272 -
Ex con-artist?
[/ QUOTE ]
Aye... check out my "unoffical documentary" piece on my sig, Alfawuhn!
Gee I hope that reporter finishes it soon... I want to see how my life turns out... I mean... how they present the "facts." Yeah... -
Hey Bub, I think I'm Daredevil!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Who cares what he said! Looks like we got another Wolverine on our hands! -
ha... ha ha... AHAAAHHAAHHA!!!
Oh, and sorry- one moment... laughing at Contact a bit... ok... phew!
Anyway, Alfawuhn. What I wanted to say was, while I may very well seem that way... I AM an ex con-artist... who knows? Nothing I say or do could be the real me!! -
I don't know... I'll have to see what happens with The Sly Fox...
...could get messy...
Although, not as bad as The Ascendant... recently (and somehow unknowingly) engaged to a lovely young Demon Spawn from the lowest dungeon of hell.
What's worse, he keeps running into her wedding guests and FAMILY all over the hazard zones... -
No such place as of yet... we need to pick a building with a big sign and friendly atmosphere... like... Flander's Chicken!!!
"Hens like Chickens, Geese love Ganders, everyone else, like's Ned Flanders!" -
Frankly, I had a bind set up for this, but I DID set it to "team..." Mainly because I wanted my teammates to get a warning before they pop over...
But if he wants to do that, let him! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is either ignore him or move away... WHY is that so hard? Why insult him for playing however he want's to play, when all you have to do is just be the adult and deal with it yourself?
...sorry but it bugs me when people take the attack method rather then seeing the big picture... -
Put him on ignore or walk away. A very simple problem to solve, and a lot easier then you trying to tell someone how they can or can't play.
You're very much on the wrong board here, bub...
[/ QUOTE ]
I never told anyone how they can and/or can't play. I was just giving my opinion on the topic. It is concerning role playing, so I believe that I am on the correct board "bub" (let me guess, you think you are Wolverine?). Thanks for the reply, buh-bye.
[/ QUOTE ]
Shadowplay was right. You WERE asking them to NOT talk in local and "keep it to themselves." That is telling someone how they should play.
I have heard many requests from roleplayers myself to NOT use team chat, and use local more often. Merely because it's more immersive to have a group speaking and chatting right next to you so you can hear it... instead of seeing them stand around staring at each other using their "thoughts."
I think that if you didn't like it, you should have just put him on ignore and forgotten about it. Sorry, but that's the plain truth. Can't see how you could see it any differently....
And no, he's not Wolverine, far from it... and if you think anyone that uses the term "bub" is Wolverine I know quite a few Wolverines! -
I look forward to it Nexxes. (My preference is Bass Ale, but hey, I'm easy!)
But I don't know where a good spot would be... as it seems to me lately that Paragon has adopted Temperance... -
Big Guy, you can call me up for orange juice even when I'm in the midst of the Tsoo... up to my armpits in sorcs.
Hey! I have a hero named GrayWolf that is my own pantheon's flagship hero! Now, because some other Doughnut-bitin' game-player took it, I had to resort to using a period! *Sniff*I-I just wanted my guy in the game! You guys are mean!(Runs away wailing)
[/ QUOTE ]
See, not even I know everything! There's also THAT example
<shakes his head, sadly>
Poor guy... want a hankie?
Hey, buck up little camper! At least you did that, and didn't do what the guy I stole "The Sly Fox" form did... he's WAY more unhappy than you! He was forced to choose only one name because I got their first, then rigged the form forcing him to choose among only a small selection of names.
If you want to feel better about the situation, look him up! The Pink Tutu... -
Unfortunately no one HAS called that number... I can't figure it out! Who wouldn't want to join this supergroup?
WAIT!!! I got a message! Hold on!!
Um... nevermind... it ah... must have been the wrong number...
<mumbles> A horse's what? <mumbles> -
Not YOU Deth!! I have you on special ALERT!!!
