956 -
(I still dont know if the range increase applies to dominators as well).
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Not yet, Dom secondaries are in a different table than Blaster and Corr primaries, and didn't get around to being changed yet. I think it was Castle who's said that they will be changed in the near future though. -
As for the second comment, you also need to be able to see the blaster.
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Not necessarily, I was in Sirens the other day when good ol' "G" was up to his usual tricks, and it's just a case of spinning around and tonking him with a blast after you take a hit. None of our team had any +Per, nor a stack of yellows, but we still managed to take him down an unhealthy number of times. Plus, he's only stealthed, if you jump close enough to him he's extremely easy pickings. -
Right. I suggest you come to defiant to check what its like in here, if you said it wouldnt take long..
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I never said anything of the sort (that was Max, although I agree) but I don't have any Defiant slots left on either of my game accounts, and don't feel like deleting the alts I have to prove a point. As far as Defiant goes, I know Abu's Dominator lasts far longer than 5 seconds in the zones, you might want to ask him for pointers if you don't like my advice.
editx2: join defiant pvpers channel if you come, it allows me to get better in touch with you or your friends.
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FWIW I don't have any free Global channels either. -
Err.. you play a dominator in pvp yourself, right? 45-60 seconds, yeah great, except where I play they die in 5..
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All the Dominators I know, including myself, have a positive kill/death ratio - and one of those only hit 20 a couple of days, jumped straight in Sirens and picked up an SO (6k bounty) straight off the bat (Hi Alv!).
45-60 seconds is a very liberal estimate, if you can't a) stay alive that long and/or b) hit Dom in that timespan, you need to seriously review your tactics and build.
edit: Additions after my reply...
ps. my power blast and power bolt would be FAR FAR more inefficient in building up domination than my dominate and mesmerize. The latter can at least do something if stacked enough.
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It doesn't matter if you've done no damage in the Dom-building phase, the crucial point is after that when you hit Domination, and unleash the [censored] fury. In terms of both 'dom points per attack' and 'dom points per endurance' you're still better off cycling Power Bolt and Power Blast - the only times you shouldn't be using them are when the activation time will get you splatted.
Besides having held and toggledropped tanks, scrappers and dwarfs in sirens call with my dom WITHOUT domination
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... but it's still far faster with Domination, and as such you suffer less from the effects of mez-suppression...
I cant see what point is there to my to use something like power blast which is roughly equivalent to mutagen in usefulness. Not all doms are /psi you know.
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My Grav/En has the following chain: Power Blast, Crush, Power Bolt*5 = Domination providing those attacks hit. As far as Doms go, that's a pretty slow Domination chain, but it's 100 times better than cycling ST mez + ST mez.
On the one hand you're complaining that you die too much, on the other hand you're arguing that your tactics are superior; I'm telling you that the tactics I'm using do not lead to my imminent and frequent death, yet you seemingly refuse to consider them. I see a logical chasm here, and I'm trying to help you out of it. -
control-heavy Domi-"trollers"
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I dont agree on this. From my viewpoint, dominator secondary is ten times less useful in pvp than their primary. They just happen to have AOE control powers that mostly suck horribly in pvp (and mostly in pve as well). Im not sure if you referred to their AoE mezzes when you said 'control heavy'..
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The Dominator secondary is key to Domination building, which is key to victory as a Dom. Your primary is generally far more useful after you're 'sparkling' than before (with a couple of exceptions), and after that point you're not going to kill anyone cycling your ST Hold and ST Immob. Having a full and well-slotted attack chain in your secondary past that point will allow you to kill more quickly and efficiently, and reduce the risk of you being hunted down before you can claim your scalp.
Mostly, I'm referring to a swathe of Dominators who I've personally witnessed fruitlessly trying to use their AoE control, but my comments were also directed at those who barely touch their secondaries in the PvP zones. There's no reason why any Dominator should be taking more than 45-60 seconds to build up Domination with the changes, yet I routinely see Dominators plodding around the zones firing off an 'empty' mez (one without secondary effects that will affect the target) instead of a secondary attack that is worth far more in terms of Domination points. -
Problem has been since ED that the secondary effects and movement dominate PvP.
