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  1. Turbo_Ski

    Sad Sonics

    Originally Posted by Great_Scott View Post
    I'm struggling to understand how Sonic is as bad off as FF. Have you played a FF to 50? I have. Maybe I can explain with a question or two:

    1) What's the go-to Debuff in FF?
    2) What does FF add to a team when many players are already +Def soft-capped?
    I say FF and Sonic are the same level because of how differently +res and +def cap. FF has pretty much zero value on teams/league well into the softcap of Defense, because it has really crappy filler powers. Sonic suffers the same problem which has much worse filler powers, but it takes a lot more to make the +res/-res it brings redundant even on leagues.

    So on one side you have Sonic with a stat that isn't easily capped off and in both buff and debuff flavors, but it has the worst designed filler powers in the game (see Sonic Repulsion). On the other hand you have FF, which caps out way faster, comes in only the buff variety, and filler powers that are terrible but no where near as bad as sonic's. Either way they are both in bad positions because of those crappy filler powers.

    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Sonic and force field at least do what they specialize in better than any other set. Trick arrow does not accomplish this.
    Trick Arrow specializes in -res AoEs and the crazy damage from oil slick, but everything outside of that is very pathetic. They need to combine FA and PGA together into a single power and improve all the debuff values in FA, PGA, and GA, you can even keep the sleep in PGA since it doesn't even work most of the time and if it does gets immediately broken by AA.
  2. I like how Penn Jillete is the bad guy. Must mean Teller is the mysterious voice.
  3. Turbo_Ski

    Sad Sonics

    I would say Sonic, FF, and TA are all about on the same level, they all need help.

    TA needs flash arrow and PGA improved to be decent. Shoot maybe even combine them into a single power like how every other debuff set does.

    Both Sonic and FF need to replace the powers that almost no one ever takes with powers that better round out the set, such as a -Def/-Res field for FF.
  4. Pardon me while I laugh at those that thought I was crazy for reserving the name Turbo-Ski on Exalted first thing on patch day.
  5. Turbo_Ski

    New This Week?

    Speaking of the Collapsing part in the first mission...has anyone actually successfully found a way out in time? I've done it 3 times and always run out of time before I can find my way out.
  6. Turbo_Ski

    Floating Coins

    Now where did the floating coin touch you?

    Seriously, we're now complaining about a feature that telling new players "Hey Story Arc RIGHT HERE" as bad thing? You realize this is staple kind of thing of MMOs, something that people expect and would be criticized if it was absent when this game goes F2P.
  7. Turbo_Ski

    New This Week?

    I enjoyed the story arc even though it was short. It had a unique map and 2 old maps that were made awesome by the inclusion of LAVA!!! Seriously that is easiest way to make any old map new again, just flood it with lava.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    So change it to Cold/Ice combo...getting Sleet sooner and Benumb sooner doesn't have a factor in that single target damage?

    For damage comparison's I'd say go with both at lvl 50 with the same builds with as little variance as possible (ie...once you get the defense for softcap, you work on the next set bonus goal).
    Sleet doesn't make not having BIB for 10 levels any less painful I assure you. Also benumb doesn't increase damage in any fashion.

    at 50, Corruptors outclass defenders as I've already mentioned previously in the thread.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    How many of those attack powers you're activating so much more often trigger Scourge? Because those are the only ones doing more damage than the Defender if you're soloing.

    The Vigilance changes rather deliberately erased most of the benefit of the higher Corruptor damage scale when both are solo. Corruptors still do slightly more damage due to Scourge, plus in many situations you can leverage the higher scale (and more specifically the higher damage cap) to lengthen the lead, but the standard ED-capped SO slotting leaves both doing roughly the same damage for the first 50-75% of the fight.

    Or, say you're using a scale 1 attack (like Ice Bolt).
    Solo Defender: 0.65 (at mod) * 1.0 (attack scale) * (1.0 base + 0.95 slotting + 0.3 solo vig buff) = 1.4625 scale damage
    Corruptor: 0.75 (at mod) * 1.0 (attack scale) * (1.0 base + 0.95 slotting) = 1.4625

    So let's throw in the effect of those buffs and debuffs... how about a Rad with AM running and using EF?
    Defender: 0.65 * 1.0 * (1.0 + 0.95 + 0.3 + 0.25 AM) * 1.3 (res debuff) = 2.1125
    Corruptor: 0.75 * 1.0 * (1.0 + 0.95 + 0.2 AM) * 1.225 = 1.9753125

    In this case, most of the time the Defender is doing more damage, using an AoE toggle debuff and self +damage powers.

