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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coulomb2 View Post
    I was looking through one of the XML files to see what is captured, and I don't see anything pertaining to a character's souvenirs (as opposed to badges). Am I just missing where they are? Or does the exporter not save which souvenirs you've got?
    I asked about that earlier. They aren't capturing it. They might be able to at some point (my inference more than their statement), but for now it's not available.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    You're welcome, and I'm not sure what the heck to do with all my stuff either.
    I'm one of those screwballs who does view his inf and other goodies as a kind of score - a record of what they've achived, I guess.

    Of course, I don't hoard much stuff gotten from the market other than some inf, which is a drop in the bucket compared to dedicated market peeps in this forum. I usually just used the market to get what I needed, rather than to build a big reserve.

    My bases are full of stuff, but by the standards of peeps in here, most of it is crap. I don't know, something about how I like to experience my characters makes me want to earn most of their goodies themselves, rather than stocking up stuff to equip them with. (I have no problem with a character stocking their own gear in advance.)

    Anyway, the point of that was that I kind of view what's on hand as what everyone earned during their adventures. I prefer to view the sunset as the end of the narrative than the end of the world, so I like the idea of them still having it all when the lights go out. I can't take it with me, but they can still have it all in my imagination.

    And in the scope of things, me dumping, giving away or burning my riches wouldn't make a dent in the market compared to most of you guys.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    It's been so long that I had forgotten that I did most of my posting on this forum under a different name, Protea. Then for a while I was KeepDistance. I changed to Mind Forever Burning when the Mission Architect came out because I thought it was a better pseudonym to write under, but I stopped playing the game not long after that, so... yeah. Some of you were probably wondering who the heck this person was who was getting all misty eyed over a forum they'd never posted in.
    Heh. I remember that I liked reading your posts under both those names. Welcome back. Wish it was for better reasons, but hey.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    This information is not available for export, or believe me, it'd be exported.
    That's a bummer. It's obviously sent to the client in some fashion. Is it just not something anyone's had the time to reverse engineer? (I wish it could be exported, but I'm also just curious about the comment that it's not available, since it's surprising to me, doubtless due to my layman-ness about the particulars.)

    If your curious why I care particularly, I'm OCD about my contact progress. I actually turn off XP so I can max out all their progress bars, and ones who don't actually give enough missions to allow that always bug me. Yes, I am insane. Aren't we all?

    (Worst case, I'll record it with screenshots.)
  5. I'll admit, I only knew because Quatermain figured it out and told me. I don't recall the specifics of how he pieced it together, exactly, but I think he knew Tic's real name and found out BaB's real name too, and, well, "duh". This was quite some time back - probably circa I10 to I12.

    I don't know if he mentioned it to anyone else, but I assumed he was trusting me not to spread it around*, so I didn't. There were other people in various globals I was in who seemed to know, though.

    * I've written about it on the forums a few places in the last few days, but I figure it's worth mentioning that I've known Quat a long time. Probably since at least 2001, well before CoH was live. We've never met in person, though, sadly.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Actually, now that I think about it I have more of those than most players have influence.

    Yeah, it makes me a little sad that it doesn't export temp powers. I know they're totally not the point, but I am a bit proud of my huge piles of them.

    I suppose I'll go through and enumerate them in screen shots or FRAPS. Personally, I look at it as testament to how rocking this export tool is that I wish it included this other stuff. What we have is so awesome, it makes me care enough to wish it had everything!

    Temp power trivia: My Issue 1 DM/Regen Scrapper has two copies of the [Ring of Pain] temp power, and the second one is not an Ouroboros echo. (It predates Ouro by about three years.) I don't remember how it happened exactly - you should only be able to get that once. I think I crashed either during or right after the mission where you receive it, suffered a roll-back, and was able to get it a second time.
  7. That was cool. Thanks for sharing it.

    I like that the relationship between the two of them was progressing. That seemed a "realistic" expression of two people who work together growing closer. Also, I think it's neat that they planned to resurrect War Witch, though I think it could have benefited from a tiny bit more explanation about why they wanted to rez her in particular. (She's not the only ghost around.)