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Movement has always dominated PvP. The main effect that ED had in terms of PvP was to rebalance the discrepancy between potential damage and potential defences (small 'd') by reducing the numbers on both ends. In terms of PvP, in fact, ED was a positive change.
Without defences, most characters will be two-shotted by any damage dealer and the Hold/Immob/Sleep will usually lock a character for long enough.
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If the former was true, there would be no squishies in PvP; there are very few ATs who can two-shot anything, and even the ones that can 2-shot foes on paper do not repeat this flawlessly in PvP situations.
Two cases in point: recently playing my level 28 Ill/Sonic in one of the larger Sirens events on Union, I was constantly beset by a number of Stalkers; even when I did get AS'd by EM/Spines Stalkers, I did not instantly die. Out of some 30 initial AS's, even during horrible lag and frequent crashes, I bit the dust just once to Stalkers. Second instance: in the last few days in Sirens, my Fire/Kin Corr has had the pleasure of being the target of a stealthing Blaster who only PvPs with full defiance (*yawn*), which should theoretically be a guaranteed two-shot death; not only have I suffered the two-shot death a tiny fraction of the time, I've also inflicted numerous defeats on said Blaster.
Hold/Immobs/Sleeps/Status effects - we've been through this before how many times? Pack Breakfrees! 1 full tray of BFs at level 50 will easily last you a session of intense PvP - and if you run out you can always go and buy more.
MM's take a good 30 seconds to get ready.
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I'm pretty sure MMs can go from 0 to Bodyguard in well under 10 seconds (I'll try to time it); upgrades from that point are a matter of priority. When I entered the Squished! tournament, I thought resummoning (especially in an Arena environment) would be the death of me, but I entered anyway in part to see how it would pan out. It would appear from my experiences in that event, even against skilled PvPers, that resummoning is not as crippling a problem as you might imagine.
Movement powers make some powers all but useless and ranged combat takes place at a level that any SS/TP can cover in a second.
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SS suffers from suppression, and TP comes with its own drawbacks... unsuppressed movement also suffers from its own limitations. I do think Fly gets the raw end of the deal in terms of ways to nullify it, at least in lower levelled PvP zones, but such is life.
1) Allow disorient effects to carry on into movement powers without -ve or detoggles; but make them less controlled. If hit with a Disorient and then you SS away, you're likely to hit something.
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Disorients only detoggle if you lack Disorient protection, firstly; the fact that this occurs is a necessary check and balance of PvP, removing it would make powers like Acrobatics overpowered, for instance. Your 'Wobbly Physics' concept would probably be extremely difficult to implement, as well as less successful than you'd imagine - a foe that can run away, albeit with a list to starboard, is still a foe that can run away.
2) Allow TP self to be TP to Foe.
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Teleport is a travel power... not a PvP power.It's not difficult to move in on a player using TP in any event, all this would be doing is making Teleport horribly effective in the hands of Blappers, Stalkers, and Brutes.
3) Fix Drones with TP to Hospital; they aren't Deus Ex Machinae.
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But, they are.
4) Remove a lot of the PvE Elements.
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If you don't want PvE elements, there's the Arena. Adapting to the PvE elements of Zonal PvP is one of the key skills in Zonal PvP.
5) Give all AT's minor resists to Damage/Secondaries.
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Would invariably serve to increase the gap between certain ATs and others.
6) Remove Hide and replace with Placate; or give some warning that a Invisible person may be near; though not there exact location. Similarly remove Per buffs.
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Stalkobot's ideas are probably more effective at reworking Stalkers; these changes would just make a mess of the whole AT, IMHO.
7) Allow bonuses(like inspirations) to appear randomly throughout the map so there is a reason to leave the confines of the base.
