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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    No it isn't.
    The damage cap is 400%, but Combat Attributes caps at 300% in the example.
    That means it is not showing the "hard damage cap" but the "hard damage BUFF cap".
    This doesn't matter. I don't know why you're so fixated on this.

    Saying the cap is +300% is exactly the same as saying the damage total cap is 400%.

    Damage cap and buff cap are different numbers, which is why the Combat Attributes thing and how enhancements are figured in are so stupidly messy.
    It doesn't matter. Repeat after me. The distinction you are making does not matter.

    It has nothing to do with how enhancements fit into the calculation.

    What happened to playing games, learning by playing and having fun with easy to understand concepts? No wonder this game has such a small population compared to what it should have with its story and customization and cool powers.
    This is a preposterous conclusion. People who don't care about doing complex math can do just fine by using approximations. Seriously, do you think many people who don't want to do complex math even bother to show the attribute monitor. For those that do, the information it displays is meaningful enough most of the time, and that's almost certainly why it displays what it does the way it does.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    Ok then, so why does the combat attributes window still start at 0% even though you're fully enhanced for damage?
    As Hopeling says, the monitor has no way to know what power it should display the total for. My example Defender is not realistic in the sense that many characters do not have the same level of damage slotting in every power. Even min/max builders will sometimes let post-ED damage be around 90%, instead of 95%. If you slot purples or superior ATEs, it's easy to drive even post-ED damage to 100% and change. And every power in the same character can be slightly different.

    If they really wanted it to be clear and accurate then they should hack 100% off the damage buff cap for everyone and exclude enhancements from that calculation so that the combat attribute buffs will fully be the value they say and be the full value that applies to powers.
    Except that's not valid if, for example, you're a Brute who doesn't slot ~100% damage. It's also not valid if you are slotting low-level enhancements (such as DOs) or if you have a power that deals damage but that you wanted to slot for something else. (Think many Controller holds.)

    What you are saying is that "300% damage buff is only 300% when completely unenhanced or when enhancements are perfectly enhancing to 100%" which makes calculating damage a REALLY messy affair.
    That's why the monitor only displays the global buffs. It really is a messy affair. There's no generalized way to display it as a single number.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    That was what I was talking about.

    Combat Attributes says a starting damage buff of 0% and then caps at some number, but damage is never 0% so that can't be the "total damage cap".
    You need to at least add 100% to the combat attributes number.

    You supported my point.
    Yes, the display value is the bonus, so the total is 100% plus the bonus. However, you originally said...

    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    100% normal damage + about 100% enhancement + 300% buffs = 500% cap
    The orange part is not correct. That should not be added. The cap is 400%, not 500%.

    And, the hard damage cap is above what the Combat Attributes say because the Combat Attributes is only displaying the "damage buff cap" not the "damage cap".
    It is correctly displaying the buff hard cap. What it is not showing accurately is how close you are to that cap with each power. You may already be at the cap, but the display will suggest you have more room before you reach it.

    Certainly it can be argued that the monitor's label is somewhat inaccurate and/or that the cap display is misleading. However, the monitor has no useful way to show how each power you have is affected by its damage enhancement. So all the monitor shows is globally applicable damage buffs. Basically, when the damage monitor turns blue, what it is telling is that you'd be capped now if you had no damage enhancement at all.

    As an aside, while it might seem that the part of Musculature that bypasses ED is globally applicable and so should show up in the damage buff monitor, this isn't the case. Alpha Slot powers only enhance the damage of powers that can actually take the enhancements the Alpha slot offers. Global damage bonuses can enhance the damage of powers even if those powers don't take damage enhancements, but Musculature will not boost them. For an obscure example, Stone Melee/Fault usually does no damage, and doesn't take damage enhancements. However, if you use Fiery Aura/Fiery Embrace first, Fault does do damage. Musculature will not increase this extra damage Fault does under these conditions, but damage bonuses such as Fury or Build Up will.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    That's for global buffs. I don't think Enhancements are counted against that cap. Rather than debating it, I said I'd do some testing when I could. That'll answer the questing definitively.
    Test away. You'll find that enhancements do count.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    I was also thinking that the damage buffs, being "additive," should also benefit from Incarnate buffs which are not subject to ED. So the Enhancement part of that equation is now capped at about 135%, where 105% is what you can get with ED by massively over-slotting, and the 30% is the part of an Alpha Slot that isn't subject to ED.

    The total boost should be around 435% now, or 535% times your base damage.
    I'm not sure if this is what you're saying, but bypassing ED has nothing to do with bypassing the damage buff cap. All having additional +damage from Musculature does is reduce the headroom you have before you reach the buff cap.

    Let me give a specific example. Let's take a Defender who has ED "max" damage slotting in each attack, so that they have +95% damage enhancement after ED takes its toll. Let's say they're solo, so Vigilance gives them another +30% buff. They also run Assault, which is +18.75% damage for Defenders, and +12% damage buffs from IO sets. That adds up to +155.75% damage.

    The Defender damage buff cap is +300%. That means our Defender has room for 300% - 155.75% = +144.25% damage on every attack before they reach the cap. This leaves room for benefit from things like red inspirations, Aim, etc.

