A Huge thank you to everyone out there!




I'm not sure how it happened, but you people have given me 5 stars!! I just want to say I am deeply touched and grateful, and it almost makes it worth the wait to post on these boards while I wait for the retail to arrive! I'm going to get right on posting The Sly Fox's full story right away!

Look for me on Virtue in the near future, and thanks to EVERYONE who voted on my rating again. You guys are almost as wonderful as I am! (j/k...)

-The Sly Fox



QUICK! Everyone rate him one star to lower his rating! jk



Oh you are a riot Zelgaids! An absolute riot.

teleports a banana cream pie behind his back ready to toss it...



Oh you are a riot Zelgaids! An absolute riot.

teleports a banana cream pie behind his back ready to toss it...

[/ QUOTE ]
A banana cream pie eh.......what can I "teleport" to beat that.......THATS IT!....
"Teleports" a monkey behind TheSlyFox's back and gets ready to launch it.



LOL! It's like an old bugs bunny cartoon!!

teleports Dieter behind the monkey, ready to /tell him to say "Monkey, come here! Touch my monkey! Love him!" ... that should shame the simian enough to lose his appetite!