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I honestly don't see base-campers being tempted out by a few inspirations, especially not when inspirations are currently readily available by taking out NPC mobs. Even worse, it might lead to a new problem with people making insp-dashes instead of actually PvPing.
8) Allow all non-extreme powers to recharge automatically once defeated, ESPECIALLY Rest.
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Sometimes people need a physical hint to suggest that their current strategy might be flawed; furthermore, this would negate the point of base hospitals not returning you to full health/end - and I can't see that happening.
9) Don't place Longbow/Arachnos in front of mission entrances/exits.
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It's not difficult to click in without being toasted.That, and would you expect either group to leave every key installation unguarded?
10) Drop PvP on timer to 5 seconds.
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Unfair on people with slow PCs/people who've crashed and relogged.
11) Broadcast Attack/Defence % to people who've completed the missions.
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Fair enough, but that's not got anything to do with improving PvP, it's a QoL issue.
12) Have defeated Heroes/Villains give up one of their inspirations to their victor.
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Horrible idea, unfairly impacts on ATs and players who obviously need more assistance in PvP - not less.
13) Repair Sirens Villains Base, Sirens Beach War.
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In what way?
14) Allow Bodyguard mode to be set onto any other Team Mate within a certain range; as in Masterminds.
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Not sure what you're driving at, but I'm pretty sure you jumped the pavement and ended up in the storefront display.
15) Place Acc debuffs/Def buffs on anyone moving.
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Arise, Forted Spines/SR Scrapper running SS, SJ, and Focused Accuracy - your time is now!
In other words, easily exploitable, and could further imbalance existing issues. Plus, it would be a terrible day for the fluid nature of CoX PvP if we all had to stand still in one place to try to attack each other.
16) Increase ranged attacks range, but place an Acc debuff on any that go beyond normal range.
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See above, really.
17) Allow NPC Heroes/Villains to patrol the zone looking for people to attack. These should only be at Boss level. Delete them if players of the same team arrive.
I.E. If 4 NPC Heroes are running the zone, and a hero arrives, drop that bot. If he then leaves, respawn it.
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Along similar lines, I wouldn't mind seeing NPC (Elite) Bosses in Sirens that patrolled the zone in a set pattern, but headed towards players with the highest number of kills past a certain trigger, with counters reset after PC defeat - it'd at least make things more interesting. However, doesn't this all run contrary to point #4? -
They have great potential and variety but simply put the more dedicated nature of heroes wins out in pvp, at least it does at the moment.
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I think you're on the mark, at least partially. The potential variation in villain builds means that players can build something away from the perceived usage of the AT that works great/fine/passably in PvE, but doesn't live up to expectations in PvP. This is in part why you get /Thermal Corrs without buffs, /Dark MMs without Darkest Night, and control-heavy Domi-"trollers"; the glaring deficiency is most heavily felt in the lack of buffing sets in villain PvP, even though there are a large number of great buffs at their disposal. (Though there's still argument that some villain buffs could use upwards adjustment to make them at least on a level with hero equivalents.)
I also find it tricky to make a lot of villain builds work as effectively as I'd like to in time for the most populated PvP zone (Sirens), which may just be perception; Warburg is a much more level playing field, but suffers from the villain vs. villain potential, which usually ends up with Stalkers switching targets from hero squishies with +Per to villain squishies who often lack it. Level 50 PvP brings the issue of APP/PPP into the fray, which is a whole other bag of snakes.
One of the bigger problems from my viewpoint, is that you rarely see many villains in level 50 PvP (Arena or RV). Without more than a handful of people working on developing tactics and learning how to be the Scissors to the heroic Paper, villain PvP is going to be somewhat disjointed. There are a number of VGs on Union who carry the torch for successful and varied villain PvP, but there aren't many of them.
