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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    Wait, is that how it actually works in its CoH incarnation? It absorbs BEFORE your resists are applied? That seems extremely silly, since it renders resists ~useless if the healing is absorbs.
    Hardly. Absorb reduces damage by whatever amount it reduces it by, and you resist what's left.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MoiraMom View Post
    The only other mechanic which I'm just very unclear on, is what, exactly, the "Favor of the Well" is doing. Simply saying the lower his health goes the more the Well favors him is -- well, what does that *mean*? Favor numbers go up and go down in proportion to the damage he takes and the amount he heals back, but does his regen %age change as he gets lower on health? If so, does it drop back down at any point?
    Basically, when his HP drop below 50%, his regen goes up. It's a linear thing scale - the lower below 50% his regen is, the higher it gets.

    All the Favor of the Well bar does is represent how much of this buff he's getting. At 49% health, it's very small. At 15%, it's very large.

    When DPS on him slows down or stops, because people are defeated, lose level shifts, or have to run from his lightning, his Regen restores his HP. This causes the Favor (and the regen buff) to decrease. If you stop fighting him or slow down too much, his Favor bar will decay to zero.

    He basically "overdoses" at 10%, and the Well severs its ties to him. That's when he shrinks and you win.
  3. Apologies in advance for the cross-post, but I wanted to put this out here.

    Until they fix the Notice of the Well buff, I think I recommend two things for those who want to complete the trial.
    • Shoot for 16 people max.
    • Ask people to avoid summoning pets, even Lore.
    I just went on two trials where we didn't do pets. The first was around 20 people. A couple of people popped Lore, but we took Tyrant down with only one or two out, despite having several people who had never done the trial. It took around 8-9 minutes.

    The next one we did was 16 people. We melted his face. He shrank as the lights came out for the third time, including the first time right before the fight actually starts. So that was like four minutes and change.

    I'd say if you try this approach and you still can't seem to take him down, go for Lore, but do it after a fresh set of lights have been shut down. That will hopefully focus the shifts on the players.
  4. Until they fix the Notice of the Well buff, I think I recommend two things for those who want to complete the trial.
    • Shoot for 16 people max.
    • Ask people to avoid summoning pets, even Lore.
    I just went on two trials where we didn't do pets. The first was around 20 people. A couple of people popped Lore, but we took Tyrant down with only one or two out, despite having several people who had never done the trial. It took around 8-9 minutes.

    The next one we did was 16 people. We melted his face. He shrank as the lights came out for the third time, including the first time right before the fight actually starts. So that was like four minutes and change.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    So answer this then, what are the light wells suppose to do? Grant one level shift per one defeated or does defeating one raise your level to +9?
    In the game fiction, they represent Tyrant's link to the well. The Quills we took from Black Swan steal incarnate power, so we're stealing his link to the well to empower ourselves.

    In terms of implementation, the Lights act as an indirect counter to the league's level shifts buff. They don't give a buff themselves or do anything at all, actually. The level shift buff comes from an invisible pseudo-pet located in the zone. Every light that is "alive" causes it to give one less +1 to the league, so when all six lights are alive, the league gets +0. When any well dies, the buff should go up by +1, to a maximum of +6.
  6. Alternatively, maybe if they like that powerset layout, a case can be made for extending the range of the "hard-hitter" attacks and the range of things like Life Drain.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I don't see why people are getting so worked up about a costume that covers 90% of the wearer's skin. You see more revealing outfits walking through a mall. Are they offended that she's female?
    Apparently they want her dressed in a robe.

    Painted-on outfits are standard in comics, for both genders. Yes, perhaps that's because both are intended to appeal to male readers. However, being offended over the mere depiction of the idealized human form is a step too far. Its mere appearance is not sexual in nature, there's more to it than that. So while I can sympathize with concern over the pose, I cannot sympathize at all with concerns over the costume. Well, OK, I agree with the folks who think it's ugly, but I find any complaints that it's sexualized completely bizarre.

    I want to add something, and I'm sorry, but I'm going to be extraordinarily blunt. Trying to draw a distinction between comic-book themes and super hero/villain themes is easily the dumbest thing I've read in months. They're the same thing. Yes, super heroes and super villains do exist in other contexts, but the core inspirational roots for them in this game are unambiguously from American comic books. Any argument that tries to separate them is simply not compelling.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Equality_NA View Post
    Really..Hmm. Well I crafted prem on my Elec/Elec/Mu Dom with Storm Elementals (alpha - Agility Core) to see what if anything it would do and and it has made a difference with every IAV I have tried it on except Tyrant.
    It made a difference over and above the staggering end drain that Electric Control applies? Electric Control is one of the few powersets in the game that can sap an AV without any effort on the player to build a dedicated "sapper". I find it hard to believe that anyone could tell the difference in Electric Control's sapping ability with any without Preemptive Interface. That's like adding a kitchen faucet to a firehose - yes, it technically does something, but it's not a contribution that's particularly noticeable.

