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  1. Torell

    Takin' A Break

    60 hour work weeks and Dragon age have been taking up my time. I am just waiting for GR to go into beta.. I have poped in to run the updated holiday content and that was fun.. but I want more!!
  2. Hmmm 3 285's in SLI mode .. Check
    I7 processor .. check
    more memory then I need .. check
    1200 PSU .. check

    Cold in Ohio during winter use the computer a space heater .. check

    can't wait to try this ultra mode out.

    if your going NVIDA stay away from the X3/X4 PSU, I had to replace one to get my system to behave.

  3. I would say I have this but that would not be very ninja of me.

    *smoke bomb*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by pohsyb View Post
    This was caused by an uninitialized variable, in this case specifically it was a structure declared locally when awarding a drop table.

    About four function calls deeper, something was using a member of that structure to determine if you were fighting something grey (no drop). Uninitialized variables can be anything, but often have tendency to be zero, which would not cause a problem (actually any positive value would not matter).

    This bug as been in since Issue 9 and was not caused by specifically by anything related to I16 (Whenever code is changed the tendencies of uninitialized variables can change). I suspect the changes made with I16 caused drop rates to be closely scrutinized.
    Remember studends initialize your variables or I17 will be buggy
  5. Torell

    I16 Closed Beta

    whimpers at the "door" let me in
  6. well the only thing I'd like to get an answer on is the 60 month paid time vs game time.. I'll be at 56 months by the time November rolls around but it does not really matter since I'll be tier 2 anyway.. and I'll get an alt account in with the pre-order..
  7. Gratz!

    but Im only posting to increase my post count
  8. Doh! I clicked and my kitchen is a mess
  9. Torell

    Troy Hickman?

    All Hail Troy!!

    /Em Praise
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Since changing you colors will be -20% damage how many of the non-carebears will actually do this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That 20% is a maximum value. Remember, it scales depending on how far you deviate from the correct color.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Im sure there will be a +20 % IO set to balance this
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What's an iPod? *Still listen to 8 Track.*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My first car, that I drove to high school in the early 90s, was a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis and it had a functioning 8 track player. It was later given to one of my uncles who turned it into a shrimp boat (the car, not the 8 track player.) I've always assumed he did this by simply attaching some nets to it, since it was already fairly boat-like.

    Some may wonder..."BABs! What the heck are you posting this for, here in the Guardian forums?"

    The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.

    "But BABs...why change the title of the subject line?"

    Cause I really want to prove the point. *waves to all the people looking for details about the expansion*

    "But BABs...that's cheating!"


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Full Of Win!! Awsome Details

    Cookie for BaBs
  12. Torell

    Windows 7

    I've been Running Windows 7 RC since it came out and only had graphic issues with COH .. make sure your using the latest Nvidia or ATI windows 7 drivers. of course making sure you have updated firmware on your router might help things along also.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Check out this guy's WIP (from this reference).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know your face will freeze that way

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Got quite a few things in the works at the moment. Just thought I'd share a sneak peek or two into the stuff I've been collaborating with artists on.

    Planet Girl Space Pin-Up by Yvel Guichet (Foreshortening fixed, Inks finished, colors pending)

    Contempt of Court by Guichet/Rubenstein, Colors WIP by Sorah (Unfinished)

    Bayani's MA Storyarc Cover by Dave Hamann (Pencils finished, Colors pending)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very Nice!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    We're sitting in a meeting and our Development Director said "We've contracted some Type R programmers".

    I had never heard this term before, so I jotted it down on my notepad, so I could inquire about it later.

    Just then our Lead Engineer asks "What is Type R?"

    Our Dev Director looked stumped. "What do you mean?"

    "You said 'Type R Programmers'" said the Lead Engineer.

    "No, I said 'High Powered'." said the Dev Director.

    "No you didn't. You said 'Type R.' See I wrote it down." I said, and showed him my notepad that said "Type R?".

    So now, everything high powered and awesome in the office is "Type R".

    I am now on a crusade to get it used outside our offices. I should add it to urban dictionary or something.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's a 'High Powered' programmer?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A programmer with a scope creep fine adjustment tool
  16. Im an R type programmer... but only in my mind
  17. Gratz!

    and IBFL

    and +

    (yes so you have to log in as mod8 and smack your own thread)

  18. Ditto.. just got the email.. and Im stoked!! just need them to fix the web site..
  19. I got a lil GM action last night but I've been kinda wandering around lookin for another event..

    then again I was stuck at work..... happy 5th!