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  1. It's obviously just removing the Creative and Server sections due to the upcoming server merge.

    They apologize for any inconvience caused.

    And Archetypes sections have been removed because the devs are going to copy CO's no-class system.

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    "I'm coming to your house...soon!"

    The last thing any Russian wanted to hear Stalin say in the 30s...

    On topic, what we really need is a Hammer dance emote. Plus parachute pants in the cossie creator, of course.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Continuing on that...

    Finally, a dance emote for Spanish players!
    This one would be thrilling!
    Crank dat emote!

    NOTE: Various puns were intended.
  3. Police are monitoring a troublesome bar full of drunk men. A man walks out of the bar and one of the policemen tests his breath. The breathylzer shows 0.0 and the policeman asks "How could this be?" while all the other men drive off in their cars. The man replies "Tonight, sir, I'm the designated decoy."

    How could the man not sign up for the job of moderating these forums?

    The form he submitted was no longer valid.
  4. I'd like to see the Hess TF final mission map. It'd just be so awesome.

    Also the police stations, banks and shops from Safeguard/Mayhem missions.

    And a outdoor map of all the zones. ALL the zones (that includes the very much dusty Monster Island in CoV)
  5. The_Phantoms_EU


    Bye Bye Col...for now
  6. The_Phantoms_EU

    so long all

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    with the mish generator thing next,it becomes even easier.why fight cot or malta ever again?just fight freaks till 50.ffs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Somebody obviously didn't listen to the audio file on this page :

    There's a little play button there if you look hard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't think anybody wants to bother to listen to that because it's a hour long and tbh, incredibly boring. I can't blame the guy.

    And buy, dude...I haven't met you in game but good luck wherever your travels take you. As this is a personal choice of yours I won't try to backfire on your reasons for leaving. If you're not intrested in MA, then I can't blame you, tbh.
  7. I think it just needs to be unique. No "aaaaa x is trying to take over the world clear this building so you can find information oops you didn't find any go into another" and vice versa.

    But here's the full critera;

    Make it unique - No arc I play is gonna get 5 stars if it's some "go here, kill them" thing. A story has to be different from the other missions.

    Act like the character would act - If you're going to write to something, write something that fits in with the character that you talk to is like. I don't want a drug dealing ganster to act all "Go and save them!" more like "Hey dude? Go and save dos b*****s who have my crack." (of course, not that kind of stuff would be allowed...)

    Spelling and Grammar - If English is not your first language, I'll gladly accept any spelling mistakes. If so, then I'll be a bit annoyed if it's all "go adn kill da l33t vellain" or something. Remember, use real words. OK, fine, you can use supercariflighdealistcexpalidoeshus... (that's the one in Mary Poppins for anyone who can't understand it)

    Micesllaneous - Don't make it too funny. Please try to keep it as friendly family as possible (that doesn't mean you can't have swearing, drugs etc depending on what the arc's about). And finally...doomkittens.
  8. While we have the occasional know-it-all/jerk/idiot, I can safely say this forum is better than most forums.

    Heck, it's even more friendly than my SG forum. Not that my SG is bad, though...
  9. The_Phantoms_EU

    The Money Pit

    My total sub comes to about £240, give or take. £260 for buying the GvE pack, and £265.99 with my recently bought Cyborg Pack.

    So in total = £265.99.

    Of course, this is very low compared to some of the others...I didn't include new computers/updates in that, btw. But if you insist, I got a new comp at about £310 last year.

    So REAL TOTAL = £375.99
  10. I got a copy of PC Gamer back in '06 with a free trial of CoV. It looked very intresting and I loved superheroes, so I took up the trial - I enjoyed it, and soon afterwards, I bought the game.
  11. More variety in the zones would be great. More endgame content? Awesome!!

  12. The_Phantoms_EU

    Please reply!

    I find myself agreeing with Jag. There is reasons not to reply, but I've seen a million tells in my time not replied to.

    This game has a great community, that's for sure. People in this game help new players. Players give their millions to a newbie. Why can't they send back a simple tell that takes no longer than 30 seconds? Maybe it's because of the reasons stated above, but the large majority of my tells are ignored. I reply to all tells that is sent to me. I know I'm not the kindest person in this game. It's just polite to reply, isn't it?
  13. You can just download the Mac Special Edition and get the goodies, on the PC, Mac, Linux, Chocolate Button Machine etc etc

    Serious: If you download the Mac Special Edition on the PC, you'll still get the goodies.
  14. The_Phantoms_EU


    Depends. If the mission's a endless 1300000-floor office, I'll probably ghost it.