Generally dominators and corrupters can fall over in seconds unless in an organised team
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In fairness, you can say the same of any AT - that definitely applies to Defenders and Controllers as much as it does Doms and Corrs.
so people unfortunately gravitate to stalkers as they ahve built in survivability.
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Not everyone gravitates to Stalkers though - as far as my current list of villainous PvP alts on Union runs in order of preference (high-low) it's: MM, Corr, Brute, Dom, Dom, no Stalker in sight - and I know I'm not alone in that. It's not so much an issue of 'survivability' as it is 'perceived self-sufficiency' and 'perceived/relative ease-of-play'; if all you want to do is be able to run around not get killed, Stalkers are aces, ditto if all you want to do is mooch around Bloody Bay and overdose on red insps to get rep to 400, or take on lone Empaths in Sirens. It's definitely possible for Stalkers to work highly effectively in teams, but there are very few who seem to want to take the time or effort to even try.
Personally I would prefer stalkers to become more like scrappers so you are not forced to play hit/run/hide due to having less hit points than that of a blaster on a melee character.
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Buffing other attacks and removing the overwhelming focus on AS and Hide would certainly adjust Stalkers into being a more team-friendly AT, but it would be a tricky endeavour. -
I deny patrolling RV. I was only there for the turrets
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Sadly, that's what they all say. -
*points to Antithetix*
Paging Syn, Paging Dr. Syn
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a) I don't think my build would make much sense to anyone, it's a bit specialised (hybrid LRSF/L50 PvP build);
b) I'm not giving away my secrets man, what kind of a fool do you take me for?
I can certainly give some general advice though.
Maelwys has thrown up a decent enough build - although there's serious argument that of all the secondaries, /Dark has far too much in it to be picking up the Leadership Pool as well. I've never had Assault or Tactics on Anti, never felt lacking for it from 1-50, and I genuinely believe that having those two choices would have been a waste. However, there's definitely more than one way to play Bots/Dark - if you want to play more of a traditional rear-guard MM, Leadership is fine and dandy; if you prefer a slightly more manic dervish of destruction, it's easily left out.
I question the lack of Hasten, and the choice of Travel Power - being knocked back as a /Dark can be fatal, so I feel that taking Hover or Acro is important for moving around in missions. I wouldn't leave Shadow Fall that late in the build either, it's essential for bolstering your henchmen's weaknesses (Energy damage, which you face in abundance in CoV). Black Scorpion is also a good patron choice (and my own FWIW) especially for the PvP-oriented, although Scirocco offers good synergy in terms of shielding.
Bots/Dark has little need of any of the primary attacks, nor does it need Repair. /Dark is less easy to hack parts away from - the only dubious skill is Black Hole, though it assuredly has its uses. Some will advise you not to take Howling Twilight, as you cannot rez your henchmen with it; these people are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs, because Howling Twilight is a scarily powerful (albeit occasional) debuff. Taking Stamina is invaluable for the build to function at its most effective, although you can do without if you hate yourself.
A final note on PvP, if that floats your boat - Bots/Dark can and will decimate all melee ATs that stand against it; I have stood up alone against the combined forces of 4 Scrappers (Spines/Regen*2, Claws/Regen, MA/SR) and 2 Tanks (Inv/EM, Fire/SS) before, and emerged victorious using only 1 (one) Break Free and 1 (one) small Purple inspiration. In fact, in a 1-on-1 situation there's no reason why Bots/Dark shouldn't be stomping anything other than /Rad (potentially /TA) 'trollers and other Bots/Darks. However, 1v1s suck, and aren't very interesting - getting involved in team PvP however, can be extremely rewarding. Bots/Dark works extremely well against overwhelming odds, be they in repelling heroes from the Sirens Call Base, or against squads of heroes patrolling RV (right, Weasel?) Teams with Empaths will cause you problems, as will teams containing high-damage ATs (providing those playing the ATs have half a clue).
Samaj, I'd advise you play against Blindfaith, Mellon Orasi or Meela.
