Beta notes?
I don't mean to be offensive, but summarizing 38 pages of patch notes (when I've put it in Word) is a little extreme, and that was with the FIRST patch (I'm pretty sure I heard them say these were the largest patch notes of any issue.)
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Issue 24 Patch Notes
New Tier 9 VIP Costume Set - Tech Knight
Please note that the Tech Knight Costume Set will not initially be available on VIP Beta. It will be included in a later patch.
New Powers
Pool/Epic Power Customization
- Powers found in Power Pools, Epic Pools and Patron Pools are now customizable. You can use the tailor to customize their colors and FX settings.
Martial Assault Power Set
- Martial Assault combines aspects of Martial Arts and Ninjitsu to allow you to assault your foes with heavy hitting kicks and various shuriken attacks. Martial Assault is a Melee/Ranged Damage Power Set exclusively available to Dominators.
Martial Combat Power Set
- Martial Combat combines elements of Martial Arts, Ninjitsu, and Time Manipulation into combat abilities reminiscent of “gun-fu” action movies. Channel Ki Energy to move with preternatural speed or to smash foes, Martial Combat is a Melee/Ranged Damage Power Set exclusively available to Blasters.
Patron Power Pool Symbols
- Added Minimal FX options (without symbols) for the following powers:
- Leviathan Mastery – Shark Skin
- Mace Mastery – Scorpion Shield
- Soul Mastery – Oppressive Gloom
- Soul Mastery – Dark Embrace
- Leviathan Mastery – Shark Skin
New Zone Content
- New Zone Event "Prison Break"
St. Martial
- New Zone Event "Family Raid"
- Kings Row: The Paladin event in Kings Row now only displays its UI while you are in the High Park neighborhood.
- Dark Astoria: Fixed an issue where mission doors were being assigned to Echo: Dark Astoria
- Moved a plaque and geometry so that no clipping occurs.
- TUNNEL system displays properly for Heroes and Villains in Praetorian zones.
Kings Row
- New Zone Event "Shining Star Showdown"
Kings Row 7-20
Heroes from level 7 to 20 will work with the citizens of Kings Row to put a stop to the rising epidemic of Superadine use and form the New Regulators. The leaders of the Skulls, the vicious Petrovic family, will be brought to justice to answer for their many and heinous crimes.
Brickstown 30-50
Heroes above level 30 will work together with Provost Marchand to help with the evacuation of Praetoria and the formation of a new supergroup, the New Praetorians! However, there is still unfinished business left with Praetoria, along with a group from Primal Earth that wishes to take advantage of the current evacuation!
St. Martial 30-50
Villains above level 30 discover a bit of inside information regarding plans that Arachnos has to loot Praetoria before its destroyed by the Hamidon. There's a chance, however, that the villains can get to a portion of Praetoria before Arachnos and take whatever is left for themselves! Villains will find something surprising left over, something that can help them with their own goals in the Rogue Isles!
Incarnate Arc
Players who have earned their Alpha Slot will gain access to Number Six, one of Vanguard's top scientists. He has been authorized to request help from Incarnates regarding the evacuation of a high profile site outside of the main city of Praetoria. This story arc takes place after the events of Issue 22 and Issue 23, but can be played without completing the previous arcs.
Cursor QOL Request
- Added a slider that allows the player to increase the size of the cursor. The cursor can be increased to a maximum of double its default size. Some computers do not support this feature. If your computer does not support this feature, the cursor's size will not change when you change the slider. This information is stored on a per-character basis. If you play the same character on multiple computers, some of which support increased cursor size, and some of which don't, the computers that support the increased cursor sizes will display the increased cursor size while the computers that do not support it will display the standard cursor size.
Power Pools
The non-travel power pools have all received an additional 5th power which can be trained at level 14, provided you have also trained any two other powers in that pool. Additionally, several pools have had their powers revamped in an effort to increase their appeal. The list of all additions and changes includes:
Presence Pool
- Revamped 1st Power: Pacify - You attempt to use your charisma and charm, or physically imposing presence, to "persuade" a single target that you're not a good choice to fight. This power has changed from a Single Target Taunt to a Single Target Placate. This Placate is weaker than the standard Stalker placate and will not hide the caster.
- Pacify will no longer accept Taunt Enhancements.
- Changes to 3rd Power: Intimidate - The endurance cost of this power has been reduced to 10 Endurance. The main PvE fear effect is now 3 Mag and the bonus fear effect has a 30% chance to add an additional 1 Mag fear. For Dominators, the bonus fear has increased from 2 Mag to 3 Mag. The power is now also checked against Ranged and Psionic. No changes have been made to the PvP components of this power.
- Changes to 4th Power: Invoke Panic - The endurance cost of this power has been reduced to 18 Endurance. The main PvE fear effect is now 3 Mag, affecting up to 10 targets in a 20' sphere. The base accuracy is now 0.9x. For Dominators, the bonus fear has increased from 2 Mag to 3 Mag. No changes have been made to the PvP components of this power.
- New 5th Power: Unrelenting - You've given your opponents a chance to back down, but they just didn't take the hint. You transform into a force to be reckoned with. This power grants a 30s boost to your damage potential, attack speed and recovery. Additionally, you will gain an unenhanceable Heal over Time. If this power is used when you've been defeated, Unrelenting will bring you back into the fight.
- No changes were made to the following powers: Provoke.
Fighting Pool
- New Mechanic: Synergy - Fighting Pool's attack powers will now improve when you train more of the attack powers within the pool. Affected powers include Boxing, Kick and the new Cross Punch. Additionally, training Fighting pool powers will grant exclusive bonuses to Brawl.
- Changes to 1st Power: Boxing - ownership of Kick will increase this power's damage and its chance to stun. Ownership of Cross Punch will increase this power's damage and add an EndDrain/Recovery debuff effect to the target. Owning this power adds a chance for Brawl to apply attack speed and/or chance to hit debuffs to the target. Owning both Boxing and Kick doubles the strength of the Brawl debuff, but not the chance for it to apply.
- Changes to 2nd Power: Kick - ownership of Boxing will increase this power's damage and increase its chance to knock the target down. Ownership of Cross Punch will increase this power's damage and add an EndDrain/Recovery debuff effect to the target. Owning this power adds a chance for Brawl to apply attack speed and/or chance to hit debuffs to the target. Owning both Boxing and Kick doubles the strength of the Brawl debuff, but not the chance for it to apply.
- New 5th Power: Cross Punch - You are an exceptionally capable fighter, striking out at your opponents in a quick, sharp blow that causes smashing damage. Ownership of Boxing will increase this power's damage and cause a small attack speed and accuracy buff on the caster when Cross Punch connects. Ownership of Kick will also increase this power's damage and cause a similar buff on the caster. Owning both Boxing and Kick doubles the strength of this buff. Owning this power adds a chance for Brawl to apply regeneration and/or recovery debuffs to the target.
- No changes were made to the following powers: Tough, Weave.
Medicine Pool
- Changes to the 1st Power: Aid Other - ownership of the 5th power in the Medicine Pool, Field Medic, will remove the Interrupt time from this power, allowing it to be cast immediately.
- Revamped 2nd Power: Injection - in addition to its current role as an ally targeted buff, this power will gain the ability to be cast on a foe. When used on a foe, this power will cause reduce their attack speed, chance to hit and damage potential for 15s. The power's range has been increased to 40' and its interrupt has been removed. Additionally, the animation has changed and recharge slightly increased for a net lengthening of the cycle time, from 2.93s/10s to 1.46s/12s.
- Injection will no longer accept Interrupt Time Enhancements.
- Changes to the 3rd Power: Aid Self - ownership of the 5th power in the Medicine Pool, Field Medic, will add an EndGain effect to this power, healing raw Endurance for a short time.
- New 5th Power: Field Medic - You are an exceptionally skilled healer in the midst of combat. In addition to the passive bonuses granted to Aid Other and Aid Self automatically by owning this power, this power can be used to substantially increase your Healing Power and Healing Effectiveness temporarily.
