272 -
As the mortificator raises his cleaver, Deth suddenly transports behind the Mort. Before the confused undead butcher is able to figure out what happened, she manages to land a blow that knocks off the head, and the body slumps to the ground.
Not phased (and obviously in control judging by her quick actions) by the sudden teleport since she posses the power herself, Deth glances around, and sees a white gloved arm reaching out from under the fallen old man.
"Looks like it was my chance to return the previous favor," a muffled voice shouts.
With some care, Sly moves out form under the gentleman, winks at Deth from across the field, and checks the old man's pulse.
"He's dead!" The controller shouts to his fellow heroes. "Perhaps this trinket is important!" Stuffing the small golden statue into a hidden pocket of his suit, he turns to see Deth already back in the action. Scanning the crowd, the Eidolon is burning to a cinder, the few remaining zombies are scattering to the four winds, and the Damned looks to be the only real threat left... and unfortunately is staring right at Fox!
"Easy now, hell fiend... that's a good damned... oh S***... this is why I always say attack the boss FIRST!"
"Darkwing Duck freak!" the Flaming thug shouts as he unleashes an eruption of fire at the hapless hero, but Sly manages to jump and hover to avoid the blast. With a quick flash of light the Damned is blinded, and Sly drops down to begin pummeling him with his unhurt arm and giving him as much spectral damage as his waning endurance will allow.
"Must I teach you... a second time... that if you play with fire... you are going to get BURNED!!??" with a last groan the Damned topples forward, and Sly almost kneels immediately, attempting to rest in the mopping up battle that the troupe are dishing out to the remaining foes... -
"I've never prayed to be... saved by... 'Deth.'" Sly grimaces as he yanks the bolt from his shoulder, "Looks like you never know what will happen when you wake... up in the morning." Holding his shoulder, he leans forward and a flash of light blasts the Eidolon who clutches his head in agony, unable to see a thing. "Looks like me and the Pale wizard share certain... enjoyments..." Sly nods to the man, and then disappears before an abomination can lay a decaying hand on him.
Meanwhile, the old man who was originally attacked sits in the mist of the fray, unable to move and run because of the paralyzed fear. Another abomination reaches him, just as the blinded Eidolon cries out "Do not looooshhe the idol!" The sickening creature reaches up to pound the shivering man, but as the strike is about to connect, the red controller appears in front of the gentleman, and pushes the abomination away with a gale of air, knocking down three other minions lurching towards the pair in it's wake.
"The fighting seems to be in the control of my colleagues at the moment, sir," Sly says as he kneels to the senior. "Now please enlighten me as to why so much stinking scum want to be your best friend? Are they moochers?"
The man, watching the confusion around him, seems unable to comprehend Sly's almost carefree demeanor. But he appears to makes a decision. "Here," he says, reaching from under his jacket and thrusting a golden object into Sly's arms. "you must take this to my daughter, she's in Steel Canyon, Rebecca Morningstar, you can find her--"
But the gentleman is cut short by a cadaver's blast of bile in the face! Sly wheels and hovers up, blinding the cadaver, and then teleports the prone figure he had been talking to into his arms.
"Just great," he gasps, "The old fool is heavier than a Dancing Disney Hippopotamus!"
With this last quip Sly crashes to the ground, the man on top of him, hoping the rest of the band are finishing the job... -
"Sorry... about... the... PULP!" Sly strained to say as he was wrestling with the two Hellions. "That's it... enough... fighting 'fare!'" With a blast of air the two thugs fly from his body, barrelling into the two appraoching cadavers and knocking one's arm off.
"Oooo... does someone require new stiching? Looks like these guys don't even have the right to bare arms!" Laughing like a crazed game show host, the masked Fox does not seem to see the Damned snarl in his direction and raise his fists, but before the blast of fire can be unleashed, Sly suddenly disappears!
"Arrruuggg--huh? Where'd that slimey trickster go?" The Damned growls, perplexed, as the Heroes around seemed to be making short work of his minions.
"ahem..." A throat clears behind the Boss, spinning him around. "I think perhaps you hurt yourself..." With a sharp downcut of his arm Sly brings the Damned to his knees, screaming in agony at the damage he is convinced he has...
