169 -
Would you mind terribly checking all the other rare monster spawns as well? Some of them like Kraaken, Paladin, and Jurrasik for instance seem to be exceptionally rare as well.
Since you're in the spawn time checkin mood that is...
Great news, btw. -
This is getting silly, telling Gill how awesome his artwork is. I mean, how can he not know?
Wonderful stuff.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's never been an artist that doesn't like to have his work praised. -
This is fantastic !
Now whats the command to disable all this extra imbedded info, for those people who just want to take a regular screen pic again for whatever their reason for wanting to.
[/ QUOTE ]
It *is* a regular picture, it's imbedded into it sight unseen, unless you use a program to see it, I *believe*.
So you can normally only see it in a program or on a web-site that discerns the tags so that you can "search" for it easier on web pages.
It would also make figuring out who broke the NDA on a Beta Test too, but I don't think that is the primary purpose.
[/ QUOTE ]
For whatever reason, if someone doesn't want this extra imbedded info, is there a way to disable it being added, or at the very least an easy way to remove it afterwards. That was my question, which your reply does nothing to answer, only to repeat that it's still a picture. This is obvious.
My question was very simple and direct, and in no way presents that I thought that the screen pics were no longer graphic files. Only that there was now more info contained within that had nothing to do with graphics. Some people might not have a use for this, and thus not want it added.
[/ QUOTE ]
I believe JPEGs have a header component for storing this type of text info anyway, so it's either empty or useful information is stored in it. There's absolutely no good reason to disable this, pick your battles man. -
Did they happen to mention whether Defense debuffs were also reduced seeing as how there a about 5 times as many Defense debuffs in the game as Resistance debuffs, and that the Defense based sets were reduced just as much as the Resistance based sets?
Also, there have been statements made by the player-base testers that Resistance debuffs don't actually debuff Resistance but rather raise the amount of incoming damage. Would you please also ask if Defense debuffs can be changed to equate to Resistance debuffs?
Thanks much
[/ QUOTE ]
One would think that throwing a resistance debuff on a target that had no resistances would put that resistance into negative numbers, making them take more damage. Could that be what you're seeing? -
Dos: <ul type="square"> [*]Do join the global chat channel Justice Hamidon. This channel was originally created to announce and coordinate during a raid, but because a lot of people arent members or indeed, arent even sure how to set up a global chat channel it was decided to use Request for instructions during a raid. Justice Hamidon is now more for general chat and raid announcement. Many people also trade Hos in it, especially immediately after a raid.[*]Do listen to raid leaders. Generally, the targetter (see strategy below) is the one giving most of the directions during the initial part of the raid, and then the aggro tanker takes over to let people know when to attack Hamidon.[*]Do keep an eye out for griefers. Watch for people training monsters, Watch for people attacking Hamidon (especially tankers) before the final attack stage. Watch for people (especially tankers) taunting Hamidon at ANY point during a raid. If you see anyone doing this, by all means call them out on it and make everyone aware of what's going on.[*]Do be sure to thank the PA droppers, targetter, and aggro team (including the healers and backup tanker) post raid. Everyone works hard at a raid, but these people in particular fulfill a vital role and often have to very boring and repetitive work to do so. A lot of the people at raids are already fully slotted with Hamidon Enhancements, so theyre just there to help everyone else out.[*]Do expect to get debt. Expect to get a LOT of debt. Expect to hit your debt limit. If youre seriously trying to power level to 50 and cant afford the debt, dont come to a raid. Very few people get through a raid without dying at least once, especially those who go afk or dont listen to the leaders.[/list]Donts: <ul type="square"> [*]Dont use the request channel during a raid. The raid leaders will use request to send out instructions to everyone so that the purple text stands out from all the gray broadcast chatter. The more people using it, the less obvious it is when something official is said. Feel free to spam broadcast and local channels all you want a lot of people specifically turn off broadcast during raids.