- No changes were made to the following powers: Resuscitate
Concealment Pool
- New 5th Power: Misdirection - You are a master of stealth, capable of manipulating your foes into believing you simply are not there. This power is a PBAoE Placate that can affect up to 10 targets with a strong Placate. Additionally, the damage resistance of affected targets is reduced. This Placate does not hide the caster.
- No changes were made to the following powers: Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Invisibility, Phase Shift.
Leadership Pool
- New 5th Power: Victory Rush - You use the defeat of an opponent as an opportunity to rally your team, giving them a surge of adrenaline, boosting their recovery and lowering the endurance cost of powers temporarily. The strength of the buff applied to your teammates is unenhanceable and depends on the rank of the foe on which this power is cast, with Archvillains and Giant Monsters providing the largest bonus. No player can be affected by more than one Victory Rush bonus at a time, with the stronger effect always taking precedence. However, if a player does receive multiple applications of Victory Rush, these will persist and take over automatically when an earlier applied or stronger effect fades.
- Victory Rush's recharge time cannot be enhanced.
- No changes were made to the following powers: Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics, Vengeance.
Ranged Blast Sets
The below changes have been made to ranged blast Tier 9 "nuke" powers so that they use a more consistent damage:recharge ratio. For the time being Full Auto and Rain of Arrows have not been affected by this change.
- Assault Rifle/Full Auto: This power now uses standard PvP damage calculations resulting in a moderate increase in damage against player targets.
- Beam Rifle/Overcharge: Recharge reduced from 180 seconds to 125 seconds.
- Dark Blast/Blackstar: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Dual Pistols/Hail of Bullets: Reduced this power's recharge from 120 seconds to 105 seconds.
- Electrical Blast/Thunderous Blast: Reduced average damage scale from 4.25 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 170 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Energy Blast/Nova: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Fire Blast/Inferno: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Ice Blast/Blizzard: Slightly reduced this power's damage, reduced its recharge. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 170 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash.
- Psychic Blast/Psychic Wail: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Radiation Blast/Atomic Blast: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Sonic Blast/Dreadful Wail: Reduced average damage scale from 4.88 to 4. This power now has a 100% chance to always deal its full damage. Reduced recharge from 360 seconds to 145 seconds. Additionally, this power no longer has a 100% endurance and recovery crash. It instead costs a base of 27.73 endurance and uses standard PvP damage formulas to calculate its damage, thus increasing its damage in PvP substantially.
- Water Blast/Geyser: Recharge reduced from 205 seconds to 125 seconds.
- Changed the Short Help Text on Blackstar and Atomic Blast to be syntactically consistent with other t9 nukes.
- Power Boost, Power Build Up, and other similar powers now also increase the strength of Absorb effects.
Sniper Improvement
- Sniper Attacks Revamped Snipes - All Sniper powers now activate instantly if the user has 22% or higher bonus ToHit. If this condition is met, a yellow ring appears around the Sniper power indicating that it has become quickened and uninterruptible.
"Tier 3" Blasts
- Increased range on strong single target powers - The range of many single-target powerful attacks in these power sets has been increased from 40 or 50 feet up to 80 feet.
- Darkness Manipulation:
- Touch of Fear was using a scaling table for determining the duration of its Terrorize effect when used on players. This has been changed to a non-scaling table, like the Brute, Stalker and Tanker versions of this power.
- Touch of Fear also gained a 30% chance for a "critical" 7s/1Mag Terrorize effect against PvE enemies, to maintain parity with Presence: Intimidate.
- Mental Manipulation:
- Scare was using a scaling table for determining the duration of its Terrorize effect when used on players. This has been changed to a non-scaling table. Additionally, the base duration of Scare's PvE Terrorize has been increased from 7s to 10s, while the base duration of Scare's player Terrorize has been reduced from 4s to 2s.
- The Endurance Cost of all modified Blaster Secondary powers which now provide "sustain" has been reviewed. Click powers now have a very minor Endurance cost, while Toggles cost no Endurance to maintain.
- All Blaster Secondary Powersets now contain one power that grants them survivability in and out of combat, or "sustain". This comes in the form of Regeneration, Healing over Time, or Absorb over Time.
- Sustain Powers in all powersets can be picked by level 20.
- Darkness Manipulation: "Touch of Fear" has been renamed "Touch of the Beyond". It now has an 80 foot range and provides its user with a significant Regeneration and Recovery boost for 60 seconds whenever it hits a target.
- Fire Manipulation: "Blazing Aura" has been renamed "Cauterizing Aura". It now provides the user with a moderate Heal each time it ticks, as well as a significant Recovery boost while it is active.
- Ice Manipulation: "Chilling Embrace" has been renamed "Frigid Protection". Its range has been increased to 30 feet. It now provides the user with a moderate Absorb shield each time it ticks, as well as a significant Recovery boost while it is active.
- Devices: "Cloaking Device" has been renamed "Field Operative". It now provides the user with a significant Regeneration and Recovery boost while it is active.
- Electric Melee: "Lightning Clap" has been renamed "Force of Thunder". It now provides the user with a significant Regeneration and Recovery boost for 60 seconds whenever it is used.
- Energy Melee: "Conserve Power" has been renamed "Energize". It now provides the user with a significant Regeneration and Endurance Discount boost for 60 seconds whenever it is used, along with a small upfront heal.
- Dark Melee: Touch of Fear gained a 30% chance for a "critical" 7s/1Mag Terrorize effect against PvE enemies, to maintain parity with Presence: Intimidate.
- Staff Fighting/Innocuous Strikes: Fixed a bug that caused this power to deal much more damage than was intended in PvP.
- Power Pool/Epic Pool Power Customization: Brute: Soul Mastery Epic Power Pool Bugs: Soul Tentacles now plays its continuing effects on affected targets. Darkest Night now animates properly and no longer roots the player after the cast animation is over. Effects no longer replay.
- Fighting: Both Boxing and Kick in the Fighting pool were using Tanker attributes to calculate their PvP damage. These have been replaced with the Scrapper attributes, resulting in a slight decrease in damage.
- Dark Melee:
- Touch of Fear was using a scaling table for determining the duration of its Terrorize effect when used on players. This has been changed to a non-scaling table, like the Brute, Stalker and Tanker versions of this power.
- Touch of Fear also gained a 30% chance for a "critical" 7s/1Mag Terrorize effect against PvE enemies, to maintain parity with Presence: Intimidate.
Soldiers of Arachnos: Arachnos Soldiers and Arachnos Widows
- Fighting: Fixed a bug that caused both Boxing and Kick to do more damage than intended in PvP.
- Flight: Fixed a bug that caused Air Superiority to do more damage than intended in PvP.
- Leaping: Fixed a bug that caused Jump Kick to do more damage than intended in PvP.
- Speed: Fixed a bug that caused Flurry to do more damage than intended in PvP.
- Dark Melee: Touch of Fear gained a 30% chance for a "critical" 7s/1Mag Terrorize effect against PvE enemies, to maintain parity with Presence: Intimidate.
- Dark Melee: Touch of Fear gained a 30% chance for a "critical" 7s/1Mag Terrorize effect against PvE enemies, to maintain parity with Presence: Intimidate.
- Failed Ritual: the debuff acquired for failing to correctly complete the ritual in the Red Widow arc has been decreased in duration from 20 hours to 20 minutes.
Defender Ranged Blast Pseudo Pets
- Archery/Rain of Arrows: This power's damage has been reduced slightly, it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
- Assault Rifle/Burn: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Defender damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Ice Storm: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. This power's slow effects have been increased moderately to match Defender mods.
- Ice Blast/Blizzard: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Defender damage mods. This power's slow effects have been increased moderately to match Defender mods, also its To Hit debuff has been substantially increased to match Defender mods.