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Don't quite think you're doing Blindfaith justice by listing her alongside Mellon Orasi. And no mention of Grim Rainbow or Salome? For shame! -
hi, got boxing/fiery embrace and soul drain, although would appreciate posts in regard to slotting of the latter 2 so I can compare my own toon with yours.
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Fiery Embrace is slotted straight for 3 recharge; Soul Drain you can get away with 1 Acc PvE, and as many recharge as you can spare.
I certainly notice end drain with burning aura but never really thought about the end drain associated with acrobactics-is it really that much?
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I always try to minimise end usage on all my brutes, toggles are invariably a large part of that - Acrobatics is twice as expensive as your other shields per second iirc.
Now considering the low burst damage of dm compared to other primaries do u guys slot with damage??
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I think the general rule-of-thumb is to slot your big-hitting, slow attacks with a couple of damage - you don't need to cycle them in your fury-building chain, and you want them to make a hefty impact when they do land. As far as DM goes, that would be Shadow Maul and Midnight Grasp.
I am currently thinking that air superiority may fill the attack chain-how are other brutes finding this for damage and fury generation as I have only heard good things??
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My two main brutes generate Fury in different ways - my EM/Fire generates fury by smacking as many mobs as quickly as possible and uses Air Sup in addition to Brawl + primary attacks; my Stone/Stone uses Taunt to soak up as much Fury as possible, and doesn't have to chain much as a result. Both are valid tactics, depending on secondary - the second method works better in large teams, the former better in solo/duos. Seeing as you have Tough, you might want to think about using Taunt to grab the aggro that Blazing Aura can't? -
I am frequently disappointed post 40 in damage with this primary which means that rarely do I get fury high enough to make a burn patch with patron hold a beautiful thing
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No such thing as a Patron hold for Brutes. Do you mean the AoE immob?
I was wondering if any one has an attack chain that seems to generate fury better or suggestions for fillers like air superiority as I currently have 2 respecs(if that is not bugged lol).
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With enough rechages in Smite and Shadow Punch, you should be able to cycle them without problem, although picking up Boxing (from the Fighting Pool as a precursor to taking Tough) should certainly resolve your Fury-Chain issues. As far as extra damage outside of Fury goes, I hope you've picked up Fiery Embrace from FA and Soul Drain from DM.
In addition if anyone has some slotting advice for any of the end recovery powers here I am all ears because burning aura despite 3 end reds is a nightmare currently and still needing blues
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A DM/FA has access to both Dark Consumption from the primary and Consume from the secondary - slot them 2 Acc, 2 Recharge, 2 EndMod and you should be chugging along without any pauses, even without Stamina. If you pick up only one of the two, I'd advise 2 Acc, 3 Recharge, 1 EndMod and taking Stamina - my EM/FA brute manages on that slotting, despite EM being far more endurance-intensive than DM. Make sure to stick an EndRed in all your shields, and two EndReds in Acrobatics (which I presume you have). -
another question did some domi succeded in build a reputation in PvP ?
is their known name?
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Bilharzia (Plant/Thorns) is/was the original and arguably best Dominator on Union.
Unfortunately, he hasn't played since the buffs to Dominators - in his time, I did see him knock the tar out of near enough every type of Tank, Scrapper, and Blaster in the game, quite frequently without any kind of team support. -
As an aside to the main discussion, Alvan - if any of the current EVIL-U villains would like somewhat more of an active residence, LoUD would be happy to house you either in the long or short-term.
I wouldn't even consider getting Auto Turret now.
This is a shame, because I like the cute little bugger. -
It's just frustrating that my one advantage, knockback, seems completely resisted in just about every defence!
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It's pretty difficult to get Knockback to work in a team Arena match, tbh.
Would adding more Accuracy enhancements help at all? At the moment I have the relevant powers two slotted, would moving it up to 3 help at all?
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You're probably better off slotting Aim and then Build Up with ToHit buffs if you're having difficulty hitting people - 2-slotted Accuracy should hit most targets with regularity.
