Tripp Hazzard

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  1. Tripp Hazzard

    hami raids?

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    Champion has blueside raids every Sunday, if weekends are preferred. Redside raids have been once a month on a Saturday (3rd Sat I believe).
    Plus mothership raids Thursday nights, currently.
  2. "Trust your feelings, Luke."

    You are the boss. Do what feels right to you. If the players don't like it, they'll let you know.

    If a player you kicked comes back with a reasonable explanation, then bring 'em back on. There's no harm in changing your mind.
  3. I'm a solo, casual player. I solo as much or more than I team. And the only planning I do on my builds is to know what powers I want when. I've never had a purple (that I know of), and the sets I slot are more of a "Yeah, that bonus sounds good, I'll go for that".

    I enjoy both of my 50s just as much as the rest of my characters.

    Since I'm the "target" of this idea, tell me again why they need to be more powerful?
  4. 88 frickin' degrees in the frickin' middle of frickin' December. Send us some of your snow!

    Yes, you snowbound types have my sympathy. I was born in Nebraska, and spent a year in Salt Lake City.

    But this is San Diego. 88 degrees in December is just ugly.
  5. Because you don't have enough imagination or flexibility to enjoy your 50s, you want to punish the rest of us?

  6. And take a look as the bases section of the forum before you claim nobody uses them any more.

    You may not, but many people get a great deal of enjoyment and utility out of them.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Newt: They mostly come out at night... mostly

    We like to add "mostly" to anything someone says is always or mostly true, of course we say it the same way Newt said it in the movie.
    True this, see my sig.

    My personal favorite movie quote/scene:

    "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. [pause] Time to die." -- Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), Bladerunner (as if you didn't already know that )
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
    People need to stop bringing up satire like it's canon.
    Heheh. The logic's still valid!

    Movie star. I'm too old to be a rock star, I like movies, and with just a modicum of self control I could set myself up for when my marketability fades.
  9. Coming in late, pardon the length:

    * Batman because he has no specific vulnerabilities. Everybody and their brother has kryptonite in their pockets, it seems. And the only viable physical partner for Superman is his cousin Kara. Ewwwww. (He lives in a "cardboard world"...that applies to any lovers, too! Find a copy of Larry Niven's "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex".) And all the cool toys that Batman and Bruce Wayne have.

    * Bees. I'm not particularly sensitive to either, but bee stings pass a lot faster than mosquito bites. And 50 is way worse than 3!

    * Prison. A 10-year coma leaves you completely debilitated, and you've lost 10 years of your life. Any crime that put me in jail would only put me in a regular lock-up. It'd suck, but I think I'd be okay.

    * Shorter. Both would be massively challenging, but there's a lot more support available for being 2' 10" than for being 8' 10".

    * Forget everyone else. We are the sum of our memories. Losing myself just seems too horrible.
  10. Tripp Hazzard

    How Many.....

    14 characters total, half-dozen or so that get played frequently, the others occasionally (when there's a reason to log them in).

    All but three are blasters.

    Both my 50s are blasters.

    Blasters are Best.
  11. And people claim "Champion is dead." I see other servers carefully scheduling one single Hami Raid, and we're talking about having two weekly ones.

    I'll be there tonight. I'd probably show up periodically for a weeknight one, just like I do for the Sunday one.

    (Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, deponent sayeth not.)
  12. Absolutely awesome!

    2 cents: the stars are distant enough that starfields look flat to our eyes (Star Trek notwithstanding). Are you putting the lights all on the far wall to produce the same effect?

    I see some mention of 'adding depth', but if we can see depth by moving around, that would ruin the effect, I'd think?