- Fire Blast/Rain of Fire: This power's damage has been reduced slightly, it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
Corruptor Ranged Blast Pseudo Pets
- Archery/Rain of Arrows: This power's damage has been increased very slightly, it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
- Assault Rifle/Burn: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Ice Storm: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Blizzard: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods. This power's To Hit debuff has been moderately increased to match Corruptor mods.
- Fire Blast/Rain of Fire: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
Epic Powers
- Controller/Fire Mastery/Rise of the Phoenix: The untouchable portion of this power no longer has a delay.
- Dominator/Fire Mastery/Rise of the Phoenix: The untouchable portion of this power no longer has a delay.
- Blaster/Flame Mastery/Rise of the Phoenix: The untouchable portion of this power no longer has a delay.
- Stalker/Heat Mastery/Rise of the Phoenix: The untouchable portion of this power no longer has a delay.
- Poisonous Ray: Continuing effects no longer play after the power expires on the target.
- Beam Rifle/Overcharge: Reduced this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage down from 100%.
- Dark Blast/Blackstar: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Electrical Blast/Thunderous Blast: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Energy Blast/Nova: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Fire Blast/Inferno: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Psychic Blast/Psychic Wail: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Radiation Blast/Atomic Blast: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Sonic Blast/Dreadful Wail: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 25%.
- Water Blast/Geyser: Increased this power's scourge damage to deal 50% of the power's normal damage up from 33%.
- Archery/Rain of Arrows: This power's damage has been increased very slightly; it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
- Assault Rifle/Burn: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Ice Storm: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Blizzard: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods. This power's To Hit debuff has been moderately increased to match Corruptor mods.
- Fire Blast/Rain of Fire: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Corruptor damage mods.
- Corruptor Full Auto's PvP damage has been considerably boosted to use the Corruptor PvP damage formula.
- Corruptor Flamethrower's PvP damage has been increased by approximately 100%
- Archery/Rain of Arrows: This power's damage has been reduced slightly, it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
- Assault Rifle/Burn: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Defender damage mods.
- Ice Blast/Ice Storm: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. This power's slow effects have been increased moderately to match Defender mods.
- Ice Blast/Blizzard: This power's damage has been reduced, it was previously using Blaster damage mods. It now uses Defender damage mods. This power's slow effects have been increased moderately to match Defender mods, also its To Hit debuff has been substantially increased to match Defender mods.
- Fire Blast/Rain of Fire: This power's damage has been reduced slightly, it was dealing an incorrect amount of damage.
- Claws/Build Up: Fixed a bug that caused this power to not increase Toxic damage dealt.
Dual Pistols
- Dual Pistols/Pistols: This power will now cause minor fire damage over time if Incendiary Ammo is active, apply a minor slow if Cryo Ammo is active and apply a minor damage debuff if Chemical Ammo is active.
- Dual Pistols/Empty Clips: Reduced this power's cast time from 2.5 seconds to 1.67 seconds.
- Dual Pistols/Bullet Rain: Reduced this power's cast time from 2.4 seconds to 1.67 seconds.
- Dual Pistols/Executioner's Shot: Reduced this power's cast time from 2.57 seconds to 1.67 seconds.
- Spines/Barb Swipe: Reduced this power's cast time from 2.43 seconds to .83 seconds, increased recharge from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds, increased endurance cost from 3.536 to 4.368 and increased damage from scale .7 to scale .84.
- Spines/Lunge: Increased this power's recharge from 4 seconds to 6 seconds, increased endurance cost from 5.2 to 6.864 and increased damage from scale 1 to scale 1.32.
- Light Form: Light Form's recovery bonus now properly benefits from enhancements.
Incarnate Powers
- Fixed an issue where Doublehit would incorrectly calculate the area of effect of a given power, causing it to do slightly more damage than intended in AoE powers.
Four new Lore Power Sets have been added. These Power Sets cover a selection of enemies from the core villain groups in Dark Astoria. These sets are open to all Incarnates and can be acquired regardless of participation in Dark Astoria.
- Banished Pantheon (Creatures)
- The Tsoo
- Knives of Vengeance
- Talons of Vengeance
Origin Ranged Powers
- Apprentice Charm, Taser Dart, Tranq Dart, Throwing Knives and Mutagen now have increased Accuracy and receive a substantial damage bonus at very low levels. This bonus completely drops off at level 15. This change is intended to help characters fill gaps in their early level attack chains.
- Alpha Slot: Cardiac and Resilient Alpha powers which previously included Intangible Duration have had the Intangible component of their boosts replaced by Absorb strength. Equipping these powers will now boost the amount of Absorb given by all powers.
- Destiny Slot: The +Special effect in many Clarion Destiny powers now also boosts the strength of Absorb effects
Lore Slot Adjustments
In conjunction with adding these new Lore Power Sets, existing Lore Power Sets have been reviewed and rebalanced to improve performance.
- All - Removed Endurance Cost from all Lore pet powers.
- Polar Lights LT - Increased damage of Northern Lights Bolt by 55%.
- Polar Lights Boss - Lowered recharge of Northern Lights Bolt from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Increased damage of Northern Lights Bolt by 30%.
- Lowered recharge of Northern Lights Blast from 6 seconds down to 5.
- Vanguard Boss - Lowered recharge of Life Drain from 8 seconds down to 5.
- Increased initial damage of Life Drain by 64%.
- Increased damage of Life Drain by an additional 50% by adding a Negative DoT component to it.
- Increased healing of Life Drain by 64%.
- Increased damage of Ice Blast by 30% by adding a Cold DoT component to it.
- Rikti Boss - Increased recharge of Greater Rikti Sword from 7 seconds up to 8.
- Increased damage of Mental Blast by 55% by adding a Psionic DoT component to it.
- Nemesis Boss - Lowered recharge of Pummel from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Increased damage of Pummel by 14%.
- Increased recharge of Storm Cannon from 4 seconds up to 8.
- Increased damage of Storm Cannon by 24%.
- Increased recharge of Flamethrower from 6 seconds up to 20.
- Increased damage per tick of Flamethrower by 244%.
- Carnival Boss - Lowered recharge of Telekinetic Blast from 7 seconds down to 3.
- Reduced damage of Telekinetic Blast by 14%, but increased the proportion of this damage that is dealt as Psionic damage.
- Increased recharge of Mental Blast from 4 seconds up to 8.
- Increased initial damage of Mental Blast by 100%.
- Increased damage of Mental Blast by an additional 100% by adding a Psionic DoT component to it.
- Increased damage per tick of Psionic Tornado by 85%.
- Arachnos Boss - Increased damage of Venom Burst by 220%.
- Increased damage of Claw Pierce by 54%.
- Storm Elemental Boss - Lowered recharge of Lightning Bolt from 8 seconds down to 4.
- Lowered recharge of Charged Bolts from 4 seconds down to 2.
- Increased damage of Charged Bolts by 20%.
- Robotic Drones LT - Lowered recharge of Plasma Cannon Blast from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Increased damage of Plasma Cannon Blast by 7%.
- Robotic Drones Boss - Lowered recharge of Plasma Cannon Blast from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Increased damage of Plasma Cannon Blast by 7%
- Seers LT - Lowered recharge of Mental Blast from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Increased damage of Mental Blast by 30% by adding a Psionic DoT component to it.
- Seers Boss - Lowered recharge of Levitate from 6 seconds down to 4.
- Increased damage of Mental Blast by 30% by adding a Psionic DoT component to it.
- Dominate was incorrectly not dealing damage. This has been fixed, greatly increasing Seer Boss damage output.
- IDF LT - Increased damage of Plasma Blast by 27% by adding an Energy DoT component to it.
- IDF Boss - Increased damage of Plasma Blast by 27% by adding an Energy DoT component to it.
- Longbow LT - Increased damage of Burst by 32%.
- Lowered recharge of Burst from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Longbow Boss - Lowered recharge of Grenade from 4 seconds down to 3.
- Lowered radius of Grenade from 15 feet down to 10.
- Increased damage of Grenade by 20%.
- Increased recharge of Plasma Blast from 4 seconds up to 10.