    Also, anyone building for "big game hunting" is going to take Radial T4, which means 1/3 the proc chance for debuffs as the Core side. If you have taken Radial and are saying you are noticing its debuff contribution on top of the rest of the build you're quoting, I find it highly suspect.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    in the 5 or so trials that ive completed ive gotten 2 VR, 1 R, and 1 uncommon so i havent really noticed any discrepancy in the reward table
    I haven't gotten threads, but I've been on multiple people where people did, and they certainly didn't seem inactive.

    I've never gotten threads in any trial I was actually playing in, but there were problems with it that had to be tweaked in the past.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Equality_NA View Post
    Spectral and Preemptive basically tied? Yes the both have the same DoT but -end and -recovery are debuffs, two really. Both debuffs procs at double the rate of Spectral (25 vs 12) and depending on the AT and power sets used it can actually make a difference. Tied if you can't cap on the debuffs of preemptive then yes.
    Endurance and recovery debuffs at the levels applied by Preemptive will be effectively ignored by any critter classified as "big game", so yes, both are basically equally meaningless in this context. The only one with a vague hope of being noticed is Spectral's immobilize, and only against AVs, and it's not very likely at all if you're going for the Radial version.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    Maybe beating down the de-powered version of Tyrant counts as a seperate "phase" and if you miss that the system treats it as non-participation?
    If it's related to this, it's intermittent. I've been in the "hospital" when the trial ended and gotten the regular reward table.
  12. I expect a new load screen next issue. That doesn't really address the complaint, per se, but it provides and opportunity for it to be shuffled into the background, probably to come around later.

    I don't have a problem with it, other than the post looking awkward. But then, I'm a guy.

    I don't think anything explicitly changed, by the way. I think they just finally came up with an action scene where, in the context of comic art, a pose like that fit existing standards. In other words, there was probably never any conscious decision to avoid it, so it eventually happened.

    Edit: To the OP, apparently you missed some the reaction to the cover art for the "Who Will Die" SSA series a while back. Sis Psyche basically looked ... much less ready for combat compared to her male allies in the pic, striking a shocked pose while they all looked ready to kick butt. And her expression was ... interesting. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have given it much thought until someone pointed it out, but I think compared to that, Penny looks positively progressive.
  13. Yeah, I have seen people who played what I consider a normal amount saying they got the 10 threads table about five times so far. That doesn't happen anything like that often in other iTrials, at least not any more, so I'm suspecting something is wrong with Participation in this one.
  14. One of the main things they did to him was make him extremely resistant to -regen. In fact, because I'm a little fuzzy on how having two powers that resist -regen works, I'm not positive that he's not completely immune. He has two powers that resist regen - one by 87% (basically for being a level 54 iTrial AV) and another 80% resistance added to his version of Resist Physical Damage.

    So either he resists it by 167% (reducing it to zero) or reduces it to (1-0.87)*(1-0.8) = 0.026 = 2.6% of normal. That's before counting any levels he has on you.

    So basically -regen is going to do nothing to him now, whether it's literally nothing or not.
  15. Oh, thank you. I am going to be pasting links to this all night.
  16. Against everything up to about AVs, the -maxHP of Degenerative is actually better for time to defeat than Reactive's. However, you pretty much need to be looking at AVs and the like for that benefit to really show up. Against things with bigger maxHP than "regular" AVs like you meet in missions (which includes GMs, Hamidon, entities like Reichsman or iTrial AVs), Reactive starts to be better.

    As PleaseRecycle mentions, in most situations, you will do best with the Radial side of the interfaces adding direct DPS than with the debuff side. Of the versions, Reactive probably comes out on top in raw DPS, because even on the Radial side, you still have a chance of -resist debuff. After that, I would expect Spectral and Preemptive to be next and basically tied, as they have the same DoT damage magnitude as Reactive but no debuff effect. Degenerative may come in closer here, because it has 80% of the damage per tick, but again includes the -maxHP debuff. Finally, Congnitive would be in last place for big game, as it has 80% of Reactive's damage but no debuff.

    In theory, Cognitive and Degenerative have lower damage per tick because they are "exotic" damage types, which might make them seem attractive. In practice, versus critters, I don't find this compelling. Critters with strong "physical" protections frequently have Toxic resists as well. While Psi resist is not as common as physical resists, when it is resisted, it is often resisted very severely, with 50% being a very common value.

