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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    What, what? Winter happens EVERY YEAR. What was your point?
    I think the point is that there's four "Login during the 200# Winter Event" badges that are tied to SPECIFIC years (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) that have since been changed so that they can now be purchased from the Elf for a handful of Candy Canes during any Winter Event.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
    I do not want to buy them with merits/candy canes etc as I have a feeling it really will cheapen these two coveted badges (ok 3 badges). They as all anniversary badges are a gift given to the player characters that log in during the time. As a "I was here playing and I got the badge to prove it!"
    And there's a third group to add to the equation...

    Those rare few of us who WERE here on those anniversary dates and whose characters did receive but have since mysteriously "LOST" the badges from the early anniversaries.

    And yes, I've petitioned it a few times over the last couple years and have basically been told "Sorry, you're screwed, we can't help you." each time. I'm guessing that they can't verify login times from that far back. They've never told me exactly what the issue was, just that they can't help me.

    It's bad enough that I missed an Anniversary Badge due to my own forgetfulness in maintaining my badge characters but having other ones "stolen" because of an unprovable and unverifiable database error with no way to get them back? Rubbish.

    Anniversary "Badges" are a really bad idea to me. Badge Hunting is a gameplay function and as a system is an enjoyable hobby and I think ALL badges should be available to any character who puts in the effort. They should find a new way to commemorate the anniversaries (like a optional 2nd displayable colored title under your character name maybe?) and then make ALL badges able to be purchased or earned in some way, even anniversary ones. I like the Hero/Villain Merit idea, but not 30, that's just ridiculous.

    Give special recognition outside of the badge system to those who currently have the Anniversary Badges and then open up all badges for everyone. Make Badge Hunting a completely available gameplay system.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Thing is, .NET is not a supported API on *nix systems. While .NET applications can be run against *nix, doing so requires using Attachmate Mono.
    Since I have absolutely no experience with the NCSoft Launcher I can't really comment on it's (lack of?) capabilities, I don't ever recall seeing anywhere that Linux was a supported OS for "City of...".

    Not that I'm against it working on Linux, if they haven't feel the need to support CoX on the Linux platform, THAT is the area I think you should focus your attentions on, NOT railing against the launcher, no matter how good or bad it is, that will probably make CoX not work on Linux.

    In my experience with .NET software in the banking IT industry, I often found a "bloated and buggy piece of .NET crapware" would run just fine if all you did was give it more hardware horsepower. More than a couple hardware upgrades at work over the years were prompted by single instances of software upgrades that were required to be run on the hardware that wasn't quite up to par.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    I expressed my opinion. (I don't like those arcs.) And you seem to find it necessary to attack me for it. Along with everyone else who says something you disagree with, apparently. My condolences for your apparent self esteem problems. But hey, if it makes you feel better, feel free to continue. *I* know how the Ignore feature works.
    There was no attack there at all. The worst thing that PeerlessGirl said was that she is sad that you didn't like those story arcs. How awful of her!

    She was simply expressing her opinion (notice the multiple instances of "I" in her post) of the story arcs in response to your opinions of them. You are the one attacking her for something you falsely claim she's doing. Smooth.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery_Redeemer View Post
    “But, CoH was always casual, easy, and solo / small group focused.”, “always” no longer counts. Now “it’s about time” that there’s end game.

    I guess I don’t get a turn after all, sigh.
    As a fellow long-time Casual EverQuester myself, I understand your position but I fail to see what the problem is. The Casual COH gamer has gotten "a turn" for the entirety of the game's existence and that shouldn't be changing very much at all.

    There are THREE events in the game that are not doable by a single group. The Hamidon, The Rikti War Zone Mothership Raid and the Cathedral of Pain. That's it. And you know what? Two of those are still "Casual-friendly" in that you can get on a team for them and be done with them in about an hour - Hamidon and the Cathedral. Even the Mothership Raid can be done in less time than most Task Forces. The COP is even limited to 3 groups of 8 players. But you know what? Even for a mostly-solo player like me, having those large events to go to casually when one happens to be taking place is really awesome and some of the most fun you can have in COH. Many of the Trials and Task Forces are actually harder to finish successfully with one group than these "Epic Raid" events are with dozens of players.