- Increased up-front damage of Plasma Blast by 29%.
- Increased damage of Plasma Blast by an additional 94% of its previous damage value by adding an Energy DoT component.
- Lowered recharge of Energy Barrage from 20 seconds down to 12.
- Reduced maximum targets hit by Energy Barrage down from 16 to 8.
- Clockwork Boss - Lowered recharge of Particle Blast from 6 seconds down to 4.
- Increased damage of Particle Blast by 24%.
- Lowered recharge of Anti-Matter Ray from 10 seconds down to 6.
- Increased damage of each tick of Anti-Matter Ray by 333%.
- Increased damage of Anti-Matter Beam by 30%.
- Warworks LT - Lowered recharge of Plasma Rifle Burst from 6 seconds down to 4.
- Increased damage of Plasma Rifle Burst by 51%
- Warworks Boss
- Lowered damage of Swipe by 20%
- Increased recharge of Cross Cut from 6 seconds to 7.
- Lowered accuracy of Plasma Eye Beams from 1.1 down to 1
Cimeroran LT
- Lowered accuracy of all attacks from 1.05 down to 1
- Lowered damage of Slash by 20%
- Increased recharge of Slice from 8 seconds to 16.
- Lowered damage of Hack by 21%
- Increased recharge of Pilum from 8 seconds to 16.
- Lowered damage of Pilum by 14%
Cimeroran Boss
- Lowered accuracy of all attacks from 1.05 down to 1
- Lowered damage of Slash by 20%
- Increased recharge of Slice from 8 seconds to 16.
- Lowered damage of Hack by 21%
- Increased recharge of Pilum from 8 seconds to 16.
- Lowered damage of Pilum by 14%
- Lowered damage of Push Back by 45%
Lore Trees
- All Lore trees now have unique power icons.
Misc Powers
- Team Transporter can no longer be activated while on a mission map.
- Fixed a bug where the Team Transporter would send players to different missions when on the same team if the team leader hadn't yet selected a mission.
- Prestige Power Slide fixed clipping issues with staff and Titan weapons.
Companion Pets
- All existing companion pets should now have their own unique power icon.
- Players can now have a single non-combat companion pet (Lion, Black Wolf, Rikti Monkey pet, etc.) and a single combat companion pet (Light Fairy, Blue Wisp, Power Oscillator Pet, etc.) active at the same time.
Combat Pets
- Electric Blast - Voltaic Sentinel customized vfx will now fire from the entity properly.
- Pets will now use melee attacks on critters that are in ragdoll mode.
Mission Architect
- Time Manipulation, Beam Rifle, Street Justice, Titan Weapons, Darkness Control, Staff Fighting and Beast Mastery are now available as power choices for custom enemies
Villain Groups
Issue 23's villain groups have been added to Mission Architect. These cost no tickets to unlock and are freely available to use:
- Animus Arcana
- Black Knights (Standard and Incarnate versions)
- The Drudges
- Spirit Stalkers (Standard and Incarnate versions)
- Removed the extraneous word "Badge" from the hero title for the Sister Psyche's Comrade badge.
Loading Screen Tips
- Fixed an issue where the Ms. Liberty Task Force was called the Back Alley Brawler Task Force.
New IO Sets
Four new IO sets have been introduced:
- Annihilation (Targeted AoE): This set's proc reduces affected targets' damage resistance slightly. This set is rare and is available from level 20 to 50.
- Unbreakable Guard (Resist Damage): This set's unique enhancement increases your maximum HP by 7.5%. This set is rare and is available from level 20 to 50.
- Reactive Defenses (Defense): This set's unique enhancement grants you a scaling amount of damage resistance that increases as your hitpoints decrease. This set is rare and is available from level 20 to 50.
- Preventive Medicine (Healing): This set's unique enhancement has a small chance to grant you an absorption shield every few seconds. However, this chance increases dramatically if your hit points are low. This effect can trigger once every 120 seconds. This set is rare and is available from level 20 to 50.
- These sets are available via the following: enemy drops, mission complete, reward merit vendor, alignment vendor and astral vendor.
Enhancement Proc PPM changes:
- Ragnarok: Chance for Knockdown: The store bought version of this enhancement now correctly has 3.5 PPMs
- Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage: The crafted version of this enhancement now correctly has 5 PPMs
- Glimpse of the Abyss: Chance for Psionic Damage: The store bought version of this enhancement had its long help updated to state the enhancement grants 3.5 PPMs.
- Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance: The crafted version of this enhancement had its long help updated to state the enhancement grants 1.5 PPMs.
- Dark Watcher's Despair: Chance for Recharge Slow: The crafted version of this enhancement had its long help updated to state the enhancement grants 3.5 PPMs.
- Cloud Senses: Chance for Negative Energy Damage: The crafted version of this enhancement had its long help updated to state the enhancement grants 3.5 PPMs.
Set Bonus Adjustments
The set bonuses for many enhancement sets have been improved or slightly tweaked. Some undesirable and not very useful set bonuses have been removed and replaced with more useful ones. It is important to note that no builds should be negatively impacted by these changes, only improved. One of the goals of this change was to make damage resistance set bonuses more useful when compared to defense bonuses. Below are the most significant bullet points of this feature.
- XP Debt reduction set bonuses have been removed and replaced with more useful set bonuses.
- Global Mez Resistance as well as Immobilize, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Confuse and Terrorize Resistance have been replaced by a combination of Global Mez rez and Damage Resistance pairings such as: Lethal/Smash/Mez Resist, Fire/Cold/Mez Resist, Energy/Negative/Mez Resist and Toxic/Psionic/Mez Resist.
- All damage resistance set bonuses have been increased.
- A new set bonus type has been introduced: Endurance Discount.
Set Bonus Improvements
Melee Sets
- Bonesnap: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to fire/cold/mez resistance.
- Pulverizing Fisticuffs: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from sleep resistance to toxic/psionic/mez resistance.
- Smashing Haymaker: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to fire/cold/mez resistance.
- Kinetic Combat: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to fire/cold/mez resistance.
- Focused Smite: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to fire/cold/mez resistance. Its 3 piece set bonus was changed from confuse resistance to toxic/psi/mez resistance. Its 4 piece set bonus was changed from debt protection to increased endurance.
- Touch of Death: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to energy/negative/mez resistance. Its 5 piece bonus was changed from hold resistance to lethal/smash/mez resistance.
- Crushing Impact: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to lethal/smash/mez resistance. Its 6 piece set bonus was changed from psionic resistance to toxic/psionic/mez resistance.
- Mako's Bite: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from immobilization resistance to energy/negative/mez resist. Its 5 piece set bonus was changed from hold resistance to lethal/smash/mez resistance.
- Hecatomb: This set's 3 piece set bonus was changed from fire/cold resistance to an fire/cold/mez resistance. Its 6 piece bonus was changed from toxic resistance to toxic/psionic/mez resistance.
- Gladiator's Strike: This set's 3 piece PvP bonus was changed from mez resistance to energy/negative/mez resistance. Its 5 piece set bonus was changed from smashing/lethal resistance to smashing/lethal/mez resistance.
Ranged Sets
- Far Strike: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from fear resistance bonus to a toxic/psi/mez resistance bonus.
- Salvo: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from sleep resistance to energy/negative/mez resistance. Its 3 piece set bonus was changed from Fire/Cold resistance to Fire/Cold/Mez resistance.
- Tempest: This set's 2 piece set bonus was changed from sleep resistance to energy/negative/mez resistance. Its 3 piece set bonus was changed from energy/negative damage resistance to lethal/smash/mez resistance.
- Maelstrom's Fury: This set's 3 piece confuse resist set bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Ruin: This set's 2 piece fear resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece Debt Protection bonus was changed to a recovery bonus.
- Decimation: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psi resistance was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resist bonus.
- Devastation: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resist bonus.
- Gladiator's Javelin: This set's 3 piece mez resist bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resist bonus.