Deth, you are just too sensitive. Come on Milady... I thought you were much tougher than that! -
Sly heard Lyle's little rant and had to grin. He never understood "magics" either, yet he WAS endowed by magic. He was beginning to like Lyle, inspite of himself. He reminded him of one of Fox's old mentors. A little bit craftier, perhaps, but he had that same "I'm right, you're not, youngster!" air about him...
Good ol' Hound Dog... ever since he had left "the pack" ... before that horrible night of the Rikti invasion... Sly had often wondered what became of him. He heard he went a little senile and was living in some home. Fox always regretted not ever finding out where and visiting him...
But Lyle, on the other hand, seemed like the type to be as shrewd and crotchety as he ever was... until he either passed away at some ungodly old age, or finally fell in battle.
As all this passed through his head, Sly leaned over to Lyle and whispered. "Remember, it's not magic that you should be wary of it's the different types that USE them..."
Giving a slight nod, Sly moved on to shake the newcomers hand.
"The Sly Fox, at your service, Haunt. You will forgive sleeping beauty over there," Sly pointed his thumb at Deth's floating form, "But she has been through quite the recent ordeal. I assume that's why Milady Deth Aszicen perhaps forget to introduce herself...?"
Sly grinned wryly at her, but he didn't hide the warmth in his gaze either.
He then turned to Rebecca. "Now I don't know why Helsing called you Kate, or WHY you went along with it, put I would PLEASE like SOME answers to my questions? DO you still have that damned idol and was that man even your father?
Look, I'm going to fix Deth a drink... and when I'm done I would like some answers. Thank you!
Oh and Lobe it is Orange Juice of course for you... oh yeah and Neko I'm sure you want some milk, and Contact, Ivory, Lyle, Haunt and-- oh for Liberty's sake! When I am done I just want some ANSWERS!"
With that Sly stormed off to the back of the store, hoping to find a door to a kitchen and avoid looking like an a*s because he couldn't make a 'grand exit.' -
Hmmm. I am not amused.
We will be talking, Sly Fox-san
Deth touches the sign and it vanishes in to the Netherworld.
(PS They are not.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh really, Milady Deth? And just how, pre tell, would you know? -
Ok, it's fine and dandy to have a plethora of friends. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I go out of my way to "make friends and influence people..."
But I gotta say... don't these comms they give us at City Hall have an "away" feature? Maybe perhaps a "Busy fighting crime, leave a message so I don't have to answer you right away and die..."
In the time it takes for me to figure out how to switch to the channel whoever someone is calling me on, by glancing down at my belt control, I can get spread out like so much butter on bread by an eager Freak excited to show all his Freak Friends back home he landed a hero!
I mean, the voice-mail (e-mail) feature is great, but... I don't think even HALF my friends know it's there! And what, they can only leave me a voicemail when I'm asleep at my apartment? What's up with that? And why doesn't it even beep when I get one? I find I can go days without even checking the blasted thing...
And please don't tell me that you can honestly just ignore the pleading voice of your friend on the other line "Hey you there? Hey, you there? What are you up to? Hello? <sniff> What you hate me now? Is that it? I thought we were friends, man... I thought you CARED! How COULD YOU?? HOW COULD YOU!!!?????" ... ...
...ok well maybe that's a BIT over the top, but you get my point right? Either I answer my poor chum, or I look like a heel. Even if I just say "busy, can't talk" I'm still gonna get the attitude from them:
"Oh? Can't talk? Yet you just did now..? Hmmm?"
These Pencil Pushers programming for Paragon's Protectors have really got to get their minds wrapped around the fact that seconds mean life and death to us!
I don't know... maybe I should just "lose" my little comm/display... ask for a new one, and then not give out my number...
At least that way I'll stop getting those gods be d*m*ed telemarketers... I mean, how many subscriptions to the Perez Park Press do I need for Liberty's Sake...?
-Agitated in Atlas
The Sly Fox -
"Look, ahem... Rebecca. Why did your father die giving me that one idol in the first place? Was he EVEN your father? You seemed to get over the news pretty quick... PLUS, If all it does is open some kind of frickin' portal to a crazed prison with some psychotic kid demon, what was the point?
