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  1. TheSlyFox

    Amnesia Epidemic

    It's all a matter of creativity. While an unknown past can work well for some, I think the major bone of contention here is the MYRIAD of bios that ALL say "His/Her Dark and Mysterious past is not known even to the few who know him!"

    You can usually tell when someone is being creative by including mystery and the unknown into their character... or when they didn't really care to do anything and decided to just say "Unknown past..."

    But that's STILL only first impression, if they turn out to totally surprise you in conversation, then excellent.

    Just saying that from experience, when I talk to someone with no bio, I get "Want hlp me bust thru a few lvls?? I got mad skillz! My fingers hurt from all the fast key pressing dud3!"

    That just makes Sly go, "When they find you, tell the boys in the white coats I didn't bring you in out of pity..." Silly heroes... why must these escaped mental patients always find me?

    Of course, I'll usually ALSO say if they seem offended "OOC: no thanks! I'm busy right now, but thanks all the same!"
  2. Thank you Void, love your work too! (and if I can hide the fact I try to read it from my boss better I'll be able to finish your's soon as well!!)

    I hope to finish Chapter 6 this weekend... it's in my head, but I haven't had time to flesh it out and get it down.

    If only the game wasn't so fun, it would be a lot easier to find time to write!
  3. Ah Tipsy... they're always after your lucky charms...
  4. TheSlyFox

    Amnesia Epidemic

    I'd buy yours if you'd buy mine!

    Yes excellent point. I don't discriminate on the size or detail of the origin, merely if it's THERE or not...

    And it's not ALWAYS proven true. I do know some quite excellent and fun RPers who have not gotten around to filling in that spot yet.

    There is always an exception to the rule. It's really only a "first impression" anyway.
  5. Impressive... so much mystery, so much to find OUT!
  6. Sly merely grinned.

    "I like the company I keep just fine. In fact, I'd go so far as to say because of it my image of "nobility" has gone up a few notches! But thanks for the concern, Red Starr, I'm touched!"

    Sly chuckled as he tipped his hat.

    "I'm willing to accept any type of concern, even if it's from a 'Boy Scout.' Why, if it wasn't for you guys, we'd have more competition!

    Just remember, comrade, we are on the same side," Sly concluded to the armored hero as he nodded to Contact.
  7. Sly turned from Deth's gaze for a second when he heard the crash and looked at Lobe. His heart went out to him when he expressed such regret at his unavoidable and involuntary reaction to distress.

    "Don't worry big guy, I'll pick up the tab." He said to him.

    He turned back to Deth. "Now, perhaps it's time to let our large friend have his desert, my lady."
  8. TheSlyFox

    Amnesia Epidemic

    The only thing that bugs me in this game is when I see a really interesting costume... a REALLY great name... and then, no origin.

    I actually choose who to talk to usually based on that fact alone.
  9. Aye I agree with the "military aspect" of the group... almost like a Super Hero "A" Team!

    And I think that everyone in the group should have some specific reason to hate the Rikti... or, they could even just want to study them more and that's why they joined up.

    I like the orphan idea, too. It's a good common factor. Sly is an orphan himself an can sympathize.

    My suggestion is... since I don't know the name, the group's ranking names could be.

    Foster (member)
    Adopted (captain)
    Artful Dodger (leader)

    Just a little thing off the top of my head, of course...

    If you wanted to ignore the orphan aspect of the group and focus on the Rikti military aspect, you could try...


    These last three I'm not REALLY happy about as I'm rushing to get back to work!
  10. "Taint" is good instead of ain't...

    hah... All I can think of is that Bungs Bunny cartoon with the police officer...

    "Aye, yah moight rabbit, yah moight..."
  11. Thankfully the missing money was counterfeit, as I used up all my real cash to tip the pizza guy... Sly smirked as he thought to himself.

    He could have sworn he hit Galactic... he must have as much practice as Sly ducking blows...

