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  1. There's been a lot of discussion that this is not about just being in the being red vs. black. It makes sense that they think that the resources spent on the game could earn them more money used some other way. People have been talking about that likelihood since early last week, and I do think it probably makes (ruthless) sense.
  2. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    i thought there were no aggro limits in the early days. You could herd most of a zone with one debuff toggle to the point that the client was only drawing a few of the mobs that were there and kept cycling through them so that different enemies were flickering in and out of view.
    That's correct. Originally, there was no limit on how many critters you could aggro by whatever means you had of drawing aggro. Provoke, Rad Infection, you name it.
  3. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    I emailed Posi with the Eden exploit (5-10 minute runs from the zone-in, tp through walls and just kill Titan) and we traded PMs forever but nothing happened until one day...the recipe rolls got replaced with Reward Merits.
    My in-game friends and I didn't know there were actual geometry-style bugs with Eden until its rewards were changed, because we were clocking exploit-grade times without actually cheating. Well, no more than stacked buffs and the like let us all cheat all the time, at least.
  4. UberGuy


    I have abused the aggro cap. If you gather enough foes, other foes will ignore you, sometimes even if you damage them. While this limits how many foes you can pull anywhere at one time, nothing prevents you from pulling you quota of foes onto other critters. Assuming you (a) can survive the aggro cap's worth of foes to start with and (b) you have the AoE potential to make it useful, you can defeat more foes at a time than will actually fight back.

    If you annoy enough foes along the way, you can also establish a nice stream of foes into your chosen kill zone as you defeat ones who were aggro'd and ones previously over the cap are allowed to respond.

    I have no illusions about being the only person to think of this. I may be one of the few to leverage it on a Defender or Corruptor, however.

    Edit: I was reminded of this because of the posts about the AE, where it used to be possible to get stupid quantities of foes in small areas. It wasn't the only place i did it, though. Issue 16's difficulty settings cured me of most of my need to fight stuff in the AE.
  5. My Warshade, who has been level twelve about four years. I wanted to give her Flight in I24.

    I also have a Dark/Time Controller i think I would have enjoyed.
  6. Yep. The compass is almost completely unhelpful for finding things that are, say, underneath or high above you. Sure, you can infer that, based on its behavior, one of those two things is going on, but that's about as good as it gets.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    You cannot blame NCsoft for not saying anything about the TR closure, because it was *not* on their hands. Same with the event that CoX will do. That will be up to the CoX developers and *not* the NCsoft suits
    Not really. All the Paragon staff have access to are existing tools and assets. They cannot code up new things for the end of the game. That's not directly comparable with the other examples here. The other studios did stay open and development changes were possible. That's not the case here. That aspect of this was up to NCSoft.

    In terms of the subs winding down, it was easier for CoX to do... there were however *no* points (nor stipeds) to refund.
    I'm not sure what you're saying here. Folks who have long-term subscriptions paid past the sunset date should have had a response before now. That's the kind of info NCSoft should have had on-hand the day they closed the studio.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pohsyb2 View Post
    The designers told me explicitly NOT to add the nav arrow (the little yellow arrow with the distance). They said it would break immersion, but I was tired of trying to navigate by compass only in 3D world so I put it in anyways.

    After everyone used it, they decided to keep it.
    Wow, holy crap. Thank you for not listening to them. Navigating via the compass blows. There's something about the way it displays, after 8 years of using it, I never can look at the compass heading and turn the correct number of degrees to correctly face a waypoint without visually monitoring the compass as I make that turn. I don't know why that its - there's somethng about the number of degrees it displays left and right of center that screws up my ability to translate what it's showing me into a rotation of my character.

    Hopefully you didn't design the compass too. >.>
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    I bought extra Paragon Points to get into higher levels of the Tiered VIP Rewards.
    I know you were posting this in response to WHF, but I did want to mention on this specific that those of us who did this (I did it too on my second account) did get something out of it. We gained extra Paragon Rewards benefits on our accounts.

    Even if I never get to spend the points I bought doing that, I did get at least partial value out of that expenditure, and still am getting benefit out of it now.

    Overall, I'm pretty unconcerned about points never spent. I mean, I'm not crazy bout it, but I wouldn't consider going after NCSoft relating to points even if it were easy to drag them into some sort of process for such claims.

    Lost subscription time is a different beast all together for me, and I would consider going after them for that even knowing what a pain in the *** it could be.
  10. Very cool stuff. Thank you for sharing. Resources like this may be very important to those of us who wish to keep CoH alive visually in the long term.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Wasn't the whole reason such an EULA was put into place was due to Marvel and DC (or was it just Marvel?) trying to get City of Heroes shut down for the mere possibility of people trying to play as heroes from their IP?

    Weren't Marvel's employees caught doing that very thing in-game?
    I don't really think that makes sense as the reason. The EULA can't transfer to NCSoft the ownership of a trademark that someone else owns, so it would have no power over Marvel if they sneaked in and recreated their own characters. What was really needed there was a clear statement that trademarks owned by others would not be allowed in CoH, in order to protect Cryptic/NCSoft from lawsuit by other companies.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    We got points from being billed.
    It does depend on how they choose to reimburse us, assuming they do. I have paid months yet to come. If I play here for those months, I would sort of expect the points.