    Basically, it sounds like Posi got a Ultra Mode upgrade.
  8. UberGuy

    Beta notes?

    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    And I found out what my problem was. I couldn't find any of the new arcs. They're all VIP only? How annoying.
    You can buy access to them on the market. All the items on the Beta market are free.
  9. I think Recluse knows how Blasters feel about not getting I24.
  10. Wow, Torment. That's seriously epic.

    I have 11. Had 10 for a long time. I spent quite a while playing them at 50 while I IO'd (and re-IO'd) and Incarnated them. I think the two most recent ones dinged 50 circa I11-I12 or so. I went back and took an old Mind/Rad of mine from 24 to 50 not very long ago, and just recently finished tricking her out.

    My only regret is that there wasn't more time for getting a few more of the promising lowbies to 50. I have a lot of old alts who haven't made it to 50. Some I always knew might never make it, but a few I think would have been really fun.

    I have a Blaster who's been level 47 for ages. He may well get to 50, but I had been kinda looking forward to I24 for his buffs. It seems kind of hollow to get to 50 if he'll never see them.

    I have a couple of melees - a Tanker and a Scrapper, who are level 43. They're in striking distance.

    I may yet get one more true lowbie to 50, my one and only Kheldian who is a WarShade. I sort of doubt she'll get the incarnate lovin' my current 50s did, just because I'm not sure the server population will be around to enable it via iTrials.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And then we got to blow the place to Kingdom Come. Mu hu ha ha ha!
    Seriously, that made me hate Tyrant badly.

    And I consider that a great success.

    Some of the most memorable and enjoyable movies or books I have ever experienced are ones where I really hated the bad guy. I wanted the good guy(s) to stomp the hell out him/her. And one of the easiest ways to get me to hate the bad guys is to have them be callous with the life of bystanders. There's something that always boils my blood at least a little when I see (or read) that.

    It's not like we see people on the streets of Imperial City followed by blast shadows burned in the walls. But you know a boat load of people - people Cole should have been protecting - died in that blast. Worse, it was not "just" collateral damage. It wasn't like he nuked the Primals thinking it would kill them and the civilians died in the process. He nuked so the civilians would die and he could power up on the result. If the Primals died, that was just handy.
  12. On-topic, I never finished the Praetorian arcs - a situation I am rectifying. (So much stuff I need to do at least once, still.) What I have seen, I really liked.

    I think I do get why a lot of folks seemed to dislike the morally "gray" nature of Praetoria (or seemed to prefer to believe it was actually some obfuscated black-and white). There's something comforting and maybe a bit escapist in the idea of unambiguously good people fighting unambiguously evil people.

    Personally, I enjoy stories that show there's a wide band of gray between good and evil immensely. Some of my favorite television, movie and even comic entertainment through the years has been the stuff where good and evil were ... let's say less than clear-cut.

    So, thank you!

    And I will see the rest before I go.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Quite a few of us have had some weird sleep patterns recently.
    True story - the first two days after the sunset announcement, I was so bummed and so overwhelmed trying to keep track of what was going on across the forums, social media, in game, etc., that I was totally wiped out Friday and Saturday nights.

    By Sunday I had gotten a better handle on the grief aspect, had a better plan of what the blazes I was going to do, both for now and after (whatever "after" ends up meaning). I was less overwhelmed and exhausted when I went to bed on Sunday night.

    And I could not sleep. My brain was going about 500 miles per hour. It wasn't just thinking about CoH, but I am sure that a major part of its agitation was CoH-driven, because CoH stuff was heavily mixed in the goings on. I was particularly thinking about my characters, perhaps some reaction to the idea of never seeing them in-game gain.

    I think I got to sleep around 6AM. Ugh! (I went to a local Renaissance Faire the next day, too. I slept like the dead Monday night.)
  14. UberGuy

    Not Goodbye

    I, too, have to nominate the Gauntlet AoE bug as the most memorable of the bugs I ever encountered. I can't tell you how many times I killed my Inv/EM Tanker in the back of Crey's Folly, herding Freakshow into cargo containers or around corners and blasting all of us into oblivion.