"Oh come on, I didn't even touch you!" he winks to Neko, who has just recovered from the blast she received and was racing to attack the Demented Leader... "Would you be so kind as to procede with your furry flurry?"
Just then a bolt pierces Sly's shoulder and sends him to his knees... "My word," he says through clenched teeth. "I hate the undead... no... sense of humor..." He turns his head to see a mortification dropping it's bow and pulling out a cleaver, charging right towards him.... -
Sly gets a concerned look on his face. He motions with is hands and teleports a carton of milk in one, a glass in the other. Pouring a glass he reaches his hand into the darkness, where it's taken from his grasp.
"Are you alright, Neko Law? Revealing yourself wasn't so painful to me," he says with a wry grin, "I'm surprised it seemed to cause you so much discomfort. And... ahem... my past with officers of the law is exactly that, the past... although I'm sure one or two beat cops would like to ask me a few questions if they saw me out of my current-" He strikes an extremely cliche heroic pose "-dashing attire. Why,-- oh dear..."
Sly is looking off in the distance, it seems a bunch of Hellions and a Damned are surrounding an older gentleman... something must be up to see a leader of that stature outside with his "boys" in Atlas...
"Better finish that milk quick, Neko Law." With a flash Sly teleports off to the thugs location. -
Sly chuckles...
"Forgive me, m'lady. You'll have to use smaller words. I am a known simpleton..." he shrugs, but his display of modesty dissolves in a sly grin.
"However, speaking as a 'mere mortal,' I am intrigued by whatever entities one such as yourself should refer to as 'masters.' Your bearing and, ahem... quite striking (and may I say) alluring appearance suggests meeting such beings as that would be quite the auspicious occasion."
Sly returns her gaze. "At least not everyone is cursed by the Circle's aforementioned, 'shortcomings?'"
A quick wink is all he uses to finish his playful rebuttal. But he breaks the banter for a bit to look around. "Where did out former acquaintances go? I was going to get a saucer of milk for Miss Neko..." -
LOL! It's like an old bugs bunny cartoon!!
teleports Dieter behind the monkey, ready to /tell him to say "Monkey, come here! Touch my monkey! Love him!" ... that should shame the simian enough to lose his appetite!
Oh you are a riot Zelgaids! An absolute riot.
teleports a banana cream pie behind his back ready to toss it... -
"I disagree, m'lady," a voice speaks from the surrounding air. "Circle of Thorns don't seem to have much of a 'rear' under those robes. Well, one to kick anyway. I find it's best to call those Life Mages 'Crazed Monks in desperate need of Rogaine' until they explode from anger."
A grinning fool materializes next to the group that has formed.
"By the way, nice hat, Lady Aszicen," he says as he tips his own.
Reaching up he suddenly teleports a carton (with a familiar logo on the front) and tosses it to Lope.
"Here's that OJ you were asking for, Lope. Still cold, by my guess. How is everyone this fine morning?" He chuckles for a moment and looks down, hiding his face under his hat. Looking back up, he pulls his sunglasses down, winks at the two woman, grins at Lope and the newly arrived wizzard, and bows sweeping his leg and arm out.
"Forgive me. An old habit of remaining anonymous left me with no introduction. Plus I assume everyone just knows who I am!I am The Sly Fox, but you can call me your "lucky day!"
Pleased to meet you all."
I'm not sure how it happened, but you people have given me 5 stars!! I just want to say I am deeply touched and grateful, and it almost makes it worth the wait to post on these boards while I wait for the retail to arrive! I'm going to get right on posting The Sly Fox's full story right away!
Look for me on Virtue in the near future, and thanks to EVERYONE who voted on my rating again. You guys are almost as wonderful as I am!(j/k...)
-The Sly Fox -
RP on the forums. There's an unofficial Virtue server forum in the works right now, and when it comes up, RPing there will be a great way to meet other RPers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like an excellent plan! Can't wait for that...
I think that it would be great to have some kind of unofficial meeting area in a few of the zones too. Someplace that RPers could hang out, shoot the breeze, join like-minded teams... that kind of thing...
