Total Drama World Tour Season Finale

Dark One



So, I watched the Season Finale tonight. My thoughts:


I hated that Heather won. As much as Alejandro was as big a jerk as Heather, he WAS a far better manipulator. Of course, the winner should have been Cody, but Al would have still been better then Heather. Although Zeke pulling a Lord of the Rings was awesome, and the Star Wars Episode III reference at the end was classic.

All in all though, I really enjoyed this season, especially thanks to Chris to actually managing to be an even more sadistic jerk then he's been in Season 1 and 2 (Although watching him getting some Karmic payback when Sierra blows up the plane was pretty awesome). I can't wait to see how Season 4 plays out with the return to the Island.



I kept meaning to watch the season, but never got around to it. Hopefully, they'll have a marathon of all the eps one of these weekends.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
I kept meaning to watch the season, but never got around to it. Hopefully, they'll have a marathon of all the eps one of these weekends.
I really need to see if I can find the seasons on DVD. The show never ceases to amuse me.



I didn't mind her winning. She really knew how to play him plus his comeuppence was worth it. Besides she lost the money so karma smoothed everything out.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I'm glad Heather won. I figured they were going to give her the win after she didn't get it in Total Drama Action so that way the have all the bases covered.

In TDI they had the Nice Guy/Girl compete for the win (Owen/Gwen)
in TDA they had the Wild Card/Underdog compete for the win (Duncan/Beth)
So for TD:WT only natural you have the two 'villains' compete for the win.

Though Heather's quote "You mean I'm the good guy??" was the best of the season, she shouldn't have been surprised. Courtney and especially Gwen had gathered up way more dislike from the other TDers than Heather this season. Gwen was even being referred to as "New Heather" right before she got booted out, which says a lot because in the first season she was one of the most liked but since the Trent thing she just got worse and worse lol.

Alejandro was a fantastic edition and I loved the little Revenge of the Sith parody at the end with him. The Ezekial/Gollum parody was also kinda funny but ruined when you saw him get ejected out of the volcano alive..somehow.

Can't wait till the next season to meet the new castaways.



Originally Posted by Talia_Rayvyn View Post
I'm glad Heather won. I figured they were going to give her the win after she didn't get it in Total Drama Action so that way the have all the bases covered.

In TDI they had the Nice Guy/Girl compete for the win (Owen/Gwen)
in TDA they had the Wild Card/Underdog compete for the win (Duncan/Beth)
So for TD:WT only natural you have the two 'villains' compete for the win.

Though Heather's quote "You mean I'm the good guy??" was the best of the season, she shouldn't have been surprised. Courtney and especially Gwen had gathered up way more dislike from the other TDers than Heather this season. Gwen was even being referred to as "New Heather" right before she got booted out, which says a lot because in the first season she was one of the most liked but since the Trent thing she just got worse and worse lol.

Alejandro was a fantastic edition and I loved the little Revenge of the Sith parody at the end with him. The Ezekial/Gollum parody was also kinda funny but ruined when you saw him get ejected out of the volcano alive..somehow.

Can't wait till the next season to meet the new castaways.
Yeah, Heathers good guy quote amused me too. Still sad that Cody took all that abuse the entire season and wasn't able to get the win, though. I also liked how they explained why Alejandro reacted so badly to being called "Al", which I thought was a nice touch. Also, I am sad that we are getting brand new contestants for Season 4, though I suppose I can understand it. Hopefully favorites like Owen, Gwen, Dunanc, and Cody will appear in some form or another in Season 4.



I have to admit that i only watch the first two seasons from time to time, catching an episode here and there. i didn't get hooked on it. This season, i made sure to watch the marathon and catch the finale. I must say that it's a funny show. Great characters and some pretty insane stuff.

I don't mind that Heather won it. Seeing Al lose was worth it, i think. They've had a lot of ups and downs but over all i'm pleased with how it ends. I'm sure going back to the island will be good. New characters will be tough because now that we've had 3 seasons it'll be hard to replace all the old ones. I'm sure that they'll still be involved, like the web episodes.

Izzy is my fav, love insane girls. As long as she's around i'll watch it.



I have to admit that i only watch the first two seasons from time to time, catching an episode here and there. i didn't get hooked on it. This season, i made sure to watch the marathon and catch the finale. I must say that it's a funny show. Great characters and some pretty insane stuff.

I don't mind that Heather won it. Seeing Al lose was worth it, i think. They've had a lot of ups and downs but over all i'm pleased with how it ends. I'm sure going back to the island will be good. New characters will be tough because now that we've had 3 seasons it'll be hard to replace all the old ones. I'm sure that they'll still be involved, like the web episodes.

Izzy is my fav, love insane girls. As long as she's around i'll watch it.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Yeah, Heathers good guy quote amused me too. Still sad that Cody took all that abuse the entire season and wasn't able to get the win, though. I also liked how they explained why Alejandro reacted so badly to being called "Al", which I thought was a nice touch. Also, I am sad that we are getting brand new contestants for Season 4, though I suppose I can understand it. Hopefully favorites like Owen, Gwen, Dunan, and Cody will appear in some form or another in Season 4.
from what they said S5 will have the old cast-mates back. Not sure if it will be a mix of old and new.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
from what they said S5 will have the old cast-mates back. Not sure if it will be a mix of old and new.
Did you mean Season 4, or have they already confirmed a 5th season? (I hope so)



I read something a while back that said work has begun on S5. S4 is almost done for the most part.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
I read something a while back that said work has begun on S5. S4 is almost done for the most part.



Originally Posted by Timber_Bear View Post
Izzy is my fav, love insane girls. As long as she's around i'll watch it.
I can't count the number of ex-girlfriends that Izzy reminded me of...