    ...the focus on end game means less focus on solo / small group.
    And with this you're assuming that "End Game" means raids. From what I read in the Producer's Letter, and the Meet-and-Greet promos and elsewhere, while they are going to add another (maybe two?) Raid-style larger group events (the BAF, for 12-24 players and maybe something with Mother Mayhem's Hospital?) most of the things they talked about were still focused on single-group Task Forces/Trials.

    But this now changes the face of the game. I was laughed… LAUGHED out of the EQ forums when I suggested Time Vs Reward instead of Risk Vs Reward (that latter which I hate). CoH has Time Vs Reward, and I do believe one of the Devs made it a catchphrase (I want to say Positron but I’m not sure).

    And now, RvR is starting it’s way in, and TvR is starting on it’s way out. Never completely, but the flavour has changed. And though, bluntly, TvR / easy / whatever you want to call it was here first, it’s starting to become about challenge.
    Right from the BEGINNING, Jack Emmert (a.k.a. "Statesman", the original boss of COH) used every trick and bit of influence he had to force COH into a Risk vs Reward ethic. He absolutely HATED the idea of Time vs. Reward. To Jack, the idea of a Blaster hovering safely outside of the range of enemies' Ranged attacks and using JUST slow-recharging Snipe powers to defeat things in three times the amount of time it would take to just go in with all guns blazing was the worst thing that could happen to COH. And that's not even the worst example. Just about every unpopular power and NPC change in the first couple years was done to appease his draconian RvR mentality and stranglehold on how the game was "supposed to be played." It's really only been since he left that things have been turned around into a more congenial reward system. The only bad thing is that so many of Jack's horrible ideas are still stuck so firmly entrenched in the bedrock of COH that I don't think they'll ever come out.

    So, hopefully, this doesn’t come across as an attack. If it does, I apologize. But I am saddened that CoH couldn’t stay as the little fish, swimming slowly, in the little pond, and that, instead, there’s more (not all, but more) resources diverted to end game, instead of keeping it at 95% (ish) to the easy/casual, as it always has been… till now.
    It doesn't seem like an attack, but I think you're really jumping the gun here. While it does look like there's a shift in focus to giving some more options on harder and larger things to do at the end of the game, I highly doubt NCSoft is going to change things THAT much in the next year. COH is going to be just as fun as it always was for Casual and Hardcore gamers and even moreso, that's all.

    Wish the “that was then, this is now” crew of these boards had been with me on the EQ boards. Would’ve been nice to have support.
    I remember those boards... *shiver* I don't miss them at all. Nasty things! I didn't try to stay on those boards for very long.

    I spent less time in EverQuest than I have in COH so far. I probably would have stayed longer in EQ except they shut down the Guide program and that was the only thing I really had fun doing anymore there.

    COH on the other hand is a much nicer place and the forums here, for the most part, are much more forgiving a place.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    Thats th name on the art assets in the place we're not suppose to go, don't know if its a character or upcoming costume set, though I recall hints of the later from one of the convention info thread.
    Ah, I should have thought of that too. I was more focused on thinking who it could be than "what" and the caption even refers to it in a non-person manner ("This" not "Who").

    Originally Posted by Pedro Schwartz View Post
    I wonder,how does the Devs costume creator work.
    Can they mix EVERYTHING???
    I doubt it. Noble Savage has a thread for requests for "Adapting NPC Costume Pieces" or something like that.

    For them to use certain pieces, they might have to make sure the body size/type matches the geometry that the piece was designed for, or else adapt it to where it becomes a "new" object.

    Also, for many NPCs, what looks like separate "pieces" are actually inseparable joined objects. Sometimes graphic bugs (viewing them through transparency effects for instance) can reveal this on certain NPCs, like the red-clothed Wyvern Sting agents.

    For us to use it, they'd have to make sure it worked with scaling body sizes and multiple body types.
  7. Wow... just "wow".

    This thread, and I read all of it but the middle 30%, makes me sad. While I haven't gotten a character to 50 since the Trapdoor patch, I have taken 6 characters through it. I've been in COH since beta testing, I'm nowhere near a munchkin (whatever that may be).

    Out of the 6 50s I have who have all soloed the Incarnate arc, only one needed some help and it wasn't for Trapdoor. Did I have troubles? Yes, but Trapdoor wasn't even near the worst. Only on my Energy/Devices Blaster, who absolutely adores knockback, did I get Trapdoor in the lava and that was mostly through chance. Each other one simply attacked the best way they knew how and wiped out Bifurcations when they spawned. Simple and they didn't even need a tray of Inspirations to do it. Even my Kin/DA Tanker only took 3-4 hits at most to wipe out a Bifurcation and that takes what, 8-10 seconds?