    It's not as cut-and-dried as people try to make it, where "Corruptor = more damage". As for power selection order, that makes some difference. But not in a large number of sets, and in many cases you'd rather have the buff/debuff power earlier.
    Which deals more damage, Ice/Rad Corr doing Ice Bolt->Ice Blast->Bitter Ice Blast-> or a Rad/Ice defender doing Ice Bolt->Ice Blast? The Corruptor because they get BIB WAY sooner.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    Nitpick: the difference in buff/debuff values (specifically, those that use AT modifiers) is larger than the difference in (solo) damage, and there is no way you'll convince me that in every case the Corruptor is the better option for anything other than power order. It's usually 20-25% difference in the buff/debuff values, and the base damage difference is just over 15% before any low-team-size Vigilance buff or Scourge kicks in.
    higher damage modifier has a way bigger impact than higher support modifier. Just ask yourself how many times you activate a support power versus activating an attack power? Probably looking at 5 damage power activations for every single support power activation in an attack cycle. Point is comparing raw modifier percents between the two ATs doesn't mean anything, unless we're talking very specific power comparisons.

    Anyway, allow me to elaborate more on my "Always" statement. Early game corruptors trump still for the single reason of power order picks. Blast sets are consistent, you can reliably get your core powers well before 20. The same does not hold true for a good majority of support sets, I've never heard of a blast set labeled as a late bloomer as support sets regularly are called. Also damage pretty much trumps everything in this game in usefulness since there is never a situation where damage isn't useful. There are variety of support powers that simply are mediocre or totally ineffective against certain enemies, slows for example have zero effect on War Wolves. Likewise -Tohit/+Def solo are very weak solo in the early game since you need a lot of it to see impact. Again blast sets are consistent, support sets aren't.

    Mid-game really depends on the build, though most defenders won't see the same damage output as corruptors solo for a good 10 levels or so because of how late they get their strong single target blasts. For the most part they are pretty even in usefulness like all ATs in the 25-40 range.

    Post-40 Corruptors and Defenders have all the same tools, every AT is getting Epic pools to round out their weaknesses. Solo against minions and lts. feels about the same, the Corruptors pull way ahead though against boss and above because of scourge and higher damage caps (which is easy to with 20 inspiration slots available...). Support however doesn't have any AT specific caps, it simply caps out at the same values, and it doesn't help that it is very common both in temp buffs and epic/pool powers. You quickly get to the point on teams where the Corruptor is pulling out the same effective support job as the defender with more damage in addition. Because of this the corruptor is better in the late-game, you have a lot more room to grow and that matters a lot when you get into larger teams like Leagues.

    So if Corruptors are better for 2/3rd of the game and only equal with defenders 1/3rd of the game, that still sounds like Corruptors are always a better choice to me.
  11. Turbo_Ski


    Chrismoses is the real villain here, Crow is just a scrapgoat!
  12. Who are you most well known as in-game? I mean character, but maybe you have an inappropriate nickname, and that could be fun too.
    Turbo-Ski, though some old folks probably remember me as Shadow Blaze.

    What have you been doing in-game lately?
    Incarnate Trials, running all the hero stuff on Turbo-Ski, and teaming with a friend I recently brought into the game.

    What do you enjoy the most in-game?
    Support ATs

    Praetoria, Mercy Island, or Atlas: Which is your preferred landing destination?

    How long have you been playing City of Heroes?
    I dunno, I haven't checked my Vet badges, but started in July 04.

    Why did you originally choose to play and/or stay on Infinity?
    My brother started out on infinity so I did too, I stayed because it's a popular server and I know most of the folks on here.

    What are your plans for "Freedom"?
    Considering rerolling a Fire/TA corr on infinity for the new starting content and experiencing First Ward and the new trials on Turbo-Ski.

    What is best in life?

