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  1. Supernumiphone

    Villan Community

    It's worth joining and watching the server global channels. Even if most of the chatter is for hero-side stuff, there is the occasional villain event announced there.
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    I am happy to report that I was not the most prolific dirt napper last night...

    [/ QUOTE ] Was it me?

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    It is possible, but Inducto was doing a bang-up job of dying as well!

    I think I only died 3-4 times (not sure if that last one actually counted as the Mission Complete & my death occurred almost simultaneously.) And, I am not counting the 2 self-rezzes I tried after the mission ended...

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    Yeah probably it was me. I think it was all the buffs going around. 2xSB + AM, and shields. I was going "I'm invinci-" *you have been defeated*

    I had a ton of fun though, even moreso than usual. I don't think that's directly related to the dying, but I can't rule it out.

    Also this might not be the best place for it, but for anyone who isn't overly familiar with red-side if you want help getting accolades just let me know, I can hook you up. I used Demonic in that last mission when the ambushes started showing up, which allowed me to ignore them and focus on the AV. I also managed to clear out quite a few of them once the AV was down, but when Demonic dropped, so did I.
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    Wow I'd forgotten about TOTALITY. What ever happened to him?

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    Either the mods got tired of dealing with TOTALITY-related complaints and banned his forum account, or he got tired of that avenue of trolling, quietly changed his name, and started up a new game on some other subforum

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    If I'm not mistaken, when someone changes their forum handle it changes in their older posts retroactively as well. There are still some TOTALITY posts in the stickied Placate thread, so I don't think he changed his forum handle. He might have started posting with a second account though.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey, we already got rid of TOTALITY. We don't need another one.

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    Wow I'd forgotten about TOTALITY. What ever happened to him?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    The original post did specify something about soloing. 3+ people on a team, I don't find endurance to be a problem, period.

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    This I can certainly agree with. My experience with low level teams is that they manage to keep moving most of the time. There's still a good bit of resting but the team as a whole tends to keep moving. Quite different from soloing at those same levels in my experience.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I suppose I could toss the holds for teams. Doesn't HT still do things even if it doesn't rez someone, though thats probably a mute point. Not convinced to do away with Blizzard for solo, but I will take that in to account. Does scourge still check on each tick of rain though? Anyway, would you happen to have such builds?

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    For a team-focused build I'd keep Freeze Ray only. There is an abundance of annoying minion and lieutenant class mobs and Freeze Ray is enough to shut them down. No more Hurricane (Tsoo Sorcerers), Chill of the Night (Spectral Demon Lords), etc. The meleers on your teams will love you for it. For soloing I'd want two holds for fast boss lockdown though.

    Howling Twilight does a low mag stun completely separate from the rez effect. I know some people love it for that, but for me soloing, especially with multiple holds available, I just don't find it that useful.

    Scourge still works the way the older guides mention with regards to rain powers. Even if the mobs in the rain are not in Scourge range when you fire off the power, it will begin doing Scourge checks once they are in range.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I agree with Muon...your whole leveling life will change when you get Fearsome Stare. Take it at 20 even before Stamina. For slotting, I am of the camp to slot it with the Glimpse of the Abyss set. You can leave out the proc in the set or put it in for some extra +Psi defense.

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    I also agree it's a power overflowing with awesome. Six slot it for sure. What to put in those slots is up to you, and there is no single best answer. I try to get as much -tohit in there as I can, along with some fear duration enhancement if I can. Overall my priority is -tohit and recharge though. You can't extend the duration of the -tohit effect, so having the power up as quickly as possible means you can keep enemies debuffed pretty much full time. Enhancement of the fear duration is a "nice to have" for me. I'm not that worried about the enemies cowering in fear though if they can't hit me anyway.

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    How about Shadow Fall? Does anyone have an efficient way to slot that one?

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    Not everyone will agree here either. Mostly people say to slot for damage resistance, and end redux of course because it's an expensive toggle. There is an argument to be made for slotting up the defense as well though. Sure it's only 3.75%, but that's a lot more than something like Maneuvers offers, and for teammates with defense-based protections, an extra almost 6% defense from slotted SF can make a big difference. Ideally on a really team focused build I'd six slot it and do both.
  8. It could work. Plant/Fire, mostly ranged build. Seeds would help clump enemies up for the Brute's AOEs, and the spirit tree would actually be useful, what with the lack of healing in /Elec.
  9. It's tight all right. I'd be tempted to go dual builds. One for soloing, a different one for teaming. Freeze Ray + Petrifying Gaze for solo, Howling Twilight for teams. The nuke I'd skip on the solo build too, and possibly Ice Storm as well. Squeezing all the good stuff into one build just isn't possible, you'll have to prioritize.
  10. That was my first raid. I just never got around to it before...probably because I didn't know the right global channels to watch on my old server, so I never knew when it was happening. Anyway it was fun. Quite chaotic and I still have no idea what was happening most of the time, but fun.
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    Is a "year" no longer just an increment of time? Is it now a measurement of mass, weight, and/or quantity? Or are the RPers just that incapable of using decent English?