    There are SO MANY ways to help your character overcome obstacles in this game from Inspirations (you can have 15 of them on a level 50!), a multitude of Temporary powers (some of them more powerful than regular AT powers!) to the ability to have other players help you, that it is unbelievable that this kind of drama is happening over this one story arc and two TFs.

    Someone getting angry at not being able to mindlessly steamroll through any and all new content the exact same way someone has done before is simply unfathomable to me, especially when that new content requires a little bit more than usual of some category than what the character's AT can provide (Tankers and Damage? Blasters and Defense?). I just don't understand it. Someone smacking me in the face with something new to overcome in this game is a wonderful challenge. Finding new and interesting fights and having to figure out ways to succeed keeps things from getting stale and boring. Otherwise it's just grinding content. While I enjoy that on a small scale, it's not enough in the long run.

    How many comics are there where a hero who is lacking in a particular category asks for another hero to help him out? That's the whole entire basis for the team-up story in comic books and then later the Super Group story that this entire game is based on. It's a staple of the genre. If you deny that sometimes a hero needs a helping hand because one hero just is NOT up to the task of beating EVERY foe, we end up with situations like Squirrel Girl beating Doctor Doom. Or Squirrel Girl beating Thanos. Ridiculous.

    In comics, how many times does the villain get the upper hand temporarily because he KNOWS how his nemesis is going to unconsciously react to something during a fight and so he does something different to take advantage of that? Probably literally hundreds of times, maybe even thousands. I really can't think of any comic hero who hasn't been outsmarted to his own (temporary) detriment. That basically describes almost every single Superman story. On the flip side of this, how many times has the hero then turned the scales on the villain and did something he's never done before to outsmart his foe? Again, hundreds, if not thousands of times.
  8. ...have the exact same binds for all characters:
    • F = Travel Power Toggle (alternates between selected Sprint Power and Travel Power)
    • Shift+F = Shutdown all Travel Toggles
    • T = Activate Defense Toggles
    • Shift+T = Shutdown all Defense Toggles
    • Y = Activate Offense Toggles
    • Shift+Y = Shutdown all Offense Toggles
    • G (and sometimes H) = Self or Team Heal power; if none, use Heal inspiration
    • V (and sometimes B) = Aim and/or Build-Up Powers or equivalent; if none, then use a Damage Inspiration; if MM, then give Damage inspiration to best pet
    • Q = Target specific enemy using "TargetName" or "TargetCustomNear" based on whatever I'm looking for at the moment
    ...still use Brawl on new characters, even after getting Veteran Attack Powers. My Brutes even use it as filler to keep an attack chain going.

    ...haven't logged into the character from the screenshot in my signature. Or maybe I should rephrase that to "It's been 11 years and I still haven't logged into the character from the screenshot in my signature"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bringer_NA View Post
    No. There is however an Issue 20 Pre-Beta Sneak Peek on an MMO Review site. Check my posts for it, shouldn't be too far down. Under the speculation thread.

    Edit: Nevermind. Found it myself.
    I'm actually more interested in who this is:

    I'm going to guess they didn't put that in there without there being a VERY good reason. I'd bet that it's going to be someone anti-Cole. My guesses would be someone who is somehow related to Stephan Richter, or based on the white eyes and sci-fi costume, maybe a Praetorian Peacebringer?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
    About a week ago, I sent a petition in saying that when I respec'ed my Temp Invul would not reslot my Aegis that I had slotted before. The reason, the set category for Temp Invul changed from Resist Damage to Defensive Sets.
    The person who answered your petition actually told you it was changed to accept Defense sets? That sounds suspicious in the first place.

    Anyway, any further news on this? I do have a character with Field Mastery Temp Invulnerability that I haven't gotten around to Freespec'ing yet and wonder if I should wait?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
    Here is a nice little "Fluff" popmenu. It changes the interface colors for you
    "Fluff" nothing, this is a GREAT idea! Even with the sliders in the interface, I never really changed anything. Now I can get the colors close to what I want and just tweak the sliders a bit.

    Thanks to you, now most of my characters have GUIs that nicely match at least part of their main costume color scheme.