And maybe I need to change the order of my attack chain. I think Energy Punch seems to be the best one for dropping toggles. I know I fought a Regen Scrapper last night and dropped his toggles four times! but I wasn't sure what with
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Statistically, Bonesmasher has the greatest chance to drop toggles (22%), then Energy Punch (5%) - but Energy Punch can be cycled much more quickly. Throw those out as often as you can, and hope you get the mez-toggle. -
Actually the number i got from hero planner show the contrary so please if you have any update on those feel free to expose them since it would be really useful!
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Hero Planner's figures are somewhat wonky for Defender blast sets, IIRC. My point was more that (especially after FS) damage isn't everything; I find that each of the other nukes offers something more attractive. Dreadful Wail pulses with big res debuffs, Psychic Wail has a nasty -recharge + disorient, Thunderous Blast packs a big chunk of -End, and Rain of Arrows can essentially be spammed with Hasten and Siphon Speed (with no total end loss on the part of the caster).
Still it has a good damage output I tried to show it by posting numbers and is something i could really use in melee!
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I'm pretty sure that Defenders have pretty low melee damage modifiers, although I can't recall the PDS figures off the top of my head - the figure you think you're getting from Hero Planner may not actually be the figure you're going to get in-game. More useful IMHO would be an attack like Air Sup, which can take an opponent without KB-resistance/protection out of the fight indefinitely. -
At least En/En has a way (of sorts) to get around the ever-present menace of Acrobatics/Hover - lead with the melee attacks, knock Acro/Hover off with disorients, and then KB away to your heart's content.
Granted, BFs do stop you from slapping Acro/Hover off quite so easily, but they don't last forever.
Bouncing around the zones, you'll always find the odd player without KB-protection, which makes the 3-slotted KB in Power Thrust all the more amusing.Then again, I don't PvP seriously with that character, as you might have guessed.
Despite having never cared that much about pvp my experience showed rad to be a really useful secondary for it especially in association with kinetics, the defense debuff allowes kin powers to land a successful hit frequently making them more reliable...
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The only real def debuff of note in Rad is Irradiate - none of the other debuffs are long-lasting or potent enough to make any real difference in a PvP situation.
People sometimes say rad is low dmage but i find this to be a false myth, it should be taken into account that compared to others set it has a shorter recharge time...
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That works fine in PvE, PvP focuses much more on burst damage (that can't be healed back so easily/escaped from). The best thing about Kin/Rad would be the fact that you can quickly cycle Cosmic Burst with Hasten and Siphon Speed - but that's about it. /Elec, /Psi, /Sonic all work much better for PvP purposes, strictly speaking - although I'm of the opinion you can PvP with any build, or at least have fun in PvP with any build.
And what about ATOMIC BLAST? Easily the best nuke in the game with a base damage of 17,0 and hold effects!
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Atomic Blast really isn't anything special - Dreadful Wail, Psychic Wail, Thunderous Blast, even Rain of Arrows (with an FS or two behind it) are all better Defender nukes, imho.
about REPEL I can easily see why many may skip it but if used correctly it is a great power and also a fun one (always good IMHO) with a small chance of dropping toggles wich is very nice bonus!
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FYI, the toggle-dropping chance was seriously reduced in I7:
Defender: Kinetics: Repel: 5% and 2% chance for 1 Toggle per 1/2 second; 0.1% chance for 2 Toggles per 1/2 second (source - scroll to I7 release notes)
Finally I'd like to expose my reasons for picking FLURRY...
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Again FYI, the chance to disorient with Flurry is very low. -
For PvE you may get away without it but for PvP you can't rely on Transference to hit all the time.
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I wouldn't recommend Rad Blast for a PvP build anyway - I have a Kin/Rad myself, but Rad is definitely more geared towards PvE.