[*]Dont bother using any powers that increase your defense or resistance. This is especially true for tanker powers that also have an aggro aura to them, such as invincibility. One, they do absolutely no good and two, you may inadvertently aggro Hamidon (Ive done this before with just standing next to Hamidon with invincibility on) Generally, its almost impossible to steal aggro from the aggro tanker, but the more people who are attacking and/or taunting Hamidon the harder it is for them to hold aggro. Likewise, dont bother spamming heals during the holding and attack stages, the only person taking any damage at this point is the aggro tanker and hes got a team of healers on him. That said, some pets that do useful things, like Dark Servants -regen powers, also do not so useful things such as their AE heal. Don't assume that ignorant players are doing it and start griping at people, it could very well be the needed pets. [*]Dont summon unnecessary pets. They wont help clear mitos or do enough damage to Hamidon to make it worth while. The only exceptions to this rule are Singularities (who have a hold power) for the holding stage and Dark Servants (who have regen powers) for the final attack. We do need some pets out during the final attack as they can be used to assist off of to attack Hamidon if he disappears (which he almost always does), but we prefer to have single pets rather than hordes. So Phantom Army is really frowned upon after the mitos are gone. Fire Imps are almost never welcome sorry guys. [*]Dont behave like a leader if youre not, so dont show up to a raid and start bossing people around. Were always looking for dedicated people who are at raids on a consistent basis; people who are willing to learn the roles, and eventually step into as a leader talk to one of the leaders after a raid if youre interested. There really should only be two people giving directions during a raid. For most of the raid its going to be the targetter. During the holding/attack stages, the aggro tanker will take over. Everyone else should zip it.[*]Dont attack or taunt Hamidon at any point during the raid. The aggro tanker will let you know exactly when to attack. People hopping in to get off one shot and then heading back to the staging rock is fine, its actually somewhat preferred. However, there is absolutely no reason for anyone but the aggro tanker to ever taunt Hamidon. Never. Dont do it. Thank you. [*]Don't go AFK for long periods of time. It's very tempting to join the umbrella, put an attack on auto, and then go do something else for an hour.
Also, be aware that alt-tabbing from the game to another window will cause you to switch targets. This is especially dangerous if you're a blaster in the umbrella. You'll either target another mito, get aggro from them, and then be in for a rough ride through the rest of the raid or you may possibly target Hamidon himself and draw Hami aggro on the umbrella.[*]If you're going to be AFK for a while, excuse yourself to a nearby spire and you're almost perfectly safe with no chance of causing any harm to the raid. [*]Dont show up before a raid and play with the mitos. Mitos have a very long memory for aggro, Ive seen heroes using Phase Shift running around in the goo before a raid and then hoping into the umbrella only to be slaughtered over and over again. They dont forget you after youre killed and rezd, they wont even forget you if you zone to the hospital and come back to the hive. Once youve got mito aggro, youre likely to have it for the entire raid. If youre going to play with the mitos beforehand, then dont join the umbrella. [*]Dont dilly-dally. If a raid is scheduled for 7pm, show up at 7pm. Dont hang out in PI waiting to see 50 people in the hive. If you intend to raid, then come raid when its time. Weve had raids in the past that took 4-6 hours to just get started because people arent willing to show up when its time to. As for me, Im fully slotted with HOs so I wont wait in the hive for more than an hour anymore. If the raids supposed to start at 7 and 8 rolls around, Im gone. [*]Dont come to the raid to grief people. You will get petioned by hundreds of people, you will get suspended, and you will not succeed. If you feel the need to grief in game, then go to your NC account management and delete your account grief yourself.[/list] -
Post Raid:
After Hamidon is defeated, everyone who attacked Hamidon will receive an HO so make sure you have a free enhancement slot. During his death cycle, he will spawn a mini-bud for every hero who received an HO, regardless of where you are in the hive. Theyre not very difficult to kill, but likely the lag at this point will be horrendous so be aware. Please stick around and help get rid off all the mini-buds. As incentive they also tend to drop 51+ Sos very frequently.
