2931 -
I only do about 66% enh buff on shields myself, seems fine when you combine it with sleet+storm and precision infrig+benumb. It's all 8 powers working great together that allows for some ease on the slotting.
Quote:People run basic Clarion all the time in UG even in PuGs where you face unavoidable mez A LOT. As for BAF AV holds and Anti-matter's beam, those are entirely avoidable with active positioning on the player's part.Which still don't stop containment. And if someone's running Clarion. And IF people are staggering Barriers.
In many of the gaggle-**** (really bad PUG) trials I've had the displeasure to take part in, this wasn't the case.
Quote:Again, not always the case. If people are running toons with these powers, sure. Not always the case.
Quote:I'm not saying that there's any reason for "Gotta have a bubbler or it's a no go". Such a position is patently ********. I'm just saying that simply because the person is playing a bubbler doesn't mean their primary is useless, and they can't contribute meaningfully to a team or league. -
Quote:I'm not trying to bash FF, but let's be realistic with our expectations on FF's performance in Incarnate Trials.And yeah, Incarnates can burp out forcefields from everyone and their brother. There's no mez protection there, and the amount of defense, while initially superior, falls off rapidly. Forcefields are steady, dependable known quantities.
In an incarnate trial you have 20 something people having various versions of clarion and barrier, that are used at key events and tend to overlap the fading effect of the buff by accident. You also have additional DEF from all the stacks of Maneuvers and Stealth auras (Arctic Fog, Shadowfall, etc) folks get by proximity. Finally, when status effects do happen in trials they are almost always way more than Dispersion bubble can handle in magnitude. Dispersion is NOT FF's strong point in trials, Ally shields however are the strongest thing FF has going for it here.
If it's any consolation, TA does worse than FF in incarnate trials, as only Disruption Arrow and Oil Slick Arrow are useful and lack the impact that Def shields offer.
Quote:What FF allows the defender to do at higher levels is to concentrate more on damage output from their secondary. Moreso than any other defender class. Well built, a FF defender can attack endlessly while leaving their forcefields on auto and never having to worry about endurance consumption.
Sorry endurance consumption is rarely a problem and not primarily factor in dps. You might have a point if you were talking about attacks per minute though, since FF ends up doing a whole lotta nothing but blasting. Though I would have to counter that any AoE -Res in a trial environment heavily outweighs any extra attacks an FF defender has as an advantage. -
These are pretty cute, kind of reminds me of when Starchasm was doing Powerpuff girl style chibis of people's characters.
If you're primary focus is in end game support, I would recommend a controller or corruptor. The Defender AT's difference in support values becomes pretty indistinguishable from other ATs because of all the personal and team mitigation that is available in the late game. At that point the hybrid ATs tend to shine brighter because they don't sacrifice in the damage department like defenders do.
Also FF is one of the weakest late game sets since lacks a lot of tools and those that it does have beyond shields are very situational. Late-game you really want a set that debuffs/buffs either solely offensively or both offensively and defensively, since the demand for mitigation tends to drop quite a lot in the late game.
That all said, I agree with the above recommendations of Time, Cold, and Traps if you're planning to stick to the defender AT. -
If the option was either or, I probably choose Repulsion Field. Both powers are extremely situational but repulsion field is less so and far less annoying to teammates, especially melees. It should be said I don't like either of the powers personally, and would take almost any power that enhances mine or my teams damage or stats over it.
- Would take Infrigidate over Aim honestly. You're shaving off a very good chunk of ST debuffage by excluding it and not having a single Acc enh in benumb at the same time.
- Remove the chance to knockdown from ice storm, it's SUPER annoying as it will throw foes out of your storm regularly. Use the Acc/rechg instead.
- Why no Apocalypse set in BIB?
- Web Envelope + Scorpion Shield OR Oppresive Gloom + Dark Embrace are better choices if you're concerned about survivability and still getting bonuses. Soul Drain and Power Boost would what I would recommend if you are looking for a more balanced build. -
Found his poll via other means just now and voted for CoH of course. Then did a search and found this thread so...BUMP
Quote:I think that is part of the reason right there. Thermal and Cold do so much more than Sonic and FF by comparison it makes the faults that Sonic and FF have look really really dumb. Most players right off Sonic entirely because of the Ally-based toggles, they are that simply that stupid of a design decision and no benefit whatsoever for such an annoying handicap.Having played Sonic/ Defender and /Sonic Corruptor, I never thought I needed to see "Great buffs" from the teammates
As a player, my only problem with Sonic, has been it's debuff needing a team member. :/ If it wasn't for that one power, I'd likely love the set.
As for when I'm on a melee, love having them on the team. More resists? YES PLEASE!
I'm still sad that I don't see more Thermal's out there. -
TA, Sonic, and FF all need help everyone knows this, that doesn't mean they are useless just less useful compared to other sets. The reality is that F2P and ignorant VIP players will make the assumption that if they don't see a set very often, it in turn must be because it sucks. They will also make the assumption that heals are very important, thus leading to congratulating the empath that has no attacks and took medicine pool. That said, why do any of you feel like these type of people need to acknowledge your contribution? If for some reason you feel like your not contributing because of this, then I suggest you stop buff/debuffing and turn off all team toggles and just become an outside observer. If they start suffering, congratulations. If they don't waste time on support and just blast as hard and as fast as you can. If you read all of this I feel sorry for you but not really.
man I really love Liz's art style.
hey it could have been worse, you could have been playing a TA defender.
I would feel more comfortable playing my lvl 50 TA/A defender, if you know the TA numbers for damage mitigation weren't pathetic coupled with the pathetic damage of archery. If they just fixed one of those it would be worth playing.
The Great and Powerful Turbo-Ski is still here
Turbo approves of your puns as long as they turtle related.
Teamed with a few of these guys last night on Exalted (I was Lady Vespera). Dudes were absolutely hilarious and very creative with their costumes without being uniform.
Fire Blast, Ice Blast, and Sonic Blast are the only sets I would even think of considering for a ST specialized build. */kin, */rad, */cold, and */poison are all good choices for ST damaging. If you simply want crazy strong ST debuffs, */cold and */poison are your only choices.
That said, Poison gets it's debuffs earlier but it's overall a weaker set compared to cold in the later levels, cold simply has more tools to build on. -
Quote:Compared to what else TA does, I would say that is as specialized as TA gets since even OSA does -res if you slap an achilles heel proc on it. What else could you possibly even say it specializes in? There are only 4 powers that do anything well and that's EMPA, AA, OSA, and DA, half of those are -res (not counting you can make OSA a -res with a IO proc).This is a widespread, but inaccurate, belief. The target cap or low radius on the two -res powers in trick arrow result in it being about the same as the other sets that have resistance debuffs, even if you somehow manage to hit every enemy with acid arrow's small area.