Oh... yeah... and it did make that wall disappear... oh, and it obviously USED to house Gideon, but not anymore... and... wait, let me start over...
Just WHAT are we supposed to do with it? Why did he-- hey... who has it?"
Sly looked around. He knew he should have been more careful with that thing... Did Rebecca still have it? He was at a loss, and his head was all jumbled, he pulled up a chair to rest for a second. -
Well for someone who just wants to goof around, play the game, and have their kind of fun, that's fine for them.
For someone like me, and perhaps you, we are RPers, and desire the most immersion we can get.
Names like this take AWAY from the immersion...
However, I like to find ways to get around this kind of thing. I often jest to my fellow RPers "Gee... so many heroes treat their jobs like a 'game.' They just want to arrest as many crooks as they can and gain a high security ranking... a shame they don't look at the big picture, eh?"
I also ponder if the hero running by named Hellf1end666 is perhaps just an alien... not attuned to our language and ways...
My favorite though is when I just look at it like this: Among the many heroes that run through Paragon, not all are good at paperwork... so when filling out their hero registration card form... they may have unintentionally entered in a typo...
After all, Super powers do NOT mean Super intellect... I think we can all attest to that! -
The Sly Fox
Level ?? Slick Ladies Man (or so he believes) and Ex-Con-Artist
He's Not Such A Bad Guy, Ladies Get to Know Him!
Virtue Server -
Sly grins at Lobe.
"Depends, my friend, on uhhh... if the bag in question... is made of BURLAP. That's what he meant."
He opened the door Ivory pointed out to him and bowed, sweeping his arm like a butler. "After you Milady Deth, Lobe, Contact, Ly-- ah hell let's get OUT of here!" -
The Sly Fox appreciates Voidchild's sense of control in not seeking him out and beating him to a bloody pulp...
...However he DOES suggest she "tell all her friends" to check it out! -
Ironycon... I'd love to have you bartend... but well, you won't scare them away with any "jokes," right?
Ad in the Perez Park Press
To All you Lovely Super Ladies Out There!
Tired of not getting respect? Tired of not being treated like the angels you are? Is no one telling you "gosh that jumpsuit really goes beautifully with your eyes?"
Well look no further! There is a new Super Group for you!
You can shine bright for all the world to see with the honor and recognition you so rightly deserve. Then, if you're tired from a hard day fighting crime, relax in our courtesy Jacuzzi... clothing optional!
If interested, contact The Sly Fox at 1-800-A-SLY-FOX and ask about this new Group of Defenders, entitled... The Harem*!
The lowest villain is appreciated, shouldn't you be too?
*DISCLAIMER - "The Harem" is not an official group sanctioned by Paragon City, The Sly Fox, or any other individual. As it is an "undercover" group no one will know you are actually a member. Also, as there is no "official uniform," it is recommended you "wear what you like." Special attention is credited to anyone who chooses the "no clothing" option while at the headquarters. Any similarities to The Sly Fox's own apartment and the aforementioned headquarters is strictly coincidence. Even if the address is the same. Only female super heroes may apply, and are subject to The Sly Fox misplacing and/or forgetting their phone number after the first "interview."
**Space is not, in fact, "limited." -
For all of you who love The Ascendant(TM), check out this product!
I warn you, this cereal is NOT available in stores! Pending a legal action against Ascendant's(TM) agent...
Ascendant O's!
Please do not circulate this information to anyone known as a "villain."
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!*
*disclaimer to all heroes* Do not believe anything a man named "Max" or another named "Saul" might tell you in regards to this produce, anything relating to The Ascendant(TM)... or, for that matter, any other venture these two may contact you about.
Please... TRUST me... -
As The Sly Fox I am always prepared for a person playing a female character to put me on "/ignore"
And that's just how The Sly Fox WOULD be treated often, so it's allllllll good!
I. (of I.)
I am a b*stard.
Women, I will hit on.
Easy money, I will collect.
Slaps in the face... I will receive.
I am a b*stard.
-The Sly Fox