Many players chose to start broadcasting or sending trade offers through request. After a raid has succeeded, feel free to use request again. But be sure to thank the team leaders, aggro tank, aggro healers, backup tank, PA droppers, and everyone in the hive for banding together.
One final note, a lot of players take the opportunity to train monsters into the bowl area after Hamidon has been killed. Please dont do this. Not everyone in there wants to fight monsters (or unwittingly be killed by a monster). This is technically griefing and you will be petitioned for it with the same punishments. Feel free to team up and hunt monsters in the Hive after a raid, but dont lead them to the staging rock or into the bowl as a celebration of a successful raid.
Dealing with griefers:
Unfortunately, Hamidon raids are a prime spot for griefers. Level 50s can easily make a nuisance out of themselves by training monsters to the staging rock before a raid or towards the aggro team or umbrella during a raid. Griefers with Phase shift can also get mito aggro before a raid and travel back as far as the staging rock dragging it with them. Since mito attacks have splash damage, it can be damaging to anyone in the area. Getting on top of a spire before a raid almost guarantees your complete safety from trained monsters. Staying spread out protects most people from dragged mito attacks. The best overall defense is to be aware of where you are and what people are doing around you. It helps to have Tankers and Scrappers run patrols for monsters during the entire raid, especially during the holding and final stage of the raid when everyone is most vulnerable. Monsters very rarely spawn near enough to Hamidon to aggro on raiders naturally, so if you see a monster heading towards the goo, its most likely (not always, but generally) being trained there by griefers. Dont waste time trying to kill them, simply train them well away from Hamidon and lose aggro letting them safely wander back to their spawn points. A griefer can train multiple monsters in the amount of time it takes for dozens of heroes to put one down, but a half dozen tankers can train dozens of monsters away from the goo quicker than a griefer can lead one in. Dont play their game by engaging.
There are a number of things griefers can do to try and mess with the raid itself, most of the experienced leaders have seen them all and know how to counter them. I wont go into details about what these tactics because I dont want to give people griefing strategies. Just listen to the leaders and be ready to act immediately and you should be fine. A griefer can NOT cause a failed raid alone, everyone has to help them succeed. -
There are basically three stages to taking out Hamidon but before a raid can begin, there are usually two monsters just to the north of the staging rock. These need to be dispatched so the umbrella and aggro team can safely move in. Its best for a single tanker to go down and taunt them closer to the staging rock, using the small rock to break LOS and pull them in. The spawn point for these monsters is close enough to Hamidon that if heroes just rush down to attack, mitos are very likely to get aggro.
Stage 1: Clearing out the mitos
This stage is generally the part of the raid that takes the longest. First, the PA droppers will drop Phantom Army into the goo to take the majority of aggro from the mitos. Then the aggro team will move in and start to taunt Hamidon. Once aggro is established, the umbrella will follow the targetter into the goo and begin taking out the mitos one by one.
Mitos have the ability to split into 2 mitos on death. This seems to happen randomly and no one has determined any way of preventing this from happening. If possible, the green mitos should be taken out first, as they heal each other and other mitos.
Its very important for the umbrella to never cross over the aggro tanker. Electrolytic Blasts splash damage can wipe out most of the umbrella in one or 2 shots. Generally the umbrella goes in to the right side of the aggro team on the south side of Hamidon and then sweeps through in a counterclockwise direction.
Stage 2: Holding Hamidon
One all the mitos have been taken out, everyone should leave the goo. The PA droppers are done at this point, and PA are no longer needed in the goo. The only people left in is the aggro team, who continue to keep Hamidon occupied. Once the goo is clear, we send people with hold powers back in to start spamming them on Hamidon. Its a huge help to have red defenders with accelerate metabolism and an imp or two to give everyone recovery aura. Yes, blasters, scrappers, and tankers may have powers with a hold effect, but they're not as strong as the controller powers so please, stay out of the goo unless we can't establish a hold with just the controllers...at which point we'll request that anyone with a hold power go in.
