression that the lightning appeared where players were standing, like the blue patches of death in the Battle Maiden fight.
    It does. However, there is a 100' limit on the range at which he can summon it on people. It's centered on him.

    Notice that there is a direct damage component of the attack, and a summons. The direct damage is autohit, unresistable, and does a flat percentage of your HP in damage. (15% to players, 3% to critters). It's energy damage, but that's not terribly relevant since it's irresistible.

    The Flow Lightning summon actually appears in two stages. The first stage does deals 10% irresistible energy damage, takes away 3% of your endurance and debuffs your recovery by 10% for 20s. The non-damage effects are resistable. It then summons the second stage after 0.9s. This stage deals -10% irresistible energy damage and applies-5% energy DR every second for 10 seconds.
  12. It looks like both are back. There are new patches for both environments, and after applying those, I can log in to both.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    I am extremely late to this thread because I completely missed it. So what is the final outcome on this ppm business? I am specifically talking about stuff like numina's, miracle's and the stalker proc. Those are really the only ones I go for. On my stalkers I planned on going with a recharge alpha slot and going with a super high recharge build. Will I still be able to keep my perma-build up on my kin/wp stalker?
    Numina's and other "for 120 seconds" IOs will not be affected at all.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Chances are that it will get destroyed with the upcoming PPM nerfs in I24 so high damage modifier ATs should probably avoid taking the doublehit route to t4
    He was saying high damage modifier ATs would likely be better with Core anyway.

    In any case, it's not going to "get destroyed". Assuming it changes (and I do assume it will), it will proc less often, based on the slotted recharge of the power. This will not affect the damage scale unless they explicitly choose for it to. I do not believe they will make the damage scale a function of slotted recharge, because making the proc damage a function of base recharge is what makes doublehit's damage be scaling fraction of a power's damage. It's not perfect, because all powers' damage doesn't follow the rule for this exactly, but if you know a power's recharge and AoE parameters (where appropriate), you should be able to calculate its damage. That's basically what Doublehit is doing by making damage a function of recharge time.
  15. It does not. This is a case of something affecting what a power does, rather than "inherent" attributes of the power itself. (End cost isn't something a power does, it's something a power has.)

    Even if PB could affect Barrier, by convention PB never affects things that mix +resist. (It does not boost the +def from cold shields, Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist, nor do PB-like effects boost heals that grant Toxic resistance.) However, we can be quite sure that even if Barrier was only +def, PB would not affect it, because PB does not affect the heal in Rebirth (which grants no resistance) or the end boost granted by Ageless, even though PB boosts both +heal and +end.

    I have tested the above, as I have a character with PB who has all those Destinies.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    IN a realistic sense, pre ED was ALOT stronger, unless you are solo or on a team where everyone slotted to the max, your carrying weak people.

    They have created a game of have and have nots, haves dont want teams, have nots wants teams but haves dont need or want them
    That really makes no sense.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Tyrant does have a heal... it's a dark heal that when it hits those in melee range, they get hit with a -ToHit and he gets healed.

    So, it's actually living characters that are healing him... if it hits at all. Look for the Power of Tartarus debuff icon.
    He only uses that on his own Olympians. It doesn't affect players at all. And it doesn't heal him, despite both the icon and the short help info it displays.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    Actually, he was KEENLY aware.

    He just thought he could reign them in. Or that their proclivities would be minor and wouldn't make much of an impact.
    I think he probably turned a blind eye to it, in the name of the "greater good". Without the Praetors, the DE might have prevailed in the war. After the war, without the Praetors out projecting Cole's will in multiple ways and places, humanity might not have toed the line Cole felt was needed to satisfy the Hamidon.

    Emperor Cole wasn't a nice guy. He happened to have at least one laudable goal - preserving humanity in the face of the Hamidon's desire to exterminate them, but even if we grant him slack for having that to face, the extremity of his means seem to have crept beyond the end he sought to achieve.