Targeted AoE Sets
- Air Burst: This set's 4 piece lethal/smash resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Detonation: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 3 piece energy resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a max HP bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psi/mez resistance bonus.
- Positron's Blast: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. This set's 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Ragnarok: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance set bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Javelin Volley: This set's 3 piece PvP mez resistance bonus to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece PvP fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
Melee AoE Damage(PBAOE) Sets
- MultiStrike: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez esistance bonus.
- Scirocco's Dervish: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to energy/negative/mez resistance.
- Armageddon: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance set bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Eradication: This set's 5 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus.
- Obliteration: This set's 2 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Fury of the Gladiator: This set's 2 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Sniper Damage
- Executioner's Contract: This set's 3 piece cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez resistance bonus.
- Sting of the Manticore: This set's 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Pet Damage
- Unquestioning Loyalty: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Brilliant Leadership: This set's 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus Its 6 piece toxic/psionic res bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Edict of the Master: This set's 4 piece lethal resistance bonus was changed to a Lethal/Smash/Mez resist bonus. Its 5 piece Hold resistance bonus was changed to Energy/Negative/Mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Blood Mandate: This set's 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Sovereign Right: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus. Its 3 piece confuse resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a max HP bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Soulbound Allegiance: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changes to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Recharge Intensive Pets
- Unquestioning Loyalty: This set's 5 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a smashing/lethal/mez resistance bonus.
- Expedient Reinforcement: This set's 2 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Karma: This set's 2 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a maximum endurance bonus.
- Kismet: This set's 3 piece confuse resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus.
- Serendipity: This set's 6 piece toxic damage resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Gift of the Ancients: This set's 3 piece fire resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Red Fortune: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Luck of the Gambler: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. This set's 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Shield Wall: This set's 4 piece energy/negatice resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece PvP mez resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Additionally its unique 3% damage resistance enhancement has had its bonus increased to 5% damage resistance.
Resist Damage
- Impervious Skin: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a recovery bonus.
- Reactive Armor: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Impervium Armor: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Additionally its 3% Psionic Resistance unique was increased to 6% Psionic Resistance.
- Titanium Coating: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance set bonus. Its 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus.
- Aegis: This set's 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Additionally, its 3% Psionic resistance unique enhancement was improved to a 5% Psionic resistance bonus.
- Gladiator's Armor: This set's 4 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece PvP mez resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Harmonized Healing: This set's 3 piece confuse resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Doctored Wounds: This set's 2 piece fear resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Numina's Convalesence: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Panacea: This set's 4 piece PvP mez resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
Accurate Healing
- Theft of Essence: This set's 6 piece negative energy resitance bonus to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Touch of the Nictus: This set's 6 piece negative energy resistance bonus to an enegy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Paralytic: This set's 3 piece energy/negative energy resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to an endurance bonus.
- Neuronic Shutdown: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Essence of Curare: This set's 2 piece fear resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 3 piece confuse resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Ghost Widow's Embrace: This set's 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Unbreakable Constraint: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance set bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Basilisk's Gaze: This set's 5 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Lockdown: This set's 4 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Gladiator's Net: This set's 2 piece PvP mez resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Rope A Dope: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Absolute Amazement: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance set bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Immobilization
- Debilitative Action: This set's 3 piece cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Enfeebled Operation: This set's 3 piece negative energy resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Trap of the Hunter: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Gravitational Anchor: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance set bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Curtail Speed: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Impeded Swiftness: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Pacing of the Turtle: This set's 2 piece sleep resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Hiberation: This set's 4 piece smashing resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Induced Coma: This set's 4 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus.
- Lethargic Repose: This set's 6 piece toxic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Call of the Sandman: This set's 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Fortunata Hypnosis: This set's 3 piece fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic resistance set bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Horror: This set's 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Unspeakable Terror: This set's 3 piece negative energy resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece psionic resisance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Nightmare: This set's 5 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Glimpse of the Abyss: This set's 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Befuddling Aura: This set's 4 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Cacophony: This set's 4 piece stun resistance was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Perplex: This set's 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Quickfoot: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Celerity: This set's 2 piece immobilization resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Universal Travel
- Winter's Gift: This set's 2 piece cold resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Mocking Beratement: This set's 3 piece hold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Perfect Zinger: This set's 2 piece fear resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Volley of Velocity: This set's 2 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a regeneration bonus.
- Kinetic Crash: This set's 3 piece smashing resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Force Feedback: This set's 3 piece fear resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
To Hit Buff
- Encouraged Accuracy: This set's 2 piece debt protection bonus was changed to an accuracy bonus.
- Adjusted Targeting: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
To Hit Debuff
- Discouraging Words: This set's 2 piece confuse resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Dampened Spirits: This set's 4 piece negatibe energy resistance bonus an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to a fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Dark Watcher's Dispair: This set's 6 piece psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Accurate Defense Debuff
- Shield Breaker: This set's 3 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Analyze Weakness: This set's 3 piece stun resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
Accurate To Hit Debuff
- Cloud Senses: This set's 2 piece mez resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez resistance bonus.
- Siphon Insight: This set's 3 piece debt protection bonus was changed to a recovery bonus.
Controller Archetype
- Overpowering Presence: This set's 4 piece smashing/lethal bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Overpowering Presence: This set's 4 piece smashing/lethal bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez resistance bonus.
Scrapper Archetype
- Scrapper's Strike: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Scrapper's Strike: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
Tanker Archetype
- Might of the Tanker: This set's 5 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Might of the Tanker: This set's 5 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Gauntleted Fist: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Gauntleted Fist: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
Kheldian Archetype
- Kheldian's Grace: This set's 3 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Kheldian's Grace: This set's 3 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Brute Archetype
- Brute's Fury: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Brute's Fury: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Unrelenting Fury: This set's 6 piece energy/negative, smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez, lethal/smash/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Unrelenting Fury: This set's 6 piece energy/negative, smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a energy/negative/mez, lethal/smash/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
Dominator Archetype
- Dominating Grasp: This set's 4 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Dominating Grasp: This set's 4 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
Mastermind Archetype
- Command of the Mastermind: This set's 5 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Command of the Mastermind: This set's 5 piece toxic/psionic resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Mark of Supremacy: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Mark of Supremacy: This set's 3 piece energy/negative resistance bonus was changed to an energy/negative/mez resistance bonus. Its 6 piece smashing/lethal and fire/cold resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smashing/mez and fire/cold/mez resistance bonus.
Stalker Archetype
- Stalker's Guile: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Stalker's Guile: This set's 6 piece smashing/lethal resistance bonus was changed to a lethal/smash/mez resistance bonus.
Soldiers of Arachnos Archetype
- Dominion of Arachnos: This set's 6 piece toxic/psionic mez resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
- Superior Dominion of Arachnos: This set's 6 piece toxic/psionic mez resistance bonus was changed to a toxic/psionic/mez resistance bonus.
Procs Per Minute Adjustments
Enhancements with a percent chance to trigger their unique effects (AKA procs) have been changed to use a standardized Procs Per Minute. In addition, all enhancements using procs per minute have a maximum 90% chance to trigger
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Power Pool Customization
- Static Discharge: All Epic pool versions of this power should now have the standard 2 hand cast with default purple electricity and the patron versions of this power have the standard 1 hand cast with default red electricity.
- Blaster/Blaze Mastery/Char: Fixed a bug that caused this power to lack its appropriate continuing effects.
- Patron Power Pool Pets now have customizable spawn and despawn effects.
- Zapp - Bright and dark versions of this power are now fully customizable.
- Players previously from non-English-language servers should now be able to load into maps.
Crey Spawns
- Scientists & Tank "Repair" spawns, and PR "Roadshow" spawns now con yellow
- Paragon Protectors in "Roadshow" spawndefs have been replaced with Power Tanks
King’s Row
- Adjusted neighborhood levels and balanced spawn level ranges to be easier for players, and align with mission progression. The new level ranges:
- Gish 7-10
- Industrial Ave 7-9
- KGW 11-13
- Aqueduct 9-11
- Royal Refinery 10-12
- High Park 12-15
- Concealment/Misdirection: This power's duration will no longer scale with the user's level. It will have a constant duration of 15 seconds.