One important note about this, only hold powers will work for this, preferably strong magnitude, singe target holds. Sleeps, stuns, disorients, immobilizes, etc will not. We have to completely lock Hamidon down for the last part of the raid, and only a hold will do this. Please, know your powers. If it doesnt do hold, then dont use it. If youre not sure, find out before using it. If you cant figure it out, then just stay out of the goo until the final attack is called for. Dont rely purely on power descriptions; theyre not completely accurate. If it takes an Enhance Hold enhancement, its probably a hold.
Also, dont summon pets. The only pet that really does any good is singularities, as they have a solid hold power. Certain pets come in useful for the final stage, but Ill get into more specifics in the next section. With a lot of people in a small area, the game starts to not draw entities and the more pets the quicker the problem is compounded. So save your little beasties for another time and place.
Sometimes the holding stage takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes half an hour, sometimes it never works and the raid is suspended for a day or so. Try to take it in stride; its just a game after all. Ive been fully slotted with Hamidon Enhancements for a long time now and still go to raids on a regular basis to help everyone else. I promise you, no one is wasting more time than I am.
Stage 3: Destroying Hamidon
Once enough holds have stacked on Hamidon the aggro tank will call for the final attack. As he/she has spent the entire raid aggroing Hamidon, they know when Hamidon has been held and for how long. A lot of people ask, how do they know this because Hamidon stops attacking them. Dont make the mistake of trying to judge this for yourself; a certain amount of time has to pass before a hold is considered to be solid. The aggro tanker will time this as they are the only ones who are 100% sure of when Hamidon stopped attacking, and how long he's been held.
This final stage of a raid is absolutely the most critical. Its only during this part that a raid can really fail and that can only happen if Hamidon is not held and is damaged beyond 50% of his health. Because of this, its absolutely critical that people pay attention to the raid leaders, particularly the aggro tanker, and follow instructions immediately. Occasionally people start using powers that cause Hamidon to lose health too quickly, and if a hold isnt established the aggro tanker may call for people to back out of the goo and allow Hamidon to regenerate his health. The aggro tanker will stop taunting Hamidon and eventually hamidon will start targeting the heroes around him, so its best to get out of the goo when the raid leaders call for it.
The most important thing to keep in mind during this is that the hold has to be maintained. If you were holding before, dont stop holding and switch to attacking keep holding. Also, dont use your vanguard accolade or power boost until its called for. We usually call for people to use them when Hamidons health gets around 27k, a bit over half, that way the holds get stronger and stack more past the point when they absolutely cannot drop.
If Hamidon breaks free from a hold after the attack begins but before hes near his spawn threshold, the aggro tanker will call for everyone to stop attacking and leave the goo. Do this, immediately. If people arent listening and Hamidon continues to take damage, the aggro tank will go in and sweep Hamidon basically stand in the middle of everyone and let Hamidons splash damage kill everybody. This is harsh, but better to have dead heroes than a failed raid. If the mitos are spawned, youre very unlikely to escape anyway.
If this happens, dont take it personally. Well rez anyone who asks for it and we can basically start the holding stage over and try again. A lot of times people go in for the final attack, target Hamidon, put an attack on auto, and then walk away. This is a dangerous player, and best to leave them in the dirt until they come back and say something. Im always surprised at how often these people are upset to find theyve been swept.
Assuming things do go well, and Hamidon remains held. We have players with regen and rex powers to use them on Hamidon to counter his regen rate and its an all out attack. Once Hamidons passed 50%, the aggro team is done. Nothing can be done at this point other than keep Hamidon held and put him down as quickly as possible.