You know what I'm really excited for? I "heard" that one day Super Groups would be allowed to "buy" buildings and convert them to Fortresses, of Super Hero Bases of Operation... now THAT is true to the comic book veign and something I will definitely keep an eye out for... -
Yeah... I thought it odd.... they seemed pretty BIG for kids... maybe there's something in King's Row water...
(( *knows she's a cat, she likes the warmth, and it's SPF 100... can't go wrong there!* ))
I took a unite of lvl 7+ characters into a lvl 12 mission1 Every corner had about 2 lvl 12 princes, 6 Cogs, 3 Knights, and SKULLS! It took us about an hour, with a few deaths aside, we beat the mission. Gotta Love, 2 tankers in the front and a good (Person that knows what they're doing) healer.
[/ QUOTE ]
For me, good healers are like cops:
Healing me in Atlas when I'm standing there trying to chat Ms. Liberty up...
...and then when I'm searching desperately for one in Steel City as I get pummeled by 5th Column...
...never around when I need one! -
Virtue, eh? I'll try and get together a good character for that. Anyone I should watch out for?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there's me, and of course, Yankee Daring
But I'm not saying he's a kill stealer... oh no! I'm just telling you who to "watch out for" like you asked...
He's more like... what's that joke? Where does a 300lb Gorilla sleep? Anywhere he wants... yeah... that's about right... -
Question regarding etiquette (I figure RPers are probably the best to ask). I know a lot of folks get angry about the whole Kill-Stealing business, so I always ask if someone needs help before jumping in... on offense. My character is strongly bound to helping people however, and I often heal a player that looks like they are having difficulty if I happen upon them. Is that considered bad etiquette as well?
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually. I'm in it all for myself. If I see a hero battling away at a villain and let's say I need that type of villain to complete my mission... tough luck, my friend! The Sly Fox waits for no man! Of course, if it's a lady... well...
Oh... and also if it's Yankee Daring's kill...
...Hey, I'm sly, but I'm not STUPID! -
What bothers me is the RUSH... So many recently arrived Heroes at Paragon form a random group, catch me into the hustle and bustle (How can I say no to fast experience?
) and then run around not really paying attention to "Wait a sec! I need to rest." Or "Don't rush in, pull a few to us!! AGGRO AGGRO!!! AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH-----"
When will these heroes learn it's not a RACE!
And if they aren't rushing around trying to level up, they are asking the female characters to disrobe!
Disgraceful... ... ...
they should know better... ... ...
you should at LEAST buy them [/b]DINNER first and get a few drinks in them...
:sigh: young heroes today... -
The Sly Fox
[b]Controller : Illusion : Storm Summoning[b]
Click the link below for the ID short bio! -
"Sly, Sly, Sly... what can I say? You're underhanded, morally depraved, and about as shifty as they come. In fact, I remember our last encounter. How's the limp?"
--Frost Girl
"You have to understand something about the Fox. He may seem to only be after his own interests, and he may seem to be a chauvinistic pig, and he may seem to be totally inept when it comes to actual human compassion, and he may seem to be a sleazy little... wait, what was my point?"
--The Public Defender
"Sly Fox... deserves your respect. Bow before the... Sly Fox! Obey his every command!! And ladies, he's not such a bad guy, get to know him. He is... (what's this word?) umm, gen-er-ous to all little kiddies and puppies alike. There, I read it. Where is he? I want my two dollars!"
The Misbegotten Mercenary
"I was zipping along Industrial Way, right? When all of a sudden I see this woman being robbed. Unfortunately, there was like, um, you know... NO official record of what was going on, right? So I take a few seconds to grab a tourist with a camera and rush him over there, and try to save the day. And what do I find out? The mugger turns around and whips out a hat and it's him!!!! Sly Fox had been having me tailed and had staged the WHOLE THING! And the "tourist" in the area I had picked up was an undercover reporter! I mean, my career was ruined!!
It's not fare! Sure I didn't save the woman RIGHT away, but I got super SPEED for liberty's sake! I only wanted some recognition I thought I was due. It makes the other foes tremble a bit more! What right does that hopped-up-Zorro-looking CLOWN have to judge me! And besides, he put so much effort into ruining me, shouldn't he have been protecting the streets with his time? I'm gonna sue him for defamation of character...