    What is your favorite movie?
    I like a lot of campy old horror movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Evil Dead 2 is probably one of my favorites no matter my mood.

    What is your favorite book?
    I don't read books.

    Outside of CoH, what are your favorite games?
    PS3: Demon's Souls
    PS2: Shadow Hearts Covenant
    PS1: Star Ocean: The Second Story
    PC: Thief series
    SNES: Super Metroid, Lufia II is very close second
    Genesis: Shining Force 2
    NES: Mega Man 2

    Sports: Yes? No? Favorites? Teams? Players? Do you play any yourself?

    Care to share the vision that is you? Pictures from 6-7 years ago of me can be found here un/fortunately (depending on perspective).
    I care not to.

    What keeps you from playing City of Heroes for gross stretches of time? (Kids, jobs, spouses, other hobbies, fill in the ______.)
    Work, Sleep, and other media.

    And finally, have you blurred the lines between my two neat categories? Do you play in-game with anyone you know "IRL," to use one of those dreaded stereotypical abbreviations that haunt the gamers' reputation?
    Yes two people currently, though only one plays as much as me.
  13. Quicksand easily, it's just so much easier to use and location drop debuffs can be cast out of line of sight, snow storm can't.
  14. I wouldn't fret over the Rad def vs troller numbers too much, most of that set is preset and doesn't scale off support modifiers. So it's very out of the norm in that regard, however what controllers do bring is plenty in the numbers and most would argue that */Rad controllers are always better for teams than a Rad/* defender. You are bringing heavy amounts of control in addition to your support set, something a defender simply can't compete with in terms of mitigation.

    That said, I feel that */Cold is easily the superior set in the mid and late game, simply because 8/9 powers are just insanely good tools (obligatory Frostworks sucks). Rad gets all it's toys early and those toys remain fantastic throughout, but the set lacks the variety of tools because of mediocre filler powers like Fallout and Choking Cloud. Despite that Rad is a consistent and great set and protects just as well as cold, but it simply just has less to play with. Rad also has a lot more debuff variety in it's few powers, this allows it to stack better with other supports, so think of it as support for support.

    If you're interested in */Cold numbers you can check out the guide in my sig, the corruptor values are the same as controllers.
  15. Turbo_Ski

    Mumble Mumble

    Hello again Quizzles, I too have returned recently. Besides the general shield buffs being aoe, nothing is really new with Cold for me to update my guide.
  16. I second Radial Reactive, the -res helps a lot for any defender due to our already low damage. Though Diamagnetic's Total Core Conversion is a nice alternative if you want to focus heavily on mitigation since you already are rolling dark blast.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    You're right that turboski is dead wrong. S/he happens to be focusing on a case (Cold Dom) where Sleet has the same value across the ATs. When -res debuffs with Defender values stack up, TEAM damage goes up dramatically.

    I normally shy away from Def vs Corr debates because I think they're pretty balanced and choosing one over the other has plusse and minuses to consider. However I do feel compelled to step in when someone tries to unequivocally state "the Corruptor equivalent is always the better solo AT and the more balanced AT on teams, and a better fit for leagues due to them scaling better on higher team sizes." That's just wrong.
    Go back and read the post he was responding to, and you would clearly see I mention exceptions like Kin and Rad having higher values that aren't calculated by the support modifier like shields and benumb are.

    Ice/Cold and Cold/Ice isn't the only corr and def build I've played into the 40s either, I've also done varations of Rad, Kin, Dark, Thermal, and TA and pretty much comes out to be a pretty miniscule difference on the support overall. Rad and Kin are the only sets I felt like I could match corruptor damage because of the higher than norm values.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheOOB View Post
    I think people are understating the differences between the two, and how viable both can be. Defenders get notably better buff/debuff values than corruptors, getting the best in the game, with their blasts filling an appropriately secondary role, adding some extra damage but never being the focal point of the character.

    Corruptors, however, deal damage first, and buff/debuff second, they do a lot of damage, and their support abilities while good, are not the equivalent of a defenders.