Often, the sheer number of people attacking one target will cause massive lag and this can cause the client and server to come out of sync. At this point your powers may appear to recharge before they truly are. It's always a good idea to have combat messages turned on and monitor them. You will get a message when a power fires off, when it hits or misses, and when it recharges. Make sure your powers are being used, especially holds. Many times you won't be able to see Hamidon and you'll be assisting off of a pet. Sometimes that pet will actually expire and still appear alive to you. You combat messages will give you the information you need. -
When everyone shows up for a raid, we have 3 special teams that everyone can join. I would point out that being on a team is NOT required. In order to get the HO reward you only need to have directly attacked Hamidon. Even one brawl shot will be enough for you to qualify. Generally you can even be on a team with one person whos damaged Hamidon but I have seen some people not get an HO reward doing this. Its very rare, but a possibility you might want to be aware of.
Team 1 - PA droppers.
We generally shoot for a minimum of 4-5 Illusion controllers with Phantom Army and 1-2 people with group fly. They will spend the 1st part of the raid hovering a good distance over Hamidon and dropping Phantom Army into the goo to draw aggro from the mitos.
When Phantom Army is dropped from above they actually fall outside of their normal interaction range with their controller, and they don't know what to do...so they just stand around or run toward Hamidon and stand around. If the controller is close enough, they will draw their weapons and attack. This might not do any real harm, but better to avoid it if possible.
PA do a very good job of aggro'ing the mitos and preventing them from attacking the aggro team or the umbrella. Also, unlike the other pets, PA can't be killed.
Team 2 - the Aggro team.
Generally this is a tanker, a backup tanker, and 4-5 empathy defenders or controllers. Any tanker can do aggro but its preferred to have one with solid knock back protection, a well slotted taunt, and as many ranged punchvoke attacks as possible. The idea is to have as much aggro put on Hamidon as possible, as theres often people intentionally or unintentionally aggroing Hamidon during a raid.
The backup tanker will stay near the aggro team and keep an eye out for any monsters that might wander over and attack them. They also jump in and take over if the aggro tanker is killed. At this point, they are the aggro tanker and the aggro tanker becomes backup, and so on and so on. Generally, it's better to not rez the aggro tanker until the backup tanker has successfully gained aggro from Hamidon, otherwise they're just going to get killed again and likely be knocked back into the healers in the process, getting them killed as well. In the ideal raid, the backup tanker doesn't do much, but we rarely have an 'ideal' raid.
The healers will use their heal other power on the aggro tanker to keep him alive. They should also stagger their RAs and use healing aura to keep each other alive and kicking. Healers on the aggro team will often assist in the umbrella with spamming healing auras. They'll also rez heroes on occasion, but it's very important to not have the entire healing team dash off to heal or rez heroes and leave the aggro tanker to get killed.
Occasionally, the aggro tanker has the unsavory task of killing raiders or allowing players to be killed. The only time this is necessary is if people are attacking Hamidon during the holding stage AND Hamidon is nearing his spawn threshold. I will never sweep Hamidon simply because people are attacking or not listening, its only if hes very close to 50% health. I also prefer to drop aggro rather than physically move in and sweep them. This gives people a little bit more time to leave and at this point, its not me killing them its their own refusal to leave and Hamidons answer to their attacks. Every person who does aggro has their own way of dealing with people, and some of them really seem to enjoy having an excuse to kill heroes. None of them will do so without ample warning and giving people plenty of time to get out.
Bottom line, dont go AFK during a raid and listen to the leaders.
Team 3 - the Umbrella
This mega-team is pretty much everyone else in the raid led by the targetter. The targetter is designated before the raid begins. We highly recommend you add the targetter your friends list (enter /friend PlayerName in the chat console) as this makes it much easier to actually select them. You can auto-follow them (hit F by default) to make things even easier. All of your attacks should be directed at the targetter and you should assist off him/her and attack the mito that they are targeting. This ensures that everyone is attacking the same mito at the same time and that everyone is attacking something. Often, with a lot of people in a small area, the mitos can disappear from sight and you cant target them yourself so assist the targetter and youll be fine.