    Of course, now my wife is bugging me to set hers up with "Just the right shade" of Neon Green to match her favorite character's costume...
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
    A new popmenu I've created is behaving oddly, so I figured I'd come here for help.
    What are you using to create your PopMenu files? Could it be something that has "SmartQuotes" or a similar function? If so, it may be changing the "apostrophe" character to a higher-ASCII character that is not displayable in the PopMenu. I've seen a few things that the PopMenu simply ignores.

    Or maybe you've stumbled on the "Escape" character for PopMenu... what happens if you put two single-quote marks together in the menu like "I''m"?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
    Why isn't this supported in game with developer implemented navigation menus to accompany its creation?

    Better yet, why haven't I ever heard anyone talk about this before?! This is the single "biggest deal" I've ever heard of. There are third person MODs in other MMOs that basically do exactly what this does, and they were developed by programmers! This just exists!
    PopMenu is actually an extensively used, inherent part of the GUI interface for providing all kinds of dynamic information to the user. Just about any right-click on the different GUI elements will bring up some kind of dynamic PopMenu.

    Unfortunately, and this is my theory on why it's not supported, it's a fairly "dumb" menuing language. There's little visual customizability, only a couple rudimentary logic functions in the PopMenu code and it's also been mentioned a couple times that PopMenu may have the potential to crash the game based on the complexity and depth of the PopMenu code (though I have not experienced this myself) so it's not a great idea for the devs to actively support something that can run rampant crashing your game client if it is created in the wrong way.

    I'd love for the devs to step up and take charge up improving and supporting the PopMenu code since it has become an integral and necessary part of my COH game experience. Documenting and improving the capabilities of the menus would be incredible, especially since there's code that I know has to exist for the PopMenu command (in order for it to perform the dynamic things it does in the GUI) that no one has found yet.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Hey, folks. Here's the actual quote:

    "I’ve never been a huge fan of weather for the sake of weather and I’ve said “not on my watch” in the past, but if there is a compelling gameplay reason to do it, not just because it’s cool, I’d reconsider. So far, no one’s come up with one, but I’m open to ideas."

    Note that this is a far cry from "solid no." As with all things, we'll look at the priorities of the project at hand and introduce new tricks when they make sense. Cheers.
    Thanks for the exact quote and here's my rebuttal:

    If you don't include it since it adds nothing to gameplay, then why do you have a complete 3d city in the game that we run around in in the first place? The devs have gone out of their way to make the outdoor city environment itself inconsequential and almost effectively useless over the years. The only thing I can see the outdoor zones contributing to the game itself in any manner is the illusion of Paragon, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria being real locations. Sure, you can run around and fight enemies in the city zones but why? No one wants to "street sweep" anymore. It used to be fun to do that in the early days and it was often very common for teams to be seen keeping the streets of Paragon City safe. Now, almost every outdoor enemy is ignored unless the player needs Tips or a Defeat Badge.

    The only gameplay reasons for having city zones now are 1. "Defeat ## <Enemy Type>" missions and collecting Defeat badges. For every other aspect of the game that I can think of, the city zones can be effectively and completely replaced by a simple background image and a menu, that's how inconsequential they are. If weather doesn't add anything to the gameplay, then why have the day/night cycle? That's not contributing much gameplay value except for a few locations (only one that I can think of) that have time-sensitive NPC spawns whose only contribution to gameplay is the previously mentioned Defeat badge hunting.

    With the gameplay contributions of the outdoor City Zones being almost entirely based on eye-candy and the illusionary aspects of us running around an actual city, then it a logical conclusion that adding weather effects would only IMPROVE their main gameplay functions in the game.

    I, for one, have loved the winter effects added in the past and would love to see more of that kind of thing. Always running around in a world with 78 degree, early-summer weather that never has rain or any other weather is just weird. Overcast skies, cloudy skies, rain, snow, trees that change color and lose their leaves, etc. would make the outdoor zones more interesting.

    I've come to enjoy playing around in Praetoria more than any other zones and I've figured out why. It looks more realistic than the Paragon City/Rogue Isles zones. It would be hard to modify the geography of the older zones to look more real but adding weather would go a long way to doing the same thing.
  15. Okay, the Protest event went better this time and I got the badge.

    I made sure to put pets on Passive mode while I defeated some of them totally by myself and to also take some damage. I also put Warmth (PBAoE Heal) on auto while doing it.

    One of those three things made the difference between six failures to get the badge and success.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    Sorry, I didn't read upthread so I din't see the link. Having read it now, you indicated that you used your secondary more than usual to overcompensate for the pets-don't-count design. You also got 2 of the three badges solo and the one time you teamed, you got the badge, but your lower level partner didn't.