This is worse than when I got vomit all over my brand new flame detailed boots when I was forced to do a mission with that Yankee Daring. Why do bad things always happen to good people, huh?"
--The Magnificent Speed Demon
"He's a shifty character. And he doesn't get along with his fellow heroes, I know that. But deep down, I know he's got a heart. You know, like that 'little trap' in those old Chaplin flicks? He's a rascal, but with a heart of gold. The only difference is, Sly Fox stole his heart of gold... and he's probably about to pawn it later to buy a snazzy new belt..."
--Prophetic Priest
"He told me I looked FAT! Can you believe that? In THESE pants?? I stitched them together my self for Dolly Madison's sake! Know how long it takes to stitch leather? No? Well let me tell you something, Mr. Man, I-
--The GQ Guru, Member of The Rainbow League
"Query: Who is Sly Fox.
Answer: Not a reputable Hero.
Elaboration: Switched main logic processor in memory bank 1 with 'Nick Blasty's Dirty Limericks, Vol. 1-10.'
Reason: Unfathomable. Perhaps should not have turned on laugh synthesizer when subject originally said <click, recording activated> 'Call me Sly Fox! Woman want me and men want to BE me!' <end recording, click>
Self Query: Explain meaning of 'Nantucket' and why so many females come from said area with odd names and questionable behavior."
--Q-X ThreeFour, Robot Resurrector
"All I know is, I don't borrow another guy's Super-mobile, go for a joy-ride, and return it with a big dent in the side and a used condom in the back seat. Not to mention that stain of god knows what on the floor! If you ask me, that 'Darkwing Duck' of a superhero better not come across ME in a dark alley at night... wait, did that sound too harsh? Maybe it was my fault. I shouldn't have enabled him, I know...
--The Sponsor, Looking to bring understanding and empathy to all misunderstood heroes of Paragon. Call 1-800-HE-CARES.
*five dollars the first minute, one dollar each additional minute*
"I remember me and Sly were working this child abduction case. And it turned out the villain behind it all, Mr. Label, was taking mostly orphans and brainwashing them to pick pockets for him and fund his plans for some kind of evil boy band... well, right off I knew Sly would find SOME way to profit off it before he shut the Sarge down.
Funny thing though... Sly finds out the kids are pick pocketing, he rushes right off and confronts Mr. Label and his Sync-a-pators all by himself. By the time I finally get there, his teen star goons are all walking around in a daze clutching at their throats not be able to utter a sound. Label is tied to a chair and his eyes are taped open Clockwork Orange style. He's being forced to watch American Idol episodes NON-STOP, tears leaking out of the *******'s eyes... and Sly was gone! I was left to tell the authorities what was up and got all the credit.
Those orphan kids were also all rounded up, told to stay off the streets and out of crime, and each of 'em received money to go to a private school AWAY from the city... they never found out who made the sizeable donations either. Only I knew, I guess.
I can't imagine what Sly's childhood must have been like, but for him to give up money AND influence at the same time? Huh...
--Detective Danger -
"Look, all I know is, Sly Fox is gonna get his *** whooped. I mean, Yankee Daring is gonna KILL him. Its bad enough that crazy drunken bast*rd has that d*mn Statesman complex, now that theyre doing this piece on Sly Fox, Yankee has one more hero to hate. Hes stealing his SPOTLIGHT, ya know? I mean, dont get me wrong, I hate that inebriated son-of-a-b oh Hi Yankee I was just---
<We are experiencing Technical Difficulties. Well Be Right Back!
--The Late Sgt. Canary, Rest In Pieces
Yo-daddy-o, Sly man, he knows his groove, ya dig? He one fine cat, I mean fox! He FOXXY! Yeah but he steal didnt give me a dollah. Hey, you got a dollah?
--The Broke Beatnik
Ace and I love Sly. And I do mean LOVE! What? Why is everyone looking at me like that ? Anyway, even though he never comes over to our pad to play twister, he still always sends his regrets. Plus, he was kind enough to offer his services as our PR Representative. It may be expensive, but with our new image its worth every penny. He even designed our roadster for us. He said cars that look like a long, hot rocket are IN. Thats right, no ones looking at Ace and me funny now, right? What?