Any hero not on the PA or aggro team should be in the umbrella helping kill mitos:
The umbrella must have: <ul type="square"> [*]A targetter. Preferably someone with flight and phase shift.[*]Empathy defenders who can spam healing aura and keep everyone alive[*]2+ Force Field bubblers who can keep dispersion bubble up over everyone and keep people from being stunned by the blue mitos.[/list]The umbrella also greatly benefits from: <ul type="square"> [*]Blasters and Defenders with high damage, single target, ranged attacks.[*]Anyone with group fly. Melee heroes in particular are very limited with what they can reach, if possible try and team up with scrappers or tankers who cant reach the high mitos on their own.[*]Scrappers with fly or super jump. Mitos are attacked one by one; so single target damage is key for this part of the raid.[*]Kinetics defenders who can use inertial reduction on melee heroes without fly or super jump.[*]Heroes with resistance debuff powers.[/list]Tankers are more than welcome to join the umbrella, especially those with group fly or single target ranged attacks, but your services might be put to better use patrolling the for monsters (see Griefing below.) Use your discretion as to where you think your needed most.
Also, please be aware of your powers which might cause aggro, especially tanker auras on toggle powers. Any power that adds to your resistance or defense is completely unecessary so save your endurance for attacking and spare the aggro. -
This guide is to provide players with an overview of the current strategy and etiquette for Hamidon raids on the Justice server.
The raids on Justice are generally open to the public, meaning that any hero who can and wants to come is welcome. The only real solid requirement is that your security level is at least 45; otherwise you cant get into the hive.
Whats in it for you:
The reward for a successful raid is the ultra rare Hamidon Origin enhancement (also known as HO) These enhancements are generally level 50 and enhance your powers by the same percentage as a level 50 SO, but they enhance two or three attributes with one slot.
On the negative side, Hamidon Enhancements cannot be combined to make 50++ enhancements. The developers have stated that you will be able to combine them in the future but for now they remain slightly less powerful than a +3 SO. Its up to each player to decide if having 2 attributes enhanced is better for them than having 1 attribute thats enhanced slighting more.
The drops on these are completely random and some types are more rare or desirable. Every AT and powerset covets particular enhancements, so feel free to do some trading after a raid if you didnt get what you wanted. Someone will want what you have.
How to get there:
The Hive is a hazard zone due west of Founders Falls. The verbose directions are to go south from Talos Island into Founders Falls, west into Eden, and continue west into The Hive. Theres a substantial forest maze in the middle of Eden, so its easiest to get there if you have flight, teleport, or super jump. Super speeders are highly encouraged to find a buddy who can teleport you to The Hives entrance or youre in for along run. We occasionally have people who hang out near the entrance and offer to port people for convenience sake, but I wouldnt rely on it.
Once youre in the hive, we generally congregate on whats referred to as the staging rock. This is a large rock formation directly south of Hamidon, who is in the exact center of the hive. The Hive is full, quite literally, of giant Devouring Earth monsters so the trip to the staging rock can be very dangerous. Again, there might be people offering teleport services feel free to broadcast for help. The staging rock is relatively safe, its a good distance away from any monster spawn points, but monsters are trained to the rock by griefers quite often so be aware and ready to move.
Hamidon Anatomy 101:
Hamidon is the giant amorphous blob in the center of the hive. Hes composed of 3 main parts.
The center of Hamidon is a giant purple cell and this is the actual Hamidon, the cytoplasm and mitochondria are just there to protect him. The eventual goal of a raid is to defeat Hamidon. Hamidons only attack power is the Electrolytic Blast. This attack is auto-hit, unclassed damage (100% non-resistible), does pretty serious knock back, and has a small splash damage radius. It does roughly 900 points of damage to a level 50 heroes. Hamidon also has an extremely high resistance to all damage types, a very high threshold against status protection, and an insane regeneration rate. Hamidons most devastating secret weapons are antibodies. When he reaches 50% health, he will spawn yellow mitochondria for every hero and pet in his range, which is roughly the size of the bowl hes in. He also does the same thing at another point, 10%-25% of his health Im not sure of the exact number. If he spawns these mitos, the raid is pretty much over and its very unlikely anyone in the bowl is going to survive. Generally, a mito spawn creates hundreds of mitos and its nigh impossible to clear them out and try again, the few reports of heard of people actually doing this have said it takes 8-10 hours of nasty work.