    Now let's give our Defender Musculature Core Paragon, which is +45% damage enhancement in all attacks, 30% of which ignores ED. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to verify that if you start out around +95% damage slotting after ED, Musculature Core Paragon will put you at about +127.5%. So now our Defender's attacks all deal +188.25% damage, leaving them +111.75% more to go before they hit the buff cap. The +30% from Musculature that ignores ED still has to honor the +300% buff cap.

    This stuff is pretty easy to test. You should be able to look at an attack's enhancement value in the in-game enhancement screen (and any persistent +damage buffs like set bonuses in the attribute monitor). Then go damage something, and back out the enhancement+buffs value to arrive at a base damage value. Then you can start popping red inspirations and see where your damage stops going up. Then calculate what ratio of your base damage that capped damage is.

    It's recommended that you test with a character that's over level 20, since most AT's damage buff cap is reduced below level 21. Also, be sure not to apply any damage resistance debuffs to the target, as you would have to factor those out. This test would not be easy to perform with Sonic Attack, or anyone with a -DR proc slotted, for example.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    100% normal damage + about 100% enhancement + 300% buffs = 500% cap
    This is incorrect.

    I mean that I don't think the enhancements and base power value count towards the "damage buff cap".
    They do. This is very well-tested knowledge.

    This is how it works for players as well.
    The cap for players depends on archetype. You can find the damage buff caps on the Limits Page of Paragon Wiki. The values there are correct - the only remotely recent change here is the reduction of the Brute value in Issue 19.

    MM pets have three "archetypes", one for each rank of pet. There's another common "archetype" used for most other pets, like Phantasm or Dark Servant. As far as I know, the damage buff cap for all those ATs is +300%, or 400% total.
  7. I'm quite fond of Core. Sadly, as nice as Radial can be, I don't want to rely on having to have 3+ foes around to make the +defense worth having. So I've been going Core to shore up characters with moderate resists and high (but not always capped) defense. The increased regen is a boon between hits and the DR takes the edge off when they do hit. And I get a lot of that benefit even if I'm remote from foes - with Radial, I get nothing in that case.
  8. You posted an immense chunk of that post apparently correcting me when I said what you did. You can go on the trial without the slot slotted. That's what I said.

    Edit: Here's what I was responding to.

    Actually, you're wrong about that. Apex & Tin Mage are good examples of providing access to content based on incarnate slotting
    You aren't barred from going on the trial without that slot filled. You're barred based on whether it's unlocked. Slotting doesn't provide access. Unlocking does.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    Basically, all Alpha does is act as a Universal Enhancement Slot. Any power that can be enhanced for, say, resistance, would have its resistance affected by additional enhancement values for someone with the higher levels of Cardiac. The values it shows are enhancement values, rather than buffs, so for some things that can't be enhanced for certain things (like end crashes on powers), there's no effect. So even with Cardiac, Hasten still takes 15 end when it goes away, Rage still takes 25, and blast crash-nukes still take it all.
    I understand all of that. The "huh?" was because stating that doesn't have anything to do with the question at hand.

    It seems highly unlikely you don't already know this, but just in case, Alpha does enhance Incarnate powers in general. Musculature enhances Judgement and Lore. Vigor enhances Rebirth (and Lore pets with heals). More directly relevant to my post, Cardiac enhances the DR of Barrier.

    Vigor enhances the +regen aspects of Melee Core Hybrid (well, at least of the toggle part), but Cardiac does not enhance the DR aspects, at least not of the T3 and T4 powers. That inconsistency seems very odd.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Thats the hybrid thingy?
  11. Check out Control Radial Embodiment.

    The in-game detailed info is pretty useless, but the qualitative description is pretty decent.

    Adds a Chance for Fear and a Chance for Immobilize to most damaging powers. This ability gives a 70% chance for its effects to occur on each hit. If your target is already Immobilized and Feared, you have an additional 100% chance to stun that target.
    The immobilize and terrorize are mag 2. The stun is mag 5. All last 10 seconds.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Apparently they thought that wasn't a completely bad idea.
    My Dark Dark Defender is offended by the very notion of that idea, and would never take a power that worked that way, should one come along.

    Also, my name is Harcourt Fenton Mudd.
  13. Yep, I missed that part of the quote.

    The attribute monitor turns the number blue and caps it at 300% when your global bonus reaches the buff cap, but the truth is that individual powers may have reached the buff cap well before then, because of enhancements. For folks that slot pets for ED "max" damage, you've only got around 200% headroom for buffs on them.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LAST_RONIN View Post
    Blasters damage isn't broken IMO. Best ranged damage in the game.
    Except that it's not, at least not consistently. Worse, there's no benefit in having the best ranged damage if there's not a sufficiently high benefit to being at range, and it can be argued that the need to chase down foes is worth being able to stand in the middle of the aggro cap's worth of them and not die.