    I think there is a design problem if the same players on a team don't both get the badge. Even if it is possible to get the badge by using certain strategies, I think it is broken if a player contributes normally and does not get a badge his teammate gets.
    I agree, there HAS to be a design problem or bug somewhere. I ran the events on my Demon/Thermal MM with the same tactics: "Pets on Aggressive, destroy everything in sight, sit back and watch".

    I did the Neutropolis even twice with no problems. Got the badge the first time, got the emote the second time.

    I ran the Imperial City event three times. Got the badge the first time, time ran out the second time due to the timer not resetting properly after getting to the roof and defeating the first wave of guards. Got the Temp Power the third time.

    I ran the Nova Praetoria event six times now, both solo and teamed, both sitting back with pets doing everything and participating by buffing and healing. All six times resulted in the small reward choices and no badge or temp power.

    Something has to be broken in the NP event for MMs. If the other events can work fine with me soloing and just directing my pets for the most part then I can't figure out what could be wrong.

    Do I have to take damage from the enemies? That's the only thing I can think of that happens differently in the NP event than the other two. The NP event enemies are so squishy, they hardly last any time at all and it's easily possible that I did not get hit at all during any of the attempts.

    I'll try again today if I can fit it in but this time I'll wait until one of them actually gets to hit me a few times before I sic the pets on them.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
    Not only do pets still run into melee, but now they run past the spawn you're attacking into the next unaggro'd spawn and start attacking them. Had this happen more than once in a tip mission about 10mins ago. Oh and this case the unaggro'd spawn happend to be waaaay around the corner of a cave mission, and out of LoS. I saw the Assbot run around the corner whilst I was dealing with 7 or 8 DE, and moved to see where the hell he was going (all the while spamming /goto) and he ran right into the next spawn and opened fire on them.
    I haven't seen any troubles like this on either of my MMs (Robot and Demon) that wasn't caused by them being Feared or Confused. Fear usually makes them behave that way and if they happen to run into another group while running scared when in Defensive mode, they'll start attacking when they get attacked.

    And the melee thing... not seeing that either. Sure, sometimes they do close into melee because they have melee attacks. I tell them to heel and they come back to me, I tell them to attack again and they unload with flying death again.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
    Dumb question, but this is a direct download sale, right?
    It's the boxed product and they ship it to you or you pick it up at a store. There was no option for Direct Download or to purchase just an activation code.

    And of course it's listed as being on backorder with a 1-2 week estimated ship date.

    Still it's 10 bucks, can't beat that.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn
    Option "Turn" "beginchat /bind LEFTARROW +turnleft$$bind RIGHTARROW +turnright"
    Option "Maneuver" "beginchat /bind LEFTARROW +left$$bind RIGHTARROW +right"
    I tried this code but it only enters the first bind before the $$.
    That's because the /beginchat command requires user input (hit the enter key) before it executes whatever is put on the chat line. Only the first bit before the $$ is there because that's the command separator so the first command ends there but doesn't accept anything else yet since the /beginchat command still has control of the chat line and is still waiting for that user-inputed enter key before anything else can happen.

    At least that's what I think is going on.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Known issue:

    Originally Posted by Lost Ninja
    If you try and call an addition popmenu menu from within an existing menu the game loses control... as in no keys or mouse presses work.

    The above means I have to kill the client and restart. I had forgotten about that.
    I have my Warshade's form quick-switching popmenus set up using 2 different menus and when I play him, I use 2 popmenus in a row, the second one called from the previous menu and I have never seen this issue happen. I've played him for hours straight through missions and TFs and must have used popmenus triggered by popmenus at least 100 times in one gaming session and never once have I lost control.

    My first menu is triggered by a bind which prompts for a power that he will drop of of his Nova/Dwarf Form and activate, then the menu loads another menu which prompts him for which form he wants to go back to.

    It's been working ever since I started doing PopMenus months ago. I have never, EVER seen any of the control problems you're quoting. I don't think the problem is as simple as "Calling a PopMenu from within another PopMenu causes your controls to stop working". If I had to make a guess, I would say it might only come up when using chained menus with multiple submenus as my Warshade quick-switch menus are all only top-level, no submenus.

