855 -
Heh. Nothing's ever simple with computers.
Glad you're back up and running!
That nice new vid card can probably drive a larger monitor . . . . -
Quote:It doesn't matter what travel is like in other games. If my car stops running and I have to start taking the bus, I don't care if my city has one of the best transit systems in the world. It's still a pain.if it took forever to get around like in EQ or WoW, then yes. but travel is realy trivial in this game. not to mention that it isn't going to make a difference if you are not in IP and you don't know which end of the zone the mission is on.
In THIS game, it would be a very nice QOL feature to add a southern tram stop for IP. Then the first person in the zone could tell the rest of the team which station to use, and quickly pop to the other station if they came in the wrong one.
[Standard code rant, etc. all apply, of course.] -
I shudder to think of the ideas you may be giving the Devs.
And another "GROAN!" for "John Troll-volta". -
Given that she's in Pocket D, I assume it'd be another Co-Op TF, and that strikes me as a Good Thing.
Auuuggghhh!!! Will someone spill the beans?! Who is it?
rattin' frattin' drattin' varmints what won't tell a man what the frizzin' rattin' secret is when he's at work 'n' can't drattin' rattin' logon and find out fer hisself! -
Have they changed the ITF? I've never seen more than three Nicti in the final mission, and we only had to defeat Rom four times.
If it was already covered, I missed it. I'd like an option to NOT go talk to [whoever] -- the ones that introduce you to other areas, like the Hollows, Bloody Bay, etc.
When a contact says "Go talk to [whoever]", give us both an accept and a decline option. If we choose decline, then flag it as already done, same as if we'd actually gone and done it, and let us move on. Hanging that on the existing "talk about what else is going on" would be VERY logical.
Yes, I know all the workarounds. Yes, I know it doesn't take very long. Yes, I know it's valuable info for new players (which is why I don't advocate eliminating them completely).
But none of that makes it any less annoying the 20th, 30th, 40th time I have to go do it. I can't even imagine how annoying it must be the 100th, 200th, 300th time.
Please, just give us the option, okay? -
Quote:I've got it...a TWO-week invasion!Part of me is sitting her thinking that the devs/mods were going.
"Yeah rikti invasion, the playerbase is going to be stoked if we hype it up a little..."
After seeing the wild speculation and writhing mass of raised hopes.
"Crap...can we really tell them it's just a Rikti invasion week...erm...think of something...QUICK!" -
Quote:Use the "Complete Mission" option. Unless you WANT to run the actual mission for some reason.2) Tutorial Mission Doors - For Outbreak, the mission should always be at the set of doors at the building behind Coyote. It sucks to have to run to the far side of the zone, because by the time you make it back to Coyote, and pick your starting zone, your Level Up Buffs have pretty much worn off. For Breakout, the door that's to the left of the Arachnos Pilot should be the mission door. Granted, you don't have to run nearly as far, but it's far enough.
Interesting. The part that got me was the "everyone else gets booted out of the SG, the Superleaders gets transferred over, and then reinvites all the members."
OMG, can you imagine the nightmare that would be? SL has to be online at the same time as each and every member to reinvite them? What if it's a large group? Who has a list of everyone in the group. And how many of the members will have new names due to conflicts?
And what if the SL is an "absent" one, that the members are waiting for the automatic demotion to replace?
I find it mind-boggling that that was even suggested. -
Quote:Heh. And the number of pieces in the sliding puzzles change depending on your difficulty. If you're on "1 level below me", you get ones with 2 across and 2 down.BaBs, do you remember those sliding tile puzzles with the eight tiles and the one empty one? Randomize the start and I'm sure there's not a single damn FAQ on the net that can help you solve it. Though that might just be more frustrating than fun.
There's also... Digital Rubik's cube! We already have the model skeleton in game with the invention system!
You can't truly randomize the starting positions because there are many more possibilities that are impossible to solve by sliding than ones that are, but something like this could still be done. -
Quote:Amen, brother!<snip>
In the spirit of the OP, I guess I do have a simple complaint about the interface. Why is there no command or keystroke to level the view? You can tilt your character's viewpoint, or the camera looking at your character, up or down -- but once you've moved it off of level, you can only approximate leveling it again by fiddling with it and trying to persuade yourself you're dead-level.
Yet if you log out and back in, the camera starts perfectly level. Obviously there IS a way to level the camera somehow -- why can't I have it??? Why must my fliers do a drunkard's walk, progressively correcting up and down a little, trying to find level flight to avoid scraping the road or gradually drifting up to the altitude cap?
With one keystroke, I can reset my view to the default "camera right behind me a short distance" position, but that does not affect the up/down angle.
In most software, it's possible to return to a default state fairly simply. Why is that not true of our camera angle?
As others have said, "Camera reset" does NOT affect the up/down angle ("pitch"). It only resets the left/right angle ("yaw") and the distance.
I also wish Camera Reset should reset the Pitch in addition to the Yaw. -
Quote:I kind of like him. He and the Doctor make an interesting contrast.Indeed.
So until then, he's immortal. Any danger he gets into at all will have no suspense involved in it.