    Defense is easy to get with IOs and they shouldn't (but can) survive as well as a scrapper. YOU CAN ATTACK while mez'd. That's something the others can't boast.
    Well, in the case of melee characters, they rarely need that capability, since they rarely get mezzed. And for the rest of them, they have other things that either help them avoid being mezzed or help them survive long enough for mezzes to wear off. If the Blaster can't get the foe defeated while mezzed, it's Break Free or bust.

    Ultimately the point is not that Blasters are unplayable. It's that everything else is significantly easier to play (or, said another way, can more readily turn up its difficulty), and or has much higher plateaus to which it can be built, with some notable exceptions such as */Mental. The discussion is about closing those gaps.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    I know its nowhere in the league of the Melee ATs but at the risk of homogenization; that's what we're trying to avoid, right?
    I don't think there's any compelling reason to avoid homogenization of capability. Scrappers and Controllers can both be amazingly survivable, but they go about it very, very differently. I'm quite certain that almost no one (and certainly not Arcanaville) is proposing giving Blasters armor secondaries. But they could still, in theory, be made a lot more survivable, a little more damaging, and not really that much more like the other ATs than they already are.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    I agree that at launch they had no comprehension of any of this but by the time Castle was tinkering with long-standing balance issues they must have known tremor had problems. But what do they do? Buff it and be potentially forced to reduce fault's capabilities in exchange, or leave it as it was?
    By and large, unless it's driven by some external (non-balance) cause, the devs don't go look at sets and introduce changes just for giggles. When the hammer animation time changes came in (which was an example of such an externally-driven change), Stone went from "fairly amazing" to "pretty decent" single-target damage. The devs aren't compelled to start making changes to sets that are "pretty decent".

    And while Stone Melee's AoE damage potential has always been poor, to put it kindly, I don't expect the devs to be particularly sympathetic to complaints about lack of strong damage AoE in sets. For all that the playerbase sometimes seems fixated on AoE damage dealing, given the (lack of) balance around it in this game, trying to address it across powersets like that risks being a can of worms on par with Pandora's box.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    Beast Mastery / Song Manipulation mastermind. Charming princes, Ludwigian castles, and Sir Elton John not included. But I'd still roll it.
    Wouldn't that demand some sort of songbird attack power? Like, Swarm of Robins or something? Optionally, you could sing a high note and cause them to explode on enemies.
  18. Which really does nothing to counter what I am saying. The bug is not consistent. You didn't hit it. More people testing as you did might still not have hit it. But it would have been more likely, which is what I said in my past post.

    There's no certainty that testing would have caught this had they hiven everyone who logged into beta all eight T4s the moment they logged in, but there's no question that limiting who had access to Hybrid made it less likely to be found.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    What I perhaps didn't make clear in my stance on fault is that I don't think stone melee gets it for free. In other words, I suspect that tremor sucks because fault is so good. It seems to me that the devs correctly surmised that getting fault as well as something akin to foot stomp in the same set would be way too good and decided to preserve fault and hammer the damaging aoe.
    Honestly, given that Stone Melee is a powerset from the original release, and given the history of the original devs, I find that chain of thought very unlikely. The original devs gave no consideration whatsoever to the concept of DPA - animation/activation time simply never entered their thinking as a balance tool.

    If you look at the damage-per-cast and ignore animation time, Tremor has more-or-less comparable damage to lots of other melee PBAoEs in the original powersets, such as Whirling Hands and Whirling Axe. The real problem is in its long activation time. Given the above perspective on the original devs' views on activation times, I think this is down to their lack of awareness of the impact this has, rather than any intentional design.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    I was getting pretty weak double hit damage from T3 Assault Radial on my Claws/SR brute. Is that because the recharge times of claws attacks are really low?
    Yes. Doublehit damage is proportional to power cycle time (presently with no enhancement). The lower the cycle time of your power, the less damage it will do (in addition to being less likely to activate).

    For powersets dominated by fast cycling powers, Core is likely the better choice.
  21. There were some examples above of folks spelling "sirens" (plural) as "siren's", without any possessive object in the sentence.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr Harmony View Post
    On a Stalker it's not so great. You cannot leverage all the single target attacks and Assassins Strike due to animation time no matter how good your recharge is
    I'm not sure I understand this comment.

    I have seamless attack chain of SK,CS,SK,KaK into which I insert AS when it's ready, where "ready" means reacharged and that I have 2-3 stacks of Assassin's focus.

    Are you trying to build a chain which introduces AS into every cycle unconditionally?
  23. Actually, I wouldn't like this. I like that there are distinct areas for the two factions.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
    Could see this as useful, however I think there are many other things in the game that need fixing first.
    Which has nothing at all to do with the suggestion. If we used that criteria for making or accepting the validity of suggestions we would invalidate nearly all of them.

    You don't HAVE to have all of your powers in a visible tray at once, and its really not difficult at all to just drag the power from the incarnate power selection box into the previously selected power's spot.
    When you are changing powers frequently, that becomes obnoxious. That's why I am suggesting a change. I've mentioned this solution/workaround in my explanation. I do not find it satisfactory, or I wouldn't have posted the suggestion. Frequently manipulating power choices in our trays is more onerous than it could be - we do it because there is no alternative. I am proposing one such alternative