    (Taking notes for my own eventual rebuild.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    Usually CAPS are used to disguise substitutions(Zero for "o", a lowercase L as a capital i)

    One trick I do from time to time is add a title(Mister, missus, Ms, Doctor). They can be abbreviated, and "Mr" and "Ms" can be used with or without a period(a period denoting married status).
    Actually, that's not the case. The period is optional and does NOT denote married status. The entire point of "Ms" is to avoid indicating married status, the same way "Mr." is used for both single and married men. Since "Mr." is abbreviation of "Mister", the period is recommended for "Ms." to conform in appearance.
  14. I used to play an online space trading and combat game called BMT (I can't remember what it stands for now -- something something Traders, I think), and I settled on the name "Trip Hazzard" for my game handle.

    I started using it elsewhere, and eventually added the second "p" to make it more individual.

    It has a nice sound to it, and it fits because there's no telling where you'll trip over one of my posts.

    I've tried to develop an in-game character, but nothing's really clicked so far.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Okay folks, blame this one on an in-game conversation I had with a character named Deuteronomy. Not my fault… keep that in mind while reading… not… my… fault…
    You post it, it's yours . . . .

    • All AE buildings will now contain a room that is completely dark except for a randomly wandering laser pointer dot.
    Made me chuckle, and this

    • The power originally called “Speed Boost” shall here-to-for be referred to as “Catnip.”
    Made me lol!

    Loved it!
  16. I see two major problems:

    1) Clean-up:

    The Steel Canyon Fire Alarms have an end point (the final explosion), even if they're ignored.

    The Rikti "Assualts" always fail.

    So how would these events reset themselves?

    Otherwise, they'll run all but completely unopposed all week long, and the entire zone will already be lost come the weekend.

    Anything actually significant must have a way of cleaning itself up, and leaving the zone the way it was found.

    2) Scale:

    If you design them so they require a significant number of players, they'll be okay on the popular servers, but on the others, after the initial surge of interest, it'll be all but impossible to find enough people to do it.

    If you design it so just a few characters (or even one character) can have a significant impact, then it becomes trivial and uninteresting.

    I like the idea's basics, but don't see a way around those.
  17. Heh.

    I logged on last night, got a very nice looking shiny new badge, and spend a short time wondering what I'd done to get it. Looked it over, no info available, saw a squirrel and forgot all about it.

    NOW I know what it's for! Thank you for making a game I enjoy so much I prepaid, and never even had to think about keeping my account active!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wird_ View Post
    Wait... you shower with coffee??

    New invention: The coffee shower, wake up while drinking!
    Caffeinated Soap
  19. Tripp Hazzard

    Walk hmmm

    Originally Posted by Ruthia View Post
    *chuckles* I have to admitt, it WAS funny having a walking race with my friend the other day. The smaller your toon is, the faster it walks. So I guess if you want a fast walk, make your toon smaller!
    Better check the actual speed. Without having done so myself, I'd bet it's just like Sprint. Small characters' legs move faster, giving the appearance of running faster, but the actual speed is the same.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    That said, I'm tempted to get it for my naturals just because it's closer than any other option. I was hoping to get more costume pieces to explain some of the travel powers for naturals (jet/jump packs, rocket skates, whatever) beyond the rocket & (non-animated) piston boots. Stuff where you can still have a slotted Fly and be seen wearing a jet pack rather than puttering about in the purchased one. But I guess we're not there yet.
    ^This * 1000

    I was also hoping very strongly for more costume items to go with powers, so "non-supers" could rationalize the super powers more easily. Especially jet packs as costume items.

    Maybe this just means we'll get that sort of thing free. Someday.

    I'm disappointed in that aspect, but very entertained by the ninja run. Overall, I don't feel I wasted my money.
  21. Tripp Hazzard

    Walk hmmm

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Best Useless Power Ever? Walk.
  22. Tripp Hazzard

    No "More"

    I skipped part of the thread, so please forgive me if I duplicate anyone:

    Jetpacks/Flightbelts as costume items.

    Combat Aura that utilizes any available aura.

    Choose a default Flypose/Costume Change emote.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    We're such geeks...
    You say that like it's a bad thing . . . .

    Nice work! Be sure to save the pics. Teenager blackmail material if I ever saw some!