And he can fail. You just have to seal him up in something he can't get out of by himself. Like a grave. Or a concrete block. (Those must have sucked. Revive. Suffocate. Revive. Suffocate. Revive. Suffocate. Repeat until rescued (and for all you know, for eternity). Eww.) -
Quote:You know, it never, ever occurred to me to "grief" the NPCs. Until you mentioned it. And I have to admit it would be tempting . . . .Definitely /signed on the whole "Exit Only" sign deal.
Civilians only if we can push them like we can now push our pets. Even 3 of them standing right in front of the entry door would make it hard to click on. But the devs have been reluctant to implement pushable civilians, fearing that we'd grief civilians by herding them or pushing them off stuff, so /shrug.
Keep the waiting ones down to 2-3, regardless of zone. Some people don't realize you can click on the upper part of the door, too. -
"EXIT ONLY" on the exit side.
I like the idea of civilians boarding the tram, but ONLY if the number is kept low. I wouldn't want them to pile up enough when the doors are closed that I couldn't reach it to bring up the menu. -
Much as I hate bursting bubbles (yeah, right!), I saw a teaser for the next season, and I'm pretty sure I saw Jack.
I've done this. Mine is a private base, for my characters only, and I'm not in any coalitions. I happen to have a second account, which made getting my characters into the group even easier, but if you have a friend you can trust, that works fine, too.
Don't bother buying prestige, it's a waste of inf. Just be patient, decide what minimalist stuff you want in your starting base, then just play the game and let the prestige collect.
Base construction tips:
At first you won't be able to put in much. I chose to go with a crafting table and an enhancement storage table, then loaded it with level 10 IOs for my lowbies. (Be sure to set the permissions so all your characters can access the storage.)
Then I just played for a while and let the prestige collect.
The next thing I added was a teleport pad. I put in ONE pad, got all the beacons I wanted, and use Base Edit as needed to change them out. (Make sure all your characters have edit privileges.)
Recently I realized I had enough prestige to expand some more. I've added a level 1 Empowerment station and some salvage racks. One is for the salvage for the Empowerments I use most often, the others are for Holiday Salvage (Halloween stuff and candy canes).
It's not a big, fancy, über-powerful base, but it provides what I want: travel to zones I can't get to easily any other way, a crafting table accessible from anywhere, and an empowerment station.
I'm not sure exactly how long this took, I'd say 6-8 months. Certainly less than a year.
Rent Tip: if you're not already aware of it, you can pay rent in Galaxy City, too (Heroside). You also don't HAVE to pay rent until they actually shut off the power. That will let you go as much as six weeks between payments. (I try not to go quite to that point, because a Galaxy City beacon doesn't do me much good when the power's off!)
Good luck, and have fun! -
Quote:Well, the OP did make it clear that people were logging out, not just DCing, and implied that they weren't going to return.I kinda wish people wouldn't post how fast they can do this TF, because that really isn't a help to new players. Out of all the TF/SFs in this game that one is definitely a "your experience may vary" situation.
The QoL suggestions are ok, but I would be pissed off if I disconnected or crashed and was kicked because of it. Maybe a timer could be added so that if the aforementioned happens, a player could have a chance to rejoin the TF/SF before an over zealous team leader kicks them.
If your team leader drops you for a simple DC with no other good reason, well, you're probably better off that way.
A good leader won't kick someone without good reason. -
I was involved in that conversation. I'll confirm every word White Hot Flash said, and add this:
Someone (I don't remember who) asked who was doing what. I said, in humor, that I was watching the Dr. Who Marathon.
A couple of other people mentioned other marathons, VS asked what channel it was on, I said it was on BBC America.
About then, Cobalt asked us to keep TV stuff out of the channel.
I took responsibility for it, because I didn't know it was verboten.
Then was VS's question (which I answered via tell) that got him silenced.
And your bit.
You left out how just a couple of lines later, Cobalt UNsilenced VS.
You really should tell the WHOLE story. -
Possible alternative that might be a little simpler to implement:
Team members who disconnect/log off don't drop from the team window. Their name just changes to indicate they are offline.
Leader can then still kick them if desired/needed. -
Seconded. Anything that smooths things out is a good thing.
I say don't hesitate to join PUGs, too. The quality can vary from disastrous multiple full-team wipes to steam-rolling juggernauts that mow down mission after mission, but I tend to have lots of fun on PUGs. Don't expect them to be perfect, just enjoy them as they are. And if you're not having fun, then just wait for a good opportunity, tell 'em something like "Okay, I'm going to go do other things now. Have fun, y'all!" and quit. You don't have to make up excuses, or tell 'em they suck, or anything else. Just pick a good time to leave, and do so.
If you put "PST" or "Please Send Tell" in your search comment (open your team window when you're not on a team), then most people will send you a tell with at least a brief description of what they're doing before they send an invite. You'll still get the occasional blind invite, but the comment really cuts down on those.
OTOH, I occasionally accept even a blind invite that turns into a great time!
Welcome to the game! -
As others said, no. You make blasters tougher, you're going to have to reduce the damage.
Stay out of melee. Reduce your difficulty. Slot for defense and/or recharge.
And carry a wakie.