    If it's a mission which takes no longer than about 40 minutes, except 'unique' TF maps (like final Rommy mish), then I won't ghost it.

    There's a time and place for ghosting, IMHO.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Any takers on that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Definitely me.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I want death traps. Heroes gather in a room, suddenly a cutscene on a monitor shows the villain taunting them as the doors close, and swarms of special tough mobs with nasty abilities enter through secret side passages.

    Or the ceiling starts to descend and they have to destroy the door before it squishes them - hope you're not on a low DPS team.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was thinking along the same lines like in Jabba's Palace in Star Wars where if you step on the booby trap you fall and get fed to the rancor. Basically the same idea in a mission in CoX.

    But /signed to the main suggestion anyway.
  16. Oops...maybe I should have said carrots instead of nachos

    Anyway, have a nice b-day Rabbit.
  17. The_Phantoms_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Agreed with Calam. I suppose the OP is new to the game, but if he wants to be PLed, well, that's his choice. At the end of the day, we don't have to PL him, but we need to give him the right to ask if he can be PLed instead of saying "hey, I don't think you should do this".

    It all comes down to the way he wants to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course it is, that's why I made a point of saying "I would advise against it if as a new player he wants to get the most fun out of the game".

    Emphasis mine. Advising against something is not the same as saying you're an idiot if you do it.

    Additionally, I've never had much truck with "player rights" when this kind of thing is mentioned. Sure he has the right to ask to be PL'd and other people have the right to PL him if that's what they want to do. Remember too, I have the right to disagree with the reasons behind it, I have the right to decline his request and suggest other ways of playing that have been fun for me that he also might enjoy. Rights don't only work one way, and as such should really be considered irrelevant.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I guess your post did come out like that. Maybe instead of:

    "I would advise against it for a new player, there are funner ways to play." (I know that's not the exact wording, but it's similar to that)

    You could say:

    "I've found in my experenice that PLing is quite dull, and as a new player you probably won't learn much from it. I recommend you try levelling normally for a while before considering PLing."

    ...which would come out much less negative and hatred towards PLing.

    Guys lets just stop this now. At the end of the day, it's the way they want to play, although as a new player PLing is not recommended. We have gone over why people PL/farm, now it's just a matter of fieryman making a final decision if he/she wants to be PLed and if so find someone to PL them.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Just out of interest, where is the OP getting 200mill inf from if he's a lowly lvl 2?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Probably an external source eg a friend.
  18. I'm starting to think there might not be any GMs at all. The information published said there was job axing in lots of areas, and that could include GMs. I know it's unlikely, but it's possible.

    But back on topic...

    Yes, I have been getting bad lag for a while now and some very annoying DCs. I don't bother to petition because I gave up on support a long time ago. I think in over 2 years of playing I have petitioned about 5 or 6 times. Only one of my problems was dealt with, out of all of those. Everything else was the standard bot reply and they never contacted me about the problem again. They couldn't anyway, I wasn't allowed to respond to the e-mail. For a bug it would be "we are aware of this problem we're trying to fix it blah blah blah" and then I waited. Bug didn't get fixed until months/years later, and some bugs I petitioned about were never fixed at all.

    I really do feel sorry for all those who lost their jobs, but NC really do need to make their support better. It's frankly not worth trying to petition now as all I'll get it some bot reply.
  19. The_Phantoms_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I was talking about PL rather than farming, and as the OP is a new player it's something I would advise against if he wants to get the most fun out of the game.

    Farming is a different kettle of fish, and whilst I've never exactly been backward about coming forward over my personal opinion of it, from my own point of view, I think there's a stronger case to justify it than there is PL (not strong enough to persuade me that it's something I'd want to do very often, I might add )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd agree with that. PL'ing just gets someone a high level character with no clue how to deal with situations properly. Far from being an asset to a team, people like that can be a serious handicap. Still, they pay the same to play as the rest of us so it's their choice - and we have the choice to avoid them like the plague.

    I don't look for the stupidly expensive IO's, I'm not after the last tiny percentage gain in my powers so farming isn't a necessity for me but since the devs have introduced a 'currency' I can't really blame people for spending half their day doing something that would drive me round the bend with boredom.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed with Calam. I suppose the OP is new to the game, but if he wants to be PLed, well, that's his choice. At the end of the day, we don't have to PL him, but we need to give him the right to ask if he can be PLed instead of saying "hey, I don't think you should do this".

