December Art Jam




Well god only knows what got into Caemgen's head to pass the torch onto me but it's mine now soooooooo I thought it's December, shouldn't we fill the forums with holiday joy?..Bah! noooooo!

Instead I've decided it should be Christmas Mishap! we've all seen christmas vacation and other movies similar were people just make a mess of it?...that's what I want!. I want messy christmas! or even just your most unlikely character forced into christmas garb! Anything you want as long as it's not that perfect christmas scene!

Now you all know the rules!

This isn't a contest! no winners, no losers (though you might be one if you don't post something...<.< >.>)

and of course it doesn't matter if you spend 2 minutes or 2 weeks on a piece, i don't care if it looks like a dog chewed on it or a masterpiece I want people to have fun! go craazy!



Messy x-mas?

Shame i can't post the pic fede did for me last year



I love the holidays



Hi guys, here's my entry for the December art jam. I like Christmas and this piece kind of sums up what i like about it. It's not the giving and receiving of presents, it's not the celebrating in the bosom of the familes we love, it's not doing the religious thing either...

Nope, it's getting hammered on silly drinks that are only EVER drunk at Christmas, going to some dodgy Christmas party, and snogging someone you shouldn't be snogging... ahh, Christmas

Merry Christmas, H

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



I love these guys!



Let me kick in this one too.. I just had a little fun drawing I might as well share it.
It's not so much a Christmas mishap... but more a tease *giggles*
Mind.. just a quick alteration doodle of an already finished piece .

Make of this what you will... I sure have!

Happy Christmas!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Do we have a theme for Jan at all? Time's a tickin'

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Originally Posted by Henri View Post
Do we have a theme for Jan at all? Time's a tickin'


*cackles madly and runs off*



Happy Sapphic Neko New Year!

Be Well!



Ooh! Neko is taking the torch then? .
Make your theme official by creating the threat!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!