Surrounding Hamidon is the cytoplasm, or goo as its commonly referred to. The cytoplasm has somewhat of a mysterious function. It mainly encases Hamidon and all of the Mitochondria, but it also has a Speed effect on any hero inside of it. Those are the obvious functions. Many suspect that it buffs Hamidons resistance to status effects (specifically holds) based on the number of heroes inside of it, but this theory hasnt been conclusively confirmed or discounted. The only thing Ive been able to confirm through testing is that having heroes in the goo does nothing to Hamidons actual damage resistance. My theory is that Hamidon is the owner of the Protoplasm power, which debuffs the speed of any hero in range. This power is a passive power as it still affects heroes even when Hamidon is held, but the pulse rate of it is pretty frequent as moving in and out of the goo activates and deactivates the debuff pretty quickly. This would indicate that its a very short duration, very frequent re-fire AE speed debuff, which would greatly increase lag as more and more heroes get into range and are affected.
Finally, littered throughout the goo are various Mitochondria. These come in 3 types. The yellow mitos are blasters with very high damage and long range attacks. The blue mitos are defenders and they have a stun attack. And the green mitos heal the other mitos and Hamidon. The range mitos vastly outrange any snipe powers, even snipes fully slotted for range. Their attacks are also auto-hit and 100% un-resistible un-classed damage type. They also have the uncanny ability to randomly split into 2 mitos when killed. Sometimes this rarely happens, sometimes it happens 6 or 7 times in a row. Mitos also share Hamidons resistance to damage, but they dont have his hit points or regenerative ability. They also have flight and some of them are pretty high off the ground. -
Statesman, I don't play an Ice Tanker but even I can see that having the base defense at 0.5% is ludicrous. Any non-hardcore players who don't visit the forums and seek out actual numbers are going to be left completely in the dark about this and could very well slot this power with 6 defense enhancements simply because they wouldn't know better. I know you have a philosophy about players not making uniformed decisions, and this seems to be a prime example of just that.
I would highly reccomend just removing defense all together from the power and boosting another defense power in the set to compensate. -
Planescape was what made D&D kick [censored], rather than some LoTR knockoff.
What's Zeb do on CoV? -
The one thing I liked about the Blue King series was that it put the player heros on the same level as the comic heroes. They fought the same bad guys we fought and indeed, even teamed up with some player characters who were fortunate enough to play cameo roles. When playing, I felt like I was battling in the same world and by proxy felt more connected to the comic.
This new series though, is all about the Freedom Phalanx and it just doesn't provide the same satisfaction even if I do like the art and writing better.
Maybe things will be different when CoV comes out, but for now I might as well be reading JLA or XMen. -
1) Increase mob XP outside of missions (so that street hunting becomes worth-while)
2) Decrease mob XP inside missions (to discourage farming of missions)
3) Increase mission completion bonuses (to encourage completing missions)
4) Reduce debt penalty while in missions (to make missions 'safer' than street hunting)
5) Increase XP bonus per team members (to encourage large teams for hunting & missions)
Rinse and see what happens -
Is that link supposed to be a mis-formated link to some weird [censored] video?
All we needed was the sheet with all the holes cut in it...
I can't tell you how many times I've used that line while on a team and people start listing the enhancments/badges/whatever they've gotten. Now everyone's going to think I'm making a lame reference to the CoH Halloween event rather than a lame reference to an ancient Peanuts cartoon.
My first big moment was taking down Dr. Vahzilok (sp?)
[/ QUOTE ]
Useful if rough illustration:
G r
[/ QUOTE ]
Even more fun are the DE monsters...
. A
. B
. G r
N E V -
There's no guarantee it will EVER come out, or even be remotely like the proposed changes that Statesman was mulling over. We could get a huge nerf, who knows.
Just forget about it and move on. Stop counting the days until you get your beanie hat with battery powered propeller