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  1. The questions that come to mind are:
    Is she going to be a teenager or an adult?

    If this is gonna be a replacement for Smallville is it about Raven's life on Azarath?

    If its based on Earth are they going to mention she's from Azarath? Or retcon her origins to Earth-only and make her the standard gloomy girl that uses sorcery to fight stuff?

    To be honest though the more I think about it the more I can't see how it could be different from watching Buffy, Charmed or Supernatural and can Raven really carry an entire show by herself? She seems to work the best with the Titans.

  2. http://twitchfilm.com/news/2010/12/m...us-trailer.php

    They made a sequel to Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus!
    ...But with Steve Urkel instead of the Renegade.
  3. Talia_Rayvyn


    That's a lot of kitty right there.
  4. Happy Birthday! I remember you mentioning that you liked "Rogue" but I couldn't remember which one...so... here you go!

  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    Super Hero Squad

    I love the Super Hero Squad Show.

    They've been doing a good job in Season 2 with introducing characters from the cosmic universe and the infinity gauntlet. Also liking the Scarlet Witch as the Silver Surfer's replacement, now all they need to do is get rid of Reptil.
  6. I saw it and liked it.

    The best thing about to me is that they did a fantastic job of separating Young Justice from the Teen Titans with just that premiere, which was my biggest concern.

    Also since they were using the Justice League I was curious if they were going to use Hal or John and I was pleasantly surprised to see they put both of them on the League.
  7. Way to go Lornac and Stabs!

    But she will always be known as Princess Talia Alexandra Valeriya Sharapova Rayvyn IV to me.

    PS: Hope you don't like sleep.
  8. So I felt I should just throw this out there.

    The Buffy Movie and the Buffy TV show were both created by the same person: Joss Wheadon.

    So what happened was Joss wrote the screenplay to the movie but since he was relatively unknown, Fran Rubel Kuzui ended up funding the movie but also drastically changed the script from the original version.

    The director, Fran Rubel Kuzui, saw it as a "pop culture comedy about what people think about vampires". Whedon disagreed: "I had written this scary film about an empowered woman, and they turned it into a broad comedy. It was crushing." The script was praised within the industry, but the movie was not.

    Then down the road a Fox executive asked Joss to take his Buffy concept and develop it into a show. Which became the Buffy/Angel franchise. However, he was also well aware that the Kuzui's film company still retained rights to make another Buffy movie, so that is why he's not overly upset or surprised. I'm not even sure if the new film could legally use any of characters or lore from the tv show without Fox devouring them alive.

    My opinion on the film is, meh.

    I liked the Buffy movie because I was...12 at the time so the humor worked for me and growing up to be a cheerleader that kicked vampires sounded awesome to me. I loved the Buffy/Angel TV shows because I was 15 when they started so the whole high school/college/adult melodrama that happened through the shows fit my age group each season. So if they throw it back to High School I have no interest in it because I haven't been in High School for 10 years now so a lot of the association that made me like the originals will be lost on me.
  9. O.O


    I'm not sure what I just watched...but I think I liked it.
  10. Happy Birthday Missy!

    A sugary kiss

    To the sweetest person I know!
  11. In before Twilight nerdrage!

    *looks up*

    Aw, Smoof.

    Gary Oldman's in it, so I'll watch it but it doesn't look like "Red Riding Hood" to me so much as "Ginger Snaps 3".
  12. The part about the show that weirds me out is that they have Connor as Superboy, Wally as Kid Flash and Dick as Robin.

    I'll just pretend Bart is Kid Flash and Tim is Robin to put my minor nitpicking aside and enjoy the show cause it'll most likely be good.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Ok, cool. For some odd reason I thought it was going to be Hector Hammond as the villain for the first one, and if a sequel was cleared it was going to be Sinestro and Parallax for the 2nd one. Anyways trailer has me more interested then excited for the movie.
    If they do the movies in a set of 3 it will probably flow as follows.

    Movie #1 = Hector Hammond
    Movie #2 = Sinestro
    Movie #3 = Parallex

    With Parallex being inside of Sinestro since I doubt they will go the Emerald Twilight route with the story. Even if it wasn't a widely unpopular story arc (I personally liked it), too many non-comic readers would compare the story to Revenge of the Sith.
  14. I liked it.

    I especially liked that they kept in how Green Lanterns have to overcome fear and they aren't shying away from showing the entire Lantern Corps.

    "The one thing that a Green Lantern is supposed to be is fearless, that isn't me."
    "You have the ability to overcome fear."
  15. He should have kept the purple gloves.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Most likely it will be Talia with the pictures she posts.


  17. They should've went with a Luke Cage tv show. Super Strength, Invulnerable (But not at Superman levels so he's not impossible to hurt) and he's easy on the budget since he doesn't need to transform.

    He's also well known enough that comic readers would know who he is and watch but unknown enough that you can be flexible with his stories. There's also lots of room for cameos from other Marvel characters from the A-listers to D-listers.
  18. I'm glad Heather won. I figured they were going to give her the win after she didn't get it in Total Drama Action so that way the have all the bases covered.

    In TDI they had the Nice Guy/Girl compete for the win (Owen/Gwen)
    in TDA they had the Wild Card/Underdog compete for the win (Duncan/Beth)
    So for TD:WT only natural you have the two 'villains' compete for the win.

    Though Heather's quote "You mean I'm the good guy??" was the best of the season, she shouldn't have been surprised. Courtney and especially Gwen had gathered up way more dislike from the other TDers than Heather this season. Gwen was even being referred to as "New Heather" right before she got booted out, which says a lot because in the first season she was one of the most liked but since the Trent thing she just got worse and worse lol.

    Alejandro was a fantastic edition and I loved the little Revenge of the Sith parody at the end with him. The Ezekial/Gollum parody was also kinda funny but ruined when you saw him get ejected out of the volcano alive..somehow.

    Can't wait till the next season to meet the new castaways.
  19. I was hoping for Wolverine Rises.
  20. Talia_Rayvyn


    I had to do it.
    As for the movie it looks good but will probably be one I wait till it comes out on DVD to pick up.
  21. I vote put in Cassandra Cain as Batgirl and have her going around killing people (expanding the idea they put in the Dark Knight) putting Batman in deeper trouble with the law.

    For her background have her be trained/mentored by Talia al Ghoul who's taken over the League of Shadows after Ra's death and is continuing his plan to topple Gotham City. Having Cassandra be Batgirl accomplishes her vengeance for daddy and to keep the police busy chasing around the Bat-peeps, while her and the Scarecrow work up some kinda plan that involves FEAR toxins and the water system again or whatever.

    For Bruce/Batman it gives him a chance to rehabilitate someone, give the plot a way to clear him of the Dark Knight crimes and add another member to the Bat-family without going the standard Robin formula first.
  22. Everytime Justice gains a new player, Jensen Ackles sheds one manly tear.

    Welcome to our Nightmare.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Er does anyone else think the effects looked like ****?

    As Hal Jordan would say, "I know right?"