    Anyone remember how often stuff like Spectral Daemon Lords and things like that used to get stuck in the map geometry and you'd have to petition to get them unstuck? God, so many Positron (original) TFs were hosed up by that. Whoever all finally (a) made mobs do that far less and (b) gave them AI that usually works its way free when they do get stuck deserves a medal.
  15. UberGuy

    Beta notes?

    I commented the other day in one of my "home" global channels that it was testament to the scope of I24's changes, fixes and improvements that I felt like everything I talked about in CoH made me think of how I wouldn't see it get better in I24.

    If there was any issue to date that I wish had the chance to see the light of day (with some added run time to let us actually experience it), I'm pretty sure this one tops the list just by sheer volume of desirable stuff. I personally think the Blaster changes were amazing.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    This was it! No Patron-symbol Patron Armors, no FX Hasten, alternate Tough animation without sound effects, the whole nine yards.
    Aw, man. I would have mourned the passing of CoH no matter when or how it happened, but for pete's flipping sake, I wish this issue had gone live and gotten to be around a while.

    I know, I know. I am so preaching to the choir.
  17. What Comes Next

    Clearly, I have characters I dearly enjoy playing, and I don’t plan to give up on playing them until I’m forced to. I'm not alone - I have many in-game friends who plan to be here till the lights go out. I think the reasons for all of us combine those two things – we all want to stay so we can wrap up the stories of our characters as best as possible, so we can squeeze the last bit of enjoyment out of playing them, and so we can be there with and for each other as we all do so.

    I always claimed on the game's forums that I would be there in CoH when the lights went off on the servers. I wasn't just saying that – it was a sincere claim, though it's one thing to say it when it’s not happening and another to actually be faced with it. Now, finally faced with it, that's what I plan to do. But damn if doing so isn’t bittersweet. I don't blame anyone for walking away just to avoid the sad part of the experience. However, I’m stubborn, and more importantly, if I walked away now, I think I would look back on it as “giving up”, and I would regret having done so.

    Even among folks who plan to play to the end, I see a lot of talk of the game's sunset being a kind of Armageddon, an end of the world scenario, where everything ends and all the characters die. That actually surprised me when I first read it, because that's not how I envision it at all. For me, this is going to be like the end of a movie that leaves open the potential of a sequel, and makes you actually
    want there to be a sequel. I don't mean a CoH 2.0 sequel. I'm talking about the story of my characters. That story I get to see played out on a screen in front of me is going to end, and I wish it wasn’t so. But just because the movie fades to black doesn't mean the world ends. It just means I have to imagine the story after that point. I have to imagine the further adventures. It’s not as satisfying as getting to play, but it’s much better than imagining that they all die.

    I look at it like this. CoH has given me eight years to use a wonderful set of tools in a great setting, which combined to let me create characters uniquely my own. CoH’s tools and setting clearly strongly influenced the form of those characters, but their core sprang from my imagination. CoH going away will take certain things away from me that I will always miss, and I will miss some quite terribly, but in the end, it can't take my imagination or my dreams away. My characters will not die. They will live on as long as I do, and maybe even as long as some of my gaming friends do.

    As much as it hurts to have to look forward to losing the CoH community (as such), the entertainment of playing the game interactively and the hobbies of posting on the forums and creating new character builds, life does go on. CoH has touched and shaped all of our lives and we'll still be here when it's gone. We shouldn't plan to purge from ourselves the good things we got from CoH that don't shut down with the servers. I plan to take all of it with me when I go, wherever I go, and that includes my dreams of my characters' further adventures. For that, I have to imagine that they live on, even if I can’t see them anymore.

    And maybe, someday, I'll get that sequel after all.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Very. Although I'm weaker on 3.x because I'm old and curmudgeny and 3.x can get off my 2.x lawn.
    Awesome. (Really. I'm that geeky.)
  19. I long struggled to find a concept that really worked for me. I finally did so sometime circa I9-11. I sadly don't remember exactly. I created a Warshade who was someone forcibly bonded with a "blank" Nictus essence as part of one of Crey's many experiments into creating metahuman assets.