- Mace Beam: The Mace Beam sniper attack from Mace Mastery no longer invokes weapon redraw if you use another Mace attack before or after it.
Epic Power Pool
- Soul Mastery power Summon Mistress is now using the run in spawn animation, instead of the hands on hips laughter emote.
Mu Mastery Pets
- Mu Mastery Pets have their red auras restored.
- The recharge time of Blaster Sustain toggles has been standardized. Cauterizing Aura, Frigid Protection, Reaction Time, and Field Operative all now recharge in 10 seconds.
- Corrected an issue where Blaster Sustain toggle powers would de-toggle when mezzed. These powers now remain toggled, but any offensive debuffs or damage are suppressed while the player is controlled.
Martial Combat: Defiance
- Corrected a number of Defiance values in Martial Combat - many of them were looking up the wrong Area Factor for calculation.
Martial Assault
- Fixed a bug where the Endurance Cost of Shuriken Throw, Caltrops, and Explosive Shuriken was too high.
- Ki Push was incorrectly flagged as Autohit. It now must successfully roll a To-Hit roll to hit the target.
- Executioner's Contract: Disorient Bonus - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP. Reduced this power's duration in PvP to be consistent with other mez procs.
- Pounding Slugfest: Disorient Bonus - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP.
- Debilitative Action: Disorient Bonus - - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP.
- Razzle Dazzle: Disorient Bonus - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP.
- Unspeakable Terror: Disorient Bonus - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP.
- Triumphant Insult: Chance to Disorient - This enhancement will now trigger mez suppression when used in PvP.
- Increased "Improved Movement Bonus" set bonuses by 50%.
- Swapped Running, Flying and Leaping set bonuses with global Improved Movement Bonus set bonuses.
- Preventive Medicine: This enhancement now has a 10% chance to trigger if your health is between 31-75% health and a 100% chance to trigger if your health is below 31%. Reduced the internal cooldown from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Scourging Blast: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE +End Proc now has a small area of effect heal as well.
- Crushing Impact: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Pulverizing Impact: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Smashing Haymaker: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Focused Smite: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Touch of Death: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Mako's Bite: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Salvo: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Tempest: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Entropic Chaos: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Energy/Negative Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist.
- Ruin: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Decimation: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Detonation: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Positron's Blast: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist.
- Annihilation: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Multi-Strike: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Scirocco's Dervish: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Obliteration: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Fury of the Gladiator: Reduced this set's 2 slot PVE bonus from 4.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 4.5% Mez Resist to 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist.
- Executioner's Contract: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Sovereign's Right: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Gift of the Ancients: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Red Fortune: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Impervious Skin: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Reactive Armor: Fixed a bug that caused this enhancement to have the incorrect set bonuses at 2 and 3 pieces. The 2 piece set bonus is a tiny lethal/smashing mez resistance bonus, and the 3 piece is the original tiny energy/negative/ranged defense bonus.
- Titanium Coating: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Unbreakable Guard: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Doctored Wounds: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Debilitative Action: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Celerity: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Kinetic Crash: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Analyze Weakness: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
Incarnate Arc
- Added villain specific dialog to missions's 1, 3, 4, and 5.
- Added Praetorian civilians to missions 1 and 5.
- Changed details about Number Six's background to better fit with his previous history.
Antimatter Personal Story
- Fixed an issue where the player was not kicked out of the mission when it finished.
Deadlock Personal Story
- Fixed an issue where Deadlock's Serum buff would persist indefinitely.
Brickstown Arcs
- Added an extra dialog choice to Provost Marchand's initial dialog. Players will be able to ask Marchand more about his role in Praetoria and his current motivations.
- Added an extra dialog choice with Marauder in Mission 1. Players who have the Souvenir clue, "The History Of The Destroyers", will ask him about the Mid-West. Players who do not have the souvenir clue will ask why they should be able to trust Marauder.
- Arc 3 Mission 2: Fixed an issue where the UI for saving Riptide did not show up in the mission. Players should also be able to earn the badge, Riptide's Comrade, now.
- Arc 2 - Part 4: Added a mini-map to the Carnival Island refugee camp.
- Made adjustments to Crey, Freakshow, and Prisoner spawns so that the player/enemy difficulty ratio would be equal.
- Arc 1 Mission 3: Fixed an issue where the waypoint was appearing at the entrance instead of the elevator after rescuing Aurora and Noble Savage.
St. Martial Arcs
- Inside Information: Fixed a bug where rogues in Paragon City could not properly start the first mission for Inside Information.
Prison Break Zone Event
- Enemies should now match player levels within the Prison Break event
- Added line of dialogue for "Arrest 5th Column" spawns to include the Player’s name when alerted.
- Reduced prisoner spawn probability in an effort to lighten overworld density.
- Thinned out "Prisoner Rumble" spawns on sidewalks between The Zig and Seven Gates.
- Balanced Player/Prisoner difficulty ratio for spawns making it in player favor.
- Rogue-alignment players will now be able to access Antonio Nash's storyarc .
- Vigilante-alignment players will now be able to access Lieutenant Harriman's storyarc,
- Dark Astoria: Dream Doctor: Removed the treasure chests in the green orb room in Dream Doctor's final mission.
Mission Architect
- Entering Mission Architect missions should no longer display an error.
- The Reactive Defenses: Endurance/Recharge and Preventive Medicine Endurance/Recharge recipes on the Hero Merit vendor should now correctly cost 1 hero merit.
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Power Customization
- Weapon Mastery - Exploding Shuriken: Large glow has been restored to the Bright and Dark versions of the hit effect for this power.
- Munitions Mastery - Surveillance: The Dark version of this power no longer references Bright particles.
- Flame Mastery - Char: The Dark version of this power no longer references Bright particles.
- Electrical Mastery - Shocking Bolt: This power's Bright and Dark hit effects are now fully customizable.
- Brute – Leviathan Mastery: Added assets for customizable patron pet spawn/death effects.
- Sorcery Power Pool – Translocation: customization options now have tintable flash fx
- Poison - Poison Trap: This power is now fully customizable.
- The "Skull Buster" Badge in Kings Row has been updated so that its text more accurately reflects what happens in the story arcs.
- Added the badge, Oobatz, for completing the St. Martial zone event.
- Added the badge, Parole Denied, for completing the Brickstown zone event.
- Fixed an issue where several unique Freakshow bosses, including ones in Drowning in Blood, were not counting for the Tank Buster badge.
- Anti-Matter's Personal Story: Fixed an issue where the arc title said Dream Doctor's personal story.
- Incarnate Arc:
- Added villain specific dialog to missions 1, 3, 4, and 5.
- Added Praetorian civilians to missions 1 and 5.
- Changed details about Number Six's background to better fit with his previous history.
- Mission 5: Fixed an issue where IDF allies were turning hostile while fighting the Avatars of Hamidon.
- Many of the foes faced in the Vigilante and Rogue storyarcs will now spawn as Bosses for solo players or small teams, and Elite Bosses for large teams or players who have their difficulty set to ignore boss reduction.
- Dark Astoria/Dream Doctor: Removed the treasure chests in the green orb room in Dream Doctor's final mission.
- Ouroboros
- The Rogue Arc (Hammers of Justice) is now available in Ouroboros to Rogues and teams of Rogues. (VIP only)
- The Vigilante Arc (Void Sanction) is now available in Ouroboros to Vigilantes and teams of Vigilantes at levels 30 - 40. (VIP only)
- Requirements for doing the new Kings Row story arcs in Ouroboros have changed.
- Kings Row Story Arcs are now only available to heroes via Ouroboros.
