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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Commission detailed Hollywood backdrop effect that appears to be a glorious city with sparkling spires and busy, bustling streets but is actually the size and shape of a billboard. Place directly in front of hero appearance point just inside gates to Boomtown.
    An incident from a PnP Supers RPG involved a supervillian base with a large concrete block just inside the main door. It had a nice matte painting of an empty corridor on the forward side, done with lead paint.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Have an exclusionary zone around the city with rigidly enforced lanes of traffic.
    But...but... that's a *law* :-)
  3. ThugOne

    Rocket Boards?

    For some concepts: A "Propel" style power where you're standing on some random item every time you fly. Probably start with the list of objects from Propel and remove everything that's either too big or isn't flat on top.
    Possible sub-sets: "Stuff made of metal only", "Stuff made of wood only", etc.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Well, they were probably digging through a bunch of poorly-marked crates looking for the Ark of the Covenant, and found that silly paperweight, instead...

    SHIELD outsourced that stuff to Warehouse 13, and haven't been able to find anything since.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Yeah but we know damn well what it is.

    And when Red Skull was blasted, he went up, and it looked pretty similar to the effect of being transported by the Bifrost Bridge. Didn't anyone else notice that?
    One of the comments on the drive home after the movie was "So, anybody think Red Skull can fast-talk Heimdall into letting him cross?"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    So anyway, Howard Stark is analyzing the tesseract element that Steve obtained from the Hydra base and it blows up on Howard sees both how volatile it is and how much energy it could theoretically have....but now the sample is gone.
    Is it gone? Steve got the sample from a Hydra weapons "clip". Several of the rescued soldiers walked in the gate carrying Hydra weapons, and they had a functioning blaster-tank along. Any of them could have provided another sample.
  7. As silly as it is to critique tactics in a Thundercats cartoon....


    One has to wonder about the morale of the first attack wave. They're told to use swords and wooden shields against a high-walled castle defended by archers and mounted knights. IE, certain death for many of them. And they do this knowing that they are keeping their blaster rifles, tanks, long-range missiles, and giant mecha _in reserve_ because their general wants to see the reaction on the enemy king's face when the high-tech stuff appears? There's a difference between "drawing the enemy out" and "Suicide attack against a vastly inferior opponent."
  8. ThugOne

    MS Raids?

    So, are there any regular MS raids anymore?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twoflower View Post
    So, let's say you used this on your Red Fortune: Defense (30). After, it would become a Red Fortune: Defense (30+), which is basically (31).
    That raises the question: Would the Set Bonuses of such an enhancement work if you exmplared down to level 27, or 28?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    That.....actually has nothing to do with it.
    Never mind, I was answering the wrong question.
  11. I've been wondering... what's going to happen when the Winter Event starts up later this year? A fair percentage of the high-level characters are packing fire-based nukes and/or fire procs these days; are the Winter Lords going to just melt away?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zosopage View Post
    Thanks that is the problem. I didn't realize you couldn't start a hero there.
    The reason for that is because the starting-level Hero zones are the oldest in the game, and therefore have the worst graphics. The Praetorian starting zones are the newest and best-looking. It makes business sense to make sure that brand-new players see the newest zones first, hence the railroading into Praetoria.

    This will change with the next update (Issue 21) later this year; the starting-level Hero zone will get a major facelift.
  13. There's also
    ROTFL : Rolling On The Floor Laughing.

    And the more specialized:
    ROTFLASTC: Rolling On The Floor Laughing and Scaring The Cat.
  14. ThugOne

    LAMDA bites

    Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
    But then, every one of my squishies has some power (superior invis) or combination of powers/IOs (e.g., super speed + celerity stealth) that gives them the equivalent of invisibility,
    Another trick- If you're only halfway to invisibility, you can generally get the rest of the way there with the Grant Invisibility Base Empowerment. That's 25 feet of Stealth for an hour; stacks with nearly everything. No movement penalty, does not burn End, does not suppress when clicking a glowy.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    I would say that she is either a full Time Lord or close to it.
    Problem with that: The Doctor has been very, very curious about River's identity since he "first" met her in the Library. The Doctor is a resourceful fellow. *Somewhere* in that, he would have managed to count how many hearts River has.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    ... traditionally, the heads on pikes went on the high, difficult-to-defeat wall around the place, it is true.
    Good point. The rules would be different for a structure that is inherently defensible. My suburban house is not.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Not if you kill them and put their heads on pikes in your front yard as an example to the others.
    That would just attract them; it advertizes that the place has lots of resources and weapons to be had.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Unless you have an abundance of food and "security" then gold doesn't do you much good.
    The way I see it, there's not much point in me keeping more than a month's worth of food in the house. I'm in the suburbs, and am well off. If food ever gets so expensive that I can't buy it for a month, then the food rioters will have already kicked my door in and ransacked the house. And if I'm foolish enough to try holding them off with a shotgun, then I'll get torn to pieces when I eventually need sleep or run out of ammo. Or they come in the *back* door.
    The better expenditure of resources is to see too it that food riots never happen in the first place.
  19. There's the stuff the Puppetters use to build their General Products hulls. So long as Supes dosen't chuck antimatter, it's pretty much indestructable. But that stuff is transparent, so you'd need something else to block Heat Vision.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Continuing spoilers------------

    It was my first thought except the Doctor was appauled (with the head factory worker) when he realized that the Flesh were actual people and not just synthetic. "He had a heart!" I'm not so sure he'd ask one to die in his place. Unless of course it turns out in part two that for whatever timey whimey reason they aren't so "real".
    On the other hand- if the Ganger Doctor has the same personality, then he *would* willingly sacrifice himself to save somebody else, such as the original Doctor. And both of them know that.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Animal is the natural choice for wolverine, but Beeker as cyclops? Not sure about that. What about Kermit, or Fozzy for Cyclops? Gonzo makes a natural night crawler....
    Kermit? Must....resist.... joke....about.....Toad.......
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    The power to rule the world.
    You want a measuring tape 24000 miles long?