hami raids?




My husband, myself and our two sons have just returned to the game from over a year away. We want to make new characters to relearn the game, but also find a good place for taking some 50s to Hami raids. Is there a particular server that has the most, or easiest to become part of, hami raids? Our home hero server is Guardian, and our home villain server is Pinnacle, but we are not opposed to switching to another server for Hami raids. Its been well over a year since we've participated in any, so I'm not even sure what our servers offer, just thought I'd pop in here and ask to see what's happening and where

Thanks for your time!



I can't speak to other servers but there are fairly regular Hami raids on Justice. If you come to our little corner of the world join the global channels JFA2010 and Justice United. They are where raids are usually announced. JFA 2010 can get a little more adult oriented so it may not be the best for kids though.

awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn



2nd that. Justice United Channel does hami's on both sides, mothership raids, TF's all day long. Family oriented channel also. Great people. Now, with the free transfers would be a good time to take advantage of it. At least 1 Hami per week on the normal week. Hope to see you soon.



Oh yea, welcome back!



I personally lost interest in Hami with the issue 9 changes but Guardian still raids 3 times a week (M/W/F I believe) so you won't have to move if you want to raid. There's a thread on the Guardian board about Hami and the current strategy.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Thanks for the info everyone, and yay Guardian still has raids, so hubby can deck out his primary character like he wants We may check a few out on a few servers to see which are the most successful and easiest and most fun.



Originally Posted by Spitfire_Flash View Post
Thanks for the info everyone, and yay Guardian still has raids, so hubby can deck out his primary character like he wants We may check a few out on a few servers to see which are the most successful and easiest and most fun.
Welcome back. Virtue also has regular Hami raids, it's actually pretty common to have two in a row, on both sides as well as Mothership raids. Champion also has regular raids.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Welcome back. Virtue also has regular Hami raids, it's actually pretty common to have two in a row, on both sides as well as Mothership raids. Champion also has regular raids.
True about Virtue, the only downside is you need to arrive AT LEAST 30 mins before they begin monster clearing to ensure you get there before the zone fills up. And, as with any Hami raid on any server, make sure you have a solid connection because it only takes one disconnect to screw you over. At least 5-10 are always waiting outside the zone waiting to pounce on that opportunity.

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



Originally Posted by Master_Armantus View Post
True about Virtue, the only downside is you need to arrive AT LEAST 30 mins before they begin monster clearing to ensure you get there before the zone fills up. And, as with any Hami raid on any server, make sure you have a solid connection because it only takes one disconnect to screw you over. At least 5-10 are always waiting outside the zone waiting to pounce on that opportunity.
That actually hasn't been my experience the last two months, but in general raids on Virtue are very well attended, yes. That's why they often run 2 in a row.

Blueside runs hami raids every Monday and Wednesday and sometimes other days, Redside runs Tuesday and I believe Thursday and sometimes other days. Everyone welcomed to show up.

When there's enough people (at least Blueside) they like to run evacless raids, which are a lot of fun.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Champion has blueside raids every Sunday, if weekends are preferred. Redside raids have been once a month on a Saturday (3rd Sat I believe).

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I raid with 2 alts in Virtue, 1 for each instance. So I'm at 6 raids a week and what I raid for is merits. At 53 per raid every 4 days I have enough merits to craft 2 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge IO's and these days I'm getting 175,000,000 inf x 2.

I don't buy purples so I'm getting filthy rich

36 level 50's in various servers...haven't been here in a while. It's now over 50



LOL @ White Hot!! Big time Boise State fan here (live in Boise)

Even though we both got shafted by the BCS this otta be a great game. The pundits say it should be the best game of the bowl season.

Good luck to TCU (but your gonna get spanked )

36 level 50's in various servers...haven't been here in a while. It's now over 50



Originally Posted by Ar_Kain View Post
I raid with 2 alts in Virtue, 1 for each instance. So I'm at 6 raids a week and what I raid for is merits. At 53 per raid every 4 days I have enough merits to craft 2 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge IO's and these days I'm getting 175,000,000 inf x 2.

I don't buy purples so I'm getting filthy rich
6 raids x 53 merits per raid is 318 merits. Food for thought:

That's 15, nearly 16 reward rolls (20 merits per roll). On average, within every 10 rolls I get 2 of the following: LotG +7.5% recharge, Miracle +Recovery, Numina +Regen/+Rec. So with 15 rolls I actually have a fair chance at getting 3. Meanwhile, that leaves 12 rolls of decent recipes that can sell for 5-10 million a piece. Let's say you get 1 of each of the big 3 rares, so let's use your 175 million for LotG and round the other 2 to 100 million, and the other 12 recipes round off to 10 million a piece. 175 + 200 + 120 = 495 million per week from random rolls.

YMMV but that's my average. Personally, I do 2 raids each week so I'm getting in 5 rolls that average me 140 million a week.

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



My luck isn't that good, never has been, never will. I quit raiding in Guardian when my streak of getting the same thing raid after raid made me stop. I mean, how many dam/range HO's can you slot? Dang things are STILL nearly worthless and it got so I was just giving them away. Purples? HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Got THREE since they started, my luck. One of those was comparitivly worthless, too.

I'll keep the sure thing, that's why it's there.


Oh, I know that you'd know who I am at the raids, I run Joe Idaho and 9lives. Next raid 9lives will be sitting it out to see if my Ice Earth Tank Frozn Stone can do the job of being Main Tank and solo Hami for the evacless raids we're running now.

36 level 50's in various servers...haven't been here in a while. It's now over 50



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Virtue did a raid last night in 30 minutes. Didn't evacuate after the first two blooms and killed the nucleus while the last bloom was up.
Which has become a pretty common occurrence actually. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Champion has blueside raids every Sunday, if weekends are preferred. Redside raids have been once a month on a Saturday (3rd Sat I believe).
Plus mothership raids Thursday nights, currently.