Nevertheless, depending on which areas you choose to PvP in, you could always pick up Power Sink from the Elec Mastery APP which is autohit. Not so useful for a Sirens/WB build, but would fare better on power choices for an RV/Arena PvP build - if not for the utility of Stamina, for the added end-drain and potentially superior power-choices. -
If this is a PvP build, I'm a bit surprised I don't see Stun - quick activation and coupled with Total Focus, people will hate you. really.
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By the time Stun fires off, your target can be halfway down the map, sadly. I recently respecced Stun out of my EM/Fire build, as Energy Transfer and Total Focus do a much better job - ET is far quicker in activation, TF is a far better disorient. -
Anyone with experience of RSF with a corruptor and no acro? Do u get held by Positron if u stay far enough away? Sister Psych or Numina does a AoE disorient when on about 10% health, does this effect u if at range? Ill need to move into melee range to use EMP (for the -regen effect) and thats the time Im also likely to use power sink which is also melee.
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You can manage perfectly well in the LRSF without Acrobatics, because you should either have a de-mezzer (Thermal, Sonic, Kin at a push) on the team, or you should be stocked with BFs. You can't afford to stay at range because you ideally want to be huddled around the hero in order to stack heals in a healing blanket (and that applies to everyone). The range on Posi's Choking Cloud and nuke are both pretty damn large, FWIW.
Bab and states are melee and Id avoid meleeing them for too long as a corr.
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As stated, they both have ranged attacks anyway - if you try to kite them, you're going to die pretty swiftly, because you'll inevitably have to leave the healing blanket around the target. The longest I've managed to kite Statesman (with my Robots/Dark MM) was a shade under two minutes, and that was with Bodyguard and Twilight Grasp. As soon as you start running, you're dead.
As for the build:
01) --> Shriek==> Acc(1) Acc(3) EndRdx(17) Rechg(40) Dmg(50)
3 Dam, or 1 Rechg 2 Dam if you want to spam the Res debuff. You don't need the EndRed, especially with AM and Power Sink going.
01) --> Radiant Aura==> Heal(1) Heal(5) Heal(5) EndRdx(27)
02) --> Scream==> Acc(2) Acc(3) EndRdx(17) Rechg(37) Rechg(43) Dmg(50)
Uh... damage is your primary. You need to be able to do damage in the LRSF, there's no place for crappy Cor-fenders.
04) --> Accelerate Metabolism==> Rechg(4) Rechg(9) Rechg(9) EndMod(11) EndMod(11) EndMod(13)
06) --> Hasten==> Rechg(6) Rechg(7) Rechg(7)
08) --> Assault==> EndRdx(8) EndRdx(15)
10) --> Enervating Field==> EndRdx(10) EndRdx(13) EndRdx(15)
12) --> Swift==> Run(12)
Might want to switch that Run for a FltSpd, seeing as you have Hover.
14) --> Health==> Heal(14)
16) --> Radiation Infection==> TH_DeBuf(16) TH_DeBuf(19) TH_DeBuf(23) DefDeBuf(23) EndRdx(25) EndRdx(25)
Breaking from what everyone else has said, with Power Sink going and any other team-based end buffs, you might be able to get away with 3 THDb, 3DefDb.
18) --> Siren's Song==> Acc(18) Acc(19) Sleep(29) Sleep(29) Sleep(31) EndRdx(45)
Shout would serve you better, a cone sleep will get you nowhere in the LRSF. Again, you need damage, damage, and more damage.
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(21) EndMod(21)
22) --> Hover==> Fly(22) Fly(43) Fly(46)
24) --> Super Speed==> Run(24)
26) --> Screech==> Acc(26) Acc(27) Rechg(34) Rechg(34) Rechg(34) EndRdx(36)
Not massively useful during the LRSF, certainly not worth the amount of slotting you've given it.
28) --> Lingering Radiation==> Acc(28) Acc(31) Rechg(33) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
30) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(30) EndRdx(31)
If you're going to take it, slot it. You might not think it makes much difference, but you'll rethink that when Posi and Citadel hit their Overload-type powers.