- Signature Story Arc 2.4
- Wavelength, Lastri Kayumanis, Antonio Nash, Lieutenant Harriman, Flashfire, Socrates, and James Harvan all now allow cellphone use immediately upon beginning their respective arcs
- Captain Mako no longer reduces down to a Lieutenant when playing on reduced difficulty during James Harvan's arc
- Some dialogue trees in James Harvan's storyarc are now accompanied by chat bubbles if played on a team
- New objective text has been added to Mission 1 of James Harvan's storyarc, to avoid confusion
- Fixed an animation issue with both Positron and Lastri Kayumanis in James Harvan's storyarc
- Fixed a bug that would cause units to suicide in Mission 2 of James Harvan's storyarc
- Modified the ambush behavior of Pandora's Might units during James Harvan's storyarc
- The Arachnos Fliers in James Harvan's story arc no longer summons Bane Spiders
- First Ward
- Anna Palatine's arc: If you choose the aggressive path when rescuing the Recon Team in the Forlorn Tunnels they will now follow players correctly to the exit.
- St. Martial Zone Event: Longbow and Family in the St. Martial zone event no longer have a specific level associated with them.
- Brickstown Zone Event: Prisoners and Freakshow in the Brickstown zone event no longer have a specific level associated with them.
- King’s Row Paladin event:
- The Paladin's speed has been lowered in Kings Row.
- The Paladin's Lightning Field damage aura now deals significantly less damage.
- The Shining Stars now motivate themselves back to fighting shortly after being defeated.
- Paladin will now always be invincible if any Psionic Brass Conduits are left alive.
- Skulls Villain Group - Some of the new Skulls have found their missing firearms and are now locked and loaded for battle.
- The tooltip for Tech Knight Set II now correctly states that it awards the Tech Knight Cape.
- Fixed an issue that caused an internal string to appear when purchasing the Tech Knight costume pieces from the Paragon Market.
- When activating the Malta Op costume power wings and capes won’t show up after costume change.
Sorcery Power Pool
- The Sorcery Power Pool is a power pool choice that grants access to five arcane powers that both weaken foes and empower allies. This power pool also grants access to Mystic Flight as its travel power. While this power is active you also gain access to Translocation, which allows you to teleport to distant locations.
- Sorcery Power Pool - Translocate now has a Minimal FX option that uses legacy teleport visuals and no runes.
Epic Archetype Nuke Changes
- Peacebringer/Luminous Blast/Dawn Strike: Reduced this power's recharge time from 360 seconds to 145 seconds and gave it a consistent scale 4 damage. Its crash has been removed and it now costs 27.7 endurance.
- Warshade/Umbral Blast/Quasar: Reduced this power's recharge time from 360 seconds to 145 seconds and gave it a consistent scale 4 damage. Its crash is fixed. It now costs 27.7 endurance.
- Arachnos Widows/Fortunata Training/Psychic Wail: Reduced this power's recharge time from 360 seconds to 145 seconds and gave it a consistent scale 4 damage. It now costs 27.7 endurance.
- Fighting/Cross Punch: This power's debuffs will no longer scale with target level difference.
Assault Rifle
- Sniper Rifle: The effects for the long and quick versions of this power now sync properly with the animation.
Nature Affinity
- Lifegiving Spores: This power can now be cast in the air.
- Hover: Minimum FX version of Hover now uses the proper Hover animations instead of the Flight ones.
- Fire Manipulation/Cauterizing Aura: This power no longer accepts endurance discount enhancements as it does not have an endurance cost.
- Devices/Field Operative: This power no longer accepts endurance discount enhancements as it does not have an endurance cost.
- Ice Manipulation/Frigid Protection: This power no longer accepts endurance discount enhancements as it does not have an endurance cost.
- Martial Combat/Reaction Time: This power no longer accepts endurance discount enhancements as it does not have an endurance cost.
- Force of Thunder no longer causes its user to play a hit reaction when it is used from a neutral/non-combat stance.
Dual Pistols
- Pistols: The bullet tracer effects now appear for all types of ammo.
- Suppressive Fire: The bullet tracer effects now appear for all types of ammo.
- Empty Clips: The bullet tracer effects are now properly oriented.
- Executioner's Shot: The bullet tracer effects now appear even if the power misses its target.
- Dual Wield: The bullet tracer effects now appear even if the power misses its target.
Martial Combat
- Burst of Speed's cast time has been reduced from 2.57 seconds down to 1 second.
- Burst of Speed's "Consecutive Use" counter no longer resets on player death.
- Burst of Speed's help text has been corrected - this power does not deal self-damage.
- Burst of Speed's Hit FX and Sound Effects now play properly.
- Burst of Speed now recharges 1 second after use, down from 2 seconds after use, if it has not been used three times during what would normally be its recharge time.
- Burst of Speed: This power now has a hit effect.
Pool Powers
- Leadership/Victory Rush: This power now correctly benefits from endurance modification enhancements and sets.
- Leadership/Victory Rush: This power now correctly benefits from endurance modification enhancements and sets.
- Presence/Pacify: This power should no longer state that it accepts Taunt IO sets.
- Sorcery/Translocate: This power will correctly suppress when affected by Travel Suppression in a PvP zone.
- Sorcery/Arcane Bolt: Increased this power's damage, recharge and endurance cost slightly.
- Sorcery/Rune of Protection: This power no longer grants Knockback and Knock Up protection in PvP zones.
- Sorcery/Enflame: Updated this power's long help to indicate that you must be at least level 14 to select this power.
- Sorcery/Rune of Protection: Updated this power's long help to indicate that you must be at least level 20 to select this power.
- Sorcery/Enflame: Updated this power's long help to indicate that you must be at least level 14 to select this power.
- Sorcery/Rune of Protection: Updated this power's long help to indicate that you must be at least level 20 to select this power.
- Mu Mastery/Power Sink: This power no longer plays effects from Ice Armor.
- Epic pool - Weapon Mastery - customized Exploding Shuriken powers now play sound.
- Medicine/Injection: This power now accepts Accuracy and Slow enhancements as well as To Hit Debuff, Accurate To Hit Debuff and Slow IO sets.
Incarnate Powers
- Lore: Corrected the Descriptive text for the Talons of Vengeance Siren's Regenerating Song.
- Lore: Corrected the descriptive text for the Banished Pantheon Defiler's Empowering Burst.
- Lore: Fixed an issue with the Knives of Vengeance power Rallying Cry where it would only affect the caster. This ability now affects all friends within its area of effect.
- Lore Pet/Ravager Essence: Fixed a bug that would prevent the Ravager from using his melee attack.
Enhancement Sets
- Increased "Improved Movement Bonus" set bonuses by 50%.
- Swapped Running, Flying and Leaping set bonuses with global Improved Movement Bonus set bonuses.
- Preventive Medicine: This enhancement now has a 10% chance to trigger if your health is between 31-75% health and a 100% chance to trigger if your health is below 31%. Reduced the internal cooldown from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Scourging Blast: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE +End Proc now has a small area of effect heal as well.
- Crushing Impact: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Pulverizing Impact: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Smashing Haymaker: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Focused Smite: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Touch of Death: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Mako's Bite: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Salvo: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Tempest: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Entropic Chaos: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Energy/Negative Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist.
- Ruin: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Toxic/Psi Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Toxic/Psi and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Decimation: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Detonation: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Positron's Blast: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist.
- Annihilation: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Multi-Strike: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Scirocco's Dervish: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Obliteration: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Fury of the Gladiator: Reduced this set's 2 slot PVE bonus from 4.5% Fire/Cold Resist and 4.5% Mez Resist to 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist.
- Executioner's Contract: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Sovereign's Right: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3.75% Fire/Cold Resist and 6.25% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Gift of the Ancients: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Red Fortune: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Impervious Skin: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Reactive Armor: Fixed a bug that caused this enhancement to have the incorrect set bonuses at 2 and 3 pieces. The 2 piece set bonus is a tiny lethal/smashing mez resistance bonus, and the 3 piece is the original tiny energy/negative/ranged defense bonus.