    In the back of his mind he knew he didn't actually HATE the man... he just wasn't allowed to do what he just did with the girl he just did it with, and something within Fox had gone on automatic pilot...

    He turned around and looked at Deth. "Sorry, but he had to learn only I'm allowed to talk to you that way..."

    He winked at her.
  12. I need to add one more thank you to this well deserved post:

    Thank you ladies, for wearing such revealing outfits I rarely need to use my imagination!
  13. After being forced to scrounge in his pockets for loose bills to "tip the man," and not knowing WHAT Contact would think when he saw the Pizza bill and Sly's phone number, Sly had been getting Deth a refresh on her drink in the kitchen.

    When he returned, wondering how he was going to clean up all this by himself... he saw Galactic Jack... with his hand... on... dessert!? ... Sly's eye twitched. When the belching began outside, he slowly took off his hat and placed his shades on the counter.

    Deth slapped Jack... Sly slowly walked towards him... Haunt said something... Sly walked around the counter... Rebecca finally answered his question, Sly walked up behind Deth towards Jack... Jack said something about manners, then turned around inches from Deth's face and said

    "So there's a demon inside ya? Don't suppose that's a figurative expression?"

    Sly placed a hand lightly on Deth's shoulder, and gently scooted her aside.

    He looked at Galactic Jack up and down... thought about it for just a second... and sucker-punched him square on his grinning jaw.

    Sly blinked... then looked around at everyone. Seeming to gain back his notice of the entire room, he saw the mouths open of a few of the heroes, and simply said, "What...?"
  14. Well one of my character's speaks with a brogue... especially in the beginning of Chapter 3, and a lot of Chapter 4... check it out if you want (in sig)

    And thank you for the compliment. The reason I don't write more is because I'm too busy playing the game! (Or trying to stay awake at work BECAUSE I've been playing the game!)

    The real trick is to make it look like an accent, but NOT make the text completely foreign to the eye. You have to remember people are reading it, so you can't ALWAYS spell it just like it would sound.

    I find the best way to do it, is say the sentence out loud as you type, in fix it so that, if someone didn't know an Irish accent, they would SOUND like that if they read the sentence, sounding out the spelling.

    Remember, as long as people see you speaking with things like "me" instead of my and perhaps "moight" and "Foight" instead of might and fight, and your name is Blarney Stone, they'll get the character.
  15. Well that explains it... my BA in Acting is as liberal as you can get!
  16. Wow... you actually have coherent memories of college??
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    See...(wiping eyes) I feel better...*HONK!!!*(Hands damp hankie back to Sly Fox)...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No no... keep it...

    And I agree with the offensive names, don't care for them in the least...

    ... but there was this character in Beta I saw. She looked like some kind of stripper, and she had the name "The G-Spot."

    I'm sorry it might be wrong, but I couldn't stop laughing!
  18. Go on a week-long drinking binge consuming nothing but Guinness and stout, and after that you will have a perfect reference point for the Irish, how they talk, and they're outlook on life...

  19. TheSlyFox

    RP hangout

    Magic shops are buildings in Paragon that you can enter anytime, that cater to your enhancement needs if you are of magical origin... Steel Canyon has Pandora's Box north of the hospital, and Talos Island has Tabitha's in the north east corner of the main island.

    There are also shops for each origin scattered throughout the zones.

    The roof idea could work, but you are right in that it would exclude low levels, and I've recently met some of the best role-players "just starting out..."

    There's just something about meeting people in the dark recesses of a shop with books and artifacts everywhere... Plus since each one is a brick building then they should be easy to find from above!

    However, if we ended up getting a large turn out... the space isn't so good in there, and I'm not worried about disrupting people with role-playing, but getting in there way from entering and approaching a salesman!

    So, perhaps a large building in Atlas is out only choice... but WHERE!!??
  20. Rebecca, still avoiding direct answers it seemed, merely looked at Sly as he passed out drinks...