    It all comes down to the way he wants to play.

    [ QUOTE ]

    I totally understand its the most efficient way to get xp and inf in the game.

    I dont understand why you would choose to give up funplay time for what is, in essence, the most dull part of the game.

    I can just about understand PLing your first 50 in o rderto unlock the epics (although, having played the epics, it isnt worth it IMO).

    I cant understand the inf thing to be honest? By the time I get to 50 the toon is kitted out with what it takes to make anything bar the LRSF/STF reasonably easy.

    Its not as if inf buys you any significant advantage in PvP any more.

    I suppose if there was a button I could press to double my xp / inf, I would think about pressing it, but only if I could still choose what to play. Farming, I cant.

    I guess the game is just loosing its sparkle to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *sigh* Like I said...they want to improve their character for whatever reason it is. They will farm for x million inf to get that rare recipe, to maybe get the edge on Rommy in a ITF or just become more powerful in PvE.

    They will give up funplay because they are doing it to improve another part of the game, character development, which they will actually use for funplay. See?
  20. The_Phantoms_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    I still ponder the motivation for a) PL'ing and b) farming. Why? Just Why?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    a) Gets you to 50 quicker. It usually pops up when you've got 10 millions 50s and can't be bothered to work to get to 50 anymore, or if you're not bothered from the start. Not that there's anything wrong with that - people pay the game the way they want to play it.

    b) To get a move on the CoX market. It all comes down to that they want to develop their character, really. They farm for inf to buy enhancements/recipes for their characters so they can improve them.

    Seriously, it's not that hard to understand the motivation. Farming and PLing is in every MMO, if you don't understand the motivation, you go ask a farmer/PLer yourself or study what they do and what they do it for and you have the answer. By the first 5 minutes I think you'll understand...

    [ QUOTE ]
    My vote is don't go for the PL.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm sorry if I sound rude, but are you even reading the OP? This is not about wether he should get PLed or not, he's asking if he can get PLed.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Sure villain side I can get a character to level 10 in one evenings play, but hero side it take me 2 or 3 nights. Only ever gotten 2 heroes past 14 before they became to boring to play.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your obviously playing a different game then, my 5-day old villain is still at level 4 but I can get a hero to about level 8 in 30-40 minutes.

    Have you ever done a sewer run? That might be your problem. With sewer runs, you can get to level 8 in 30-40 minutes, as said above, and if you have a good quick killing team, then level 10-12 is possible in a hour. It takes another 15-30 minutes or so to get to 14.

    So there you go. You can get to 14 on Heroes in about 1hr and a half. On villains, it's a different story.

    And by the way, I'm /unsigned to this. As I say above, not harding getting to level 5, and then you can go and get your jetpack. If you really do want travel powers early, then as Blitzkreiger says, shell out a few quid to get a nice Pocket D teleporter, or get a toon to level 5 and then go and get your jetpack which is not hard.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So, Avatea, how do you pronounce that? AvaTEA, or AvaTeA?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I pronounce it "A-vat-a".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, try learning to read then, because there's an E in it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do know in some names/words letters are not pronounced? Stop being so rude. Not in front of the new mod.

    It's just the way I pronounce it anyway.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    So, Avatea, how do you pronounce that? AvaTEA, or AvaTeA?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I pronounce it "A-vat-a".
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Spot on or not, it's [censored]. Infernal got a light redesign when Wings came out, at least give Valkyrie some loving so she doesn't look as horrible anymore. She could run for "worst outfit in the game" with Tina the Seamstress easily.

    Also, Nanites are Tech, not Science, no?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All of the sig character have bad costumes, for goodness' sake. Positron is the most bland tech costume I've ever seen. Yeah, I know it's supposted to fit in with his origin, but his armor has to be a little bit more unique than something that takes 2 minutes to do. Statesman's alright, I guess, because of the golden age hero thing, but sig characters like Sister Pshyce really need a more unqiue touch to them.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually in Polynesian mythology Avatea is a lunar deity.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great, already the new mod is mooning us.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ^ This. Best joke all week.

    Welcome, Avatea - you can call me The_Phantoms, but I go under many aliases - including Doughnut Man, Chilly Winky, and Forum Claw - takr your pick