- Titanium Coating: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 1.5% Energy/Negative Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist.
- Unbreakable Guard: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Doctored Wounds: Reduced this set's 2 slot bonus from 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist to 1.5% Lethal/Smash Resist and 2.5% Mez Resist. Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Debilitative Action: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Fire/Cold Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Fire/Cold Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Celerity: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Kinetic Crash: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Lethal/Smash Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Lethal/Smash Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Analyze Weakness: Reduced this set's 3 slot bonus from 3% Energy/Negative Resist and 5% Mez Resist to 2.25% Energy/Negative Resist and 3.75% Mez Resist.
- Touch of Death: This set's 5 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Crushing Impact: This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Mako's Bite: This set's 2 slot bonus was changed to Toxic, Psionic, Mez resistance. This set's 5 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Gladiator's Strike: This set's 5 slot PvE bonus was increased.
- Entropic Chaos: This set's 3 slot resist bonus was decreased.
- Decimation: This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Devastation: This set's 5 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Detonation: This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Positron's Blast: This set's 3 slot resist bonus was decreased. This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Javelin's Volley: This set's 5 slot PvP resist bonus was increased.
- Exploit Weakness: This set's 3 slot defense bonus was increased. This set's 4 piece accuracy bonus was increased.
- Calibrated Accuracy: This set's 5 slot recharge bonus was increased. This set's 6 slot defense bonus was increased.
- Executioner's Contract: This set's 3 slot resistance bonus was increased. This set's 5 slot resistance bonus was increased. This set's 6 slot defense bonus was increased.
- Sting of the Manticore: This set's 3 slot defense bonus was increased. This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Brilliant Leadership: This set's 4 and 6 slot resist bonuses were increased.
- Edict of the Master: This set's 4, 5 and 6 slot resist bonuses were increased.
- Call to Arms: This set's 5 slot resist bonus was decreased.
- Serendipity: This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Gift of the Ancients: This set's 5 and 6 slot resist bonuses were increased. Luck of the Gambler: This set's 6 slot resist bonus was increased.
- Reactive Defenses; This set's 2 and 4 slot resist bonuses were decreased. This set's 3 slot health bonus was increased. This set's 5 slot Endurance Discount bonus was increased.
- Impervious Skin: This set's 2 slot resist bonus was decreased.
- Reactive Armor: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Impervium Armor: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Aegis: This set's 4 and 6 slot resistance bonuses were increased. Gladiator's Armor: This set's 4 slot PvP resistance bonus was increased.
- Harmonized Healing: This set's 3 slot resistance bonus was decreased. This set's 6 slot bonus was increased.
- Doctored Wounds: This set's 3 slot resistance bonus was decreased. This set's 6 slot bonus was increased.
- Preventive Medicine: This set's 3 slot health bonus was increased. This set's 5 slot
- endurance discount was increased. This set's 4 slot resistance bonus was decreased.
- Panacea: This set's 2 slot PvP resistance bonus was decreased. This set's 4 piece PvP resistance bonus was increased.
- Essence of Curare: This set's 3 slot resistance bonus was decreased.
- Ghost Widow's Embrace: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Rope a Dope: This set's 3 slot resistance bonus was decreased. This set's 5 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Debilitative Action: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Impeded Swiftness: This set's 2 slot resistance bonus was decreased. This set's 4 and 5 slot set resistance bonuses were increased.
- Hibernation: This set's 4 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Lethargic Repose: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Call of the Sandman: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Horror: This set's 4 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Unspeakable Terror: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Nightmare: This set's 5 and 6 slot set resistance bonuses were increased.
- Glimpse of the Abyss: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Befuddling Aura: This set's 4 slot resistance bonuses were increased.
- Perplex: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Adjusted Targeting: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Dampened Spirits: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Analyze Weakness: This set's 6 slot resistance bonus was increased.
- Spider's Bite: Rech/Global Chance for Toxic Damage - This enhancement's proc will now correctly trigger.
- Executioner's Contract: Disorient Bonus - Fixed a bug that prevented this proc from working in PvP.
- Scourging Blast: Recharge/Chance for Minor PBAoE +End, +Health - This enhancement's description now states that it has a chance to grant +Health. This affects both the standard and superior version.
- Preventative Medicine: This enhancement's long help now accurately reflects how this proc works.
- Store bought Inspirations will no longer expire upon leaving a mission architect map.
Kings Row
- Changed level range for Freedom Plaza to 5-7
- Monorail stop now appropriately reads “Kings Row: 5-15”
- Fixed an issue where the old Paladin event would still sometimes occur.
- Eagle Eye and Shauna Stockwell now sell inspirations to players in order to help them in their efforts to clean up Kings Row.
- Reduced Prisoner spawn density zone wide
- Added Freakshow/Prisoner rumbles to the east of The Zig.
- Updated Brickstown minimap to include new parks
Night Ward
- Players who exceed level 39 mid-arc can complete the arc instead of being locked out by their contact.
Villain Groups
- Skulls: New villains in the Skulls villain group now have a more appropriate number of powers available at low level, bringing their difficulty more in line with the original Skulls members. As their level increases, more powers become available to them, insuring that they are still a decent challenge up to level 20.
- Skulls bosses can no longer use Heart of Darkness, as an AoE hold caused them to be stronger than intended against large teams.
- Skulls - Bonebreaker and the Bone Daddy in Sondral Costle's arc now use updated Skulls costume parts
Mission Architect
- Agent Crimson entry in the Arachnos (1-54) Arch-Villain list now corrected.
- Change login screen text color to be more readable.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
That is all.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
Sorry if i overlooked it in the notes, but is lvl 21 now awarding a new power choise AND two slots?

Reading notes for an issue that will never go live makes me want to throw up. The removal of end crash from blaster nukes would have been awesome.
I was getting excited reading that. Then I got mad. So many changes. So much work. As a player Im upset. But if I was a dev...this must be devastating.
Playing on Freedom
I commented the other day in one of my "home" global channels that it was testament to the scope of I24's changes, fixes and improvements that I felt like everything I talked about in CoH made me think of how I wouldn't see it get better in I24.
If there was any issue to date that I wish had the chance to see the light of day (with some added run time to let us actually experience it), I'm pretty sure this one tops the list just by sheer volume of desirable stuff. I personally think the Blaster changes were amazing.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I was getting ready to respec all my toons. I was licking my chops at the thought of playing my fire/device blaster. Maybe I'll transfer him to beta and respec but it isnt the same.
Playing on Freedom
Wow. Guess I'll be living on beta until the apocalypse.
Be well, people of CoH.

I made several characters to get a head-start on levels for Awesome Stuff in I24. I just have to hold up hope that the community efforts can save the day so they'll get to see it eventually.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Later on,
Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.
I had a great time playing with you!
I considered doing this (strongly considered since my main is an elec blaster), but decided I'd rather be on the live servers, among friends. If last Friday's news was an iceberg hitting the ship, instead of making some very nice music with a string quartet, playing on beta seems like going to one's cabin and ordering up PPV skin flicks.
Later on, Gate |

Be well, people of CoH.

If I'm going down with the ship I want to make sure I've got all the hookers and blow to go with it.
![]() |

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.
I had a great time playing with you!
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
The beta market doesn't seen to be loading for me. The loading graphics spins for a bit, then it just goes grey. Is the store down?
I made several characters to get a head-start on levels for Awesome Stuff in I24. I just have to hold up hope that the community efforts can save the day so they'll get to see it eventually.
First time in 8 years I'd taken "Stimulant".
Global name: @k26dp
Oh ... oh jeez ... I ... If this game weren't cancelled this would have been an amazing Issue.
Guys, after reading this, I can't help it. I gotta channel TwoHeadedBoy here.
As of today, even those of us whose VIP status had lapsed have access to the beta ... but not to the beta forums. As someone who can't figure out where to find the new arcs, can someone link to an offsite source for, or summarize, the beta patch notes?