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    I believe in this context it is being used as a technical term, a "year" being equivalent to 1.718 "butt-loads", which as we all know is quite a lot.
  12. I'm definitely in on this one with Inducto, my Elec/Regen Stalker. Currently level 38, possibly higher by Wed.
  13. I really like it. The sleep duration is long enough you don't need to slot for that, so you can slot it for damage and it's actually a decent blast. It sleeps most bosses in one shot. There's just a lot to like about it.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Since there was absolutely 0 feedback on this obvious BUG, I've mothballed my Dom.

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    The trick is you gotta find a way to exploit it to your advantage, then report it. That'll get it fixed quick.
  15. To answer your other question the level of the IO doesn't matter, other than to determine when you can slot it. Once it's slotted it will function equally well regardless of the level of the IO
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Considering how rarely you'll actually see anyone slotting any of the resistant heals for +res, I'm pretty sure that there would be a significant shout for joy if he made the resistance unenhanceable and unbuffable and allowed the heal to benefit from outside buffs.

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    /Ninjitsu Stalkers everywhere would hunt down and group AS anyone responsible for such a change.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    from what i've read here elec/regen is very good for pvp.

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    News to me. I'm no expert, but really I don't think I've ever seen that combo come up in PvP discussions. Spines/Nin/Shark, sure, but Elec/Regen? Oh well maybe I haven't been paying attention. ;shrug
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    many of the heavy hitting Dom attacks are melee.

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    meh. I already jousted with my melee attacks against AVs and GMs when playing my Doms. Nothing would need to change there.
  19. There's a good reason people asking for advice are usually steered towards defense-based secondaries. Yes they work better for your typical Stalker playstyles.

    As to the reasons why anyone might pick a resistance or regeneration (or combo) secondary, that's mostly personal preference showing there. Defense-based secondaries feel largely the same. Once you've taken one to a high level, the next will feel similar, at least as far as secondary goes. If you want something different but want another Stalker, you might look at the other secondaries to provide it.

    The first time out you usually want performance. After that, you may prefer style.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    So the million dollar question:

    Will a huge buff to damage sweep aside the PToD issue?

    How much damage is enough damage for Dominators to make a fair contribution in an AV fight?

    [/ QUOTE ]In my estimation and testing, yes. Playing with damage buffs, I've found that it's reasonable. They're not going to be scrappers - who can survive the AV entirely on their own - but with tools like Drain Psyche, Surge of Power, Demonic, Purples, and whatnot, doms should certainly be able to handle their own EBs and contribute handily on AVs.

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    I agree. Doms have been compared to Blasters a lot lately, but it's somewhat appropriate. As long as Doms do enough damage, they are contributing. I'm sure everyone had their own ideal for the kind of contribution a Dom should make to an AV battle, so no change will please everyone. Me, I'm easy to please. As long as Doms can contribute equally and aren't taking a pity spot on a team I'm satisfied.
  21. I, on the other hand, have not gotten a single one. I haven't done nearly as many rolls as TopDoc, but I've done hundreds, and gotten quite a few Steadfast Res/Defs. Not a single -KB though.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Levels 14-19 are the worst.

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    My experience mirrors this. Once I hit the early teen levels it gets so bad I'm just done. Time to PL the rest of the way to 20.

    It is a bit baffling that those who feel it's fine are often so vehemently opposed to changes that would help those of us who don't feel that it's fine. I can only guess it's a combination of them feeling they are more skilled and if I would just "lrn2ply" it would be fine, combined with a knee-jerk opposition to anything that doesn't benefit them directly.

    I've done the frankenslotting of low-level multi-aspect IOs for end redux. I've used the SG base +recovery empowerment buff. I've still had to wait for end with Rest not recharged.

    Getting Stamina at 20, or even SO-slotted Stamina at 22 doesn't magically make end problems disappear. Not for me anyway. It's usually over the course of the next five to ten levels after getting Stamina, and getting my powers fullys slotted, that end usage is truly put under control most of the time.

    What Stamina does do though is improve things enough to make my toons playable without AFK time while my bars refill.
  23. Yeah again I can't be sure but my bet is the web developers in this case screwed up, because you're right they are using the typical RSS feed icon for that XML feed which is misleading.
  24. Well this is outside my main area of knowledge but I believe the difference is that usually what you subscribe to is an RSS feed. Those are formatted in XML, but in a specific subset. The XML feed on the server status page seems to be just raw XML.

    My guess as to the intended use of the XML feed in this case is for fan sites to display their own "Server status" indicators. Presumably when you request the page the site would pull down the XML feed, parse out the server status information, and display it in some way.

    So I don't think this is the type you'd subscribe to.
  25. You're not doing anything wrong. The XML feed is not designed to be displayed, it is intended to be parsed, typically by a script or program.

    It is possible to embed display information in an XML file, allowing it to be displayed much like HTML, but that XML file is not set up that way since that's not its intended use. Therefore your browser just displays the raw data.