    Even then, in my early iterations of my BadgeReporter menu which were up to three levels deep, the different categories (Accolades, Exploration, Gladiators, etc.) were all separate menu files and were all called from a completely separate simple top-level PopMenu and I never noticed the problem there either... Maybe if the PopMenu originating the call to a second PopMenu is multi-leveled and the command is in a submenu?

    Not so simple.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Klaatu View Post
    So, question: can you put more than one popmenu in a single .mnu file?

    The syntax would seem to indicate you could combine many different popmenus into a single file, but in reality it may not work that way.
    The default QUICKCHAT menu file contains multiple separate menus.

    You can see this by using these commands:
    /popmenu QuickChat
    /popmenu Example
    The "Example" menu is above the QuickChat menu in the text of the default QuickChat.mnu file.
  22. Helping andsoitallbegins with improving -- no, make that revolutionizing -- my previous BadgeReporter has been great. The ideas for streamlining and organizing she had have worked wonderfully and the idea for using the Help.txt file is brilliant! And really, my input has been just minor help and testing, it's all been her knowledge and ability that's taken it this far.

    Using the new BadgeReporter along with the BadgeHelp lets you do just about every aspect of Badge Hunting without ever leaving the game. You can find the badges you have and don't have with BadgeReporter, then open up BadgeHelp and see exactly how to get the ones you don't have. You can even leave the BadgeHelp window active while tracking down the requirements.

    Unfortunately, it's still bound by the limitations of the customizable GUI elements we can use (PopMenu and Help) otherwise this could be a much more powerful combination.

    True, it's not as robust as using a website for it, but you can get all the badges available to you just using these two tools without ever leaving the game. Toss in Vidiot maps and you'll be a badge hunting fiend.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    That would be something that I, personally, don't want to happen in either case (lose keybinds or control of the 3D environment).
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    The app written by TheUnamedOne is great.

    Tad rude for the thread to be hijacked by someone else for their app, though, irrespective of that apps merits/drawbacks.
    If this project had anything at all to do with my ego, I might agree but it really doesn't. I started it or the sole purpose of making badge hunting easier in the game for me and anyone else who wanted to use it. I also hoped that someone with more time and/or ability could come by and assist on adding details. Snow Globe was about the only one that did so there didn't seem to be much more likelihood of evolution of the project beyond me simply adding the new stuff each new Issue. I don't consider this a threadjack at all, simply another developer adding his skills to the project.

    andsoitallbegins took the basic framework and really ran with it! He added all the things I had previously posted that I would like to add. Things that I just made a spin-off menu for because I didn't have the time to do the whole menu like that.

    I'm going to give his menu a good trial run and see how it goes. It also looks a little on the large size so people running COH in 1280 or less resolution may have troubles with it as Snow Globe mentioned he had already with my more basic menu.

    I'm more than willing to maintain the basic, "low-rez" version that I started if andsoitallbegins wants to keep maintaining his version. I have no problems with sharing the credit. Heck, he even gave me credit right inside his menu so it's not like he's ignoring the origins.

    Thanks andsoitallbegins! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. It looks great from the screenshots!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Yeah, the sub-sub menus for the explores got to be a pain for me, I just made a completely separate menu for the explores alone.
    How so? Any ideas to make it better? Is it just that are there just so many of them? Does it take too much to get down to the badges you need to find?

    I generally don't use the BadgeReporter for finding the Exploration Badges, just for a quick peek at which ones I don't have which is why I hadn't bothered to put in LOCs for them in the first place. Vidiot Maps work much better for me to find the badges, except for the rare few troublesome ones.

    The other new badges are not in the above post, but at least all the explores are there.
    I had a bit of time to waste so I got them all added into my copy of the next version. I'll test them out this weekend and see how everything's doing.

    From a LockedOption count, we're up to 1198 badges displayed by the BadgeReporter! There's a badge for 1250 Badges. I'm not sure that if we get the rest of the I19 badges in we'll be at that number. We'll see.

    Latest BadgeReporter PopMenu Tool stats:
    • File Size: 149,319 bytes
    • 133,149 Characters
    • 8086 total lines
    • 5356 Lines containing non-bracket PopMenu Code
    • 169 Submenus
    • 1198 total Badges displayed, hopefully without any repetition
    • Lots and lots of my time spent on this thing!
  25. Ooooh, just saw something interesting...

    From the Dividers you put in "The Abyss" and "Monster Island" Exploration menus does that mean that there are going to be Villain Group Teleport Beacons to those zones?!?