--Gary, of The Duo
--The Tick
I teach Sly Fox many things. I not teach him how to unclasp ladys bra, though. He learn all by himself!
--Yu Won, Master Sensei
You want to know about The Sly Fox? He embodies all that is good and right in the world. A paragon, if you will, of all the heroes who have come and gone. After watching him in action, I wake up in the morning with a light heart and general feeling of nausea, but thats only because my stomach doesnt handle those snail thingys that the French eat. What has that got to do with anything? You tell me chum, YOU TELL ME!
--The Tick
Oh yes Sly Fox is my kind of man. He reminds me everyday why I hate men.
--Lucky Lesbian
Hssssssssshhhhhh Sly Fooooxxxxxxx took my breath mask wont give back says I need to learn to breath hhssssshh on my own Need lawyer
--Asthmatic Avenger
When I recall the origin of Sly Fox, and what it means to all us heroes out there, Im reminded that if you are looking to make your mark with an original name and attitude, just look to good old Sly. Hes the perfect example of what road not to take.
--Infinitum, Alien Hero from Xixijiz
HA! Sly Fox and I had some mad dog times, Im telling you. We would raid the farm every spring, and laugh and laugh. Old farmer McGregor would chase us through the henhouse, but good old Sly always knew how to out think him! You know, people said we were the original odd couple! Man, good old Sly**
--The Hound (now retired and living at Shady Hill Hero Retirement Community)
**note: The Sly Fox has denied any knowledge of The Hound or anything he, quote spews from his drooling, lagging maw
He stole my name! I told the crafty weasel I was gonna call myself the Sly Fox, and he went and reserved my name at the hero registry! The only thing that wasnt taken was THIS!! That Darn Sly Fox!
--Pink Tutu
He solved the Anselmo Peterascky case but the punk got away. If only Sly had thought to not give the guy that key to his handcuffs. And the map to our base. And that list of who was on guard duty that night and where we would be. And the security codes to the system. Ah well, no ones perfect right? At least Sly got paid before the crook broke out. Plus, that wonderful Fox has offered to catch Anselmo for us again! And he even offered to give us a discount this time! What a guy!
--The Believer, Member of The League of Gullible Gents
I was on a team with Sly last year. That is, he told me it was a team, and that the 'T in team really meant 'two.' Regardless, the mission we were on certainly was interesting. What was that again? Oh yeah, 'Stop Empty Penthouse from being Ransacked by Clockwork while Owner Was Away but Do Not Tell Anyone and Wear Something Sexy.' You know, looking back on it now, he sure pulled the wool over my eyes! And my dress too
--Lady Bombshell
All he did was praise me. Everywhere I went, he was bowing and scraping. FINALLY I yelled at him to beat it. It wasnt until I was in the sewer that I discovered my utility belt was missing. I found it on the Pawn Shop a week later. I had to BUY it back! Can you believe that? He had even scratched my name out so I couldnt prove it was mine! But you know, after all that, Fox was just so clever, I just gotta say IF I EVER SEE THAT RED MUT AGAIN I WILL KILL HIM!!
--Trevor Watchful the Un-Violent
Have you ever seen a hero with Illusion Powers and Storm Summoning never once lift a finger during a fight, and then somehow walk away on the backs of the citizens with all your influence and a sly grin on is face? No? Ah heres Sly Foxs pager number. Give him a call, kay?
--Bitter Boy
Hes really not such a bad guy. Ladies, get to know him!
--The Anonymous Hero, Battle Cry: Trust me Im not the Sly Fox. I mean it! Honestly! -
"Ok, you all know me. I'm not your average dumb villain, yeah? In fact, I'd go so far as to say I'm one of those "3-dimensional" types you can sympathize with and are secretly rooting for to win, right? Well then explain to me how a hero can manage to foil my plan to hypnotize the world leaders, and STILL manage to find the time to steal off with my lovely assistant and pull my pants down around my ankles?? And what was the TV crew doing there ANYway? IT WAS COLD IN THERE!!!
