So Now Field Mastery's Temp Invul Will Not Take "Any" Invention Sets?

Arbiter Oates



About a week ago, I sent a petition in saying that when I respec'ed my Temp Invul would not reslot my Aegis that I had slotted before. The reason, the set category for Temp Invul changed from Resist Damage to Defensive Sets. Thus, I sent a petition and the reply was it was probably some kind of bug. Okay, that's all well and good so now I was sitting with 6 Aegis that I had to dump because now Temp Invul will only take Defensive Sets. Tonight, I bought one Luck of the Gambler a Defensive Set and what happens? It will not go into my Temp Invul Slot. Now I do have two other powers that I have slotted with Luck of the Gambler. Am I only allowed to have two power sets with any same IO enhancement and thus it won't work on three power sets? Not sure if this is a bug so if anyone else knows the answer please inform. Thanks.



Follow-up to my last post. As of this morning, I tried to buy another Defensive Set IO, Red Fortune. This also would not take in my Temp Invul slots. I have no other power sets that have Red Fortune so I know having more than one like my Luck of the Gambler IO is not the case as Temp Invul is not taking any IO's at all. This is a bug and needs to be fixed ASAP on the next patch. The dev's prioritize bugs (which ones will get fixed sooner than later) based on need and priority within the game. Well, I think not being able to slot one's Temp Invul with ANY IO's is a big bug and needs priority fixing.



Remember that petitions are a request for immediate assistance from a GM with something they can help with (mission completion, stuck, etc.); if the game code is wrong they can't do anything about it. In contrast a bug report is entered into a tracking system that eventually works its way to the devs to be fixed in the underlying game in some future patch; there's no expectation of immediate response but more fundamental problems can eventually be addressed. (And the forum here, like it says up at the top, is a place to discuss technical questions and/or bugs with fellow players, it's NOT in general a channel to anyone official.)

If you've not yet filed an actual in-game detailed bug report using the /bug command, your problem may not be getting to the right people. This sounds like a serious problem and you need to make sure it gets into the correct channels to be fixed. In some cases, and this may warrant it, a PM to an appropriate dev may even be called for. Make sure you write in a clear, factual manner; ranty-sounding bug reports or PMs are far less likely to draw positive attention than a concise problem report with detailed duplication steps.

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Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
If you've not yet filed an actual in-game detailed bug report using the /bug command, your problem may not be getting to the right people. This sounds like a serious problem and you need to make sure it gets into the correct channels to be fixed. In some cases, and this may warrant it, a PM to an appropriate dev may even be called for. Make sure you write in a clear, factual manner; ranty-sounding bug reports or PMs are far less likely to draw positive attention than a concise problem report with detailed duplication steps.
Yup, I already filed the necessary bug report with the GM and they forwarded it on for more bug testing. They said they were going to try and duplicate the problem and also said some issues are given different priorities based on urgency of the issue at hand. The thing the got me all twisted up was I initially took a snap shot of my screen "before" I recspec'ed which is what I normally do so I know where everything was or is going to go.

When I tried to place my Aegis back into the Temp Invul slot, it wouldn't take and that's when I filed a bug report. The other night I tried to slot a "Defensive Set" now that the set category changed and nothing would take. So now, I have a level 50 MM Bots/Traps with Temp Invul, gimped with lower end enhancements because I cannot replace them. If this was you, would you sign back in with the toon in question and re-submit another bug report? And like you said give much more detailed (which is what I tought I did) in your reply?
I would also like to know if there is anyone else out there in CoH land that this has happened to so I will know I am not going crazy.



Yeah it happened to me as well. It wont take IO sets but it will take regular Resist Damage IOs I discovered. So you can at least slot those until this bug gets fixed and not have a completely gimped toon.



We are aware of this issue and are working on it.



Ha FARN!! And thanks for the update Arbiter Oates.



Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
About a week ago, I sent a petition in saying that when I respec'ed my Temp Invul would not reslot my Aegis that I had slotted before. The reason, the set category for Temp Invul changed from Resist Damage to Defensive Sets.
The person who answered your petition actually told you it was changed to accept Defense sets? That sounds suspicious in the first place.

Anyway, any further news on this? I do have a character with Field Mastery Temp Invulnerability that I haven't gotten around to Freespec'ing yet and wonder if I should wait?



Originally Posted by TheUnnamedOne View Post
The person who answered your petition actually told you it was changed to accept Defense sets? That sounds suspicious in the first place.

Anyway, any further news on this? I do have a character with Field Mastery Temp Invulnerability that I haven't gotten around to Freespec'ing yet and wonder if I should wait?
It appears to be working now. I was able to re-slot my level 50 bots/traps MM with the Aegis again that I originally had in the first place and then it was bugged to where I couldn't re-slot it in my Temp Invul. Now, it is working and all is right with the world.