    In contrast, and if I remember correctly, some analysis was done that showed fire turned out to be one of the most infrequently resisted things you could deal damage with.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
    I was (at least at times) only getting level shifted if I stood in a light or very near it. I was going to suggest that when you run, run to a light so you ensure you get the buff. I don't know if this is working as intended.
    It isn't related to that. There is a single, hidden entity in the mission zone that grants the level shifts to the first 16 allies within 5000' of it. The issue is that both pets and players count against that limit of 16.

    The buff doesn't emanate from the lights at all.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    Alpha boosts nothing for Assault Hybrid powers.

    Alpha boosts the toggled-on regen, defense, and resist portions of Melee Hybrid powers, but not the passive portions, or the taunts or mez protection.
    Actually, I have screen shots showing that Cardiac boosted neither the base nor the scaling part of Hybrid Core Melee's damage resistance buff.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    I was also reading in the other thread, someone saying his regen (or teh difficulty) scales with the team size? Sounds fair enough, but if it does, it sure seems to be scaling TOO much.
    All iTrial AVs have scaling HP that scale with the size of the league. It's actually dynamic - it will change if someone leaves or joins mid-fight.

    (Interestingly, their regen is actually debuffed as they get more HP. This is part of the scaling. I can only conclude there was some desire to keep the HP scaling from turning directly into linear DPS scaling.)

    A larger league will have a Tyrant with more HP, and this does result in a direct scaling of the DPS required to overcome his Favor. If you add people in a Magisterium, it's important that they be able to add to the league's DPS, either directly, through buffs, or though keeping people alive and mobile.

    Fairly obviously, if the Lights are not resulting in shifts for the whole league, this creates a problem. Tyrant gets tougher, but a lot of the league can be left unshifted.
  20. I actually have an obvious fondness for powersets with click powers, being a fan of things like Regen, Fiery Aura and Dark Miasma, so that aspect of Hybrid is pretty much a non-issue for me.

    Would I have preferred an always on power? Yes. Do I think Hybrid is in all cases strong enough to feel like its up/down time is warranted? No, in my opinion, it doesn't feel that way consistently, and how powerful it "feels" varies a lot by character.

    But I don't think it was some horrible idea. It's just not what I might have preferred.

    I don't have anyone, though, that I don't notice the benefit of Hybrid on, though. Maybe that's a function of how I play and what I fight, but I very much notice the difference. If you aren't noticing the difference, perhaps a different Hybrid would be a better fit.
  21. Cool. I wondered if it would show up in a demo file, but wasn't sure if invisible entities would. I guess it makes sense that it would, since visible effects might emanate from it later.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    Word of advice. . .never tell the other person what he said (unless you're going to quote them and show them in contradiction) say what you understood.
    Based on how you are posting here, advice from you on how to post is the last thing I would ever consider.

    Look, you came in the thread proclaiming that those of us talking about IOs were acting like there was no barrier to obtaining. The implication that the barrier is meaningful is so obvious it could put people's eyes out, because if it's not meaningful, then it's not particularly worth mentioning.

    So if the barrier is not meaningful, then what in the bloody hell was your point in posting about the fact that it was being overlooked?

    Either you're being wildly obtuse or you're backpedaling now.
  23. OK, I found a pretty concise report of what's going on with the level shifts.

    Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
    Further Information about the possible level shift bug:

    I took a league of 16 on a Mag yesterday and summoned NO PETS at all (No lores, decoys, any pets), we dropped Tyrant fast. I think we took out the lights 3 times before he was defeated. The 16 was 5 controllers, 1 blaster, 4 scrappers, 3 brutes, 2 tanks, and 1 stalker.

    On the trial before that I saw my Spectral Terror at +9 but I was not, to me that's a bug. Pets are getting hit with the level shifts and "stealing" it from us.
    So it does seem that the AoE +level effect's limit is 16, and pets count against it. It seems likely that the entity that casts it is in the center of the bowl, but we don't know for sure. Typically, such effects count up targets from radially closest until the target max is filled. Since we don't know exactly where the center of that sphere is at or how far they are from it relative to leaguemates and pets, whether you get the buff is going to feel pretty random.

    Even if the devs want the effect to cap at 16 players, having it affect pets count against that limit is nonsensical, in my opinion.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    UG got nerfed and rewards boosted and its still not run often..
    UG got nerfed on live how, exactly?

    At this point, people don't play the UGT primarily because it's really long. I like playing it because of the guaranteed rare or VR, but even I sometimes have to pass on it because of the duration.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
    Key words bolded above, echoing what I've stated.
    No, it's not what you stated. What you stated makes it sound as if the time spent and knowledge required, put together, represent a significant barrier. They do not represent a significant barrier, unless the player in question insists that they do. As I said, the knowledge and time we're talking about to earn 5-50M inf a day spent playing are significantly lower than that required to gain the game knowledge required understand how to build a really top-end build.