--Mezmorazmo the Sympathetic
"Brains... Mmmmm want brains... Sllllyyyy FOX... he trick me... then he say... me no... have brain... hurt feelings... much crying... want brains... Mm... ... <sniff>
--Unidentified Weeping Zombie
"As I conjecture on who Sly Fox really is, I'm fascinated by the obvious flaws to his character, namely, his penchant for gaining confidence and his robin hood complex... plus, he's just a BIG JERK who fooled ME , of all people, into thinking he was my accountant! Took ALL my Mind Ray Fund money too... big... meany...
--Big Brain the Articulate Arch Enemy
"Ok, this one time Sly and I are going at it. Me trying to analyze his weaknesses with my mind twang, and him dodging and weaving shooting insults at me every chance he gets. Well, he got me steamed so I called him a 'Sissy Zorro!' So then, he blinds me and knocks me down with some wind or something, ok? And here I am thinking, that's it here comes the pummeling... but what does he do?
It's real quite, and I hear his voice up above me go 'Do you think I really look Zorro?' Like he's concerned or something. And you know, I could really feel the hurt in his voice, so I said 'Nah, I was just trying to rattle ya. You are totally original, Sly!'
Geez... I guess even that confident, egotistical, Zorro-look-alike's got problems...
--Mr. Problems, Psychic Shrink (catch phrase: TELL ME ABOUT YOUR MOTHER!!)
"Sly has been a thorn in my side from day ONE! And he's so fricken literal! I told him that he was a thorn in my side once, and what does he do? He steps on my tail, and he sticks a thorn in my side! It hurt, that thorn in my side, you know? I couldn't get that thorn (that was in my side, ya know?) out! All he could do was laugh, while I was complaining again and again about how painful the thorn in my side was! I don't like his sense of humor...
--Robert the Redundant Rodent
"He stole my golden rooster once... I was gonna use it to conjure up HeeHaw, the Donkey Demon... and reign terror on all farmers everywhere... but he stole it... however, while he was running away laughing with it under his arm, he tripped! He ACTUALLY tripped. I couldn't believe my luck! So as Cletus and John-Boy brought him back to me, I just guffawed and said 'Who's so sly now??' You know what he did? He started to cry. Right there, in front of me...
Well gee, I never seen a grown man cry before... and then he goes 'Are you gonna make me squeal like a pig...?' And you know, that just pisses me OFF! Just because I'm from the South does not make me a SODAMNIST! Gad-DAMN I hate that movie Deliverance... anyway, he just disgusted me so much I told my two goons to let him go. They protested but I cut them off and said 'Sly... just... get OUT...'
It was five minutes later, when I finally allowed Cletus to speak, that I heard 'Gee bosh, why ya go and let the Fox take the gold roosty too?'"
--Fred the Fraudulent Farmer
"He got me a pony! So I stopped my robot army and gave him da codes. I got a PONY NOW! Weeeeeeeee!"
--Baby Genius, Evil Toddler
"That Sly Fox, he was just so good with kids, ya' know? I guess that's what attracted me to him. Well, that, and the fact that he got me way drunk first..."
--Nubile Nanny, Baby Genius' chief lieutenant
"Your puny planet is no match for Zorg! Zorg kill you all once Zorg get out of prison. Sly Fox will die for saying Zorg not have proper Green Card and leading Zorg to prison! RRAAARRGGGHHHHH!!!"
--Emperor Zorg, leader of Zorgia and Immigrant Alien
"Si, that Sly Fox ees a muy disimulado tipo. He not only broke the Tortilla Machine of Doom, he called me a lazy, no good hack who wouldn't know a decent Mexicano if they walked up to me and spat in my face! I way more Mexicano than any hombre I know! Just look at my nombre!!"
--The Great Gringo Gonzalez .... or as he's known to others...
"Gringo the Hypocritical" -
"I was working the night shift at the shop when a bunch of hopped-up Hellions burst through the door and demanded I give over my goods. Before I could work something out, this guy wearing a red Duster, mask, and eye-straining outfit to match appeared out of nowhere! 'I'm The Sly Fox,' he laughed, 'And you delinquents have stolen your last buck!' I knew the day was saved, heroes gotta save everyone, right?
So I laughed at the punks and told 'em to all go <colorful language> themselves! The masked dude took them all on at once!! The fight was on, man! I've never seen such a beating... I swear... and I thanked that hero from the bottom of my heart once we were both in the hospital sharing beds next to each other.