    I had left the character at around level 12 for some time, but planned to work on her after latest round of buffs to human form damage scales. For whatever reason, I instead chose to level a Mind/Rad Controller I'd created a bit earlier. That Controller is now completely outfitted and Incarnate, so a new project made sense for me.

    With I24's tweaks, I was finally going to do something that had always bugged me - I wanted my Warshade to be able to fly in human form. I had pretty firmly decided that was going to be my next project.

    Now, I won't get to experience the mutha lovin' Warshade personally. Well, I suppose I could, but I'd really have to push her to 50, and that's not really how I like to play. I don't bond with characters I level like that.

    Oh, well.

    For what it's worth, while I may never have posted in here due to my lack of experience with the AT, I did come here to read up on info, build inspiration, and things like binds. I thank all of you. Your passion for the AT kept that character in my queue, even if she did end up waiting too long.

    Best of luck wherever the winds take you. You may not be able to play your characters, but that doesn't mean they're dead. If nothing else, they can live on in your imagination and memories.
  20. The closest I think I ever got was a commitment from Castle, sometime around I7, to look into why Patron Pool mezzes for Corruptors had 32-second base recharge times. I pointed out that this was inconsistent with similar Epic Pool powers for Blasters and Defenders - only Tankers and Scrappers had 32-second base recharge times on mezzes included in their Epic Pools.

    I believe this was back when he was the assistant powers guy, presumably still reporting to Geko.

    Castle agreed that this sounded like an oversight (I think he specifically said he thought it was a "bug"). Unfortunately, nothing ever actually came of it. I don't know if he never got around to it, or he did, and the team decided it should stay as it was.

    I sent a new query about it a couple of years back, when Castle was lead Powers guy, but never got a response.

    It was a very small thing in the scope of the game, but it always seemed ... asymmetric to me.

    I had been meaning to ping the new powers team about it for a while now. I really imagine they would have been open to such a change. Oh, well. "Never do tomorrow...", eh?
  21. I was just going to say the same thing. I have saved this thread off-line up to this point, but if the folks involved can't continue the discovery/exploration discussion, a huge potential would be lost.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
    I would probably not play. Not because I don't want to do it again, but these days, I don't have the free time that I did when I started the game in 2006.
    Yeah. Different start date, but this.

    Also, when I was first starting and didn't have any of the stuff I have today, I had a large support network of real-life friends playing the game, almost none of whom play today. Starting from scratch without that draw would be incredibly hard for me to do with the additional time pressures I have these days.

    I might not be able to resist trying, but it would be hard to get back into it.
  23. Currently, I am a VIP subscriber who has paying quarterly. While I get a discount for that, I honestly don't do it for the discount - I switched to quarterly it to try to make it less likely that some issue with my credit card blocked my renew. So I would have currently been paying $15 per month without giving it much thought.

    I love the game, but I don't think I could realistically justify fully paying double that for it on a monthly basis. It's not that I can't afford it. I can. But I have to compare what else that monthly spend could buy me, and there comes a point where, though I love the game dearly, the outlay just doesn't make enough sense.

    You see, I already maintain two VIP accounts, so whatever I propose, I'm paying double already.

    So if pressed to pay more to save something I really, really don't want to lose, I would say I could see up to +$10 per month, per account.

    Bear in mind that I do spend money on points these days. Not that much more, but I do pay more than my ~$30/mo., in spurts.
  24. It might. There is no question in my mind that a lot of why I still play is my attachment to my original characters. At least two of these characters are basically as old as the game, and one is only a couple of months older than that. Losing them completely, with all their various forms of accumulated progress (being 50, badges, Incarnates, various merit hoards, and Inf) would be a huge, huge barrier to me.

    I would be insanely happy if CoH survived in some form, but it is entirely possible that losing my main characters would represent a loss of inertia that would mean I never really got back into it. The game definitely means more to me than just playing those characters, but playing them is a huge part of why I've stayed so long.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Unfortunately, both of those are information that the server sends only when you request it. There's no way to dump them all at once.
    Does it not send that info when the appropriate lists screens are opened? Kind of like badge info?