32) --> Amplify==> Rechg(32) Rechg(36) Rechg(36)
35) --> Vengeance==> DefBuf(35) DefBuf(37) DefBuf(37)
Again, if you're going to take it and use it, you might want to consider slipping 3 ToHits in there too.
38) --> EM Pulse==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) Hold(39) Hold(40) Hold(40)
I dont slot accuracy since I never have seen a miss on +3 bosses and spawn whilst using RI and build up, and tactics wont hurt either.
It doesn't need all those Holds slotted for the purpose for which you require it, though.
41) --> Power Sink==> EndMod(41) EndMod(42) EndMod(42) Rechg(42) Rechg(43)
I'd go 3 Rechg, 2 EndMod out of personal preference.
44) --> Electric Shackles==> Acc(44) Acc(45) Hold(45) Hold(46) Rechg(46) Rechg(50)
Like Screech, not massively useful during the LRSF, certainly not worth the amount of slotting you've given it. You might want to pick up the pet instead, extra damage is useful during the LRSF.
47) --> Charged Armor==> EndRdx(47) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(48)
49) --> Mutation==> Rechg(49) -
In teams its often pointless as people who lack knowledge, skill, interest or experience with the set arent gonna be too good at helping to make it viable.
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Not really - I know the set inside and out, have over 500 hours/nearly 2 years experience with it, was one of the first AR/Devs on the EU servers, and I still wouldn't wait for an AR/Dev to faff about with Time Bomb or Trip Mines in the course of a normal mission.
A good player - of any AT - will tailor the use of their powersets to the speed of the team. In any team except the poorest of the poor or the slowest of the slow, you will be moving at a faster pace than Trip Mines/Time Bomb will allow. Sad, but true - mines and bombs are the preserve of the solo AR/Dev (and you're still going to be moving slower than just about any other Blaster).
/slightderail -
On Kuroshi (Claws/SR):
Tanking every AV/GM from 40 onwards (before the defence changes, nerf-style) and only taking a fall to Siege after he landed a couple of big-hitters through Elude. I did use to routinely get whipped by Malta and Nemesis though.
Beating the tar out of a +4 Shadow Cyst Crystal after everyone else in the 8-man PuG had planted and my mentor thought it was an awesome idea to go to hospital halfway through the fight... I ended up beating the damn thing, but the ensuing explosions proved a little too much for my defences to handle.
Chasing a heavily injured Knight Stalker (on his Stalker) through Warburg in a pack of 4 heroes, just in time to see him nip back into the villain base. 2 of the chase group dropped off, 1 Regen got pounded by the Arachnos mobs, and I screeched passed KS in front of the Flier, fired off Focus, and watched as his HP and Endurance both flashed to 0, before taking off on a victory lap around the base.
Taking on a Stone Brute just outside a mission door, also in Warburg. He threw a few fruitless attacks at me (miss, miss, miss), gave up 'fighting', and instead chose to stand in Granite, and /em newspaper at me (lol Claws); stacking Follow Up and cycling my main attacks, I slowly whittled his HP down to below a quarter - he fired off Earth's Embrace, then went back to /em newspaper. Undeterred, I kept at him with the same methodology, taking him down to about 1/10th his HP before he started getting worried, dropped out of granite and started TPing away; I popped a small red, and managed to Crit with Eviscerate just before the TP animation fired off... end result, one ex-Brute.Just think, if only he'd had Rooted on.
And yet here I am playing a toon on Union, and have two people on ignore in the space of 20 minutes. I think given those circumstances I'd be forgiven for wondering what was up, or if there was a stark difference in the quality of players on each server.
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Playing heavily on both Union and Defiant, I can tell you that they're pretty much equal in terms of ability and idiocy. As ever, it tends to fade away the higher through the levels you get - although I did end up /ignore'ing three people on Defiant yesterday on my level 49 over there, so make of that what you will.