Of course, he still owes me for my medical bills, but I never saw that Sly Fox again. Guess he had other people to ummm... "save" ...
--Pop, owner of The Do-evil's Ma & Pop Shop in Steel Canyon
"Dat theif! He asked me if I wanted protet-tion, den when a bunch uv thugs walk up, he pays dem 50 smackers to go away. He den turns around and charges ME tree-fitty! Tree hunnerd fitty dollahs!! In-ci-dent-al fees, he calls 'em. Was I smoked! Dat Sly Fox is whack!"
--Leroy "Tree-fitty" Brown, local scrag-dealer
Sly who ?
--Bob the Burly, Arch minion
"Oh that Fox. We wrestled all night on top of Atlas! Every time I tried to tell him I had a headache, he would say something like "Can't take it? So, you're NOT the Queen of the Dark? Just a handmaiden maybe? Hmmm?"
Well I couldn't just let him get away with that, COULD I?? Honestly, the King of the Dark won't mind... it's not like I EVER see him anymore. He's too busy with his 'mid-life-world-crisis' anyway. Besides, he has a very small death ray, you get me? Sly, if you're listening, call me?"
--Queen of the Dark Seat of Evil and Lots of Other Really Nasty Stuff
"He's only trying to be as cool as Yankee Daring. And he is not!! He's just a shiffty snoop who conned me out of my golden pistols! Paragon City Villain Pistol Inspector my ass
--Fools Gold Shooter, Supervillain
Sly Fox?
--Bob the Burly, Arch minion
Me and the gang were cracking this safe, when this voice tells me You dont need to see whats inside the safe. Its not the safe youre looking for. It can go about its safe business. Move along. That gets me all confused, right? So after I get into a fight with my boys about how Star Wars quotes are overdone, we turn to finish the job and the safe is open and the money gone! All thats left is some monopoly $$ with the note:
'You guys are as weak as the prequels. Go buy yourself an Ewok Plush Toy. -With love, The Sly Fox'
I hate him! I hate him so MUCH! **** that George Lucas!! ...oh and the Fox ticked me off too
--Pick, member of The Crazy Crackers
Oh the shady guy? Red clothes? Wit da hat? What about him?
--Bob the Burly, Arch minion
I dont know why everyone calls him a thief. I mean, hes a hero. He cant be a thief. Hes never stolen anything in his life, and he conducts his heroics in an honorly and upright manner. And whats this talk about him trying to be like Yankee Darling? I dont see that. You think he would really steal another heroes M.O.? Come on now
--Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire, Compulsive villain
Oh tay let me get dis straight. You intaviewing about dis Sly Fox guy. Ok, like the Yankee Daring piece I did before. You nevah aired dat, you know. I told my mom I was gonna be on TV and EVERY ting! Oh yeah? <beep> you! OH YEAH!! YOU-------- **LOST TRANSMISSION**
--Bob the Burly, Arch minion -
...Here's a taste of The Sly Fox's origin. I hope to post the full length version soon...
One time pick-pocket and small time con artist, Sylvester Trotter (or "Foxtrot as he was known to his frien-well, lets just say as he was known ) had no idea what he had managed to get is hands on when he lifted a small jewel off of a visiting Sorcerer in Freedom Plaza. When he swallowed the mystic gem to avoid getting caught red-handed by the police, he changed his life forever. The stolen relic seemed to fuse with his body, and suddenly the young Trotter felt imbued with powers he had never thought to achieve.
At first thinking these powers could help him get rich quick, he began using his illusionary techniques and storm summoning abilities to save rich people and gain their trust and access to their pockets (and in some ladies cases, their beds).
However when he accidentally put an elderly mark in the hospital after losing control of a gale he was going to save him from, Sylvester realized he couldnt continue down this path and succeed. He decided to seek his fame by going legit, as it were. He readjusted his old nickname, donned an old borrowed red duster, and became The Sly Fox. He could only save people now, and hopefully be respected doing it. Respect meant fame, fortune, and women!
All he can do now is try to overcome his penchant for getting into trouble and hope he never passes the mystical stone.
...Hope to see you in Paragon!
What HEROES are Saying about The Sly Fox...
What Villains are Saying about The Sly Fox...