    Do we know he actually survives the Magisterium fight? I've found the Incarnate content notable for making it explicit that we've killed most (all?) of the Praetors.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by G_Savior View Post
    Shouldn't tyrant just be a 'peak human' at most, now that his connection is severed? I did not understand how he still had his powers after you severed his connection since he never had powers before, but then again chimera is 'just' human but can make himself glow red and fight incarnates.
    To that point, "natural" metahumans in the City universe can do some pretty supernatural things. Basically, the "natural" moniker applied to an Earth human just means they figured out how to be super without a genetic mutation or some outside influence granting it to them.

    While Cole's story suggests that he went "from zero to hero" by tapping into the Well, it might make sense that even without its connection he could now know have unlocked the same of potential that any vanilla level 50 Natural Origin hero (or villain) would have. He would just have gotten there kind of backwards.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Everyone thinks a nerf is coming this week, so they are all getting their hybrids done before it happens.
    You're either making that up, or perceiving that "everyone" is saying it because it's a rumor/assumption circulating among people you communicate with regularly.

    No one on any farm I have been on has said or assumed any such thing. They're running it because it's what people do - they want the new shiny and this is how you get it. It's like every new trial, TF and event that has been released in the last four years at least.

    Stop making up really hyperbolic explanations for things that have much simpler foundations.
  21. To put a sense of scale on Tyrant's regen, the power I mention in this post (above), when he is at 20% of his HP, he has a 210% regen buff.

    I don't have "archetype" stats handy for iTrial AVs, and I think their maxHP scales with league membership size. But if Tyrant was a standard AV found in the rest of the game, his base regen rate would be to heal 1533.9 HP every 15 seconds. Regen buffs work by decreasing the time between regen "ticks" using the same math as recharge bonuses. So 210% regen would drop 15 second ticks to 15s/(1+2.1) = 4.8s.

    That's 1533.9 / 4.8 = 317 HP/sec average.

    That's the DPS you have to pump into him just to break even, assuming I'm right about his HP. (He might have more.)

    But wait, there's more! He also has pretty high resistances to most damage types except Toxic and Psi. (In addition to his version of all the Invulnerability passives, he has a passive version of Unyielding and a click version of Temp Invul that lasts 60s and recharges every 120s.) And of course he ranges from +0 to +6 to player characters, plus 1-3 levels more if you are less than 50+3. So in reality you need quite a bit more than that. And the more Lethal/Smash damage your league deals, the harder he will be to take down.

    Edit: On the upside, you don't have to sustain this kind of DPS over long periods, because of how his regen ramps up with lowering HP. As far as I can tell, you only have to get him to 10% HP before he "pops" and turns back into Mini Tyrant. That's in-game anecdotes, though - I haven't found that in his powers.
  22. Actually, the longer the recharge+activation, the better Radial is.

    You want fast activating/recharging attacks (and a high base AT damage scale) to get the most bang out of the Core side.
  23. OK... now I'm getting the "problem with the game database" error on Beta as well...
  24. A couple of things on that front. The first is that I am not sure are six overlapping effects. I believe there is one 5000' radius effect. I believe this because we can find the info for the "Light of the Well" pseudo-pet entities on RedTomax, and they do not have a power which grants people level shifts. Instead, that seems to be a separate, invisible entity. This entity appears to actually count how many Lights are alive and grant level shifts based on that. So if that's correct, overlap isn't an issue.

    The other thing to bear in mind is that the "Notice of the Well" power has a 5000' radius, not diameter. So that's the better part of a two miles diameter, and I'm not at all sure the entire battlefield is that wide. Even if there's six overlapping fields, I don't think you could escape the overlap if you tried.

    Edit: No, actually, I am positive the battlefield is not that wide. 10000' is comparable to the long dimension of Independence Port. If you zone in from the train, the Magic store down by the Brickston zone gate is about that far away.