Why do people continue will name blasphemy!!




Top 5 things I hate about PLayer Names
05. Misspelling the name - Fyrestarr, Deemon Chyldd etc
04. Unoriginality - Wolverines, Ben J. Grimms of the world unite
03. Not capitalizing the name - Hi my name is steel Hero!!!
02. Putting a period at the end of your name - Goofball.
01. Running the name together - CaptainDweeb, LadyNoname



Well for someone who just wants to goof around, play the game, and have their kind of fun, that's fine for them.

For someone like me, and perhaps you, we are RPers, and desire the most immersion we can get.

Names like this take AWAY from the immersion...

However, I like to find ways to get around this kind of thing. I often jest to my fellow RPers "Gee... so many heroes treat their jobs like a 'game.' They just want to arrest as many crooks as they can and gain a high security ranking... a shame they don't look at the big picture, eh?"

I also ponder if the hero running by named Hellf1end666 is perhaps just an alien... not attuned to our language and ways...

My favorite though is when I just look at it like this: Among the many heroes that run through Paragon, not all are good at paperwork... so when filling out their hero registration card form... they may have unintentionally entered in a typo...

After all, Super powers do NOT mean Super intellect... I think we can all attest to that!



After all, Super powers do NOT mean Super intellect.

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Ain't that the truth! I may be a part time super hero (just killing time until my application to the American Wrestling Federation gets approved), but at least I'm literate enough to spell my own name correctly!



Hey! I have a hero named GrayWolf that is my own pantheon's flagship hero! Now, because some other Doughnut-bitin' game-player took it, I had to resort to using a period! *Sniff*I-I just wanted my guy in the game! You guys are mean!(Runs away wailing)



Hey! I have a hero named GrayWolf that is my own pantheon's flagship hero! Now, because some other Doughnut-bitin' game-player took it, I had to resort to using a period! *Sniff*I-I just wanted my guy in the game! You guys are mean!(Runs away wailing)

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See, not even I know everything! There's also THAT example

<shakes his head, sadly>

Poor guy... want a hankie?

Hey, buck up little camper! At least you did that, and didn't do what the guy I stole "The Sly Fox" form did... he's WAY more unhappy than you! He was forced to choose only one name because I got their first, then rigged the form forcing him to choose among only a small selection of names.

If you want to feel better about the situation, look him up! The Pink Tutu...



Unfortunately, I was the victim of the length of the name length field. I had to mull over several options, but the unfortunate fact is, I ran the words together.

I had wanted Quantum Mechanic. It is one character too long. I thought about Quantum Mekanic, but that is just too dufus a misspell to really go with, though I played with the idea of making my character true name Dr. Mekanic and expain it away that way. I decided it was too immature.

QuantumMechanic also didn't sit well. I, too, dislike the running together of words. But I could not get the name to fit and I loved the name for a gravity/kinetics physicist with a high intellect and desire to experiment and research new things. I had to settle on QuantuMechanic, only because of the shared M in the last and first parts respectively.

Really disappointed with the name field length. Fifteen characters is really really small by computer name field standards (it is usually 35). I think 21 would have made a good field length and not been too long. Oh well.

Please don't judge me by the name I had to make work. Annoying as some are because of the run together, it is also sometimes the result of just not having any room to fit the name.



I, too, had to resort to period use to get the name I needed.



See...(wiping eyes)...now I feel better...*HONK!!!*(Hands damp hankie back to Sly Fox)...



I've a lot of sympathy for new people coming into this game... a lot of good hero names have already been scooped up and are sitting on alts never to be played.

I was overjoyed I got my name before someone else did, my character wouldnt be the same person without it.

Personally, I try my best to give people a chance... but I think its important to note that your name and costume are the first impression anyone gets about you, and pretty much the marker you'll be judged by initially. I wouldn't really balk at someone who's name runs together or who has a period, but I am a bit.. stand-offish to those that have variations of a common hero name (Batmaan, Spiderrrrman, Hulk 1000) or those who's names are offensive to me, (generally mysogony, "clever" spelling of swear words, other disgusting phrases.)

People seem to forget, or just don't realize that those words you type in the box float above your head for all time and are there for everyone to see.



See...(wiping eyes)...now I feel better...*HONK!!!*(Hands damp hankie back to Sly Fox)...

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No no... keep it...

And I agree with the offensive names, don't care for them in the least...

... but there was this character in Beta I saw. She looked like some kind of stripper, and she had the name "The G-Spot."

I'm sorry it might be wrong, but I couldn't stop laughing!