    Fox began to even wonder if this was the TRUE, original, Rebecca Morningstar that the old man had mentioned. Perhaps this was someone using her name? He filed that suspicion away for later examination. Whoever she was, Ivory knew her before all this, and he recognised her on site. Sly would have to be careful what he said from now on...

    Fox was sad to see Contact go, and almost wanted to duck out himself. He had been through so much of this "idol mystic adventure," he sensed the headache beginning right behind his eyes...

    However, Deth was obviously resting, and he wasn't going to follow Contact's lead with his friends about to face Outcasts anyway.

    Plus... with the appearance of Galactic Jack, whom Sly DID recognize (he always kept tabs on competition), he wasn't even ABOUT to leave Deth floating with her eyes shut in a corner...
  21. I'm sorry, I just don't understand why anyone should kow tow to anyone else's desires. If a guy wanted to run around yelling in broadcast that he was going to fight to the death and win all the fair maiden's hearts, then have a conversation about it with someone, I would laugh.

    If someone did something to annoy me, I would ignore. I just wouldn't ask THEM to not roleplay wherever I don't want them to.

    It's a two way street. If I'm someone who wants total immersion, then I wouldn't like all the broadcast messages OUT of character. But I'm not going to say to anyone "Hey, would you please say 'I am looking for a team of like minded heroes to join up and battle evil' instead of 'lvl 15 controller lft!!'..."

    That would be WRONG of me. It's not my place to even ASK anyone else to "roleplay to a certain degree." So why should it be someone else's place to ask someone to NOT roleplay however they darn well choose?

    Personally, I don't mind any type of chatter on any channel. If it's strictly "I'm in a game" chatter, or if it's roleplay. However someone wants to go about their business is fine by me.

    If we all learned to accept people for who they are the world would be a better place!

    Ok, that last statement was too cheezy...

    gets down off his soapbox...
  22. I like that idea... and I miss the sperate "origin" forum, STRICTLY for single writers (no roleplay interaction) origins...

    The reason things get burried is why I put my origin in my sig anyway!
  23. TheSlyFox

    RP hangout

    I was actually thinking about this... one of the magic shops perhaps? Nice ambiance right? Maybe each magic shop in each zone? I dunno... thoughts?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Aye, all right, so he insulted the fine name of roleplaying and it managed to make everyone angry.

    He still has a point, and that point is common courtesy. Local shows up on everyone's lower window in a default setup, and that window gets a person's focus quite easily. If a random someone comes along and fills that window full of repetitive commentary, that isn't necessarily a nice thing.

    So sure, be mindful that everyone plays different, and that its easy enough to ignore someone who bothers ye, but the lesson YE should take away from it is to always consider your audience, and situation. Spamming local with repetitive phrases next to a trainer for instance, whilst people nearby look for a group, or are greeting each other (in RP style or not) is not a nice thing to do, in character or otherwise.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Common courtesy is a must, and I agree with you there... but, well... I am of the mind that if someone was doing that to ME, and I was really annoyed (Highly doubtful if they were IC, but NEVER say never! ) I would simply ignore them.

    I guess I'm just easily accommodating that way though... I wouldn't ask them to change or stop. I would just ignore em, plain and simple...

    But another point, and only IN the example used perhaps, the 'toon in question sounded like a robot... and IC a robot WOULD repeat the same thing over and over and over again...

    Just a thought...
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    I have a toggle bind of 75 different phrases set up to use with taunt. It's mapped to the local channel. Why? Because I'm not taunting my team, that's why! I'm taunting the frigging target...

    Anyway, I stand with the majority here. That kind of stuff is what the local channel is for...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A "toggle" bind curveball?? You mean everytime you press one key you cycle through 1 of a few choices? How the HECK do I set THAT up!!???

    Maybe I'll check that bind post... but that would STELLER! Let me know if you get this how you did that... Thanks!