    I'd agree that corruptors generally solo better(Most villain classes where designed to solo better than their hero counterparts), but on a large well rounded team a defender can be more useful. The bigger you're team is, the more benefit you get from all those powerful support abilities, and the less you're individual damage matters.
    The margin between support values is a lot smaller than the margin between damage values. There are exceptions of course like Kin and Rad where the values are tweaked up to higher than they normally would be for defenders, but for the most part the difference is miniscule overall on the support side.

    It really comes down to the order you take your powers and whether you like /Pain or /Empathy for most I would assume. End game though, Corruptors > Defenders easily since balanced builds always do better in the late game, since most support values simply cap out too early and it's everywhere in the 40-50 range.
  19. Turbo_Ski

    Best Buff's?

    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    Well, leaving IO's out of the picture isn't really fair to Empathy.
    Excluding IOs in any argument about sets is totally fair since they only balance sets around SOs.

    Let's assume an 8 man team, with both Empathy and Thermal on +3 SO's.

    -Thermal Shields will give +31.5% resistance against everything but Psi, Toxic, Fire(which is double), and Cold(which is half), to 7 people.

    -Fortitude will give +23.6% defense against everything to 4 people.

    Due to the fact that defense reduces incoming damage by twice as much as resistance does(Of course, depending on the team composition YMMV), and that it reduces the chance of being hit by debuffs, I'd say Fortitude and Thermal shields are quite even at the SO level on a full team. With wise use of Fortitude I'd say it's better.

    Then you add the other buffs Empathy offers and it wins over Thermal for mitigation by quite a large margin.
    Funny how you are ignoring the other 3 teammates that going entirely unprotected by the empath, but are protected by the Thermal. Empathy is less effective once you go past that 5 player team size, a fact that is blatantly obvious on 16+ man Trials. Also resistance yields itself more suitable for a healing set since damage doesn't nearly spike as hard when even +Def fails, saying Def is doubly effective shows a gross lack of understanding of how Thermal works.
  20. all I had to read was that he wasn't taking hasten and the choice became obvious.

    Roll a Ice/Rad. */Cold's most important stat to stack is +recharge, so hasten is kind of a must.
  21. Turbo_Ski

    Best Buff's?

    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    First off, welcome back!

    Now, I can't really agree with placing Empathy that low for mitigation. On large teams, Empaths with a recharge build can keep Fortitude on 6-7 people at once. On leagues they have RA's and Healing Aura, and their other tools remain viable in those split-off situations, and for when someone gets spiked by an AV.

    Empathy is a mitigation focused set, so if you're placing it that low on a mitigation list then something's wrong.
    You're not going to be keeping fort on that many with just SOs, best you can hope for is 4 at most. Even then the focus on empathy built around supporting individuals, you're not going to be effectively keep an 8 man team alive without additional tank/support mitigation. Thermal doesn't have that problem because its shields scale to any team size, which makes it easier to heal on an 8 man team than it would on an empath. Which is the point, empathy is a great set but it doesn't scale well with larger team sizes as other sets.
  22. so much I wish to reply to, but I'll just summarize my thoughts instead...

    - Empathy is only superior on teams of 4 or less, okay on teams of 5 thru 8, and a only useful for Recovery/regen/healing aura spamming on Leagues.

    - No matter your support set on a defender you should always be blasting.

    - Incarnate stuff only applies to lvl 50 content and trials, which as already stated empathy is mediocre at in the first place. It doesn't hurt empathy anymore than empathy does to itself.

    - to OP: Ice blast is great, if you're having trouble healing AND blasting then just use Ice Storm and BIB on every cooldown instead of an entire blast chain of bolts. Of course if the team is dying constantly, there are 3 possible scenarios why this is happening: your team is idiotic (highly possible), you aren't buffing fortitude on every cooldown, or you only think they are dying because they are at 75% health and you're OCDing on the healing.
  23. In regards to Cold solo...I gotta say you're always going to be better off with a Corruptor version. Having played both to 50, the defender was not very noticeable on teams and not really any safer solo compared to the Corr. Pretty much can blame vigilance scaling on that one there though, and Corruptor support being very closely the same.

    That said Kin and Rad do offer a different feel compared to their corruptor equivalents, since their values are a bit more tweaked up and feel like a better tradeoff as vigilance scales your damage down on teams. Same can be said about Sonic Blast due to the higher debuff values.