Portal opens from Virtue....




* hand snags the doritos and tosses a year of cat gurl kitty litter in* *portal closes*

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



* hand snags the doritos and tosses a year of cat gurl kitty litter in* *portal closes*

[/ QUOTE ]

Is a "year" no longer just an increment of time? Is it now a measurement of mass, weight, and/or quantity? Or are the RPers just that incapable of using decent English?



a little from column A a little from column B

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I think he means "A year's worth"



* hand snags the doritos and tosses a year of cat gurl kitty litter in* *portal closes*

[/ QUOTE ]

Is a "year" no longer just an increment of time? Is it now a measurement of mass, weight, and/or quantity? Or are the RPers just that incapable of using decent English?

[/ QUOTE ]

That is intense if ya think about it.
I mean 2008 was pretty heavy wit the wrap up of Bush's war on terrorism an' the whole Barak v Hillary v Republicans.
So if this year of kitty litter is as heavy as 2008 then I say I'm very upset wit Virtue rite nao.



I think he means "A year's worth"

[/ QUOTE ]
give him/her a dorito ding ding ding ...o wait i snagged them so nope no dorito fer you!
*snags the cheetos too*

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.




*loads Litter into the Trebuchet and fires on Virtue*



Is a "year" no longer just an increment of time? Is it now a measurement of mass, weight, and/or quantity? Or are the RPers just that incapable of using decent English?

[/ QUOTE ]
I believe in this context it is being used as a technical term, a "year" being equivalent to 1.718 "butt-loads", which as we all know is quite a lot.



*Peeks in the Portal, looks around and runs back to Virtue*

Silly Cien is always stealing Doritos



It must be a slow news day in Virtue today...



It must be a slow news day in Virtue today...

[/ QUOTE ]
people are fighting over 100 inf
the rook from the rookery is back
Master run was sucessful
someone is video taping ma arcs
and someones car went kaput

Out pops a puppy...welcome all your all invited to rookery thread on virtue you bring the beer we will provide the doritos!

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



It must be a slow news day in Virtue today...

[/ QUOTE ]
people are fighting over 100 inf
the rook from the rookery is back
Master run was sucessful
someone is video taping ma arcs
and someones car went kaput

Out pops a puppy...welcome all your all invited to rookery thread on virtue you bring the beer we will provide the doritos!

[/ QUOTE ]
hands back all the stolen lewt.,,,,

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



It must be a slow news day in Virtue today...

[/ QUOTE ]
people are fighting over 100 inf
the rook from the rookery is back
Master run was sucessful
someone is video taping ma arcs
and someones car went kaput

Out pops a puppy...welcome all your all invited to rookery thread on virtue you bring the beer we will provide the doritos!

[/ QUOTE ]
hands back all the stolen lewt.,,,,

[/ QUOTE ]

Well... looks like we just got invited out. I'll slip into my murderin' pants, grab my Catgrrl killin' gun and head in there. Anyone else wanna join me? I don't have another Catgrrl gun, but I do have a few lolRP Gas bombs. If we're lucky, we'll have more than a few foreign specimens to deliver to the University for dissection.



Okay. Now that we're all packed and ready for our hunting trip, it's time to go raid the Rookery at 8:30 EDT. Keep a buddy at your back, don't shoot other Freedomites (at least when the Virtuees are looking), and shoot to kill. Remember, we're there hunting, not collecting pets.



k, i had to go in early.... cuz i leave the house at 830... don't let them unnecessarily glomp me plz..

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



Okay. Now that we're all packed and ready for our hunting trip, it's time to go raid the Rookery at 8:30 EDT. Keep a buddy at your back, don't shoot other Freedomites (at least when the Virtuees are looking), and shoot to kill. Remember, we're there hunting, not collecting pets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Beware. There's seminaked rumduggery going on in that thread now.

Man, you know, this is why I avoid Virtue. I feel like I'm giving Pikachu bad touches every time I browse in there.



Okay. Now that we're all packed and ready for our hunting trip, it's time to go raid the Rookery at 8:30 EDT. Keep a buddy at your back, don't shoot other Freedomites (at least when the Virtuees are looking), and shoot to kill. Remember, we're there hunting, not collecting pets.

[/ QUOTE ]

Beware. There's seminaked rumduggery going on in that thread now.

Man, you know, this is why I avoid Virtue. I feel like I'm giving Pikachu bad touches every time I browse in there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, and apparently they're all immune to everything thanks to their magical powers of roleplay. Because when you let everyone determine their own powers, everyone is invulnerable, especially when everyone is a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

No one ever appreciates the great role play of glaring weaknesses and lack of overt strength anymore... Back in my day, role play based combat was based off of cunning counter moves and intelligence not just "I'm invulnerable cuz I said so, and I kill you with a glance even though you're also invulnerable because I can because I said so".



Yeah, and apparently they're all immune to everything thanks to their magical powers of roleplay. Because when you let everyone determine their own powers, everyone is invulnerable, especially when everyone is a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

No one ever appreciates the great role play of glaring weaknesses and lack of overt strength anymore... Back in my day, role play based combat was based off of cunning counter moves and intelligence not just "I'm invulnerable cuz I said so, and I kill you with a glance even though you're also invulnerable because I can because I said so".

[/ QUOTE ]

That reminds me of some of the classic RP arguments we'd have on the V:tM MUSHes I used to wiz on back in the day. "I cast ULTIMATE POWER!" "...really?" *banned user for an hour*



Yeah, and apparently they're all immune to everything thanks to their magical powers of roleplay. Because when you let everyone determine their own powers, everyone is invulnerable, especially when everyone is a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

No one ever appreciates the great role play of glaring weaknesses and lack of overt strength anymore... Back in my day, role play based combat was based off of cunning counter moves and intelligence not just "I'm invulnerable cuz I said so, and I kill you with a glance even though you're also invulnerable because I can because I said so".

[/ QUOTE ]

That reminds me of some of the classic RP arguments we'd have on the V:tM MUSHes I used to wiz on back in the day. "I cast ULTIMATE POWER!" "...really?" *banned user for an hour*

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, giving any player the ability to become as powerful as he or she wants is a bad idea. I once ran in a game wherein a single person was supposed to be an all powerful person (the point of that character's roleplay was to be along the lines of "I'm all powerful but I can't fix these problems! What use is it to have ultimate power?"). Needless to say, it didn't work out well, not only because there weren't complex enough systems to create the cascading screw ups that would be necessary for said roleplay to be done well, but also because all powerful all too often turns into " I can ignore any problems that occur".

I've stopped playing free form role play systems like that now. 90% of RPers are all to interested in combat (partially thanks to the plethora of role playing games wherein combat is the #1 problem solving method), but also because most people who like to role play suck at role play. I despise people that can't play more than one character even when they transition games. It's even worse when these players insist that all of the previous roleplay they've done should work with this new version of their old character who is exactly like their previous character in every way.



Catgurl lure: Check.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Not as disturbing as Turg as a Catgirl.

[/ QUOTE ]

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



guys...let's all go to virtrue and make catgirls... and invade AP and PD for 1 hour maybe ^_^ (last time i did it some ppl quit thought >_< )