    I'm not going to pitch a fit if I don't get them, just because I understand that how they're handling this, seemingly with zero planning, is all kinds of F'd up in general. However, I don't feel bad about pitching a fit about how F'd up it is in general, as opposed to this specifically.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    If you read the EULA you agreed before playing that the characters you create belong to them.
    Said clause is virtually unenforceable so long as any use of the character outside the confines of CoH is purged of all CoH trademarks, possibly including distinctive costume elements.
  14. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I'm the guy who broke the NDA about ED. I suppose you could also pin the forums' ultimate implosion on that. I'm not sorry; I was answering to a higher power.

    However, I was never allowed into any other betas for the last 7 years, so I was properly punished.
    Heh. Nice. My friends and I had another bud in beta who leaked it to us, but it would have taken longer for sure to percolate from us to the larger forum community. It would have made its way through several rounds of friends first, most likely.

    He mailed a copy of the explanation that .. Posi, wasn't it? ... posted on the beta forums to the rest of us at our work mail accounts, heh.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    Because it is. I've researched CRC32's weaknesses as part of my job: I wanted to use checksums to verify every file making up a software installation, including the file containing the list of checksums, which requires being able to easily generate a file with a desired checksum. I'll send you the details in a PM, but in short, one of the weaknesses permits someone to undetectably modify the file even without knowing the details of how the checksum is computed. Cryptographic hashes were invented for a reason, you know.
    Yes, a simple CRC32 would be an armature way to "sign" the file. Where did the idea come from that this is all that was done? Edit: I'm guessing it's because the checksum looks like a 32-bit number.

    I've actually defeated CRC32 checksumming in (old) games. I know how to do it, so I agree that it would be very poor as a defense mechanism.
  16. Eh. While I agree with the "added punch" bit, as an actual player (as opposed to someone who has never seen the game), I think using the real in-game music is perfect. When I first played this game that music used to give me goosebumps.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alexis_NA View Post
    Guys, the EULA you agreed to when adding paragon points or setting up a game subscription clearly states that there are no cash refunds.
    Yeah, I don't give much credit to it being in the EULA. That isn't really proven protection.

    Here's the thing. I am completely on board with them having cover with the EULA for things like...
    • Someone bought something they did not like after they tried it and they want to "return" it.
    • Someone bought something they did like, but it was changed after they bought it to something they no longer like (or like as much).
    While it would behoove companies to have less than draconian approaches to such cases, there are defensible, if unfortunate, reasons why they usually take a black-and-white approach to them.

    This case is not like those cases. This is a case of someone having paid in advance for a service that is being discontinued. I believe there is merit here in fighting for something better than "here, take this non-equivalent service in compensation".

    Note that we do not know what, if anything NCSoft is planning to offer. Apparently some formal reply about the general compensation question is forthcoming. But if it amounts to "here's some complimentary time on other games", I think people have a place rejecting that (assuming they actually don't want to try the other games).

    Note that, assuming there's any chance of getting a refund instead of free time with another title (possibly a significant assumption), even trying other games using offered account codes likely would be counted as acceptance of the offer, and thus would relinquish any rights to a refund.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    And here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQPJw5qAajs

    That's the final version, not the draft that was posted here earlier.


    That is awesome. No, really, not the tired, overused version of that word. I mean it in the dictionary meaning of "inspiring awe".

    I just shared that all over Facebook with links to this thread.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    I'm not calling you out or stroking my ego or anything, but this boggles my mind. Given what the program can do, what could possibly possess someone to suggest that any part of it is amateurish? |-:
    For what its worth, the same thought crossed my mind reading Kitsune's post. (The thought in your reply here, not the one Kitsune expressed.)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I guess they were being screwed when they were offered the choice to play this game.
    Yes, they were. If it wasn't what they paid for. If they decided to accept an offer of such, then that's fine. If they didn't, and NCSoft said "OK, sorry, then we're just keeping you're money", then that's beyond lame.

    There is no other industry where I would accept that behavior from a vendor of any good or service. If I pay for something and they (a) can't deliver what I paid them to give me and (b) I am unwilling to accept any substitute, then they owe me my money back, prorated based on any goods or services actually provided. The end.

    The act of making me an offer of substitute goods does not free them from this debt unless I explicitly accept the offer.

    I will not be faced with this issue with CoH, as I paid my subscription on a 3-month cycle which will expire before Nov. 30.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    And this is my worry ... so many ppl keep saying that if you were VIP when the announcement hit, then you're VIP till the end. And I don't think that's true .. My monthly sub hit JUST before the announcement, and I'll be effing pissed if I get dropped because they've decided to pull this ***** move.
    There's a counter-example here. Sounds like it's a crapshoot.
  22. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Who is Ascendant?
  23. I'm with the others. There was no such justification. A lot of stuff in CoH, especially in some of the older sets (of which Willpower is sort of middling), is like it is because that's just how it was set up. Copy/paste from other powers while forgetting to change scales, typos, brain farts and just "I never gave it much thought" have all made their way into powers over the years, and some still have those stats, just because.

    No one with formal knowledge of the set has ever said Willpower got a weaker taunt because it had QR.

    In any case, even if that was the case, Inherent Fitness wouldn't "balance out" having QR. Willpower would still have significantly more recovery than sets with Stamina alone.

    The whole thesis just seems terribly odd to me.